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Prophet in Hindu Scriptures

An analysis (Part 1, 2 & 3)

Prophet in Hindu Scriptures
An analysis (Part 1)

A relatively new also demonstrated that

propaganda seems Vedas, the final authority
to be on rage these in Hinduism, themselves
days – that Prophet sang praise of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) has Muhammad.
been prophesised in Hindu
Scriptures. This seems to Now the entry barriers
be a great hit in major for a Hindu in embracing
Islamic websites over last Islam are suddenly
few years. It is also very evaporated!
useful in increasing the All that a devout Hindu
effectiveness of conversion is doing now is accepting
programs driven by vision the directions of his own
of making India a Muslim religion with further
among country within next sincerity.
5 years (as resolved by
Maulana Abdullah Tariq Thus, when a close
recently on Peace TV). friend of mine, who is an
expert in Islam, visited
And why shouldn’t it a prominent temple in
be effective. First, it is the heart of Lucknow,
proved that the Kalki he was greeted by the
Avatar mentioned in head priest. He could see
Bhavishya Puran is marks on forehead of the
none other than Prophet priest. When discussions
Muhammad. Second, it is continued on matter

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 1

of religion, the priest has the space to check
explained to him how relevance of his references.
Prophet is the final goal The same style is evident
for every Hindu and how in his writing as well,
Islam alone can save which form the basis of his
humanity. memorized speeches.

Now my friend realized And now, the confused

that the mark on the head Muslim youth has found a
was out of 5 times of daily new passion that confirms
prayer in submission to their seat in Paradise.
the legend who has been They would simply copy-
prophesised in Hindu paste from his articles
Scriptures! And this is the and spread the good
new direction of Islamic word around on internet
conversion techniques that forums, blogs and social
he has been witnessing. networking sites. The
print outs are circulated
In this series, we shall
in colleges and schools.
critically analyze the
This is often very effective
claims of this propaganda
against certain less-well-
and bring truth to the fore.
versed Hindus who fall
The founder of this under the ploy.
hypothesis is none other
I hope this article will
than the stage-performer
at least serve as a ready
Dr Zakir Naik who can
reference for answering
recite page number,
this propaganda through
chapter number and verse
a similar copy-paste if
number for any book
nothing more. However if
on earth. His style is so
this induces an attitude
hypnotic and entertaining
of questioning among the
that the audience no more
readers to seek the truth,

and at least reject the those times than it is
obvious falsehoods that today! Why is it that no
come in this journey, I commentary on Vedas
would consider my efforts written by anyone since
to be fruitful. Vedas were first authored
(they are considered
This series is based on the
the oldest books) could
original article written
ever discover such an
by Dr Zakir Naik and
important fact which is
published on Islamic
to decide the fate of the
Research Foundation
world?After all, as per Dr
website. You can review
Naik and Quran, the only
the same here: http://
way to book a ticket to
Paradise is by believing
in Prophet Muhammad
to be the last Prophet
and his message being
Before we get into a more the only authoritative
detailed analysis, let us message of God! Thus no
argue a few more points: message of Vedas can be
more important than this
1. Muslims have been
message, if it is indeed a
in India for around
true fiction!
1000 years now. And for
majority of the time, they 2. If indeed Vedas could
were ruling this country. prophesise coming of
Why is it that Muslims Prophet Muhammad, why
could not discover this not consider Vedas to be
obvious fact in so many work of another Prophet?
years? In fact, study Is it not a miracle that
of Vedas and Purans the oldest book on earth
were more popular in could predict arrival of the

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 3

last Prophet! So, why not Further, Vedas talk of
accept Vedas as book of rebirth. They talk of
God?The usual answer to monogamy. They talk
this perplexing question is of Law of Karma and
that Vedas may have been refuse belief in Heaven
the first book, but Quran is or Hell. They believe that
last and hence only Quran nature, God and soul
has to be followed. Now are beginning-less and
my counter-question is endless. Creation and
that is God perfect or not? Destruction happen in
If yes, which is what Quran continuous cycles. These
wants us to believe, then are completely opposite to
why could not God give his Quranic view of polygamy,
first book as final edition? one birth, permanent
If God knows everything, Heaven or Hell and this
what made him change his being the first and last
own theories? This means creation of God that
that God is imperfect. happened in few days a
Here, when trapped, the few thousand years ago. I
proponents weakly argue can agree to some extent
that God’s knowledge is to future plans being
same but the application modified by God as part of
changes from time to time. some grand strategy, but
If that be so, should not how can even God change
a new Quran come now the history of universe
when the world order has that had already happened
completely changed from even before Vedas came in
barbaric middle ages when Quran, his revised edition
Quran had to accept evils of message? Is God so
like slavery, polygamy and forgetful of what he has
gender discrimination? already done? If that be
so, what is the guarantee

