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Social Media Tutorial

Getting Started with

Online Marketing and Social Media
Online Marketing and Social Media

 Social media - driving online traffic in 2010:
- Facebook now 2nd most visited site in US
 Free or low cost
 Cost-effective, fast-growing alternative to advertising
 Consumers always interested in finding products and solutions:
- Searching for and finding these in different ways online
- build business, recruit staff, increase local awareness; run
online promotions, promote special events
 Increasingly where audiences are:
- Fastest-growing demographics - 35+, 50+

Online Marketing Basics

Start with the fundamentals

 Get the online basics right:

- then build social media into strategy

2010 Online Marketing Basics

a) Email Marketing Program

 Proven, reliable performer:

 Not “hot”, flashy or new, but works
 Cheap regular channel, after design/set-up
 Delivers top returns on your marketing spend
 Highly measurable via online analytics programs
 Create promotions that offer value in this economy
 Build customer database, engagement
 In-house mailing platform, or use,

2010 Online Marketing Basics

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

and Organic/Paid Search
 Lowest cost traffic generation tactic available
- Easily out-performs all other marketing options

 If site is over two years old, update - boost interactivity

and search rankings

 60.9% of hospitality operators say SEO is cost effective, delivers best

results after site optimization

 Checklist: title tags, headers and meta-tags, description tags,

photocaptions, keyword density

Online Marketing Basics

b) Online Public Relations

 Online PR complements your offline media

 Post releases onsite, link to your blog, media
email mail-out
 Post your release on your social media profiles
 Use free/paid distribution services – national,
international, ‘hyper-local’
 Build your online media database
 Target local, national, regional bloggers

2010 Online Marketing Basics

c) Online Measurement & Analytics

 Online is nearly 100% measurable

 Google Analytics – free, excellent

- Follow Analytics link from

 Online analytics tools: ROI is No. 1 online issue for marketers, but only 25%
are tracking

 Your own site statistics

 Google Alerts. Set up email alerts for your business, keywords. Free via

 ‘Buzz Monitoring’ tools – monitor discussion about your establishment

2010 Online Marketing Basics

c) Online Measurement & Analytics, cntd.

 Meteor - Meteor Tracker tracks the impact and conversions of

social media marketing. Licensing fees.
 - marketing dashboards, track brand conversations and trending
topics on social media. Free.
 Hubspot’s Twitter Grader - - ranking and metrics to
assess your activity and impact. Free.
 PostRank Analytics - - trend analysis,
engagement reporting and unified conversations: a hub for keeping track of
your brands in the online space. Licensing fees.
 TweetEffect - – which tweets gained or lost you
 Top Tracking Tools List -

2010 Online Marketing Basics

d) Blogging

 Increase traffic, SEO rankings, visitor interaction with a blog

 Cost-effective, quick way to add fresh content:
- WordPress or Blogger software
 Blogs appear on Google News/Searches
 Link with your social media profiles, automatic feed:
 Keyword tags – search optimisation benefits
 Comments – Two-way interaction with customers
 Google Adsense – monetise your blog

Moving on to Social Media

Moving on to Social Media
Getting Started

 – amalgamates and disseminates your
content to sites that you designate. About Friendfeed:

 – pushes out your blog/information widely

 – Leading ‘share’ tool. Install on your

site/s so visitors can quickly share your content with others

Social Media Marketing

 World’s No. 1 social network

 #2 most visited US site after Google - Feb 2010

Who is the audience?

 Millions of daily visitors

 Fastest growth from 50+ demographic
 Local, regional, national, international

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page is set up

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Facebook

What can we use Facebook for?

 Users join our Fan Page/s to interact

 New database of visitors and contacts
 Promoting news, events, alerts, catering offers
 Targeted Facebook advertising
- by location, connections, keywords
 Listening - and responding - to what our
customers are saying about us
 Special campaigns or promotions

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Logging onto Facebook Fan Page:

 Go to, log on at top of page

 Username:

 Password: florida1

 Follow prompts from landing page to view or edit Fan Page

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page
Logged on: Operate & regularly update your page

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Operate & regularly update your page, cntd:

 Post updates on your Wall

 New Status Updates
 Add photos or videos
 Start or participate in discussions
 Answer questions from customers/fans
 Build your community
 Special offers
 Events – announce, handle RSVPs on Facebook’s event software
 Post restaurant and other news items to your Facebook page

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Tools & tricks to grow your Fan Page base:

 Join other relevant Groups – let members know you exist and invite
them to join your Page. Be friendly and don’t be over-promotional,
join discussions etc. Be active in groups where there is an overlap
with your audience.

