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donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Hi! My name is Bart

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

I work at web agency Netlash

... and a few other companies:

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Addictive websites

Design for Persuasion 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Websites are designed for people

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

People don’t always act rational

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009
Some basic human traits that are
engrained in our brains...

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Goal: make you aware of these
traits and use them consciously

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

With great power
great responsibility
donderdag 1 oktober 2009
5 basic human traits that are
engrained in our brains:

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

1. Collecting

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

1. Collecting

We like to collect things

We like our collection to be complete

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009
donderdag 1 oktober 2009
1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

2. Social Validation

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

2. Social Validation

We will do what the crowd does

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

2. Social Validation

We will do what the crowd does

“the bandwagon effect”

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

2. Social Validation

We will do what the crowd does

“the bandwagon effect”

(sorry to disappoint you)

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009
donderdag 1 oktober 2009
1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

3. Reciprocity

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

3. Reciprocity

If you buy me a cup of coffee,

I feel obliged to buy you one back

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

3. Reciprocity

MySpace -> Tom!

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

3. Reciprocity

Free Shipping!

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

3. Reciprocity

Free Shipping!

(beware: it has to be unconditional)

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

4. Commitment

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

4. Commitment

We convince ourselves to be

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

4. Commitment

We convince ourselves to be

Once on a path, we’ll continue on that

path, and will rationalise it.

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

4. Commitment

Small steps!

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

4. Commitment


1 Creators
10 Commentators
100 Lurkers
1000 Strangers

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009
1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

5. Discovery


donderdag 1 oktober 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009
5. Discovery

We like to discover new things

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

5. Discovery

We like to discover new things

Use that curiosity

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009
donderdag 1 oktober 2009
1. Collecting

2. Social Validation

3. Reciprocity

4. Commitment

5. Discovery

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

More basic human traits

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

More basic human traits

Concession, scarcity, fear of loss, the

endowment effect, choice, Hawthorne effect,
clustering illusion, availability cascade,
authority bias, competition, zero-risk bias...

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

More soon on the Netlash blog:

donderdag 1 oktober 2009


donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Bart de Waele

Design for Persuasion - 1/10/2009

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

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