that he will not realize Prophet Muhammad and
some more mistakes and claims that
send another edition of his
“ There is no text
in the Qur’an or Sahih
Secondly, if indeed Hadith mentioning the
Vedas could predict about name of the revelation
Prophet Muhammad, and that was sent to India.
Dr Zakir Naik sincerely Since the names of the
believes so, should he Vedas or other Hindu
not consider Vedas also scriptures are no where
as a book by Prophets? to be found in Qur’an and
If not last, at least the Sahih Hadith, one cannot
first one? This is where say for sure that they were
Dr Naik’s corrupt tricks the revelations of God.
get exposed. He fears They may be the revelation
that any admission of any of God or may not be the
other books apart from revelation of God.”
those followed by believers
You can check it out
(Jews, Christians and
on his FAQ on Hinduism in
Muslims) being given by
his IRF site (
God may put him in Hell
forever, as per instructions 3. We should also
in Quran. So in another scrutinize what
article of his, he flatly qualifications Dr Zakir
refuses to admit that Naik possesses to interpret
Vedas are indeed books of Vedas? Is he a Sanskrit
revelation. He conveniently scholar or a Vedic Pandit?
forgets that he himself has Or has he referred to
proved that Vedas gave works of any scholar? No!
the biggest prophecy of He simply lists names of
all times – the advent of some commentrators on

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 5

Vedas in his articles whom the western indologists did
he has referred to. Most not hint on even remotest
of these are either western reference to Muhammad!
indologists who are Thus all Dr Naik has done
considered authentic in is following the old art
first place, or some others of marketing, “That a lie
whom only Dr Naik knows. shouted thousand times
Further he does not becomes a truth!”
provide exact translation
In next parts of the
by any of the scholars
series, we will analyze the
and only writes out the
prophecy of Muhammad
commentary that suits his
in Bhavishya Puran and
predrawn conclusion. Even
Vedas respectively.

Prophet in Hindu Scriptures
Bhavishya Puran (Part 2)

Dr Naik provides a very “Shri Suta Goswami

detailed analysis of verses said that a demon called
of Bhavishya Puran Tripurasur who was earlier
along with references. burnt to ashes by Shiva
The only mistake he made has taken birth again
was that he presented in form of Mahamada
a completely opposite (Muhammad) and his
picture of Prophet deeds are like that of an
Muhammad compared evil ghost. The ghost was
to what Bhavishya Puran rebuked by Kalidas as “O
actually writes. (Refer rascal, you have created an illusion to bewilder the
php?option=com_content king, I will kill you, you
&view=article&id=201&It are the lowest…”
Further, the ghost called
http://bhavishyapuran. Mahamada comes in provides dream of King Bhoja and
an excellent analysis of says,
the relevant portions of
“O king, your religion is of
Bhavishya Puran with
course known as the best
scans of original texts and
religion among all. Still
dictionary meanings of the
I am going to establish
key words.
a terrible and demoniac
In summary, the actual religion by the order of
meaning of the verses is as the Lord . The symptoms
follows: of my followers will be

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 7

that they first of all will Bhavishya Puran:
cut their genitals, have no
1. Bhavishya Puran
shikha, but having beard,
is not considered an
be wicked, make noise
authoritative religious
loudly and eat everything.
scripture. It is amply clear
They should eat animals
that the book continued
without performing
to be written till late
any rituals. This is my
19th century. Because
opinion. They will perform
it also contains stories
purificatory act with the
of Jesus Christ, Akbar,
musala or a pestle as you
Sawai Jai Singh, Alha
purify your things with
Udal, Tulsidas, Surdas,
kusha. Therefore, they will
Guru Nanak, Shahjahan,
be known as musalman,
Aurangzeb, Shivaji and
the corrupters of religion.
even Queen Victoria and
Thus the demoniac religion
her Parliament. Bulk of
will be founded by me.”
the material seems to be
It is amply clear that written during foreign rule.
contrary to Dr Naik’s Thus, Bhavishya Puran
claims, Mahamada does not even come in
(Muhammad) is being category of evidence, when
condemned here as a it comes to Hindu religion.
demon and not as a
2. Still if Dr Zakir
spiritual person. Far
Naik has infallible faith
from being a Kalki
in Bhavishya Puran, he
Avatar, Muhammad is
should also admit that
being foretold as a devil
Muhammad was a devil
harbinger of nuisance!
and reincarnation of
Having analyzed the Tripurasur.
verses, let us analyze a
3. Also, if Dr Naik
few more points regarding

has so much trust on Muhammad
Bhavishya Puran and
According to Bhavishya
considers the book so
prophetic, why does he
not admit other advices Mahamada (Incarnation
of the book – the fastings of Tripurasura the
on specific days and demon) = Dharmadushika
their benefits, worship of (Polluter of righteousness)
different idols, avoidance
Religion founded
of meat, celibacy, shraadh,
by Mahamada =
prohibition of marriage
among close relatives,
(demoniac religion)
agnihotra, holy places,
cow protection etc. And Original Sanskrit Version:
accordingly, he should Bhavishya Puran: Prati
refuse to believe in those Sarg: Part III:3,3 5-27
verses of Quran which are
against the precepts of Translation source:
Bhavishya Puran. (http://www.indiadivine.
In the next part of the org/articles/188/1/
series, we shall critically Bhavishya-Purana-The-
examine the claim of Prediction-of-Islam/
Prophet Muhammad in Page1.html)
Vedas. [From the third part of
More on Bhavishya Puran: the Pratisarga Parva.]
Extracted from http:// Shri Suta Gosvami said:
bhavishyapuran.blogspot. In the dynasty of king
com/ Shalivahana, there were
Bhavishya Purana : The ten kings who went to
Prediction of Islam And the heavenly planets
after ruling for over 500

