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- -

CaIJl~; ~ Abiliti_e5

Warrior Garii - ~ -

1n_~p~~:A!lli weapon Card ""'" Armor Cud. SpeCial~ EleJ1!en~

P@sel9: YOJ]JtNAMENT IWLE8 ..,;: Clioosing"Wanillrund-$ugpt.>rt CiU:ds; - -=_Elaying.a Match· : - 1'Qe.-Z9l- Playing,. _MatchJi:Qn~u~f __ -

_ _ r::."'; '""" ...,....:~-""'

... -,U~-M~lWLB&- ~

_ .. -u;-:=='=~~-: _

Card Types


W~~;,: -.£T;~ ~--Oo_" en ~e 3. Warriont ~

~ ~ ~ ::E- _~~j ~ ~ PPO'""'" -,:.,~.r:d-== ~

S .. pport cards, "'h1:iJ. "",o=.i~~? oi:o:Jl" t}1E5: :~ .... n:mi5 ~pag<, .. ~ , "'.""" ""'" pag.; Z". Arnzo'c,,.ds

??* "I. ~:.d 5pe.;d eards • Me "],

Card Abilities

So ::h card has a unique ability that instructs a. player-as ~ :ita __ -; impaa On ganJ~P~< _ __.-~. '"

EXAMPJ:E: Subayod (11- ~D'(;,');~ tYm.~ (iii).~ _

_ ~ :'":10 - _ ~.~ ::.: .- -:1- - _~

i) Ability Niune: These have-cno effect'on ~e'gam!; but'may be referencedlly card-~ili~~~ ;-:_ _~~ ~~ - ~

fl) AlriJity 'l)pe: -a, ~. '" • •• /-::- ----

There are 3-di!feieilt;.~chbiJiJWi ~_

a. Ana6ility'f",Jl.1iJr tl1e:A.d:lOD 1ceyWOni C<!tl1ieu~-asQri~i;W J_noii of ~~~(,rs actionsmth!! -

~of'l;U&:!,r·!i~tturn.;,,__T _ _

~~:f~~_M&ve~to-iliis ~'s ~~:._

b. ~itwj~,t.hI~ ~Y)I'tlId after the ability niune'affeCftlie-"' - ll"aftifmecartl is turned face,...

= ... _~.,SI!Rl . 7 _ _.,

- -U1W:,tIie 8tait OfJ1!e~_l!utbef<m! any ~I -

. -pe~~~ .,-_':0- __ -_

~~S~-'-"-1li!VeaI: Add,~ toyolir defensi,_ye,-~ - ·-c.,;;:ro.Iis~.-this-C~ "' ~ .. - i:;_' - _ - --.-

"Co :4l:iilifie8"Without eith:W'6rothe ab<'neke:liWOIl;!s-will ~- :._:~ '!~YtL.text deSmlmu::'hQw_apO! whl!ti-tiig are. ~ EXAMFLE::_~ ilOnj ._~-Ybu gAin +1. spHd_for -

_ .::~~h"'_Qf)ro:iu-face uP~l!EPQrt cank. ~ "'", _

- _- '-~~~ .-.~., ~- ~--: ~ - _.:! ......:-


- hilp~~~1:he~~ilit)dS:!I~'"'" . ~ "




,,"Inib: VIaqion'marhaYe~c'l!,aits,. . 'In addftIcn to tlielr culture. Thes ... :re mUd -= here;-ofherooiiils nmYreferm.:.. th!5eltaits - "

'iJithelr GiiiAbilitiis.c - - - -

-!J. Cud~Eacl.'Wamoi'.~ _

abilltieo are described ~&e!' po@! a); ~ 10. .,;or~FIavoi-~ ~ an uilisht _

oint,u...,)' Y/urior".1'1ace in ~ -

3. ~ Damage_-l. lite impact of an AtbIcl::

o ..... n Oppo5lngWarrlor'. Life. nu. number.;' the amownof~the

Wurior deals with this

9vleap<!1lWhon making a ~ Atta<:k dud 1<bilitiei can increase or decreuethlt-amount of Qamago;.~ ,;

.._ NIIiiIo -nus iSlhe ~llljllDe. _

II. Tnlb: W'eapcmo

- may-haw I1IIIIIY 'IraitII in II<IdItion to thdrculture. 'i'heK aie n.tedJiere. -OtheplaMs may ~ - theee "Dalto in their canf AbiIi~

3. Traits: :Urr~lt"J..11y ~..a\~ aLaU}" "Irait:: in adJi.'f.on to their culruee, TIt es , are I,.."d here Other card'5 mav refe~,nCi! tbese Tc~;t< in'G>"; Abiliti"'.

