GCS Subaltern

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The Post-Colonial Studies Reader Second edition Fated by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin £9 Routledge R fie, Ty 1d, Pads, Coral ws known ot heese ia Bill Ashe Bill Ashe PART O Issues z Bill Ashe: 1 Geor 2 Abdu 4 Gaya 5 Homi (Foucault and Deleuze 19 Chapter 4 GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK CAN THE SUBALTERN SPEAK? (Abbreviated by the author) an the § baltern Speak?” in Gayatri C 1 Cambridge, Wlass.: Harva worty Spivak y Pr A WOMAN WHO TRIED TO BE DECISIVE in sserom, Sh but women did not, do not, “hear” her. Thus she can be defined as a ‘subaltern” 2 person cial mobil king subaltern is the left sine -e which relate to each other as r networks ¢ also a practice; the 0 quick and within state formation andthe ly are related but fereducibly discontinuous, resented a8 a proof reflects who speaks and acts... is alway [or] party or... union’ can represent “those 1977: 206). Are those who act andl struggle mute, a “¢ problems are bi between the ‘same’ w nd c entation and re-presentation. The critique of id formations and systems of political economy ean now ical practice of the ‘transformation of consciousness. F self knowing, politically canny subalterns st Iectuals represent themselves as transparent. If such a critique and en up, the shifting omy, on the one han nn representation within the political 4 svithin Fy of the Subject, on the other, must not be iterated. Let us consider the play of ‘represent’ in the first sense) and ‘recpresent’ in the second sense) in a famous passage in The Eighteenth Brumaire of

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