Waking Up For Amritvela

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By G. Udham Singh (Gurmat Sidhaant Saagar)

1. That Sikh who remembers Waheguru at Amritvela will achieve liberation.

2. Ishnan, Nitnem and Simran/Abhyaas at amrit vela can transform the individual

3. Only that person can wake up for Amritvela who forsakes laziness and remembers death.

4. It is just as essential for every GurSikh to wake up in the last quarter of the night, Amritvela, as it is
to do Simran.

5. That person that remains asleep at Amritvela goes without the Blessings and Grace of Waheguru

6. The best way of waking up for Amritvela is to eat little at night and to go to sleep on time.

7. It is at Amritvela that currents of Waheguru's Blessings are flowing but those who remain asleep at
this time cannot enjoy them

8. Until the stars disappear, it is the fourth quarter of the night, Amritvela, which is considered the most
conducive time to meditate and worship Waheguru.

9. That person that longs to wake up at amrit vela will be woken up on time by some secret power.

10. After doing Sohila Sahib, and before going to sleep, doing Ardas for the ability to wake up at
Amritvela is very beneficial.

11. That GurSikh who is thirsting for Naam and BaaNee will find that this thirst will be like the alarm
which wakes him/her up.

12. Even cows, birds and roosters wake up at amrit vela. If a Sikh does not, it is his own bad karma.

13. It is a natural phenomenon that at Amritvela, even flowers blossom and spread their scent more
than at any other time.

14. That person who wants to meditate on Waheguru must make it a daily habit to wake up at

15. It is not enough to just wake up at Amritvela, ishnaan and Simran are also essential.

16. Those individuals who spend their nights lost in vices and evil and then sleep through Amritvela
are destroying their own lives.

17. The way in which our minds can be attached to Simran and BaaNee at Amritvela is not possible at
any other time.

18. All great saints, Rishis, Munis, Bhagats and GurSikhs all have woken up at Amritvela.

19. That person's life is fruitful and worthwhile who wakes up every day at Amritvela and remembers

source: tapoban.org

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