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on educators
focus on educators is an award winning publication of the Pittsburg Education Association/CTA/NEA

APRIL past now what are we supposed

to do? We still have district
Outreach” Month. We are
standing united with the state
2010 wide budget cuts, loss of staff Education Coalition in
development days, worn out demanding that lawmakers keep
textbooks, larger class sizes and their promise to repay public
no pay raise in site. Nothing schools the more than $11
appears to be changing billion they are owed under state
regarding these measures. The law. Write or e-mail the
future looks bleak. March 4th governor and demand he restore
was just the first step in a long the money he took from public
process of public awareness. education. Write a letter to the

Volume XIX, Did you remember to tell a

friend or family member how
editor of your local newspaper
and explain how the cuts have
Number 8 these cuts are going to affect
your job? Did you tell a parent
hurt your classroom and your
pocketbook. Create a video and
how these cuts are going to post it on YouTube with your
In this Issue affect their child’s education? grade level explaining how
President’s Message &
Informational Items… Pgs. 1-3 Remember…they will listen to these budget cuts affect your
NEA Election Results Pg. 4 classroom. At Open House, take
Teacher of the Year….Pgs. 4-5 a moment to explain to parents
Informational Items….Pgs. 6-7
how the cuts will impact your
PEA Calendar……… The Last Page
classroom teaching. Label items
in your classroom that you paid
for with your own money.
PEA Contact your legislators and
President’s tell them NO MORE CUTS!
Message you. We have to keep the
Use the toll free hotline at
1-888-268-4334. A major force
momentum moving forward.
of complaining can be aimed at
Okay, now that the March 4th CTA President David Sanchez
repealing the corporate tax
Rally for Education is in the has declared April “Community
breaks that the Legislature
handed out to large corporations
and oil companies last year.
They got a break while
education got the cut….of $17
billion. Also we need to look
out there and see that we vote
for lawmakers who will stand
up for public education and not
be intimidated or take payola
from big business. Please make
a pledge to reach out to ONE
person this month and tell them
how education is hurting. If all
530 of us did that then if those
people told one other person we
would have a movement of
information going……let’s do

Wag More, Bark Less…

but Bark About the Cuts
to Education!!!

Chris Coan
PEA President

PEA Leadership 2009-2010
Chris Coan
Willow Cove Elementary/ PEA Office
Elementary Vice President Rep. Council Meeting Calendar
Cindy Joy September 16
Parkside Elementary October 21
Secondary Vice President November 18
James Vaughan December 16
Riverside High School January 20
Secretary February 17
Sarah Mathias March 17
Highlands Elementary April 21
Treasurer May 19
Vacant June 9
Committee Chairs ******************
Grievance Committee School Board Meeting Calendar
Iris Contreras August 26
Foothill Elementary
September 9
Richard Higgins September 23
Pittsburg High
October 14
Negotiations Team October 28
Marc Sternberger - Chair November 18
Political Action Committee December 16
Iris Contreras and Steve Longley - Chair January 20
Elections Chair February 17
Jim Goble – Chair March 3
Human Rights Committee March 24
Ruth Foster – Chair April 14
Women’s Issues Committee April 28
Deborah Cummings May 12
PEA Organizing Team May 26
Jim Vaughn and Bebe Vaughn - Chair June 9
CTA State Council Representatives June 23
Chris Rohde - Pittsburg High ******************
Denise James, Valorie Baca, Sandra Wilbanks - AEA Are you Getting your PEA
Alternate Information???
Cindy Joy - Parkside Elementary
CTA Director District C Having the site reps attend their monthly meeting and then
Eric Heins – Willow Cove Elementary reporting back to you is vital in the communication chain
of our Association.
NEA Director for California, District 3
Marc Sternberger – Special Education/MLK
Roll call at last March 17th Rep. Council Meeting:
Technical Editor
Adult Ed. – absent
Susan Harrison – PEA Site Secretary Foothill – present
Heights – present
Focus on Educators Highlands – present
is a publication of the Los Medanos – present
Pittsburg Education Association CTA/NEA Marina Vista – present
1901 Railroad Avenue #A Parkside – present
Pittsburg, CA 94565 Stoneman – present
Phone: (925) 432-0199 Willow Cove – present
fax: (925) 432-4854 MLK – present Hillview – absent
Rancho Medanos – absent

PHS – present provide us with an awareness of how we read people and
Riverside – present set up prior assumptions based on past experiences.

