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     CheckPoint: Argument Credibility Due Tuesday Day 2 in your individual forum
The claims being made from this video are that the UFO files, that are being released are, the
UFO tapes that could not be explained by the UK, but it seems to me, for whatever reason, even the UK
wants to keep, UFOs more of a mystery!

I watched the videos that have been released, and it doesn’t really tell me anything; it looks like
car lights going down a forest road. The news report doesn’t have very much information, not for what
should have been a large story, like anything the media doesn’t really want told, this story simply made
it seem, as if anyone who sees or thinks they see UFOs are a nuisance, and if anyone has filmed more
than one, they are crazy; this seems to be the normal attitude, that is perceived where UFOs are

I think that the USA has had some contact with at least one UFO, this belief is coming from two
sources, the one source is someone who had personality witnessed this, this person worked for the
government, the other source is myself seeing material that had come from that craft.

The government thinks, that they must keep us in fear to the possibility of beings of another
world, they make us seem like idiots if we think there may be intelligent life outside of our own planet,
mean while, we are updating our own technology, more and more, on a day to day level – we go to
other planets, take soil samples, bring back rocks, we have telescopes that see further then we can
travel, we have satellites that travel, through space and send pictures back to the earth, so that we can
see what is out there, mean while, we are not suppose to believe that there is any intelligent life
anywhere else, except earth, of course!

The author is reporting a story from The Ministry of Defense in the UK, which basically means,
that the reporter would only say, what they are told to say, the reporter has no actual expertise.
Because the reporter is telling the story from a source that is bias, that automatically makes the story
bias and untrustworthy. The news reporter will always try to stay neutral, the story writes itself, in this
case, the UK government wants us to believe that the majority of the stories turned into the MOD are
normal, explainable, lights; that there are 2% or so, that they found interesting, and unexplainable, but
of course, they did not make them sound like, they thought that those 2%, could even be a UFO, they
found the videos simply, interesting!

Video Source link:

This video came from
The name of the story is “UFOs: more top secret files released”.

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