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Appendix 1

The purpose of this SSK 1202 survey is to analyze the reasons behind the return of Moroccan highly
educated people and in particular: AUI Moroccan faculty. We would be really grateful if you could take a
few minutes of your time to complete this survey. Please note that your answers will be kept anonymous.
1. Gender:
Female Male
2. Your age is between: 25-35 36-45 46>
3. Marital status:
Married Single Divorced Widowed
Is/was your spouse Moroccan?
Yes No
4. Do you have any children?
Yes No
If yes, what are their ages?
5. In which foreign country did you pursue your graduate studies?
6. What is your field of interest?
7. Were you planning to pursue your career in the host country after getting your degree?
Yes No
8. How long did you stay in that foreign country after getting your degree?
9. Did you have any working opportunities in the foreign country after studies?
Yes No
10. If the 9th answer is yes, did those opportunities meet your aspirations?
Yes No
How did they meet your aspirations or how did they not?
11. If the 9th answer is no, would you have stayed there if you had had interesting work opportunities?
Yes No Maybe
12. How would you please rank these reasons according to the importance of their impact on your
decision to return to Morocco? (from 1 to 4)
Personal reasons (e.g. family). Please specify:………………………………………...
Failure to cope with prejudices and discrimination of the host country.
Your inability to adapt to the socio-cultural differences.
Your profile did not correspond to the job market requirements.
Your desire to contribute to the development of Morocco.
If others, please specify:
13. a) What were your professional expectations when you came back to Morocco?
13. b) What were your personal expectations when you came back to Morocco?
14. Have your expectations been met?
Yes No
15. Do you intend to stay in Morocco?
Yes No Don’t know
Why or why not? ……………………………………………………………………………………
Thank you for your cooperation.

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