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Educational Technology Leadership:

Making a Transition Into a 21st Century Education

Miguel Leija

Lamar University


The Educational Technology Leadership program at Lamar University is meant to help

educators further their leadership skills while implementing technology into the curriculum. This

in turn is meant for the educational leader to provide assistance to the administrator, educator,

and students within a community through the use of technology (Lamar Academic Partnerships,

2010). The purpose of this research is to provide evidence of how each assignment served as a

facilitation tool/process to prepare educators become proficient with ISTE’s Technology

Facilitation and Leadership standards while assisting their colleagues and students. The

experiences come in the form of embedded assignments reflections, field experience

activities/logs/reflections, collaboration activities with fellow Lamar University classmates, and

overall personal reflections from the program as well web conferences. The other goal is to use

all the obtained reflections and work on improving the quality of work in the classrooms by

building our own personal leadership goals and visions of how Educational Technology

Leadership skills should be implemented in a school setting in accordance with ISTE’s standards

for technology.

Position Goal

Through the Educational Leadership Program at Lamar University, my intended goals follow

a chronological order. As an educator I assist my grade level by facilitating curriculum and

technology. The objective by obtaining my M.Ed. in Educational Technology is to be entrusted

with the role of Campus Technology Contact, if possible work at a higher level for the district as

a Technology Integration Specialist. However, with the research and knowledge currently taking

place I am interesting in using the acquired skills to suggest and assist developing curriculum

involving technology either at a regional level (Education Service Centers in each of the 15

regions throughout Texas) or state level (T.E.A.)

Leadership Goal

The motivation to pursue a Master’s in Educational Technology Leadership involves attaining

experience to prepare myself for a future and pursue a Ph.D. in Education. The second

motivation is to provide facilitation, create collaboration, and assist my peers to use technology

to assist in their own and their student’s learning process. I want to assist those teachers to shift

from a teacher-centered learning environment to a student centered environment (Williamson, J.

and Redish, T.,2010).

The latter statement serves as a big purpose to bring change in how educational technology

leadership can be of assistance to the teachers who are strictly set of approaching curriculum in

the same fashion. The fact is that some of those teachers need to let go and embrace other

methods that will assist them to provide a better educational environment to the students.

Students have many different styles of learning and technology integration is one of those tools

that can reach all their senses/learning styles if properly approached.

My intended goal is to use technology in the school environment as a collaborative tool for

teachers where they can communicate, share ideas, and build upon improving the already

established curriculum. As far as students, the idea is to use technology in a form that will

enhance their learning and letting the students explore all available outlets to connect their own



Williamson, J. & Redish, T (2009). ISTE’s technology facilitation and leadership standards. The

International Society for Technolgy in Education, pp 40-48.

Partnerships, L. U. (2010). Master of Education in Educational Technology Leadership

reference. Retrieved October 09, 2010, from Lamar University Academic Partnerships :

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