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Appendix X PE-197-PWRD-0-12-1997 LIMITATIONS OF THE RULING SPAN METHOD FOR OVERHEAD LINE CONDUCTORS AT HIGH OPERATING TEMPERATURES. Report of the IEEE Task Force "Bare Conductor Sag at High Temperature”. “Members of the IEEE Task Force of the WG "Thermal Aspects of Overhead Conductors”, of the Towers, Poles and Conductors Subcommittee are: Y. Motis (Chairman), J.S. Barrett, G.A. Davidson, D.A. Douglass, P.A. Hall, J.L. Reding, T.O. Sepa, F-R. Thrash, Jr., and H.B. White, Abstract. This report summarises the work by the Task Foree to review the accuncy of the ruling span method for conductors operated at high temperatures., The basics of the ruling span approximation method have been examined. The traditional ruling span approsch can be used with litle of no ceeror for a typical overhead line crossing « rolling terrain to predict sags in suspension spans for conductor operating temperatures in the range of SOC to 70°C. Seasitivity studies ‘were performed using conductors “Lapwing” and "Tera" in order to quantify such ruling span assumptions as the effect of the longitudinal swing of suspeasion and line post insulators on conductor sags at high temperatures, and the effect of the suspension insulator string length on the equalization of conductor tensions in adjacent spans. Significant errors in estimating the sag at conductor temperature above 100°C may ‘occur if the tension differences are not taken into consideration in line sections consisting of a series of spans of noa-equal lengths. Tt was confirmed that the ruling span method is the most practical way to string conductors in multi-span line sections. ‘Key words: Conductor, ruling span, high temperature, sg, tension, insulator swing. L_OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE. ‘The objective of this paper is to describe the widely accepted ‘ruling span” method of sag-teasion calculation for multiple suspension spans between dead-end structures where the spans are nearly level but unequal of length. Errors due to operation of the conductor at high temperatures and due to imperfect tension equalization at supports is studied and several calculation corrections are noted. Tthis paper, the high temperature operation means conductor temperature above 100°C (212°F). PE-197-PWRD-0-12.1997 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission and Distrbuton Commitee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for publicaton in the (EEE Transactions on Power Deivery. Manuserpt submited July 18, 1997; made avaiable for printing December 12, 1997. © 1997 IEEE Reprinted, with permission, ‘rom 97 Winter Power Meeting, San Diego ‘ILDEEINITION OF TERMS. ‘A. = total conductor area @ = coefficient of elongation D = conductor sag D, = ruling span sag E. = modulus of elasticity 1H, = horizontal tension at initial conductor state Hl = horizontal teosion initial conductor length 7, = initial conductor temperature T = conductor temperature W = weight of conductor per unit length TILTHE RULING SPAN METHOD. A. The basics. ‘The well known parabolic and hyperbolic equations defining the relationship between span, sag, and tension apply to single level dead-end spans. For a series of spans of unequal Jength and nearly level elevations, a simple method is needed to determine a theoretical level span length for which the sag and tension characteristics can be applied to determine the sag and tension bebaviour of all spans. The solution of this problem was published in 1924 by E.S. Thayer, an electrical ‘engineer in Seattle [1]. The solution is now called the Ruling Span method. ‘A.common definition of ruling spas is a level dead-ead span that gives the same change in tension from changes in Toading, creep, and/or temperature as that in a series of suspension spans between two dead-end structures (2]. This span “rules” the conductor's sag and tension bebaviour for the line section. The ruling span method permits correct sagging of conductors and provides prediction of conductor behaviour with creep, loads and temperatures within the usual operating ranges of S0°C to 70°C. ‘The tension variations due to load or temperature changes © 1997 IEEE ‘Alcoa SAG10 Manual Page 120 will depeod on the lengths of the spens inthe section, and the section as a whole will react to load and temperature changes, in the same way as a single “ruling” span (3]. [tis a icttious span with a rate of slack equal to the average rate of slack of the line section. . “The equation for the ruling span length (S,) of 2 line section ‘of (S) suspension spans is: | Set am se) and is referred in this paper as the traditional ruling span equation. ‘The parabolic approximation for the ruling span sag (D) is: (2) ‘The sag-ension behaviour of each of the spans in a line section is determined in the following manser: © sag-tension calculations are made for a single dead-end span ‘with length equal to the ruling span (Eq.1 and Eq.2). © the tension in all of the suspension spans of the line section is assumed to be the same and equal to that of the ruling span ‘under all loading and conductor temperature conditions. © once the sag (D,) of the ruling span has beea calculated, the sag (D) of any other span (S) is calculated as: pe £)*, @) B. The assumptions, ‘The ruling span method is called an approximate method because of a number of unwritten assumptions made such as: © span lengths are large compared to the difference in elevation of supports. «the load per unit length is equal for all suspension spans in the line section, © conductor temperature is the same along the line section. ‘@ the suspension points between adjacent spans are free to move longitudinally without restraint. This is the fundamental ‘assumption of the traditional ruling span method. Whea ‘circumstances prevent or unduly restrict this free movement and tension equalization, sag predictions based on the ruling span method may be inaccurate. Other errors resulting from the ruling span approach may be caused by: ‘© angle suspension insulators, running angle insulators and inverted “V" strings are neither true strain points (allowing 0 longitudinal movement of the attachmeat poist) nor true suspeasion points (allowing unrestrained longitudical ‘movement of attachment points). Full teasion equalization is unlikely at such points even for small longitudinal movements. ‘© at suspension structures supporting @ large weight span, tension equalization may not occur even for modest longitudinal movement of the insulator attachment poiat. ‘for post insulators, tension equalization depends on the combined flexibility of the suspeasion hardware (ifany), the insulator, its atachment to the pole, and the pole. © response of strain or suspension structures to varying loads. This can be significant, for example, whea tubular steel structures or davit type arms are used. C.The accuracy. “The ruling span approximation method may not be accurate enough to analyze the operation of a line, although it was used for the design of the line. This is especially true if there is a need to operate the line above the origizal desiga temperature. ‘Sag errors caused by incomplete tension equalization ‘between suspension spans result in inaccurate calculations using Eq.1 and Eq.2. This is the main scope of this paper. ‘Sag errors caused by temperature variation along the line section generally cause lesser errors than those due to incomplete tension equalization, and itis outside of the scope of this Task Force. Errors in sag estimates caused by the preseat methods of modeling of conductor's sag vs temperature relationship (which also affects the sags in individual dead-end spans) may be a future task of this Task Force. While the Task Force certainly does not advocate discarding the existing methods of sag-tension calculations, it bas identified situations where line eagineers should be aware of the limitations of traditional calculation methods. IV. SINGLE DEAD-END SPAN. Sag-tension calculations can be complex even for single spans with fixed end points. The conductors’ non-linear clasticity, thermal elongation, plastic creep elongation, and the various combinations of ice, wind, and temperarure conditions may need to be considered. ‘Useful information can be obtained from the tension temperature relationship in a level dead-end span, considering only the elastic properties and thermal expansion ‘of the composite conductor, and making simplifying approximations. 