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Chapter 5 – 1st Documentary Project –


DIRECTIONS: Using Photostory 3 for windows, you must create a mini-documentary (3-5 minutes) which
shows CHANGE OVER TIME for each of the 4 sections presented in Chapter 5 – Industrialization.

GRADING CRITERIA: - Creativity will enhance your presentation. Your movie should be interesting,
concise (short and to the point), informative, and entertaining. Be sure to include the following:

1. Movie MUST have title screen and credits (sources and cast)
2. Movie MUST include an explanation of how things CHANGED OVER TIME in each section (there are 4
3. Movie MUST include voice (I suggest writing a script).
4. Movie MUST include background sound (appropriate music).
5. Movie MUST include appropriate, high quality images (not blurry).

1. PhotoStory 3 for Windows.
2. Portaportal - (guest id: bihlerja)

Organization of the chapter and suggested topics include:

Section 1 The Rise of Industry

• Factors needed for industry, GNP, Edwin Drake, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George
Westinghouse, Cyrus Field, Laissez-faire, free-enterprise, entrepreneurs, tariffs

Section 2 The Railroads

• Transcontinental railroad, Cornelius Vanderbilt, time zones, robber barons, credit mobilier, Great Northern

Section 3 Big Business

• Corporation, stocks, monopoly, trust, pools, Andrew Carnegie, vertical integration, John D. Rockefeller,
horizontal integration

Section 4 Unions

• Unions, blacklist, lockout, strikes (list major), Knights of Labor, AFL, IWW

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