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Narong Chartvutkorbkul

MARK 467, Secret Shopper


AT&T VS T-Mobile

Store visited

AT&T (Mobile network operators)

Store address: 22 East Chicago Ave Chicago, IL, 60611

Date: September 19, 2010 2:00PM - 2:25PM

Web Address:

T-Mobile (Mobile network operators)

Store address: 40 East Ontario Chicago, IL, 60611

Date: September 19, 2010 2:30PM - 2:50PM

Web Address:

Executive Summary

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Internal Appearance

1. Cleanliness

All areas in the store were clean. No trash. All advertisement materials were kept in order

and no shortage advertisement materials.

2. Fixtures and fittings

Everything is in perfect condition because it is a new store…………

3. Color theme

This is very explicit to communicate brand identity. Brand color of AT&T is blue and

orange. These two colors make customers fell that AT&T’s brand is more active.. In

store, they use these two colors in everywhere such as advertisements, product displays

and background of counters.

4. Operation hours

Mon-Fri 9:00 - 7:00, Sat 10:00 - 7:00, Sun 11:00 - 6:00. This operation hour is reasonable

and slightly longer than T-Mobile.

5. Waiting area
The waiting area was set deep inside the store. It was surrounded with product display

and TV-advertisement-display. So, customers can learn more about AT&T’s products

and services while waiting for services.

6. Product display

All displays were in excellent condition. AT&T had wide range of products but, in store,

AT&T categorized all products effectively. So, customers can find them quickly.

Moreover, the display had all-important details that customers can compare with other

products easily.

7. Promotion display

AT&T’s store not only used poster as promotion display but also TV and interactive

kiosk. For example, they put iPhone 4’s kiosk at the right near an entrance where

customers and pedestrian can see it easily.

8. Temperature

Customers will feel comfort when they come in the store.

9. Lighting

In store lighting is good and bright enough to highlight premium products or services and

make more visibility for people who look in from outside.

10. Layout
The store’s layout is very well planning, attractive and inviting. No unused spaces or hard

to access areas and also have plenty of free spaces to make customers feel convenient.

11. Interior style

Shape and curve of interior style look like modern style. They also use some equipment

which have modern looks such as LCD TV and interactive kiosk.

12. Product range

In store also provides products as same as on website. Moreover, comparing with main

competitors, AT&T’s product range is competitive and covers all customer segments.


1. Number of staff

There was six staff in this store , which included a receptionist. At first, I thought that

was too many staff but I founded that all staff serviced customers all the time and some

customers were still waiting.

2. Name sign

Every staff had name sign on their uniform and customers can see their names easily.

3. Appearance

They looked professional. All staff was in perfect neat uniform which help customers

find personnel easily.

4. Greeting

There was a receptionist at the entrance. His duty was giving greeting to customers and

also provided assistances.


When I observed, there were eleven customers in store and also incoming customers so,

the customers’ flow was good. In addition, about demographic details, there were male

customers more than female. Most of customers were American. The other was Asian.

The age of customers were around 25 - 40 years old. Furthermore, from their apparels,

customers were in middle and upper - middle class, looked active and dressed in casual


After I finished observation. I feel that AT&T’s store has very good image. The

store is very nice and attractive. The personnel have professional look. Moreover, I feel

that AT&T gains a lot of reliabilities and popularities from customers.

T-Mobile (at Ontario Street and Wabash Avenue)

This store is in the same building as Trader Joe’s and Fifth Third Bank at the corner

of Ontario and Wabash. The building looked dirty and had a lot of trash. The footpath is

narrow. Moreover, when I tried to look through windows, it was very hard to see inside.
That was because of the light in the store was not bright enough. In summary, my first

feeling about this store was not good and it was quite different from the AT&T store at

Chicago Ave.

External Presentation

1. Storefront signage

The signage is clear and can see easily. However, there were some dirty marks on it. That

is bad for brand image.

2. Cleanliness (front area and doorway)

The footpath is narrow which is not inviting. Moreover, there was a lot of trash on

footpath and doorway. That makes the brand image worse.

3. Window displays

There were clean windows and some advertisements on. They also put some clearance

items near windows. In my opinion, putting clearance items near windows may help them

to sell those faster but it also have negative effect to brand image. Therefore, I think this

is not good idea.

4. Assistance for disabilities

There is no automatic door for disabilities and no one standby at the entrance.

Internal Presentation
1. Cleanliness

Inside store was clean but accessories display was messy.

2. Fixtures and fittings

The condition of furnishing is fair. There are some marks and scratches. No broken parts.

3. Color theme

At this store, customers cannot know what is the T-Mobile’s brand color. They hardly use

pink in decorations and advertisements.

4. Opening hours

Mon – Fri 10:00 - 07:00, Sat 11:00 - 07:00 Sun 12:00 - 05:00. The opening hour is

reasonable but slightly shorter than T-Mobile, which located in same area.

5. Waiting area

There is no waiting area. I saw some customers walked around while waiting for services.

6. Product display

Product displays are in good condition. However, some contents use small font. That is

hard for customer to read. Moreover, the products categories

Promotion display

AT&T’s store not only use poster as promotion display but also TV and interactive kiosk.

For example, they put iPhone 4’s kiosk at the right near an entrance where customers and

pedestrian can see it easily.


Customers will feel comfort when they came in the store.


In store lighting is good and bright enough to highlight premium products or services and

make more visibility for people who look in from outside.


The store’s layout is very well planning, attractive and inviting. No unused spaces or hard

to access areas and also have plenty of free spaces to make customers feel convenient.

Interior style

Shape and curve of interior style look like modern style. They also use some equipment

that has modern looks such as LCD TV and interactive kiosk.

Product range

In store also provides products as same as on website. Moreover, comparing with main

competitors, AT&T’s product range is competitive and covers all customer segments.

Number of staff

There is six staff in this store , which included a receptionist. At first, I thought that was

too many staff but I founded that all staff serviced customers all the time and some

customers were still waiting.

Name sign

Every staff has name sign on their uniform and customers can see their names easily.


They look professional. All staff is in perfect neat uniform which help customers find

personnel easily.


There is a receptionist at the entrance. His duty is giving greeting to customers and also

provides assistances.


When I observed, there were eleven customers in store and also incoming customers so,

the customers’ flow is good. In addition, about demographic details, male customers are

more than female. Most of customers are American. The other is Asian. The age of

customers are around 25 - 40 years old. Furthermore, from their apparels, customers are
in middle and upper - middle class, look active and dress in casual style.

After I finished observation. I feel that AT&T’s store has very good image. The

store is very nice and attractive. The personnel have professional look. Moreover, I feel

that AT&T gains a lot of reliabilities and popularities from customers.

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