4. card AbWty: Each ""mor"nrnlque abilities are described heze ('.... -

",ge 21· -

5. F4vor Textl.FIavQr text """lains aboiit the Arn'I<>r and its use, Or p,T(wi<ios Wi:>rmatiOn _ about Ilte wanior wI¥>~ ~ were it,

'I. Infti&Uv.e: lniti.njv';" decides which ,\\~i.niOI' takes rhe firs,-=: Tu.m in each Round. -;l •• hi!1ft<r lnitiatiV~l.r.:ll~ g~ fi~,:; '.mle~~ i_m~~ ln~ !TJ-::.~

ca.rd$ ~"'!. pky_ ~

1. Nmte: rri~ i-s-ih_i! c:al"d~~ :na.-na.

5.-~ .. &:~t:.FIavOr te><t . ..,q,lain. a little -jboalc~ Special eanl.. _ <Il' p:ro.iiI .. infO<"ll"lation ~bouI<~warnorwh;; .:... """ -"':_ . .,,,,;[-'t to k Is or her-




There are two ways to win a game oiAnachronism:

."_ a.edowe· your oppOneiit's Life to 0 or less. Have' more Life than }'Q\lI' oppOnent after tblfenil of the fiftli Round.

_ ~LDBlUlviBs

The text on cards alway; takes.:precedence over t~ ~

therulebook, - - _ -"" _

i~ SupPOrt Cards haverw·effect on the game.-. A Catd Ability that disallows a $pecific adionoverride.i Ol1ethat~ it. _..

To pl9 Aiutchronism, each pla;yer·ne'eds a. w,nnO!, four Sl!PllOIt. Ca0'd5 and twosix-sided dice. _ &Ch player's Starting.Ro.w is thel"OW ciosesttO·him. .stat~·R0w3 are colored in'adad:ez shade on the, _ Arena Grid. 1Ib~ the game; each piayercroll& twO di£!!,. Re-roll my .

1!esunEl\lne_pla~_W!t!$. _ __ .



~ Iflnitiative ol'"die~-tie.-the Warrior-v6thJhe-:-

- _ -I.-1ghi!t~ence wins iKe-tie. =; ~ _-

• ~ lrihe ~ors 8reals_o"1ied on ·rolls two dice. TFiese rolls cannot be affected by ~ -Abilities or Modifiels; The higher roll wins thi"t1e.-If thJs-_mJl.js tied, pll!y'el"$=iXln$ue rolliDg_ until one pla~r-:: _

v@sthe-rou. _: -

-~ .. TIES

ABIl.lTY DtJRAiIQNS '.Many CardA!illi~ ~Ve effects iliat last fOJ; a~duration.Phrases IiXe "fOJ; this to\qId~, "Until ~ur}\ext

_ tUni", and "your next attacl." aU ~ the duration.of _

- theability. _- _ - - ~ ~_ . ~ _

.~ ,If-a Card-Ability with-suCh_3 duratlon is-frt -...El'ect,_~ __ - - = .-the" caRl that created the eife,:{Ieaws pray, the.effect will still continue fur-the listed,-d~tion;

:- If a. Calli A~ility that ok!es,nOt speciJ;y a:'auratio~ rea..e; ~ :,play, the.eIfec'tsoofih8:t~Card-Abil.ity imd imineil.iate!Y. ~ _ ! A Warrior's Lifu andJ;:xperl@nte values 1lli'Y_ change~ften

- - -e:' Over the course ofa game. Unless a ~ ~bilily speOflesa ;=- d~ti.on, iillLife_"ind~~ ~hanJe5 ~ peFman~t. _


• Most Card Abilities- ariadditlv\! and can workilI

:-eonjul\cfulnwith~3bili~ _"" ~ : ... _ ----::_=

-J!XAMl>LE:1\vo difTh~nt 'YPur attack. rolls gain +1' C8tif,:Abilities could be applied_to the ~ ~ 'Roll.

