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Text Formatting :
1. <big></big> - To make big char.

2. <small></small> - To make small char.

3. <sup></sup> - Superscript

4. <sub></sub> - Subscript

5. <em></em> - Emphazise

6. <b></b> - Bold

7. <i></i> - Italic

8. <del></del> - Strike through

9. <pre></pre> - Pre processing tag -> What u see is what

they display

10. <font size="1-7" color="color_name" (or) code

face="Font_type"></font> - Format a font of mentioned size,type
and color

11. <!-- Comments --> - Comments

12. <blink></blink> - Makes the text blink

13. <marquee></marquee> - Makes the text move

Special characters starts with &(ambrassent) sign

Some Special character:

1. &nbsp - No breaking space -> To format space b/w texts

2. &copy - Copyright Symbol

3. &reg - Registered Trademark symbol

Image Tags :
1. <img src="" alt="" height="" width="" align="" hspace="px"

Link Tags :
1. <a href="Absolute (or) relative link"> contents that cause
link </a> - Anchor tag -->used for linking

2. <a name="<optional>"> Where you want to go </a>

<a href="#<optional>"> Comments </a>

Ordered and Unordered List :

1. <ul><li> Unordered Items </li></ul> - Unordered List

2. <ol><li> Ordered Items </li></ol> - Ordered List

3. <dl><dt> Definition Term </dt> - Definition List

<dd> Definition </dd>

Forms :
<form action=”source” method=”get(or)post”>
<input type=””>
<select name=”optional”>

Image Maps :
<map name=”name*-*”>
<area shape=”” coords=”Co-Ordinates” href=”url”>
<img tag usemap=”#name*-*”>

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