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%~w®(p fi)jfJD@·,

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spy s;top

snClck Si,pO~'

swing :s;'Ii:de

mnl'~hi5, st1ory., you 0011 leem al~ C1Dou:I:' ~"..J:.lleniltll sot! nos H~em~ (:I re some, words '~Ol sound out,

These (JrlB words, lha~ you wlll see iln ttJis, story ICU1d1 merrv olln~r- s1oriil!s. You will 'WClnt~o 11eOlm 'theml CIS, weill.

,super squl rtl ng

s~'ioky de'fector


tN:ew' Vo'rk, Tor'Dnto Londo,n Auck1land Sy,dney Mexico, Cirty New D,elhi! H;ongl Kong Buenos, ,Airles,

These' ore 'Some more ch(llljl~enging words; ~l1crl' YOLI willi! see in 'this story.

H~I - I ~

'We ore super spies. Todoy OUl,r mission is, to ,stOIPI S,wiilper from swlpinq IS'CI"S speclcl snook.

H,Q,W' ccn 'wei gl8t to Iso

Q, step ohecd 10'f' S'wi'per?

W- kM

'''~''II~''''-- 1"'1"- ,/ ',', "~'-i-'

_' e, ca,n as ", "IOI:P.

M o p slays, tOI swing lover tlhe S,'ti'Ck'y M'U1d:, sprinq over the

S,q~'i rt'ilnlQI Spout,

end sUde down

fhe Slippery Slope.

Rle:(],-'I-d:~ 'y, ?I

, ,_I" •

Let's ,goll

- - - - - I Let's swtnllg' on thisvinel

W'e' cion Isw"inllg to the other side ot thle Stiii'c'ky'M:u d

without ge:tting stuck,

I spy the S'QJ,ulirti'nl'Q Spout 'We con sprinq over it with our rocket sneokers. Read'y?

One, two, three, IGIQI~!

IHe''f18 is t1hle ,~ Ilpplery ,SIIIIQlpe thot Igoes to Isc's

Flowery Glardl,enl~,

Let's slide down it.

'We mode it jUlst in firnel Our ,S,wiper Detectors ore beeplnq,


Say, "',S,w'iip'er, no ,swipin,gl'"

S'orry" S,wi,p,e:r.

No snoeks todo v.

These snocks ore ,SOl g .•• aood,

• I .. " -."

Super spies love sprinkles,

IG,ood s,pyi:ngll

,S,eB you oln our next mlsstou

mUS:1 "liIr _ d by llgiole' A Iklos, DeSiigneGi Ib~ Kelr"telliil 'G'eisil\

N'o IPOIfII ol"lhis lli'ubrc'liI~iQn mav be repfQducedlln w,nole or In IPDl!N, Drs't,Of\ad I~I !!iiI flIfl'rr,u, -ill· ,js'lem, -DI1fgflsmln~dlln any raTrml ror b\' IiIn, Ineans,. el~!;Im-nh;:. meel'l'1I1ftllca~, phl;!l"OcopyLngl, IfOC<l:lullng, 'Of ollh,erwhltJ, 'wl1hou I wrrlm ~en perrnlsai,o,li! 011' ttm ,P~1m Ishe'r.

Fitll!' in!grmomion regal'dlng JpermisS1ioB, wrUe to 'Sc!liIilIlaS'th: [ne., ,AU"ul'111lDn,~ Ip~ii'1i!i! :"10'115 I e:palrllifl(i~'~. !i51'I!Il'loaaway, NeliY 'iI'Or,k, 'NIY' I'~ 112.

GO~lIrlgh1' f!l :ili{iJ06 Vilu'CQlJI :I:nh:im aUclI]~'II!J1I~. NICKEL:ODEO:N. NICK,JR •• ftoro Ihe: IEJlplollll', 'uli1d !:!llll'lDlated I "Iu" I'DgQ~. IG:Ui1d 'C;haruc~ 'IS UrElI .IitI,Clem.g'fik~ Q1 VlIalilom lOl'e rngtlona i Inc. A_III. rcrghhl Ire erli _ ell.

Used undial' Iliicensll' by $clhaloslc :[1110. Pll!:lb'lIshod b~ :Sciha'IDs1 .. mne.

SCHDLA'STIC u'liid o9$oclla~~d 0905 On:! til'ademmh cma/or Ii1g "Ufu!CI .r'liIdiB~ m'Cllks or SchO!'i\lI$flc:· lj'H7'_

6 7,g, 'Jill

Pr,ln1ed 11111 Chlil'! 11' 62

F,irsj Iprint n91, Septellll b'\1it' :2·Qi05,

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