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SULIT 1211 Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1

Pep. Percubaan Ijam




Kertas 1



I. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

2. Jawab semua soalan.

3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan yang berhuruf A, B, C dan D.

Bagi: tiap-tiap soalan pilin satu jawapan sahaja. Tandakan semua jawapan anda pada . kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan.

3. Fikir dengan teliti ketika memilih jawapan. Jika hendak menukar sesuatu jawapan, padamkan sehingga bersih tanda yang tidak dikehendaki itu dan hitamkan pilihan anda yang baru.

Disediakan Oleh:


Dibiayai Oleh:



Dicetak ou«

Percetakan Yayasan islam Terengganu Sdn. Bhd.

Tel: 609-666 86/1/665218601 Faks: 609-666 061110063

Courtesy Of SMKADG.COM

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halarnan bercetak

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Questions 1 - 10 are based on the information given.

1 The sign is put up as a

A promotion B C D

warnmg danger guide





2 The sign above makes it clear that drivers cannot

A use this road.

B make a u-turn on this road. e make a u-turn on Monday. D make a u-turn on Saturday.

12/1 © 2010 Hak Cipta JPNT

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Date ofmanu.factured: 26.08.2010 Content is edible up to 2 years from the date of manufacture.

3 The word edible in the label means A fit to be eaten

B poisonous

C expired

D used

4 The label above tells us that the shirt cannot be

A ironed

B cleaned. C washed D bleached

1211 © 2010 Hak Cipta JPNT

t, 1000/0 cotton i';l Do not bleach

:!,', Warm iron if necessary


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Azizab.'s Cars Sdn Bbd: Sales of Cars 2010

..... 6+------


SSI 4+----..


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Month

5 Sales remained constant from

A October to December B June to November

C July to September

D January to May


./ Closing d~te: 21 November 2010

./ Open to all primary school students only



6 Based on the notice above, which of the following statements is true?

A Students must write about J MALA YSIA,

B Posters sent after 21 November will be accepted

C Students below 12 years old can enter this contest

o Students above 12 years old can enter this contest


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Limited time I Aug - Se(!tt .:. Free DVD player

.:. Leather seat

'':'' - ,

.:. Equipped with the latest auto




t"'~I~",*"I~~'~I~.~ .. :.::. _,~::i.· •

7 From the above advertisement, customers know that the car mentioned

A can be bought anytime .

. B comes with a CD player.

C has outdated car security feature. D is on sale for a limited time only.

Dear Allen,

I tried to coJ.l you but you were out.

We have to cancel our discussion tonight because Amy and Dave are not well.

See you tomorrow. Bye

8 From the message above, we know that Bill

A is out when Dave comes to visit. B has to cancel the discussion.

C is sick with his friends.

D is not feeling very well.

12/1 © 20 I 0 Hak Cipra JPNT

Bill ~

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8esut. Mon. - Police shot dead three criminals believed to be members of a gang caned Group 66. They were known to be aggressive and believed to be involved in a spate of robberies in Malacca, Johor and Negeri Sembilan in a recent month.

9 The word aggressive in the newspaper report above means

A violent
B lenient
C passive
D active This ball is mine, You can't take it.

10 From the dialogue above, we can conclude that the boy is

A sad.

B happy.

C possessive.

D disappointed.

12/1 © 2010 Hal. Cipta ]PNT

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Questions 11- 18 are based on the following text,

Two nights ago Rosita had a strange dream, In her dream, she found herself in a dark

tunne1. The tunnel 11 long and winding. Surprisingly, Rosita was not scared. She was

calm and brave in spite

12 being alone in a strange and creepy place.

Putting her left foot forward, she began to walk down the tunnel slowly. The ground was

soft and wet. It felt like mud. Even though it was dark, she could

13 her way easily.

There was a reason why she had to go down the 'tunnel. She had to find her brother, Karim,. 14 was in the tunnel too. He had entered the tunnel before her and he was now lost.