 Fan Badges

- Encourage your fans to create a Fan Badge showing their

support by going here to create their badge:

 Put your Fan Page address on your email signature, marketing

materials, flyers for customers – anywhere people will see it!

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Publish to Fans Based on Location and Language

 In the News Feed, on your Page, or anywhere across Facebook

 Click the 'people' icon next to the Share button, and click Customize. Enter
your chosen locations and languages.

 Begin by entering a country in the "Locations" field, additional options will

appear: enter multiple locations and languages

 Once you've selected custom location / language settings and published your
post, the next time a user visits your page, they only see the content that you
intended them to see on your overall Page

 Posts sent to "everyone" are seen by any fan or Facebook user

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Fan Box Widget:

 Implement on your site to gain more fans and share updates

 Implementing requires pasting just 4 lines of code

 The widget currently has 3 components: “Button”, “Stream”

(optional), and “Fans List” (optional)

 Varying sizes and display set-ups

 Examples - Coca-Cola, Blackberry,Tide, Herbal Essences,

and Threadless.

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Facebook paid advertising

 Paid advertising can be customized by location, connections,


- reach only the audience you need to

 Following Advertising tab at page bottom. Liaise with

Facebook advertising to obtain costs, info.

 Local flyer advertising available

 Consider only after testing free marketing options

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook - Fillfilah Fan Page

Insights monitoring - track fans interaction with your content

- both on your Wall and in News Feed on their home page:
 Click on ‘View Insights’ beneath your Page’s profile picture.

 Metrics include interactions, user interactions per post, post quality, posts; and media
consumption (photo, audio, and video)

 “Interactions This Week” and “Interactions Over Time” include Likes, Wall Posts, and
comments on content

 “Post Quality” summarises how engaging your posts have been in the past week

 “Top Countries, Cities, and Languages - where fans are from

 Compare demographic split for “Active Fans This Week” to “Total Fans”:

- which fans are most engaged with your Page?

Social Media Marketing


 YouTube - simply too huge to ignore

 Low cost - covers bandwidth for embedded videos
on your site

What would we use it for?

 Showcase ourselves, grow business

 Search benefits – keyword tags for each video
 Location searches –include location in Profile
 ‘A picture speaks 1,000 words’
 Promote restaurant, catering business, events
Social Media Marketing
What is it? Who uses it?
 a communication platform that connects people:

- “Discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world”

- Build relationships and communicate regularly with your followers

 write and read messages of up to 140 characters

 Arabic language version
 30th largest site in the world
 105 million users, 180 million unique monthly visitors
 20s-60s age group, professional demographic

Social Media Marketing:

How can restaurants and tourism use Twitter?

 Build business, connect with customers
 Twitter Lists - create databases/email marketing:
- create multiple new lists as marketing databases
 Location-based marketing:
 - online and mobile web/search
 Tweets now tracked in Google searches
 Word of Mouth:
- Enable customers to ‘do your marketing for you’
 Paid Advertising - just launched April 2010
- ‘Promoted Tweets’

Social Media Marketing:

Find followers in your location/by geography

Some of the best services to find local followers:

 Twitter Lists. Start your own local lists, add followers

 – Free or fee versions. Follows people discussing
keywords relevant to you. Range of other useful Twitter tools.
 iPhone Applications –Twitter apps on iPhone, some locate users
who are physically near.
 – Twitter directory, inbuilt local directory
 – People add themselves by 'hash tags‘
 – find users by location

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

 Twitter profile - ‘Fillfilah’ - set up and ready
 Initial design created
 Initial profile - English language:
- Next: consider profile in Arabic
 First tweets and followers:
- Saudi Arabia, Middle East
 Ahead - build followers, join and expand our community
 Start tweeting!
- not too aggressively promotional
- interesting, daily, relevant, local
- promotions, events, Twitter-only special offers

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

Log into our Twitter account:

 Our Twitter account name: Fillfilah

 Password: florida1
 Contact email:
 Alternate email:
 Security question: Country of operation?
 Answer: Saudi Arabia

Social Media Marketing
Shortcuts for Twitter

Your day-to day operating shortcuts:

‘Dashboard’ Desktop/Phone Applications

 Tweetdeck combines Twitter and Facebook publishing/monitoring, manages

your social media account, keyword search tracks your brand, topics. Free.