This workshop is open to everyone and will be held in the

 curriculum portable at the district office.
PEA Officer Elections
Please RSVP at by May 7th.
Candidacy Forms Available
Due into PEA by Thurs. April
Elections for PEA Officers: Elementary Vice Summer School Hiring Agreement
between PEA and PUSD
President, Secondary Vice President, Treasurer, and
Secretary will be held April 21 through April 28.
(Offices are a one (1) year term). All members in good Here is the criteria used in the hiring of people for summer
standing of NEA/CTA and PEA are eligible to run. school positions.
Candidacy forms are available through your site
representative or at the PEA Office. 1. Current certificated employees of the District who
Candidacy Forms are due into the PEA Office apply for summer school teaching positions shall be
(1901 Railroad Avenue #A or FAX: 432-4854) given priority over outside applicants.
no later than 4:00 pm Thursday, April 29th.
2. All summer school teaching positions shall be posted
at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the
Let’s Celebrate the application deadline.

“Day of the Teacher” 3. Postings for summer school shall contain only
minimum qualifications, in order to ensure that the
widest numbers of unit members are eligible for the
You are invited to celebrate and honor your profession. positions.

4. The criteria for summer school selection shall be

When? Wednesday, May 12th from 3:30 to 5:30 considered in the following order listed below. Each
subsequent criteria will only be considered if a tie
Where? El Matador Restaurant in Pittsburg
between applicants results from the preceding criteria
How? A Mexican style buffet dinner and a drink
and more applicants than positions are still available.
or alcohol beverage will be provided. • Credential(s) in the applied for subject area;

Bring your fun with you and bring a friend or two! • Recent classes/grade levels taught in the subject
area in the last three years;
Please RSVP at by May 10th.
• One point will be given for each formal training,
******************************* including in-house professional development,
completed and verified within the last three years,
PEA/CTA/PUSD Presents relevant to the following areas(proof of
Unconscious Bias Training verification shall be the responsibility of the

May 11 from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. 1. Instructional Strategies

2. Academic Intervention Strategies
District Office Portable in the Back
3. Student Engagement Strategies
4. Content Standards
CTA will be presenting this workshop to help all of us
5. Parent Involvement
in our interpersonal relationships with students and
6. Student Motivation
parents and even with each other. This training hopes to
7. Classroom Management
8. Culturally Relevant Teaching Alex has been teaching at Los Medanos for three years. His
first year was in fourth grade and the second two in the fifth
• The District will provide the Association with a
grade. Teaching science has been very important to Alex. He
list of summer school applicants by position and
strives to make it as hands on as possible and works hard to
the District's most recent seniority list, if
improve science instruction for all of the fifth grade students at
requested. Los Medanos.
• In order to provide the opportunity for the largest Alex was instrumental in acquiring a grant to develop a
number of unit members, no person shall be garden being developed by the 4th and 5th grade students. He
selected to teach summer school for more than offers tech support for the staff and is the Accelerated Reader
three (3) consecutive summers, unless there are no coordinator for the school. It is with great pride that Los
qualified applications for the position(s). Medanos honors Alex Bursch as the school’s TOY for the
2010/2011 school year!
NEA Representative Assembly
Election Results 
Local PEA Delegate Election Patricia Rodriguez, Willow Cove
Marc Sternberger, MLK 37 Patricia was born and raised in Modesto, California from very
Eric Heins, Willow Cove 33 traditional parents who always expected the best when it came
Bebita Montesinos-Vaughn , Foothill 26 to education. She was fortunate enough to attend Cal State
Cindy Joy, Parkside Elementary 18 Stanislaus, in Turlock, California which allowed her to live at
State CTA/Alcosta Delegate Election home and still attain by B.A. in Liberal Studies and obtain my
Eric Heins, PEA 419 teaching credential. She moved to Pittsburg in 1996 where she
Marc Sternberger, PEA 352 has been married to her husband Sal for 14 years this coming
Lee Carpenter, Dublin TA 342 November. It is her personal goal to maintain a close
Charles Shannon 258 relationship with both of her daughters, ages 5 and 8, so they
Cindy Tumin 228 can always communicate and have an open relationship.
Sally Mills 228
Christine Rohde, PEA 205 Patricia has been teaching since 1993 for a total of 13 years
Debra Carr 117 as she took 3 years off to have her two daughters.
Highlighted Candidates were elected… However attendance Patty went into teaching because "I thought I could make a
will depend on decisions regarding State and Local Status and difference, if I could change a child's life or affect it in a way that
funding availability. it would make him/her a better person I wanted to make that
change. I have always enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm of a child
Congratulations !!! when learning. My goal is to continue improving my teaching
strategies in order to be the best teacher I can be."
“Teachers of the Year”
 George Patrick Wheable, Riverside
Alex Bursch, Los Medanos I believe a career in teaching to be one of the most important
Alex Bursch grew up in Martinez. His early years consisted professions in the world. Where else do you have a hand in the
of attending school and swimming. He has been affiliated with development of a countries future? As a teacher, we help shape
the Pleasant Hill “Dolphins” for 16 years, first as a swimmer and tomorrow. We teach the academic skills necessary to be a
currently as a coach. productive member of society, while demonstrating the social
skills that are so vital within our community.
Alex started college at UC Davis with the intention of
becoming a veterinarian. In order to be competitive in the After high school graduation, I didn’t know what I was going
veterinary school application process he started volunteering at to do as a career. I enjoyed and had some success coaching.
an elementary school for community service. His volunteer My future father-in-law, a teacher at Ygnacio Valley High School
hours increased along with his opportunities to teach lessons had a hand in my career choice. He knew that I truly enjoyed
and work with small groups. Alex was hooked and teaching coaching and simply said, “coaching is nothing more than
became his new goal. Alex graduated with a Bachelor’s in teaching outside the classroom.” It was then that I realized that I
Animal Biology and then entered the credential program at UC wanted to become a teacher. So I enrolled at DVC in Pleasant
Davis. Hill and began my journey to become a teacher. It took me
three years to complete my two year AA degree, while I worked