216x The length (L) of conductor in span (S) can be calculated using the parabolic approximation, by: peg ; a) az ‘Ase elongation (or slack) is defined as the excess length of conductor (L) relative to the span length (S) and is givea, in the parabolic approximation, by: «s) ‘The change in strain in a single dead-end span, in which the temperature changes from T, to T, accompanied by a change in tension from H, to H, is: (6) ‘The "graphic method’ of sag-tension calculation (4), assumes that sack is equal to the chanj in. Using this assumption we can combine Eq.5 and Eq.6 to obtain Eq.7: ws? 2 i. Fhe aH 2k FPeecren) 5-®) a 3 (7) ‘This cubic equation in H describes the approximate teasion- temperature relationship for a single dead-end span. If H, and TT, are known e.g., measured in field, the horizontal tension 1H may be computed for any given temperature. ¥Y. MULTLSPAN LINE SECTIONS, ‘Real overbead lines are not limited to spans with fixed ead- point supports. In a typical transmission line, miost spans are “suspension” whose end-point supports move, coupling each span with adjacent spans. Transmission lines are usually sagged to maintain the insulators plumb. With temperature rise, ereep and permanent strain from weather loads, the conductor elongates. When line section has spans of differing lengths, the conductor elongation causes the insulators to depart from their vertical position. As temperature increases, the suspension point moves Toward long spans and sway from short spans to equalize horizontal tension. Figure 1, Appendix I, shows an insulator string and the forces acting at the suspension point. In general, at a suspension point between two spans, the movement of the ‘suspension point caused by tension differedce is restrained by the vertical load at the suspension point. The larger the load in the insulator string; the greater the restriction. ‘The ruling span method assumes that complete equalization is achieved, thus overstating the insulator swing. Suspeasion point movement is usually, but not always, less than that calculated using the ruling span method. Depending on the specific spans lengths, there may be a difference in horizontal tension between any two adjacent uneven spans. ‘The ruling span inaccuracies are largest for lines with short insulator strings (5], since the ruling span approximation assumes an infinite string length. The shorter the insulator's length, the greater is the restriction on movemest. High operating temperatures (over 100°C) further degrades the accuracy of this approximation. A complete analysis of rulti-spaa line sections should take into account conductor properties, spans, line profile, line angles, insulator string properties, support stiffness, original sagging and clamping- in procedures, weather loading history, creep, and a reasonably good knowledge of the existing condition of the line section under study. ‘VILNUMERICAL EXAMPLES, “The basic assumption for the numerical examples is that the initial position of the insulators is vertical, either without or after offset clipping. i tor Sv Consider « dead-ended line section consisting of 10 spans, conductor "Lapwing", ACSR, 45/7, total area = 1590 kemil (1.249 in? or 805.8 mm’); weight=1.792 lb/ft (26.2 N/m), RTS=43780 Ib (194.7 KN), Ey=9.5t10* psi (65.5010° MPa), a= 11.6810* IPF (21°10 1°C), E,=27.5#10 psi (189.6*10° MPa). Initial condition: Hy=8440 Ib (37.5 KN) ICC; S,=1000 fe (305 m); Final condition: Tax, = 100°C. Suspension insulator string is $ ft (1.52 m) long: and its ‘weight is 120 tb (534 N). Since the six computer programs used by the Task Force to calculate sag, tension, and swing at high temperarures showed very close results, Table 1, Appendix I, lists the average values of those calculations. As can be seen, the sag in the longest span of 1500 f (457.2 m) is 4.9 f (1.5 m) smaller when the tension differences are taken into account. In the span of 1150 fe (350.5 m), the sag @IOPC is 1.4 f (0.4m) larger when the tension differences are considered. ‘The explanation of these results is very important for line engineers aad is given below. thas been noted that short and long spans react differeatly to changes of temperature. Short spans are more seasitive to temperature changes than long spans. For the 1150 ft (350.5 ‘m) span in our example, the positive sag error (when the 3/6X actual sag is larger than the sag calculated using the ruling span method) depends on the span’s length, the teasion differences in adjacent spans, and insulator string lengths. Only for the idealized ruling span method, stiffaess is of insulator string leagth. The tensions in the 1150 ft (350.5 m) span are modeled by the ruling span method to follow those of the 1000 ft (304.8 m) ruling span, but the restraints of the insulator strings cause the span to behave more like an 912 f (278 m) span. The resulting bebaviour is described later in this paper as a “local” ruling span which differs from the traditiooal ruling span method. fect of line post i 4 “Analysis using the case described below shows that the current practice can lead to sag errors, because although flexible, a polymer line post insulator is still a magnitude stiffer than a suspension insulator for 2 similar span. Calculations were