P.A.F.B. Letter

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To whom it may concern:

Thank You for taking the time to review my qualifications.

I have worked at the Kennedy Space Center and also on the Cape Canaveral AFS for many years
and am very familiar with these areas. I was stationed at Patrick Air Force Base for four years
and would be very honored to be back there or on either K.S.C. or C.C A.F.S. I am currently
working for A.T.K. on the shuttle program but will soon be layed off. These three areas are what
I know and are very proud to be a part of them. I would be very great full for another
opportunity to continue my career doing what I know at any of these locations.

Thank You for your time.

Michael Pecorelli

I am applying for:

Job Title: Quality Assurance Specialist (AEROSPACE)

Series & Grade: GS-1910-11/11

Agency: Air Force Space Command

Job Announcement Number: PAFB-10-03-1910

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