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Paraboloid Dish with

Fixed Focus
on ground

7 to 16 m2 1
Scheffler dish for cooking, INDIA
Paraboloid Dish
with Fixed Focus on ground

7 m2 Scheffler dish for cooking, INDIA 2

Paraboloid Dish
with Fixed Focus on ground

7 m2 Scheffler dish for cooking, Mt.Abu, India 3

Scheffler Paraboloid Dish with
Fixed Focus on ground
16 m2 Scheffler dish for cooking, INDIA
• Temp: 100 to 120°C
• Power
P capacity
it : 2 to
t 3 kW att 125°C
(3 to 4 kg steam /h)
• Operating hours : 6 to 7 hours/day
• Daily output : 20 kWhth/day
• Capital cost : Rs.2,00,000
• Cost
C t Parameter
P t : Rs.
R 8080,000
000 /kWth
: Rs. 10,000/(kWhth/day)
Fixed Spheroidal Dish
with Moving Focus

176 m2
Solar Bowl
at CSR, Auroville, INDIA 5
Fresnel Paraboloid Dish :
ARUN ™ from
& IIT-
Supported by
160 m2 dish for
Pasteurization of
Milk at Mahanand
Dairy, Latur, India
saving about 75 lit
Furnace Oil on
every sunny day 6
since Feb, 2006
Improved Fresnel Paraboloid Dish : ARUN™

169 m2 dish for Industrial Process Heat

• Temp: 150 to 250°C
• Power capacity : 70 to 90 kWth
• Operating hours : 8 to 9 hours/day
• Daily output : About 700 kWhth/day
or about 600,000 kcal / day
• Capital
C i l cost : Rs.50,00,000
R 50 00 000 with receiver, tracking, pump
• Cost Parameter : Rs. ~ 59,500, /kWth
: ~ Rs. 7,150 investment /(kWhth/day) 7

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