made using conductor. “Tera”, 795 kemil (403 ma), ACSR, RTS=22100 Ib (98.3 KN); w=0.8958 diameter = 1.063 io (27 mm); toul (430.6 mm). The ruling span = 500 f (152.4 m). Initial tension is 15% RTS, i.e., 3315 Ib (14.75 EN) GIO. Line post insulator is 4.36 ft (1.33 m) long, and ‘has a stiffness of approximately 2500 Ib/f (3728 kg/m). Table 2, Appendix I, shows the effect of deflection of line post insulators on sag at high temperatures. ‘The sag errors with the 2500 Ib/ft line post insulators are approximately 1/2 of the difference between the ruling span and individual span cases. Stiffer line post insulators would cause the line section behave more Like individual spans. For comparison, seven units insulator strings in the same span ‘would have spring constant of about 120-150 Ib/ft (1750-2190 Nima). The sag errors would be much larger if the spans lengths were increased. Case 3. Effect of the insulator string lengt The basic assumption of the traditional ruling span method was Verified i.e., as the insulator string length increases to infinity, the tension @1O0C approaches the ruling span tension. Calculations performed for Case I assumed an insulator strin leagth of 5 ft (1.5 m). Similar calculations and comparison ‘were made using the insulator string lengths of 2.5 f (0.8 m), 14 f (4.3 m), and 200 ft (61 m). The later can be considered as an insulator of infinite length. ‘At conductor temperature of 100°C, the $ ft (1.5 m) long insulator string swing results in a tension differeace of 182 Ib (0.8 KN) between spans of 750 ft (228.6 m) and of 1150 ft (50.5 m). For the same conditions, the swing of the 2.5 ft (0.76 m) long insulator string results in tension difference of 339 Tb (1.5 KN). For the assumed 200 ft (61 m) insulator string length, in the same spans, there is practically a complete tension equalization. This confirms the significant effect of the length of the insulators. Oat RI ERRORS. High temperature sags can be modeled with alternative techniques such as “local” ruling span and fits to tension- temperature behaviour. ‘A better understanding of these techniques may be beaeficial for the users ofthe real time line monitoring systems. A. "Local" culing span, ‘The concept of a “local” ruling span (RS) is to find a dead- end span that bas the same tension-temperature relationship as each actual span. In order to define such a local ruling span, rewrite Eq.’ (FR) aE ™)2-(%)? (Ppu@ 26 fa (re) + 1 If (fy, Ho) and (T, H) are known for a particular span, its “local” ruling span is obtained using this equation. This is a single-parameter fit to the tensioa-temperature relationship to two known points and is only valid to the accuracy to hich the line section can be modeled (e.g. angle structures, clastic response of structures or uncertainties of elastic modulus: and coefficient of thermal expansion). ‘Alternatively, if (H,) and (HD are determined by measuring the conductor tension directly (6] or derived from the measured sag at two known temperatures, an accurate single parameter fit cin be established beween the two fitted points. In both cases, the “local” ruling span's tension temperature behaviour will differ from the actual ruling span. ‘except between and near the two fitted points. If necessary, this second order deviation can be calculated using a multi- span program and fitting “local” ruling spans for each span of interest. However, it may not be practical to have ruling spans which vary with temperature and location. ‘The ‘local* ruling span length was calculated using Eq.8 for Case 1. The calculation was performed for a temperature change from T= 10°C to T=100°C, and the corresponding, teasion change is from H=8440 Ib (37.54 kN) to 886 Ib (26.18 KN). alex Fas (aa. 60n0- (aia 50) REET] cE F.269-9.5010 piace, PLE SEE SSE PIT (Fara) ae Because the “local* ruling span had the temperature-teasion bebaviour ofa span shorter than 1000 ft (304.8 cm), the sg in the 1150 f (50.5 t=) span was actually larger than that catimatad using the traditional ruling span equation, ‘In general, as a result of the insulator ‘swing at high operating temperatures the spans can interact in such a way that a multi~ span sag-tension program may be necessary to predict the line Section sag-iemperature behaviour more accurately. In some cases it may be practical to ran a multi-span program once and fit the remults, One way to fit the teasion-temperatue of each span is to rewrite Eq.7 as: as) oper S = “This equation is linear in the parameters a,b, and ¢, which can be fitted by linear regression to either the results from a multi- ‘span sag-tension program or to observed values of (I) and (HD. The fitting of (a) takes into account the constant terms involving (Bi) and (TQ; the fitting of (b) takes into account the ‘springiness” of all the other spans - either increasing or decreasing the effective spring constant of the conductor and; the fitting of (¢) is similar to fitting a “local” ruling span. If (@) is required as a function of (1), either 2 closed-form solution of the cubic equation or an iterative solution may be ‘used. Once (H) bas been obtained for a given span, the sag may be computed using the actual span lengths and Eq.3. ‘IIL CONCLUSIONS. 