New Words & Pronunc - Renewed

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School year: 2010/11 3rd (nonclil) - Secondary

(Sept.-01 Oct.)

Prepositions of situation:
Down / up first / second / third line; on the left / right;
below / above

To understand statements (=enunciados):

• Complete
• Fill in: to complete a text with words.
• Following (follow)
• Make
• Match
• Related to
• Underline

School objects:
• Bin = wastepaper basket
• Calculator: it’s a device to calculate math operations. (An
example of definition)
• Clips: they’re used to hold paper. (An example of definition)
• Compass: an object / a device to make circles. (An example of
• Crayons: coloured pencils
• Device
• File / folder / binder
• Headmistress (female) / headmaster (male)

School verbs:
• Made (make) - hacer

• To cheat in an exam
• To look up in a book / dictionary
• To fail a test

• At least
• Be on strike
• Could (can)
• Explanation
• From now on
• Outline
• Split
School year: 2010/11 3rd (nonclil) - Secondary

• Theme
• To hand in
• To learn by heart
• To work on: trabajar en
• Wall

Pronunciation and stress:

- When = went
- The (before vowel): /ði/ e.g. the apple / the (before
consonant): / ðə / e.g. the car

- Live /liv/ - life /laif/ - leave /li:v/

- Sixth /sikθ / θ equivalent to the Spanish z

- Sixteen /siks ti:n/ = 16

- Sixty / siksti/ = 60

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