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For Immediate Release: October 11, 2007

Contact: Stuart Folb

(713) 280-2402

��������� ����� Names New Associate Publisher

Village Voice Media announced today that Mike Smith has been named associate
publisher of both ��������� ����� and ������. Smith will oversee all sales and operations
of both publications. “It was important to me and ��� ����� to search internally for Chris
Ferrell’s successor,” says Stuart Folb, group publisher of Village Voice Media, which
owns the newspaper. “After interviewing Mike, there was no doubt that my search was
over and that he was the right person for the job. The passion and vision he has for both
��������� ����� and ������ is unparalleled, and I look forward to him taking the reins

Smith has been with the company since 1997 as both a senior account executive for
��������� ����� and advertising and marketing director for ������.

Julie Rutter has been named operations director and will continue to perform all of her
previous duties overseeing the production, circulation, IT and administrative departments.

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615 - 2 4 4 - 7 9 8 9 | fa x : 615 - 2 4 4 - 8 5 7 8 | w w w. n a s h v i l l e s c e n e . c o m

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