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Is it possible to let go of the past? Past memories are entrenched in one that it continuously haunts.

Buzz up!
We are caught in the shackles of the tormenting past that the golden present with endless
possibilities, that is available to us right now is neglected. Let us look at some possible ways of
letting go of the past.

Letting Go Is In Our Nature

Is it shocking when it is said that letting go is very much in one's nature itself. It is but a fact and may
be difficult for us to accept owing to the gripping shackles of the past to which we think we are

If we can stop to give it a thought, it is only the matter of 'time' in which the past dissolves, though
traits of it may appear occasionally. However the rigid tormenting grip is loosened, for the simple
reason that our true nature itself is 'happiness' though we are shaken up by the intermittent sorrows
of life.

 Sorrows are but intermittent, why because no one seems to be sorrowful forever however
intense the cause may be. The worst of worst, we even hold on to the death of loved ones
only for a period of time, long or short! We then bounce back to life and get going with our
daily routine and soon we are happy again!

 You may now question as to how some who are struck by sorrow even go to the extent of
giving up their life? It is not sorrow itself that is powerful but that we are powerless in our will!

 Time is the magical remedy that can dissolve any deep sorrow in it, simply because the very
nature of life itself is to flow!

 May be we can handle the death of someone owing to our acceptance of the fact that it is
universal. But even in the case of difficulties in life, don't we forget ourselves and laugh?

 Hence our true nature is happiness itself.

Why We Don't Let Go

Lets analyse the fact as to why we do not let go.

 It is the thought of an occurrence that pains us. Is it the thought that is gripping us or we are
holding on to it? If we can think a bit deeply, it is we who are holding on to it by having our
attention on it.
 If we can remove or divert our attention from the thought, the pain ceases.

 This is sometimes very clear when we voluntarily enjoy the gnawing pain of some
occurrence, as in the case of a failed love affair. So it is we who voluntarily engage in
empowering our thoughts.

 Every emotion like, sorrow, guilt, anger, revenge, hatred, love etc are all nothing but

 So freeing yourself from the grip of thoughts is letting go.

How To Let Go

Small efforts and little changes can bring about a drastic change in your thought process.

It is little things put together that makes for greater happiness. So a little change in your day to day
activities can freshen up your mind.

 Count your blessings.

 Simply look at your thoughts. Be a witness to them. They will lose their intensity. So
whenever the thoughts stray to the past, just be alert to them and be conscious of them
coming in.

 Engage your self in Yoga or meditation for when the body is stretched, the mind also gets

 Pranayama or breath regulation has an impact over your mind and vice versa.

 Engage yourself in prayer.

 Surrender to God or your Guru. True surrender would mean, giving up your thoughts of the
past and remaining calm.

 Engage yourself in walks or work outs which can rejuvenate your mind.

 Meet new people to get yourself out of the shell. It can introduce new things in life.

 If you are an introvert get your self to reading or painting or any other creative work. This will
give you a feeling of fulfillment.

 Reading energy boosts slowly but surely bombs the negative thought patterns. Instead of
reading at home, go to a book store and spend time reading there.
 Have a busy schedule to keep yourself engaged. This will weaken the thoughts of the
tormenting past as they are not paid attention to.

 Avoid self pity.

 Unburden yourself to someone close.

 Get to engage yourself in something new or brush up old forgotten talents.

 Understand that life is a mixture of both pleasant and unpleasant things. There is no one
ever who has not encountered problems and failures and none ever who will be always

 Look at the positive aspects of the troubling past. There definitely a few of them.

 Last but not the least, have a strong will to get yourself out of the tentacles of the past.

We do not accommodate dust and dirt in our houses. We are prompt to get rid of them for a clean

So why accommodate negative and useless thoughts? They are worse than garbage and are fit to
be done away soon. So keep your mind clear of useless thoughts and expand your mind space off
the clutter.

Hence letting go is tactfully handling the thoughts about the past. They are bound to disappear soon,
if you focus to get them out

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