 Seesmic Desktop app publishes and reviews updates across Twitter and
Facebook, manages your social media accounts. Free.

For multiple contributors:

 Co-Tweet - management, publishing and monitoring for
business accounts with multiple contributors. Free.

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

What to tweet? Tips and hints:

 Make only 1 in 3-4 ‘tweets’ purely promotional about your

 How often to tweet? Even 5 daily tweets is a good start

 When to tweet? Be efficient. Quickly add updates each day, or

limit time to quick bursts at the start/end of the day

 Reiterate your brand messages, customer relationship

announcements, links to videos or pictures; community
functions or news.

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

What to tweet? Tips and hints cntd:

 Local news, restaurant/tourism links, urls/links etc
 Menu changes, special offers, today’s menu highlights
 Real-time updates or offers
 Events, upcoming promotional offers, catering offers
 Reply to follower comments, ‘re-tweet’ interesting tweets
 Join in a discussion on cuisines, restaurants, or your location.
Customer relations - answer questions, complaints, have a
two-way discussion

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

Regular profile maintenance:

 To change any profile design area, go into ‘Settings’
 Click the Followers list. Unless you object to any followers
(block them), follow at least some profiles who follow you:
Twitter then allows you to grow your own followers steadily
 As you check new followers, add people to your Twitter Lists
 Next click on people that you follow. To grow followers
steadily, edit out people who don’t follow back
 Reply to any replies, comments, or Direct Messages
 Check Direct Messages for genuine comments – many are
just introductions/marketing hype

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

Badges, Widgets & Offline Marketing

 Put your new Twitter ‘badge’ on your home page,

email signatures, contact us page and all other
marketing materials.

 Include a ‘follow us on Twitter’ invitation at the end

of emails or other materials.

 List your Twitter name on your business card and

on marketing and restaurant materials & flyers.

Social Media Marketing
Promoting your Twitter profile

Social Media Marketing
Promoting your Twitter profile

Social Media Marketing
Fillfilah on Twitter

Listening and monitoring

Buzz monitoring, brand conversation, monitoring tools - resources include:

 Google Alerts –monitor online and social media. Free.

 is a leader in social media monitoring - topic definitions, tailored
alerts and engagement monitoring. Subcription fees.
 Tweetlevel – - New tool measures your
importance on Twitter across influence, popularity, engagement; and trust
 - updated statistics, compare multiple accounts or
competitor activity.
 – monitor Twitter conversations about your brand in real-time.
Visit the Monitter home page, type in the keywords you want to search, all
tweets with those keywords instantly appear. Free.

Social Media Marketing – “Travel Social Media”

Embrace the 900-pound gorilla in the room” – Quote from TripAdvisor

Social Media Marketing -
TripAdvisor and other Travel Social Media

 TripAdvisor hosts 13 consumer postings a minute, 30 million reviews

 Wants hospitality businesses to ‘get the most out of’

 Owners Center is your hub:

- run your own TripAdvisor content and profile

- To register as a Member, use Owners tab at bottom of screen. Follow fields to

lodge your application

 Review request cards – ask visitors to review you

 Put TripAdvisor ‘good reviews’ widget on your site:

- customer testimonials/ask customers to leave a review

 Appear in weekly email newsletters sent to members monitoring

your location

Online and Social Media Marketing

Wrapping up

 Online is part of your overall marketing strategy

 Cover the online marketing basics

 Join the social media community

 Research what’s right for your business

 Expect results over 1-3 months, not overnight

Online Marketing and Social Media

Wrapping up, cntd

Analyse your current online marketing:

 Can you set aside even 15 minutes a day?

 What can you do easily from these options?

 What are you already doing successfully?

 Regular activity creates content for online marketing

 What could you do in the next 2-3 weeks? In the next 2-3 months?

Online Marketing and Social Media


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