"Karim! Karim!" she kept _~15,---_ out as she walked. Once she thought she heard his

voice. It sounded weak and soft. She called again; more loudly this time but there was no reply.

16 she heard a strange sound. It was the sound of something scratching 17 the

hard rocky surface of the tunnel. It was 18 louder and louder. Rosita felt frightened.

Then, she suddenly woke up.

11 A IS 12 A of
B are B In
C was C for
D were D from
13 A find 14 A whose
B finds B whom
C found C who
D finding D that 15 A caU 16 A So
B calls B Then
C caned C Hence
0 calling D Besides 17 A before
B against
C beyond
D towards ]8



got gets getting

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Questions 19 - 21

Read the passage below and choose the best meaning/or the phrases that are underlined.

Everybody tells me that I take after (J9) my father and I think it's true. I look up to (20) both of my parents. 1 am the only child and J don't have any siblings, but I get on well with my cousin, Fatin. I grew up in Manit and was brougbt up (21) by my parents and grandparents.

19 take after

A behave like

B work like

C feel like

D appear like

20 look up to

A admire

B support

C visit

D call

21 brought up

A rose


C nurtured

D produced

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Questions 22 - 24

Read the dialogue below and choose the best meaning/or the expressions underlined.


: Come on, it's time to let our hair down (22) after all the studying.

Would you like to go camping with me?


You must be out of your mind! (23) PMR is less than a week.


I know but the campsite is just a stone's throw (24) from home and it's only for two days.


: I'II think about it.

22 let our hair down

A be ourselves

B enjoy ourselves

C behave ourselves

o believe in ourselves

23 You must be out of your mindl

A You must be crazy!

B You must be careful!

C You must be mindful!

D You must change your mind!

24 a stone's throw

A a. very difficult journey

B a very long journey

C a short. distance

D a strai ght road

12/1 © 2010 Hak Cipta JPNT

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Questions 25 - 28 are based on the following information sheet



II; .

. .


: ~~

_, ~.~

.. ' .•.. ,." - -.

... - , .. , '" ~ -.r .. ·- .. "- ..


Volume of food to be eaten

" , .. \.

:: Category 1 ~. Chocolate, sugar, oil, fat

- need only a small amount too much fat -- heart disease, overweight

'" ., ••. '.,.+ ••.•.•.•.

Pish, meat,

; Category 2 .; chicken, eggs, . nuts, beans

source of protein ; • for growth

- build muscles. tissues

., '_._ ,.

._ -, ,-"._ , .. ' - .


rich in vitamins

- minerals and antioxidants

prevent heart disease, cancer and other heart problems

; Category 3 ;. Vegetables, : fruits

... " , ' , " .

_ , ..

r~T AlAn'

Food from give energy

grains: Bread; - provide nutrients, fibre

pasta, rice. protect from heart disease, cancer

L._·'_~··"· _ _ ~ .r _ _ _ " "___..'

.'. Category 4

25 The main purpose of this information sheet is to encourage people to

A eat less

B protect their heart

C be active in sports

D be health-conscious

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2' Taking too much can cause you to be overweight.

A nee

B meat

C vegetable

D chocolate


An athlete needs to consume more of food to have more energy.

A Category 1

B Category 2

C Category 3

D Category 4

28 Which of the following statements is true?

A Antioxidants can also be found in fish

B Cancer can be prevented by taking a lot of grains

C Obesity can be the .result of too much fat

D A great source of energy comes from nuts and beans.

12/1 © 2010 Hak Cipta JPNT


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Questions 29 - 34 are based on the following passage.


Have you ever witnessed a wedding ceremony of another race? Jf you have, you will realise that it is not the same as that of your own race. Every race has its own particular marriage custom.