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 9

years. Then gradually After he offered some
the morality declined prayers and pleased him.
on the earth. At that
Suta Goswami said: After
time Bhojaraja was the
hearing the king’s prayers,
tenth of the kings on
Lord Shiva said: O king
the earth. When he saw
Bhojaraja, you should
that the moral law of
go to the place called
conduct was declining he
Mahakakshvara, that land
went to conquer all the
is called Vahika and now is
directions of his country
being contaminated by the
with ten-thousand soldiers
mlecchas. In that terrible
commanded by Kalidasa.
country there no longer
He crossed the river
exists dharma. There was
Sindhu and conquered over
a mystic demon named
the gandharas, mlecchas,
shakas, kasmiris, naravas
whom I have already
and sathas. He punished
burnt to ashes, he has
them and collected a large
come again by the order of
ammount of wealth. Then
Bali. He has no origin but
the king went along with
he achieved a benediction
Mahamada (Muhammad),
from me. His name is
the preceptor of mleccha-
dharma, and his followers
and his deeds are like
to the great god, Lord
that of a ghost. Therefore,
Shiva, situated in the
O king, you should not
desert. He bathed Lord
go to this land of the
Shiva with Ganges water
evil ghost. By my mercy
and worshipped him in
your intelligence will
his mind with pancagavya
be purified. Hearing
(milk, ghee, yoghurt, cow
this the king came
dung, and cow urine) and
back to his country and
sandalwood paste, etc.

Mahamada(Muhammad) the best religion among
came with them to all. Still I am going to
the bank of the river establish a terrible and
Sindhu. He was expert demoniac religion by the
in expanding illusion, so order of the Lord . The
he said to the king very symptoms of my followers
pleasingly: O great king, will be that they first of
your god has become my all will cut their genitals,
servant. Just see, as he have no shikha, but having
eats my remnants, so I will beard, be wicked, make
show you. The king became noise loudly and eat
surprised when he saw this everything. They should
just before them. Then in eat animals without
anger Kalidasa rebuked performing any rituals.
Mahamada(Muhammad) This is my opinion. They
“O rascal, you have will perform purificatory
created an illusion to act with the musala or
bewilder the king, I will a pestle as you purify
kill you, you are the your things with kusha.
lowest…” Therefore, they will be
known as musalman, the
That city is known as their
corrupters of religion.
site of pilgrimage, a place
Thus the demoniac religion
which was Madina or free
will be founded by me.
from intoxication. Having
After having heard all
a form of a ghost (Bhuta),
this the king came back
the expert illusionist
to his palace and that
ghost(Muhammad) went
appeared at night in front
back to his place.
of king Bhojaraja and
said: O king, your religion The intelligent king,
is of course known as Bhojaraj established the

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 11

language of Sanskrit managed by a king or
in three varnas – the demigods.
brahmanas, kshatriyas
Note This: Lord Shiva
and vaisyas – and for the
said: O king Bhojaraja,
shudras he established
you should go to the place
prakrita-bhasha, the
called Mahakakshvara,
ordinary language spoken
that land is called
by common men. After
Vahika and now is being
ruling his kingdom for
contaminated by the
50 years, he went to
mlecchas. In that terrible
the heavenly planet. The
country there no longer
moral laws established
exists dharma. There was
by him were honored
a mystic demon named
even by the demigods.
Tripura(Tripurasur), whom
The arya-varta, the pious
I have already burnt to
land is situated between
ashes, he has come again
Vindhyacala and Himacala
by the order of Bali.
or the mountains known
He has no origin but he
as Vindhya and Himalaya.
achieved a benediction
The Aryans reside there,
from me. His name is
but varna-sankaras reside
on the lower part of
and his deeds are like that
Vindhya. The musalman
of a ghost.
people were kept on the
other side of the river According to Bhavishya
Sindhu. Purana Muhammad was
the rebirth of Tripurasura
On the island of Barbara,
the Demon. Tripurasura
Tusha and many others
was killed by Shiva in
also the followers of
his(Tripurasura’s) past
Isamsiha were also
life. Tripurasura’s Past
situated as they were
life (Mythology[not from

bhavishya purana]) proud and he brought
havoc in the entire world.
He conquered the Nether
world and then proceeded
to takeover Heaven. He
Tripurasur was the son defeated Indra the king
of Sage Gritsamad. One of heaven. His aggression
day the sage sneezed and made Lord Brahma hide
from this was created a in a lotus and Lord Vishnu
young boy who the Sage in the Shirsagar. He
brought up as his own soon also took over Lord
son. The sage taught the Shiva’s Kailash Parvat
boy the Ganana Twam, and thus became the King
Ganesh Mantra. Equipped of all the three worlds. The
with this mantra the gods wondered on how
boy meditated intensely to vanquish Tripurasur.
on Lord Ganesh who Lord Narada told them
ultimately blessed him. He that, since he had been
was given three pura-s of granted a boon by Lord
gold silver and iron. Since Ganesh himself it would be
he was the owner of these very difficult to vanquish
three pura-s he was given him. He advised them to
the name Tripur. Ganesh meditate on Lord Ganesh.
also bestowed on Tripur Pleased Lord Ganesh
to be the most powerful, decided to help the Gods.
who none but Lord Shiva
Disguised as brahmin he
himself could destroy
visited Tripurasur and
and after being destroyed
told him that he was a
by Lord Shiva he would
very enlightened Brahmin
attain mukti-salvation.
and could make for him
This boon made Tripur three flying planes. Riding