""'. _- Rowe~r; .Replacement Abilities- that_specifY _Z distinct

~~~state, or-q~tity are not ad_ditivec. - -; _ - -r- - _- _

J;:XAMl'LE: A.catd JlJJil!w that :reads_ ~!(en you .~-altack 'rolls roll one extra die' is additive;- .... hereas 'When you)nal,e - - a~roll8, rOll ,thnie diee'-is ~ Jeplacementability.~

• - If-two ~iKenient Abilities are "trying to affect the ~ "ACtiim th~.Actiye l'layex's-Gard AbilitytilrelJ_pread.~ If omUi.~Ip!e£.aid MUttiM-from _the same-p'!!y!r's-carc;ls ~.~ - -to affeCt an Action, that. ~yer chooses which Card Ability to _·aeply· - . -:_. - . - -

- .=-Rep~me"nt a~ilities invol'lt! tl.dollowmgphrases:

.'" 0 "loumaDY use another <type._c;ud.' - ~_

e '-You may-attack-with a weapon tw~ t aseeond time:' o'Wnen~u.-nwe a roll,-roll ~ ~n_titY> of:did!,'-

~the Game begins. each pIaye_rwill need. Warrior-and four.fiuppon: Cardsas-nonnaI. -.::_ _~ - - ' '.= -lrJ a multiplayer Same. there are,fu~StarffDg lIDws,' ,"' ,instead of two. The four squares along each side'Of"

fJ:te Arena-Grid comprise a :Startin:i RQw-~l'hls means - ~ '\:ha1 the Starting Rows overlap in the cornel'S. To· - determine the 9rder that players pla<le their WarriOl'lJ.''< ~ player rolls two dife llS_ltonriaL EaCh. p'Iaye!!.then. reveaIshis Warrior card in order of lowest roll to ~est by phu:iDgit iIi em .unoceupied square in his- .StMtlnBRow.,~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ - .:.. In II teIim ~e. j-arriorsoon the s;mIe team may-choo;

io-share a"S~g Row. _' _ - _- ';

W~orcCardfimd SuppoItcCardS ln8Y not be duplicated ~n teammates during the same Game. AIl <:4lds-used .duriJ)g ~'Uingle-Qrm&'!lY a singIeteam must be different

At- the'sbrt of eaclt round; all players nweaI a SUFPOrt ~as ~~r.nuiL Players _take turns in or&r ofhigh~ Initiafive fp

loweSt:'nes in InitiatiVe are broksn - ~ '"'

Pbyers can use a Card Ability_that specifies'~r'

......mar" on any Warrior-but their own,- - -,

~rscan use:a. Card Ability that:sp@ctfies-anc·opposing

: ~or" on any WarriQl" but their .QWll o.r a teammate',. , ,~layers may not use a-Card ADllity1:hai:spcli~"YOur' '" _ warrio~ •• m any Waniorbut theirc6wn,';::- '~

- When a Wamor is ~Pced. to 0 Of ~.t:if@. tlult warrioris defeated an.dl'i!mowdmim'thearenit:¥ictory ": goes to~eJaSt-WaniOIJef[stamfutg_in -the:areJ!8~" .

Rolli Any iD~tanan~-dice _be~ mUM-b con5idereQ_a~rol!- ~A &.0;0 roll in91Ylles all l'e-1'01lB to thai roIL ~


- - - - -...-::: -

Rotafillg: Changing a Warrill's ~~is caTIedcrOt.ating'that~ 'Warrior._Whenever_YOIrJD.QVe your Wamor;. you.may rotate: yr>ur 'Wuiillr in addition to or instead of,themovement __

.;1,10 - - __ _I,:. _::-


- - _

Ro_a::ope,series .r Of~n9. AglI!ire Clf'.Anachronism lasts a

maxilnum Offiye_Rounds. ~ _

Se~a.1I: Card Ahlliti~ ~yset~ full t&ltS~ea YIIlue.:!Hhe Card Ability sets-a player's n\!Xt.roll; that player does lim ron dice tor that rolt<m!l aw)i;es any appropriate: '" Modifiers to the set value. Iia cam Abili~.setsa ron after_it has been-made; any Modifiers have already been. applied and

are ~~~P&1ied. _ ;__,-:;.

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