Observations of Social Consent

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Jaylin W.

Government – Mr. Downs
September 2, 2010

Observations of Social Consent

 As part of my chores around the house, I must keep my room clean. This includes
picking up clothes, bed made, emptying my trash can and picking up loose items
and trash on the floor. – Expressed Consent
 There many times when I must eat what is prepared for dinner vs. what I really want
to eat. – Tacit Consent
 My grandparents bring me and pick me up from school every day. Sometimes I
would like to walk to school. – Tacit Consent
 Buying things that I need vs. what I want. – Expressed Consent
 Shows that I am allowed to watch on TV vs. shows that I am not allowed to watch
because they are inappropriate – Expressed Consent

My Declaration of Independence
The youth of today struggle to understand what they need vs. what they want. They
purchase things because other kids have them and they want the same thing.
However, parents think about what we need and don’t pay as much attention to what we
really want. I always wanted a go-cart and my parents talked about how dangerous
they were. I wanted a MAC but my grandparents believe in PC’s. My needs are usually
taken care of (i.e. school supplies, clothes, toiletries, etc.).

I believe there must be a blend of needs and wants. I feel I should have the freedom to
choose what I want sometime as long as it does not harm me. However, parents don’t
always agree. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in freedom of choice. He wanted blacks
and whites to be able to attend the same schools, to eat at the same restaurants, ride
the buses together. The freedom he speaks of should be applied to my belief of wants
vs. needs. John Locke believed in the state of political equality in which there is no
natural superior or inferior spirit. This can be applied to my desire for freedom to
choose what’s good for me. Although I might make mistakes sometime, I will learn
through making them.

Therefore, I should have the right to buy the things I want sometime. The values I been
raised by will cause me to choose needs as well as wants.

Jaylin Counts

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