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 13

these he woud be able to his invocation of Ganesh
go anywhere he wished who ultimately directed
within minutes. The planes him on how Tripurasur
could only be destroyed could be killed. Lord Shiva
by Shiva.In return Lord was asked to recite the
Ganesh asked him to Sahastranam and then
get him the statue of direct an arrow at the
Chintamani which was three pura-s of Tripurasur.
at the Kailash Mountain.
Lord Shiva followed these
Lord Shiva refused to give
instructions and finally
the statue to Tripurasur’s
vanquished Tripurasur.
messenger. The angry
Tripurasur himself went The place where Lord
to get the statue. A fierce Shiva invoked Lord
battle started between Ganesh he also created a
him and Lord Shiva. He temple for him. The town
destroyed everything that surrounding this temple
belonged to the Lord was called Manipur. The
Shiva who too retired to village Ranjangaon is
the Girikandar. considered to be the place
where Lord Shiva himself
Lord Shiva too realized
sought the blessings of
that he was unable
Ganesh and ultimately
to destroy Tripurasur
destroyed Tripurasur.
because he had not paid
his respects to Lord This prayer (chalisa)
Ganesh. He recited the praises the Lord Shiva
Shadaakshar Mantra to (Related to Tripurasura
invoke Ganesh. On doing so killing)
from his mouth emerged
Tripurasur sang yuddha
Gajanan to grant Shiva
a boon. Shiva continued

sabahin kripa kari leen a mlechha.
3 A sinner, A wicked
By fighting and killing the person, A savage or
Demon Tripurasur, barbarian race etc…

You forgave everybody and Paisachya (meaning)

saved the Gods. (from Sanskrit dictionary)
Mlechha (meaning)
Demonical, Infernal
(from Sanskrit dictionary)
mleccha Asura (meaning)
(from Sanskrit dictionary)
1 A barbarian,a non
Aryan ( One not speaking Asura
the Sanskrit Language or 1 An evil spirit,demon
not conform in to Hindu
2 A general name for the
or Aryan institutions),a
enemies of Gods,
foreigner in general
In the next part of the
2 An Outcast, a very low
series, we shall critically
man, Bodhayana thus
examine the claim of
defines the word:
Prophet Muhammad in
gomAmsakhAdako yastu Vedas.
viruddhaM bahubhAshhate
| sarvAchAravihInashcha
mlechchha ityabhidhiiyate

He who eats cow’s meat,

and speaks a lot against
shastras and he, who is
also devoid of all forms of
spiritual practice, is called

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 15

Prophet in Hindu Scriptures
Vedas (Part 3)

Let us now critically “Krishna” in Mahabharat

examine the claim of or Vedas, it does not mean,
Muhammad in Vedas. they prophesise about Lal
You can read the Krishna Advani! By that
original article at http:// logic, Bible prophesises about all people born with
php?option=com_content name George and Islamic
&view=article&id=201&It texts about people named
emid=131 Muhammad, Ali etc!
Let me declare at outset I shall not dwell into the
that Vedas contain no concept of Vedas being
history or geography beyond prophecies, history
whatsoever and contain and geography in this
description of fundamental analysis. On contrary, we
principles governing life shall prove that even if we
and universe in a variety of assume Vedas to contain
manner. There are indeed prophecies, that can no
names of several historical way be associated with
persons in Vedas. But Prophet Muhammad,
that does not mean that unless IRF believes that
Vedas prophesise those Prophet Muhammad was
people. It only means a mass murderer and
that those words were protector of cows, as we
popular and people chose shall see later. And if
to adopt these names. If indeed they believe so, let
we find mention of word them issue a world-wide

fatwa to start donating Sukta. Kuntap means the
cows, stop eating beef and consumer of misery and
admitting that Prophet troubles. Thus meaning
Muhammad killed the the message of peace and
entire population of safety and if translated in
Mecca! Just as they would Arabic means Islam.
be issuing a fatwa that
Prophet Muhammad was
a ghost/demon incarnate 1. By this logic, all books
in name of Tripurasur (as of spiritualism and self-
per Bhavishya Puran). help and their content
Going further, they should would mean Islam!
also then accept the Because Peace and
theory of rebirth! removal of misery are
the primary goals of any
I shall quote the text
spiritual text on self-help
published at IRF website
as “IRF:” and the analysis
of the same as “Analysis:” 2. Considering that
Vedas came way before
The actual meanings of
Muhammad founded
the mantras will be quotes
Islam, this only means
as “Actual:”
that whatever peaceful
1. Prophet Muhammad or good was brought by
(pbuh) Prophesised in Muhammad in Islam
Atharvaveda was actually already a
part of Vedic traditions.
And that the word Islam
In the 20th book of was already existing
Atharvaveda Hymn 127 way before Muhammad
Some Suktas (chapters) adapted it to name his
are known as Kuntap cult.

