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Part-1(answer any one question-[10] marks, each part carries [5] marks)

1.(a)Verify that the message signal m(t) is recovered from a modulated DSB signal by first multiplying it
by a local sinusoidal carrier and then passing the result through a low pass filter in time and frequency

(b)Evaluate the effect of phase error and frequency error in the local oscillator on synchronous DSB


2.(a)The input to an envelope detector is a single-tone AM signal xAM(t)= A(1+ μcos ωmt) cos ωct, where
μ is a constant, 0 < μ < 1, and ωc≫ωm.Show that if the detector output is to follow the envelope of xAM(t),it
is required that at any time t0

(b) An audio signal 15sin2π(1500t) amplitude modulates a carrier 60 sin 2π(100,000t)

1. Sketch the audio signal.
2. Sketch the carrier.
3. Construct the modulated wave.
4. Determine the modulation factor and percent modulation.
5. What are the frequencies of the audio signal and the carrier?
6. What frequencies would show up in a spectrum analysis of the modulated signal?.

Part-2(COMPULSORY QUESTION-[10] marks, each part carries [5] marks)

1.(a)Explain the generation method of SSB modulation with suitable figure (no derivation of eq. is

(b)(i)Determine the modulation factor and percent modulation of the signal shown as in fig below
(ii)Which of the AM waves in fig below depicts under modulation? 100% modulation? Over

Part-3 (answer any one question-[10] marks,each part carrier [5] marks)

1.(a)How does the Direct method of frequency modulation differ from the Indirect method with suitable
block diagram and circuit diagram.

(b) A 107.6-MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a 7-kHz sine wave. The resultant FM signal has a
frequency deviation of 50 kHz.
a. Find the carrier swing of the FM signal.
b. Determine the highest and lowest frequencies attained by the modulated signal.
c. What is the modulation index of the FM wave?


2. (a) What function is served by the limiter in an FM receiver? Why does the limiter not affect the
information content of the signal?

(b) The block diagram of the frequency multiplier and heterodyne portion of an FM transmitter is given
calculate the carrier frequency and frequency deviation of each of the points: (a) 1, (b) 2, and (c) 3.

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