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Rifts™ Character sheet Skills +%lv % Skills +%lv %

_____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%

Player: _____________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Name: _____________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Alignment: _________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Hit Point: ____Current H.P.: ____ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
SDC:_____ Current SDC:____ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Level: ___ EXP:______________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
O.C.C.: ____________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
IQ: ___ Skill bonus:___________% _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
ME: ___ Save vs. psi/ins.:________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
MA: ___ Trust/intimidate:_______% _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
PS: ___ Damage bonus +________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
PP: ___ Strike/parry/dodge +_____ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
PE: ___ Coma/death/poison: ___/__ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
PB: ___ Charm/impress: _______% _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Spd: ___ feet/minutes: ___________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
P.P.E.:_____/_____I.S.P.:______/_____ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
_____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Age: _____Sex: _______Race:________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Height: _________Weight: __________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Family origin: _____________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Disposition: ______________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Type of environment: _______________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Sentiments towards _________: ______ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
_________________________________ _____________ ____ __% ___________ ____ __%
Sentiments towards _________: ______
_________________________________ Weapons Damage Shots Clips Range Notes
_____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Hand-to-Hand: ____________________ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Number of attacks: _________________ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Initiative: + ____ Strike: + ____ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Parry: + ____ Dodge: + ____ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Damage: + ____ Roll: + ____ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Restrained punch: _____ Punch: ______ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Kick: ______ Jump Kick: ___________ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Flip: ____________________________ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Knock out: _______________________ _____________ ______ ____ ____ _____ _________
Critical strike: ____________________ TW weapons Damage Range Charge shots Notes
Death Blow: ______________________ ______________ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______
______________ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______
Equipment: _______________________ ______________ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______
_________________________________ ______________ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______
_________________________________ ______________ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______
_________________________________ Magic weapons Damage Notes
_________________________________ _____________ ______ ________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________________
Notes:___________________________ _____________ ______ ________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________ _____________ ______ ________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________ Armor: ________________MDC: _____/____ AR:___
_________________________________ Penalties: _______________Notes: _________________
_________________________________ Armor: ________________MDC: _____/____AR:___
_________________________________ Penalties: _______________Notes: _________________
Saving throws bonus Weapon profiencencies strike Parry notes
Save vs Spell +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs ritual +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs Psionic +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs toxin +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs poison +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs Drugs +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs Insanity +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs possession +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs horror +____ ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs death +____% ___________________ ____ ____ ______________
Save vs pain +____
Save vs _____________ +____ Psionics Range Duration save I.S.P.
Save vs _____________ +____ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
Cybernetics/bionics/biowizardry _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________________________ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
_________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
Credits: _______Black market: _______ _________________ ____ _______ ___ ____
Gems: ________ Gold: _____________
Tradeable goods: _______ other: ______ Spell Range Duration save P.P.E.
_________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Vehicle log _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Type: ___________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Number of attacks: ________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Crew: ___________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Max speed: ______Max range: _______ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Engine type: ______________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Length: ________ Weight: __________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
M.D.C. _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Main body: ____/____Tires( ): ___/___ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Pil. Comp.: ____/_____Other: ___/___ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Weapons system:__________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
VehicleNotes:_____________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
Notes: ___________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________________________ _________________ _____ _______ ____ _____
_________________ _____ _______ ____ _____

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