48 hours a week at a small tire and wheel store called The you tear off the paper and bow, to see the gift within. This is the
Rubber Tree. I saved my money from that job and paid for my point that I try to share with my students. It’s not the wrapping,
first year at Chico State. To complete my junior and senior year but the gift inside which counts. Many times I need to remind my
at CSU Chico, I worked as a Resident Advisor in the dorms students that it is not how you dress or the music that you listen
during the school year to pay my room and board. During the to, it’s what’s inside which counts. Unfortunately, many of my
summers, I worked security at the Concord Pavilion and the students have never seen their gift. I feel it is my responsibility
money I made there paid for my tuition for each year. My family to expose them to their value and contribution to our society. My
wasn’t able to contribute financially as much as they would have goal with the students, who have been with me over the years, is
liked, but they helped where they could. They helped with the that they can recognize the value in themselves and others.
cost of my books, my phone bill and some spending money. This is why I strive to do my best as a man, a father and as a
More importantly, they were extremely supportive in every other teacher.
way. As it turns out, I was the only member of my family that
graduated from college.

While attending Chico State, I earned my degree in Physical 

Education, with my goal to achieve my teaching credential.
However, due to financial issues, I needed to leave before Michael Whitaker, Highlands
completing my teaching credential classes. I moved back to the Michael Whitaker: 13 years experience in teaching; 12 years
Bay Area and began substituting at both the Antioch and teaching at Highlands Elementary
Pittsburg Unified School Districts. The principal at Marina High
(that was the name of one, of two continuation high schools Michael Whitaker is truly an exceptional choice for Teacher of
within the PUSD) asked if I would consider a six week substitute the Year from Highlands Elementary. She exemplifies the hard
assignment. I agreed. By the end of the three weeks, I was work, dedication and professionalism that is necessary to
asked to stay for the remainder of the year. PUSD helped me improve the skills and opportunities of our students. Michael is
with a wonderful letter of recommendation, and I entered the tireless in her efforts to raise the achievement level of each child.
Teaching Credential program at CSU Hayward. The principal, She is knowledgeable and well versed in the best instructional
Greg Almand, and the Assistant Superintendent were very strategies and practices in the classroom. Mrs. Whitaker is
instrumental in me becoming a full time credentialed teacher. meticulous in her preparation. She is often used to model
instruction for other teachers.
I really enjoyed and connected to my teaching assignment.
As a high school sophomore, I wasn’t committed to school. If it Michael has a way of bringing out the very best in every child.
wasn’t for my counselor and football coach, I would have been She is able to build their confidence so that they believe that
transferred to the local continuation high school, Olympic, in they are able to accomplish whatever they set their mind to
Concord. They both helped me stay focused on completing high doing. Michael finds ways to build on the strengths of each
school. For that main reason, I believe my life experiences have student while addressing their deficits.
lead me to teaching here at Riverside. And I have every
intention to retire from my teaching assignments right here at Michael is passionate about teaching. She is remarkable in
Riverside. every facet of education. It is an honor and a privilege to have
her here at Highlands Elementary.
I have been blessed to have a very successful career teaching
here at Riverside High. I especially enjoy when former students
come back to see me, and share their life stories after they leave