A good example is the Bugis tribe in Celebes, Indonesia. This Muslim tribe treats their daughters' marriage as the most significant affair in their lives and the wedding ceremony usually lasts for three days. Within this time, the bride must not raise her eyes or look at the bridegroom or even set toot on the ground at all. This is a very difficult task so to make things easier for everyone concerned, the bride is given a drug to make her unconscious. Then for the three whole days of the ceremony the unconscious bride is carried about on the shou1ders of her father or other heads of her family. When the bride finally wakes up, she is already married.

Another example is a tribe in Africa, They have another strange marriage custom. Before the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom will practise kicking against a tree. What is he preparing for? Well, at the end of the wedding he has to give his wife a hard kick on the shins. Only then will their marriage be valid.

29 How long does the wedding ceremony of Bugis in Celebes usually last?

A More than three days.

B Less than three days.

C Three days.

D Two days.

30 The word significant can best be replaced with

A important.

B irrelevant.

C incredible.

D irreplaceable

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31 Which of the following statements is true about the bride of the Bugis tribe?

The bride is

A awake all through her wedding.

B allowed to see the bridegroom on her wedding day.

C forbidden to stand on land until the wedding is over.

D carried on the bridegroom! s shoulders during the wedding.

32 The bridegroom from an African tribe must practise kicking before the


A his bride

B himself

C ahead

D atree

33 Why does the bridegroom in an African tribe kick his bride?

A He hates his new bride.

B To cancel the marriage.

C To validate the marriage.

D Someone told him to do it.

34 According to the passage, we know that

A a wedding ceremony in an African tribe can last for a week.

B the bridegroom of a Bugis tribe must kick his bride.

C each race has their unique marriage custom.

D all wedding ceremony are the same.

12/1 © 2010 Hak Cipta JPNT

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Questions 3S - 37

Read the poem below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

i I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,

: And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made.

j Nine bean-rows will 1 have there, a hive for the honey bee i And live alone in the bee-loud glade.



1 And J shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping I slow,

1 Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket i sings;


i There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow

l And evening fulJ of the linnet's wings

[ I will arise and go now, for always night and day

j 1 hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore

i While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey

; I hear it in the deep heart's core. .

! By Willimn Budu Yeats ~

1~ • ~_. ~ ~ d ._. ~ ~_L J

35 The persona will ) ive with in Innisfree.

A his animals

B his friends

C his family

D no one

36 What will the persona hear in the morning in Innisfree?

A Lake water lapping B Crickets

C Linnets

D Bees

37 Based on the poem, the persona may be described as someone who

A likes daydreaming.

B loves gardening.

C I ikes animals.

D loves nature.

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Questions 38 - 40 are based on the extract from the short story Of Bungs TeJur and Bally Shoes.

"They're beautiful Mal," said Lan. "Truly you're a lucky man. I would give anything to own this masterpiece in leather. If I were given the chance to have three wishes, I would say this: one, a beautiful fiancee like yours, two, a brain like yours and three, to be shod in this exquisitely stitched-up leather, lovingly crafted by the French, called Bally shoes!" Signals were coming fast from Cousin Lan.

"Well Lan, what's stopping you? You could have them for RM430.00." offered Jamal, H I'm serious".

Cousin Lan demurred, but his need to posses the Baity shoes were too overpowering to hide. It showed in his very demeanour. Much fingering and crooning later, Cousin Lan finally ventured, "How much? Not too much you know, Mal, I'm not awash with pitis," Cousin Lan tried to bargain.

"RM430.00 only," said Jamal. "Special cut-rate price for you, Lanl"

Cousin Lan pretended to be aggrieved. Secretly, though. he was not. The last time he checked out the price of Bally shoes in Lot lOin Kuala Lumpur, it cost well above RM800.00. A chance of a life time for Cousin Lan! But Cousin Lan, as was his wont, was not averse to a little hard bargaining.

38 Which of the following statements is true about the Bally shoes? It is

A worthless
B imported
C . .
D locally made 39 The phrase "Special cui-rate price" in the extract means A a sale

B a discount C a promotion

D an advertisement

40 From the extract above, we can conclude that Cousin Lan is

A wealthy B stylish C selfish D kind


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