1. The traditional equations describing the relationship ‘between temperature and span length, sag, and teasion are fully valid for dead-end spans only. A multi-span line section can be analyzed as an equivalent single dead-ead “ruling” span. 2. The traditional ruling span method can be used with acceptable error margins for lines which are operated below 100°C and bave relatively equal and near level spans. 3, Whea old lines, originally rated for low operating temperatures, are uprated for operation at higher temperatures, the magnitude of sag errors should be evaluated using one of the available computer programs. The main source of errors is the longitudinal insulator swing in line sections with unequal spans. 4, For overhead lines planned for high temperature operation, it is recommended to add a buffer of about | to the vertical clearance at maximum thermal sag. 5. Line post insulators can cause errors if the sag calculations are made using traditional ruling span equations ‘when the span lengths vary significantly. In many cases, post insulators can cause individual spans to bebave as if they ‘were dead-ended at every structure. 6. The ruling span concept remains the most practical method to string overhead line conductors. The ruling span effects are not dependent on the type of conductor but rather fon the amount of tension change per degree of conductor temperature change. TX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Task Force members would like to thank the following persons and organizations for their contributions to. the success of this task, namely: D.E.Koonce, C.B. Ravwlins, N.P. Schmid, W.A. Chisholm; for providing the results of caleations using the following computer programs: STRING, Power Technologies Inc.; SAGSEC, Power Lite System Inc.; NIP & TUCK, Linesoft lac; SPRING, The Valley Group; SWING, Ontario Hydro; and RECONSTRUCTION, Dr. L.M. Keselman, ‘X. REFERENCES [1]. E.S. Thayer, *Computing Tensions in Transmission Lines", “Electrical World”, n0.2, pp.72-73, 1924. [2]. C.0.Boyse, N.G. Simpson, “The Problem of Conductor Sagging on Overhead Transmission Lines", Journal AIEE, ‘Vol.91,Part IL, pp.219-231, Dec. 1944. : (G]. P-F.Winkelman, *Sag-Tension Computations and Field Measurements of Bonneville Power Administration’, Joursal AIEE, Vol.78, pp.1532-1548, February 1960. [4]. Theodor “Varney, ACSR Graphic Method. for Sas Tension Computations (Book), Alumiqum Company of ‘America, Pittsburg, Peansylvania, 1927. [5]. W.A. Chisholm, J.S. Barrett, *Ampacity Studies on 49°C-Rated Transmission Line", TEEE Transactions oo Power Delivery, Vol.4, 10.2, pp.1476-1485, April 1989. [61-T.0.Seppa, “Accurate Ampacity Determination; “Temperature-Sag Model for Operational Real Time Ratings", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol-10, No.3, pp.1460-1470, July 1995. 516X Appendix I. tan = H/ (wi/2+ We), where: @ = angle of insulator swing wi = weight of insulator ‘we = total weight ofa vertical span of conductor H.= total horizontal load including ‘component of tension due to line angle Fig. 1. Suspension Insulator Swing ‘TableL Effect of Suspension Insulator Swing on High Temperature Sag. SeTOOOR C048 my G100 °C, sagm36.84 R(11.23 m), Tension=6090 1b (27.1 KN) wan, TO TSO 7S 3D~~=C«ODSCSO 9S] SOD BND Raigs 3503 2286 13722743986 289.6 4572 259.1 Sag@orc 181 ~— 8S OT a3 ps OT 33S CSS ‘based on a se ee are e@lorc 19.1502 222 el okt 2k 334 782 26.9 «(162 swing ol 903 Gs ts 976 2238 Sag error $$ sos se ee Table IL Effect of Post Insulator Deflection on High Temperature Sag SHS0OR ASE4 my G00 °C, sage2. 12 R G4 my), tension 1528 fb GSES) wan, TELL a ee ee ner Rey 17531310 _1615_1189_1e2.9__155.5_1189_1768 sage sss SE Te 20.2 based on. 3260 34 S12 Sainc as 92 é «es SOE AES -wideflection. 2. 3936 SL 306 A Sag@loorc 9. ar hs (2 SE individual son 2 3749338988 $ 3 Sag error s sd 0 Biz 039.030: =o'08 6. it 9 2 4 1. @ 6/6X

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