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 17

It is welcoming that 96:
Muslims are now
“The first house (of
acknowledging that they
worship) appointed for
owe their peacefulness
men was that at Bakkah
to Vedas. I hope they
(Makkah) full of blessings
would take this journey of
and of guidance and for
seeking truth even further
all kinds of beings”. Thus
and completely embrace
Kuntap stands for Makkah
the Vedas to reach their
or Bakkah.
original roots.
1. Which dictionary states
Kuntap also means hidden
that Kuntaap means
glands in the abdomen.
hidden glands in the
These mantras are called
so probably because their
true meaning was hidden 2. Further, even if it means
and was to be revealed in so, as researched by Dr
future. Its hidden meaning Naik, how does it link with
is also connected with the navel? In abdomen, all
navel or the middle point other organs are hidden
of this earth. Makkah is inside – liver, stomach,
called the Ummul Qur’a intestine etc. It is only the
the mother of the towns navel which is not hidden!
or the naval of the earth.
3. The third line of IRF
In many revealed books
quote obviously refers to
it was the first house of
Islamic belief of earth
Divine worship where God
being flat, and Muhammad
Almighty gave spiritual
being born in centre of
nourishment to the world.
the earth! But as per
The Qur’an says in Surah
Vedas and modern science,
Ali-Imran chapter 3, verse

earth is almost spherical The story of Mecca being
and hence all points on it navel of earth seems
can be considered middle to indicate that there
point. was a grand statute of
reclining Vishnu there with
4. Had Mecca (Makkah)
Brahma coming to from
been on Equator, perhaps
his navel, as indicated by
some credibility could
certain researches. This
have been attached to IRF
is a popular Hindu image
claims. But as per modern
and may have led to story
science, in a non-flat
of Mecca being navel of
world, Mecca lies at 21-29
earth, in dark ages.)
N. It is not even on Tropic
of Cancer! But no way, can Kuntaap
be implied to mean
(The importance given
to Mecca in Islam is
because of historical 5. The logic of IRF is
reasons dating prior to fabulous:
advent of Islam. The
Kuntaapa = abdominal
worship of Mecca was so
glands = navel = center
popular that Muhammad
= center of the earth =
could not have spread
Islam by opposing it. So
a religion that claims to hence, Kuntaapa = Mecca
worship only the shapeless,
Let’s use IRF logic on
omnipresent Allah would
Islam itself and see where
still seek to face Mecca
it leads us:
and visit it at least once to
get passport to Paradise. Poison = Death = Rest =
As per some historical Peace = Islam
researches, there was a
Hindu temple in Mecca. hence, Poison = Islam

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 19

So from IRF evidence to camel in Vedas, and
itself, there is cold, hard chose to interpret them,
proof that Islam is as per their own agenda,
Poison! as would soon be evident.
Readers can review the
Griffith translation of
Several people have these mantras at http://
translated these Kuntap
Suktas like M. Bloomfield, hin/av/av20127.htm and
Prof. Ralph Griffith, decide themselves. They
Pandit Rajaram, Pandit can review translations
Khem Karan, etc. of other scholars
mentioned by IRF and
check truth themselves.
1. Of the translators We shall provide excerpts
mentioned by IRF, two are from translation by
western indologists who Pandit Khem Karan as
had their own Christian illustration. You can
agenda. They can no way check them at http://
be considered relevant for www.aryasamajjamnagar.
understanding of Vedas. org/atharvaveda_v2/
2. But interestingly, even
they talk of nothing 3. In their pursuit of
even remotely related to searching mantras with
Muhammad or Mecca reference to camel, IRF
in the alleged verses. made another blunder. The
The only common point Kuntaap Sukta appear at
perhaps is the word camel. end of Atharvaveda and
It seems that IRF team are not considered to be
frantically searched for part of Veda Samhita,
various mantras referring but merely an addendum

(Khil Bhaag or Appendix) He is a camel-riding Rishi,
by many scholars. This is whose chariot touches the
the only portion in entire heaven.
Vedas that have such
Mantra 3
a difference in opinion
among scholars. Had IRF He is Mamah Rishi who is
chosen any other Sukta/ given a hundred gold coins,
Hymn in more than 20000 ten chaplets (necklaces),
mantras of Vedas, they three hundred good steeds
would have been much and ten thousand cows.
safer. Thus Kuntaap which
Mantra 4
IRF proved to mean
“safe” is not that safe Vachyesv rebh. ‘Oh! ye
to defend their claim of who glorifies’.
Muhammad in Vedas!
Mantra 1
The main points mentioned
in the Kuntap Suktas i.e. Actual Meaning
in Atharvaveda book 20 (Pandit Khem Karan):
Hymn 127 verses 1-13 Narashanshah or the
are: praised one shall be
praised. O Kauram – one
Mantra 1 who dwells happily on
earth, we shall receive
He is Narashansah or the
60090 kinds of gifts from
praised one (Muhammad).
those brave ones who have
He is Kaurama: the prince
destroyed violent ones.
of peace or the emigrant,
who is safe, even amongst Mantra 2, 3
a host of 60,090 enemies.
Actual Meaning (Pandit
Mantra 2 Khem Karan): His chariot

