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What is a 10. IP address?

• A 10. IP Address is a WAN IP address given

by the ISP (VERIZON)
Where would you see this IP?
• As this a WAN IP we would get this in the
modem’s GUI
• If the modem does not have a GUI we
would get this IP in the system when we
When do we get a 10. IP ?
• If the customer is calling in for the first
time installation there is a default
username and password in the modem
which will lead to a 10. IP Address which
is good IP for Registration purposes.
• If the customer is having authentication
Different type of authentications
• PPPOE- If a PPPOE customer is getting a
10. IP then this may be the first time the
customer is trying to install the DSL or
the username and password entered is
incorrect in the GUI.
• DHCP – If a DHCP customer is getting a 10. IP then this
might be the first time the customer is trying to install
DSL or because the MAC address authentication failed.
(In this case the customer might had a router and when
he called technical support we asked him to plug the
modem directly without router, now since the customer
was using a router the IP address will be bound in the
router and when we plug the modem directly the ISP
will give the modem a 10. IP as the ISP could validate
the modem’s MAC address)
How to get rid of a 10. IP?
1.Make sure the username and password is correct
2.Make sure that this not the first time the
customer is trying to install the DSL
3.Try using the VZID instead of the username
4.Reset the password if you think that the
customer is not typing the correct password
5.Check if the customer was using a router earlier
specially for a DHCP customer, if yes then
connect the router back and release the IP or
escalate this to a l3 to release the MAC address
If nothing works ?
• If you have exhausted all the troubleshooting
steps and still the customer is having a 10. IP
then reinstall the software in the activatemydsl

Khaliqur Rehaman
Mentor Team

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