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Guide lines for the distribution substation equipment layout and location

1.1 Guidelines for Locating the switchgear and Transformers in Ground Floor
with in a high rise building
1) Only Dry-type transformers shall be utilized
2) Straight through joints for main HV cables to be avoided within the constructed area
3) Following minimum clearances shall be adopted:
4) 1500 mm between transformers
5) 1000 mm between transformer and wall
6) The HV Panel room shall be air-conditioned in line with ASHRAE requirements.
7) The transformer room shall be provided with adequate natural/forced ventilation to
maintain the operating temperature
8) Battery requirement shall be sized considering both HV Panels as well as DMS
9) Batteries shall be located in a separate room. The room shall be provided with proper
exhaust fans, eye-wash etc.
10) The battery charger-cum-distribution board, DMS cabinet etc. can be located in the
HV panel room without interfering with the HV panel alignment and clearances.
11) Approved Fire Protection and Detection System has to be provided for the Substation
equipments as per latest NFPA standards
12) Clear vehicle access shall be available for the transformer maintenance

1.2 Guidelines for Locating the switchgear and Transformers in first

basement of high rise buildings

1.2.1 Introduction

The Developer or his authorized Contractor/Consultant has to submit the electrical room layouts,
material approvals, design calculations, electrical schematic diagrams, equipment layout
diagrams, installation method statements, testing and commissioning procedures etc related to
the substation/power complex, to ADDC for the approval. Only after obtaining these approvals
and after the finalization of the agreement related to the maintenance the
developer/contractor/consultant can start their procurement/installation and commissioning
formalities of substation/power complex,

1.2.2 General
1) Only Dry-type transformers shall be utilized
2) Straight through joints for main HV cables to be avoided within the constructed area
3) Following minimum clearances shall be adopted:
- 1500 mm between transformers
- 1000 mm between transformer and wall
4) The HV Panel room shall be air-conditioned in line with ASHRAE requirements.
5) The transformer room shall be provided with adequate forced ventilation
to maintain the operating temperature
6) Battery requirement shall be sized considering both HV Panels as well as
DMS facility.
7) Batteries shall be located in a separate room. The room shall be
provided with proper exhaust fans, eye-wash etc.
8) The battery charger-cum-distribution board, DMS cabinet etc. can be
located in the HV panel room without interfering with the HV panel alignment and
9) Approved Fire Protection and Detection System has to be provided for
the Substation equipments as per latest NFPA standards

1.2.3 Option 1: With Vehicle Access upto the HV Panel Room

1) Proper vehicle access should be available to the basement.
2) The clearance should be adequate to transport a distribution transformer /
switchgear panel loaded on a suitable vehicle
3) The access road should be connected to the nearest main road
4) 24 hour free or separate access to the electrical room for the ADDC O&M crew
5) There should be clear and reserved parking space allocated for the ADDC O&M
crew to park their vehicle while attending to the equipment.
6) Proper railing with towing tools should be provided to shift the transformers upto
the loading yard

1.2.4 Option 2: Without Vehicle Access upto the HV panel room

1) Clear and adequate opening should be available to lift the equipment up to the
ground level for loading and further transportation.
2) Permanent rails with platforms and suitable motorized lifting and pulling
arrangement mechanisms shall be provided for moving the transformer from the location to the
3) It shall be the responsibility of the developer's maintenance crew to maintain the
lifting arrangement, pulling arrangement mechanisms etc.
4) Permanent lifting arrangement shall be provided to lift the equipment through the
opening to the ground level
5) Vehicle access up to the opening point/off loading area and adequate space for
maneuvering the vehicle shall be provided

1.3 Guidelines for Locating Transformers in Higher floors in a multi storied

1) The clearance shall be similar to that for installing the transformer in the Ground
Floor or Basement.
2) There shall be clearly identified methodology to transport (such as suitably rated
lifts) the Transformers and the switchgears to the ground floor, for

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