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 21

has twenty fast-moving Now let us enjoy the IRF
camels and she-camels. research magic!
He donated 100 gold
coins, 10 garlands, 300
horses and 10000 cows to The Sanskrit word
deserving people. Narashansah means ‘the
praised one’, which is the
literal translation of the
Mantra 4 Arabic word Muhammad
Actual Meaning (Pandit
Khem Karan): Keep Analysis:
preaching in the manner
1. The Arabic term b-ismi-
a bird chirps on a tree
llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
laden with fruits till death
which is uttered before
every verse of Quran
So far, nothing seems odd is literal translation of
about the meanings given “Dayanand ki Jai”. Does
by IRF or other scholars. it mean that Quran sings
The only differences is glory of Dayanand? Now
that certain terms have Dayanand has been the
subtly been introduced strongest critic of Quran
to set the context for ever. So does it mean
proving Muhammad in that Quran admits that
these mantras. In modern Dayanand is right?
parlance, this technique is
2. Again this is nothing
called covert persuasion.
but Poison = Death = Rest
Note that so far nothing
= Peace = Islam, hence
hints at Muhammad
Islam = Poison ( we shall
except that there is a
keep revisiting this logic
mention of camel!
wherever IRF uses the

same logic as well) migrated from Makkah
to Madinah, has been
replicated by millions
The Sanskrit word throughout the history.
Kaurama means ‘one who One can hardly name a
spreads and promotes historically famous person
peace’. The holy Prophet who becomes famous
was the ‘Prince of Peace’ without moving around!
and he preached equality Krishna migrated from
of human kind and Vrindawan to Mathura
universal brotherhood. and then to Dwarka.
Kaurama also means an Also Krishna has several
emigrant. The Prophet meanings which mean
migrated from Makkah ‘promoter of peace’ and
to Madinah and was thus ‘praised one’. So this verse
also an Emigrant. equally applies to him as
3. Again the logic is same:
1. Kaurama means ‘one
Poison = Death = Rest =
who dwells peacefully
Peace = Islam
on earth’. Now history is
evident of how peaceful IRF:
has Prophet’s life been,
He will be protected from
how many peaceful battles
60,090 enemies, which
he waged, how peacefully
was the population of
he conquered Mecca and
how peaceful is Islamic
concept of brotherhood Analysis:
for non-believers in Quran/
From which census
did IRF find out this
2. The way Prophet population figure? Or is

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 23

yet another revelation? 2. The mantra talks about
a king who is a Kshatriya
and not a Brahman. So
The Prophet would ride the relevant excerpt from
a camel. This clearly Manu is not applicable in
indicates that it cannot be first place.
an Indian Rishi, since it is
3. Vedas nowhere prohibit
forbidden for a Brahman
camel-ride for anyone.
to ride a camel according
to the Sacred Books of 4. Manu Smriti has been
the East, volume 25, written much after Vedas.
Laws of Manu pg. 472. So evidence of Manu
According to Manu Smirti Smriti is not applicable
chapter 11 verse 202, “A in first place. Also the
Brahman is prohibited particular shloka from
from riding a camel or an Manu Smriti is considered
ass and to bathe naked. He a later day interpolation
should purify himself by by many scholars. In fact
suppressing his breath”. half of the Manu Smriti
is considered interpolated
because it is against
1. The mantra says the Vedas, which Manu
allegorically that the himself declares to be
chariot of the king will most supreme.
have twenty male and
5. But even if we agree
female camels. Even if
to this shloka of Manu
we take it literally, did
Smriti, it is not applicable
Muhammad ever travel
or relevant in context
on such a camel-chariot?
of given mantras of
And is Prophet the only
Atharvaveda. Further
camel-rider on earth ever
the shloka simply states
in history?

that if a Brahman has Arabic word. Actually
to ride on a camel, he shas the same meaning
can purify himself by and somewhat similar
doing Pranayam. It does pronunciation as the word
not say that Brahman Muhammad (pbuh).
is banned from riding
camel. And the mantra
or the entire Sukta has 1. The word “Mamahe”
no reference to Brahman is used in the 3rd
whatsoever. It talks about mantra of 127th sukta
battle and war, which is of Atharvaveda and not
prerogative of Kshatriya “Mamah”. There is a
and not Brahman, as per world of difference as we
traditional Manu system. will see in next point. The
derivation as given by IRF
is their own independent
This mantra gave the research not corroborated
Rishi’s name as Mamah. by any text on grammar.
No rishi in India or
2. The word ‘Mamahe’ has
another Prophet had this
been used as a verb here,
name Mamah which is
meaning “We give” and
derived from Mah which
NOT a noun.
means to esteem highly,
or to revere, to exalt, etc. 3. Further the word has
Some Sanskrit books been used in plural and
give the Prophet’s name not singular. So it can not
as ‘Mohammad’, but denote a singular person
this word according to by wildest stretch of
Sanskrit grammar can imagination.
also be used in the bad
4. If the word ‘Mamahe’
sense. It is incorrect to
has to mean a noun
apply grammar to an

