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Dear Team,

I have joined a company, where i am the first HR so can you plz suggest me what are the main things i
have to implement first.

1)understand your organization goals and objectives and their requirements.

2)make a plan -how to achieve them
3)manpower planning-how many people are required
4)prepare job specification(skills,education,experience required in individual ) as per the requirements
of the position to be filled in different departments
5).prepare job description(what roles ,duties and responsibilities have to be performed by the person
whom you hire)
6)evaluate jobs-quantitatively and qualitatively
5)prepare compensation programme-basic wage+da(as per price increase,cost of living)+hra(hra is 30%
of basic wage)
6)provide fair and equitable wages for people doing similar work.
7)people doing manual work paid less than those who have supervisory roles.
prevailing wage rate -give salary similar to the other competitors in same industry.
9)set standards and targets within specified time frame to be completed.
10)communicate these standards of performance and set kra
11)monitor the progress.
14)identify the training needs.
15)wages should be given as per payment of wages act and minimum wages act .
16)counselling and feedback after performance appraisal
17)reward (monetory or non monetary)and recognition.(give a supervisory job title to outstanding
19)incentives,skill based pay,performance based pay,benefits,retiral benefits should also be given.
20)recognize trade union and try to bargain peacefully through mutual
21)if company is working at global level:you can use one or more of the following strategic
a)ethnocentric-hiring from parent country.
b)polycentric-hire from host country where the subsidiary exists.
c)geocentric-hire globally on basis of talents,go 'glocal'-globally local.
d)regiocentric-hire withing the regions

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