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The Quest Part II


Why hello my spiritual friend

I see that you are all-packed and ready for your departure,

I see you’ve acquired a bow, and a quiver full…are you an experienced archer?”

“I am...I am indeed at that,

Here let me show, but first I must stop petting and put down your cat.

Do you see that bit of fruit hanging from the tree over there,

Watch it as I send it plummeting down, but first, down my arrow, I must stare.”

“Isn’t there somewhere special. or isn’t there something you must do?

Have you all the armaments and assorted items, which have been fashioned for you?”

It was only then.., I was struck by the cascading waves of silence, it was if …as though my words were as
leaves upon the wind, being all carried away,

For there did not seem to seem an answer coming forth …no… as though nothing to say.

After a lengthy pause..“There is… there is indeed,..and yes I have my “Mittens of Mercy and my “Pall of

I also see that I also have the key to the “Chamber of Confession.”

“I must return soon, that I may express and discuss many things…that is my intention.”

“I see that you have rested well and have come to some positive decisions,”

“I must see the Holy Healer: that He may excise some things from my corpus, and also remove issues
from within, by making some incisions.”

I stood there… all bleary-eyed,

and of course tongue-tied.

“ I say, my friend, are you sure you are up for all this?”
“Yes…Yes I am, another year is about to expire, and this encounter, I cannot miss.

I must reconcile and express my deepest gratitude…

Oh, my... say, do you have some extra food?”

Being perplexed at this quick shift of things,

I whispered to myself, ‘Oh Lord, what shall this venture, to my friend bring?’

“Yes, I have some to share, what do you see that you need,”

“ Hmmm... well, perhaps I need to fast a bit,…no reason to allow those two to come, you know ‘em,
gluttony and greed.”

“Ah! my spiritual friend it is good to see that you’ve dismissed these two, of the seven,

May He shine upon your path as you make your way to heaven.”

Until our spiritual eyes meet again:


Bro Smith SGS



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