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 25

‘Muhammad’ in this 100 in number initially.
mantra, the mantra Some biographers do hint
becomes meaningless. at 40 followers, but 100
Because ‘Mamahe’ is the seems to be another new
ONLY verb in the entire revelation. Refer http://
mantra. And no sentence
can have any meaning islam/history/prophet.htm
without presence of even a
Thus this is the Prophetic
single verb!
imagination taken too far!
He is given 100 gold
The 10 chaplets or
coins, which refers to the
necklaces were the 10 best
believers and the earlier
companions of the Holy
companions of the Prophet
Prophet (pbuh) known as
during his turbulent
Ashra-Mubbashshira (10
Makkan life. Later on
bestowed with good news).
due to persecution they
These were foretold in this
migrated from Makkah
world of their salvation
to Abysinia. Later when
in the hereafter i.e. they
Prophet migrated to
were given the good news
Madinah all of them
of entering paradise by
joined him in Madinah.
the Prophet’s own lips and
Analysis: after naming each one he
said “in Paradise”. They
1. Suddenly, gold coins
were Abu Bakr, Umar,
have turned into believers
Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubair,
with Prophet in his Mecca
Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf,
Saad bin Abi Waqqas,
2. No text of Islam states Saad bin Zaid and Abu
that his followers were Ubaidah (May Allah be

well-pleased with all of was a unique victory in
them). the history of mankind
in which there was no
blood shed. The 10,000
1. What made IRF companions were pious
think that necklace and compassionate like
can mean companions? cows and were at the same
Merely the fact that 10 time strong and fierce and
companions of Prophet are described in the Holy
are very famous in Islamic Quran in Surah Fatah:
folklores? Almost all
“Muhammad is the
Prophets of Islam roamed
Messenger of Allah;
in desert and hence were
and those who are with
camel riders.
him are strong against
2. So why can’t this mean unbelievers, (but)
Ten Commandments of compassionate amongst
Moses, by same logic! each other.”

IRF: [Al-Qur’an 48:29]

The Sanskrit word Go is Analysis:

derived from Gaw which
1. This is yet another
means ‘to go to war’. A
research of Dr Naik that
cow is also called Go
‘Go’ means ‘to go to war’.
and is a symbol of war
‘Go’ indeed means a lot of
as well as peace. The
things in various mantras
10,000 cows refer to
depending on the context –
the 10,000 companions
Cow, Earth, Moving Body
who accompanied the
etc. But in the current
Prophet (pbuh) when he
context, where the subject
entered Makkah during
is of donation, the obvious
Fateh Makkah which
meaning is ‘Cow’.

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 27

Donation of Cow has 10000 companions of
been a longstanding Vedic Muhammad with cow. If
tradition still practiced they mean cow, then cow
and respected. All Vedic cannot mean ‘to go at war’
legends were preservers in this mantra. Because
and protectors of cow. All the same word cannot
noble Vedic kings were mean two completely
known to donate cows. different things in same
Cow forms the backbone context.
of Vedic civilization and
3. If indeed Muslims
consider cows to be
This is where IRF comes compassionate and pious,
in tight spot. Because as described in IRF
contrary to donating article, what makes them
cows, Muhammad and kill these cows in name
his followers till today of Allah? What makes
are known to be the Muhammad a cow-killer if
biggest tribe of cow- that be so?
killers. They take pride in
4. In fact in this mantra,
killing cows in Id. Thus,
to make sense in lines
this reference to donating
of IRF propaganda,
10000 cows is sufficient
Go has to mean three
enough to prove the most
things – to go at war (a
sceptic mind that these
verb), symbol of peace
mantras have anything
and symbol of war, all at
even remotely to do with
the same time! It has to
Prophet Muhammad or
be a verb and a noun at
any of his predecessors or
the same time! Because
‘Mamahe’ the only verb
2. It is even more hilarious in the mantra has been
to see the comparison of deliberately interpreted

as a noun in this mantra r-raḥīm is another way of
by IRF experts. Thus this saying “Dayanand ki Jai!”
would have to be the only
Battle of the Allies
sentence of its kind in
described in the Vedas.
history of language where
a word is a verb and two IRF:
nouns at same time, and
It is mentioned in
another word which is
Atharvaveda Book XX
supposed to be a verb is
Hymn 21 verse 6, “Lord
now a noun.
of the truthful! These
Sounds confusing, right? liberators drink these
But then confusion alone feats of bravery and the
can breed such blinded inspiring songs gladdened
theories! thee in the field of battle.
When thou renders
vanquished without
This mantra calls the fight the ten thousand
Prophet as Rebh which opponents of the praying
means one who praises, one, the adoring one.”
which when translated into
This Prophecy of the
Arabic is Ahmed, which is
Veda describes the well-
another name for the Holy
known battle of Ahzab
Prophet (pbuh).
or the battle of the Allies
Analysis: during the time of Prophet
Muhammed. The Prophet
Again the same logic of
was victorious without an
1. Poison = Death = Rest actual conflict which is
= Peace = Islam mentioned in the Qur’an in
Surah Ahzab:
=> Poison = Islam
“When the believers saw
2. b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 29