our school. Some graduated, some haven’t, but all seem to Christina Zenzano, Rancho Medanos
really appreciate the time and effort that I gave them while we
were together. After a few years, I began to understand how to Christina Zenzano has been teaching for 5 years as a
teach. It is a combination of knowledge for the material and an Junior High School teacher. However, she actually began
ability to translate the material into information that can teaching in high school! When she was a senior in high
challenge and excite the students. A former colleague shared school she volunteered to teach Catechism classes one
with me his definition of being old. He said, “When you have day a week at her church. She enjoyed it so much that she
students who are the children of former students, you know continued to volunteer there for 4 years while she went to
you’re old.” As true as his statement is, I would prefer to think of college at California State University—East Bay. During
myself as a part of many of my students extended families. that time she decided that she wanted to be a teacher, so
she got a job at a daycare in order to get more experience.
I often refer to an example to my students, what they have is a
Working at the day care led to becoming a preschool
“gift.” For example, when you receive a gift for your birthday,
wrapped beautifully, you don’t sit there and admire the wrapping,
teacher! The remainder of her college years were spent as
a preschool and day care teacher until she got hired here
in the Pittsburg School District as a Language Arts teacher.
Christina says she plans to continue teaching in Pittsburg
because she loves the staff and the students!
What To Do If….?
Another congratulations is in order because Christina
and her husband (and fellow teacher) Michael Zenzano, What does a teacher do if they see
just had their first child, Landon, on February 26 th! students in a physical altercation? I asked
Dr. Re'Join Frazier-Myers, director of student services, for
an answer. The first thing you need to do is call for help
and inform someone in the office. Next attempt to break-
up the fight, but while doing so and physically laying a
hand on a child, announce your intention " I’m breaking
up this fight!" Immediately write-up an accident report
and give it to your administrator. Under no circumstances
are you to walk-away from a student fight as you could be
cited for negligence.

What does a teacher do if they are asked by their

administrator to change a student's grade? Your grade you
give is your own. Administration does not have the right
to order a change in a grade. According to Ed Code 49066
"the grade given to each pupil shall be the grade
determined by the teacher of the course and the
determination the absence of clerical or mechanical
mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final."
You must be able to explain your reasoning behind the

What do I do if there is a school emergency? I don't

know my sites disaster plan. Schools must establish safety
plans and inform their staff of the safety plan and they
need to do this EVERY YEAR!! Your SSC should have
already written up the plan. Please make sure your site is
educated on what the plan actually is. Don't wait until a
disaster occurs. PEA has grieved this and has been assured
that the safety plan and emergency supplies are ready to
go and the sites are prepared. Is this true? Contact PEA if
this is not the case.

How do I know if I have a student that has a history of

violent acts? Where do I find out this information?
According to Ed Code 49079 the district must inform a
teacher of each pupil who has engaged in violent acts for
the last three years. This has been brought up by PEA with
PUSD administrators and they have agreed to set up a
binder in the school site office with the required
information. This confidential information will be made
available to any employee that has contact with these
students. This binder is to be made available at the
beginning of the school year and will be kept up to date as
the school year progresses.

