Coat Hanger Mobile: Book: Supplies

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Please select a book you haven’t previously read. An in-class oral presentation
is a component of this book report. Please be sure the students practice
his/her oral report at home prior to presenting it to the class. The oral
presentation does not need to be longer than 2-4 minutes. Our audience is
very gentle with our presenters!

• A clothes hanger
• String or ribbon
• Index cards
• Colored pencils, crayons, markers
• Anything else you find to make your mobile look good!
• If students need any string, glue, scissors, markers, crayons, colored
pencils, index cards, white paper, colored paper, or construction paper
from school, they are more than welcome to borrow these materials upon
request. Students may also choose to use the computer.

All stories have three parts- CHARACTERS, SETTING, and PLOT
The characters are the individuals who play a part in the story.
The setting includes where and when the story takes place.
The plot always has at least three parts: beginning, middle, and end.

Set up your mobile like this:

Card #1:
Title of Book
Your Name and Date
Cards #2, 3, 4:
Illustrations and names of two or more
of the main characters
Cards #5, 6:
Illustration of setting
Written description of setting
Cards #7, 8, 9:
A solid summary paragraph for the
BEGINNING of the story
A solid summary paragraph for the MIDDLE of the story
A solid summary paragraph for the END of the story

Most importantly: Be creative! Make it colorful! Have fun!


Coat Hanger Mobile planning page


CARD 1-Title of book (underlined and correctly capitalized)


CARD 1- Author


CARD 2, 3, 4- Characters




CARD 5, 6- Setting





CARD 7, 8, 9- Plot- beginning, middle and end






Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________

Coat Hanger Mobile Rubric

Planning page 15 pts _________

CARD 1- Name 5 pts _________

Title of book 5 pts _____________

Author 5 pts ________________

CARD 2, 3, 4- characters 15 pts _______

CARD 5,6- setting 10 pts ________

CARD 7, 8, 9 plot 15 pts __________

Creativity 15 pts _________

Presentation 15 pts ________

Total Score ___________/100 pts

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