the Principal and /or the office staff can call the
Superintendent's office and they will get someone
there on site ASAP.
POP QUIZ *******************************
“The Duty of Fair Budget
Representation Subcommittee
(DFR) Report Out
On Wednesday, April 14, 2010 the budget
1. ___The association has a duty to listen to non- subcommittee leader, Enrique Palacios, reported out their
members. suggestions to those attending the school board meeting
2. ___An agency fee payer has a right to vote on the and to the school board members. Their suggestions were
results negotiations. categorized into three groups of green, yellow and red.
3. ___Once a site representative refers a contract The green list of cuts were items that would be able to be
issue to his/her president or staff person; he/she taken with fair simplicity and required no negotiations of
has complied with the duty of fair representation. any kind. The yellow and the red list of suggestions were a
4. ___If a non-member wants staff assistance on a bit more “sticky”. These were items that required
Reduction in Force hearing, the association is negotiation with labor groups (PEA) before they could be
obligated to provide it. agreed upon. Of these items were the following:
5. ___Authorization for agency payroll deductions
can be bargained by the association without the ♦ Cut the 3 upcoming Staff Development Days and
consent of fee payers. reduce our pay by 1.9%
6. ___The association is not obligated to discuss
bargaining issues with bargaining unit members ♦ Cut the first 2 days we work prior to the students
until the ratification meeting. arriving with about a 1% pay cut. This would
7. ___The association must bargain a special issue mean starting the work year 15 minutes before
regarding a sub group (such as job share teachers) students arrive on the first day of school.
that has 100% support of that subgroup.
8. ___The association must include at least one ♦ Freezing the salary step ladder
religious organization in the contribution list
available to religious objectors. ♦ Cutting prep teachers and prep classes and having
9. ___Itinerant, temporary or casual teachers paid all teachers have prep time after school hours
out of categorical, grant, or booster funds, have a which would extend the work day
right to be represented by the union.
10. ___The association has no obligation to allow an After discussing this with the Bargaining team the
agency fee payer to sit in on bargaining. response is that there are no reopeners and the contract is
closed until June 20, 2011. If you remember, we settled
(ANSWERS ON PAGE 7) and signed a contract 2 years ago and this contract was for
******************************* 3 years. The last line of the contract says it ends
What To Do If June 30, 2011 with no re-openers. You cannot open the
contract for certain little items. Once the contract is
You Find a Bullet On Campus opened, then it ALL becomes open for negotiation.

A member had requested that I find out what to do in *******************************

the event that a bullet was found on campus. I asked
Dorothy Epps, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel --- NOTICE ---
for an answer. She replied that if a bullet or any
object that is of a safety concern is found on school The Staff Development Day Grievance Arbitration date
property the situation should immediately be referred set for this past April 16th has been cancelled and we are
to the Principal. Under no circumstances should staff waiting to hear when the new date will occur. We met
or students pick-up the item. If the principal is not on prepared for the meeting instead. The assigned arbitrator
the site, then the office staff may know how to reach from the state was very ill. This particular grievance is

regarding the loss of last January’s Staff Development  If any union colleague is being criticized in my
Day and the loss of pay as well. presence, I will confront the criticism and ask that it
 I will not participate in any conversations with
management that criticize or negatively speculate
about any union colleague.
 I will settle my differences with colleagues within my
******************************* union.
“The Duty of Fair  I will engage in debate, offer others every opportunity
for debate and respect minority viewpoints, but I will
Representation” observe and support the majority mandate of my
(DFR) union.


1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
9. T
10. T

A Book Worth Reading:
“ The Death and Life of the
Great American School
by Diane Ravitch

Diane is a former Assistant Secretary of Education and

used to be a strong supporter of NCLB. She used to be a
strong proponent of charter schools, standardized testing
and merit pay. She has now taken a 180 degree turn and is
an ardent opposer of NCLB which she believes is too
quick to demonize teachers and teacher unions. This book
is worthwhile reading for teachers since we
wholeheartedly agree with her findings. It is nice to
finally hear a logical, concise explanation for the problems
with education that doesn’t involve us as the heart of the

Union Code of Conduct
 I will not criticize any union colleague except to the
individual directly.

APRIL 2010
1 April Fool’s Day
2 Good Friday
4 Easter
14 PEA Executive Board – PEA Office – 1901 Railroad – 3:45
14 PUSD School Board Meeting – 2000 Railroad Ave. – 7:00
21 PEA Rep Council – PEA Office – 1901 Railroad – 3:45 PM
21 Administrative Professionals Day
22 Earth Day
28 PUSD School Board Meeting – 2000 Railroad Ave. – 7:00

MAY 2010
5 Cinco de Mayo
5 PEA Executive Board – PEA Office – 1901 Railroad – 3:45
8 “WHO Award” Ceremony – Hs Lordships, Berkeley
9 Mother’s Day
12 “Day of the Teacher” – El Matador – 3:30-5:30p.m.
12 PUSD School Board Meeting – 2000 Railroad
Ave. – 7:00 PM
19 PEA Rep Council – PEA Office – 1901 Railroad – 3:45 PM
26 PUSD School Board Meeting – 2000 Railroad Ave. – 7:00
31 Memorial Day Observed

Next Deadline for Articles is May 10, 2010



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