the confederate forces they Khem Karan): “O
said, “This is what Allah Protector of Truthful!
and His Messenger had You have been pleased
promised us and Allah by those brave ones who
and His Messenger told produce bliss, by acts of
us what was true.” And bravery and noble passion
it only added to their in wars against the
faith and their zeal in enemies. Through smart
obedience.” action oriented zeal, ten
thousand enemies have
[Al-Qur’an 33:22]
been defeated without
The Sanskrit word karo resistance.”
in the Mantra means the
1. If indeed it means
‘praying one’ which when
Battle of Ahzab, why is
translated into Arabic
the number of soldiers in
means ‘Ahmed’, the
Prophet’s army not given?
second name of Prophet
Muhammed (pbuh). 2. The phrase Dash Sahsra
or its variants are used in
The 10,000 opponents
several places in Vedas to
mentioned in the Mantra
signify a large number or
were the enemies of the
Prophet and the Muslims
were only 3000 in number. 3. There is no word as
‘Karo’ in the mantra. The
The last words of the
closest sounding word in
Mantra aprati ni bashayah
the mantra is “Karave’
means the defeat was
which DOES NOT mean
given to the enemies
praying one’. It means
without an actual fight.
‘for the action-oriented’.
Analysis: NO name of Muhammad
means ‘action-oriented’.
Actual Meaning (Pandit

So any connection no 9:
with Muhammad is
“You have O Indra,
categorically ruled out.
overthrown 20 kings
4. The mantra refers to and 60,099 men with an
spiritual battle where the outstripping Chariot wheel
mind destroys innumerable who came to fight the
varieties of negative praised one or far famed
thoughts through practice (Muhammad) orphan.”
and meditation of positive
The population of Makkah
things in life. And hence
at the time of Prophet’s
the victory is bloodless.
advent was nearly 60,000.
The sukta can also be
There were several clans
interpreted to explain
in Makkah each having
strategies of war. But no
its own chief. Totally there
way does it, or any mantra
were about 20 chiefs to
in Vedas refers to any kind
rule the population of
of history.
Makkah. An Abandhu
IRF team is advised to meaning a helpless man
consult the Vedic experts who was far-famed and
to understand the hidden ‘praised one’. Muhammad
treasures and deep (pbuh) overcame his
essence of Vedic mantras enemies with the help of
and come back to their God.
original roots, rejecting
the falsehood.
1. There is no census data
to validate that Mecca had
The enemies’ defeat in the a population of 60,000 in
conquest of Makkah is Muhammad’s era except
mentioned in Atharvaveda IRF research based on
book 20 Hymn 21 verse their own revealed sources.

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 31

2. Literal translation of to have fought for a few
this mantra means that hours, as per Islamic
60000 plus enemies experts. And not more
and their 20 kings were than 10 leaders are known
crushed under the chariots. to have participated
By this logic, there should from Meccan side. Thus
be 60,000 soldiers in neither the number 20,
the battlefield. If that be nor 60000 in mantra has
so, it means that entire any reference to this tiny
population of Mecca battle.
fought against Muhammad
4. This sukta actually
and were killed by him. If
details spiritual battle
that be so, if this mantra
in the mind as is evident
be a true Prophecy,
from other mantras in the
Muhammad cannot be
sukta. The same strategies
a symbol of peace. On
can be extended to
contrary, it proves that
external war as well. But it
Muhammad carried out
has no inkling of relation
a mass genocide of entire
with any tribal war.
Mecca population because
they refused to accept him And if still, it is assumed
as their dictator! Then, to have so, it only means
Islam remains a religion Muhammad was a mass-
of peace only in Arabic killer. IRF experts can
dictionary, and not in decide what they want to
reality! accept.
3. In reality, this Balttle of III. Muhammad (pbuh)
Mecca was as small tribal prophesised in the Rigveda
battle where 900-1000
soldiers and 300 soldiers
of Islam have supposed A similar prophecy is also

found in Rigveda Book I, which only denigrate
Hymn 53 verse 9: him. Their research of
Muhammad in Bhavishya
The Sanskrit word used is
Puran has already proved
Sushrama, which means
him a demon and a ghost
praiseworthy or well
praised which in Arabic
means Muhammad (pbuh). IV. Muhummad (pbuh)
is also prophesised in the
1. Literally translated,
the meaning is similar to
previous verse, implying Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad carried a (pbuh) is also prophesised
mass-genocide of 60000 in the Samveda Book II
plus people to rule Mecca Hymn 6 verse 8:

2. Sushravasa means a “Ahmed acquired from

good listener or a reliable his Lord the knowledge
friend in this mantra, of eternal law. I received
nothing to do with light from him just as from
Muhammad. the sun.” The Prophecy
3. Even if its means well
praised, it only means The name of the Prophet
that Muhammad was as Ahmed since Ahmed
well-praised by his men is an Arabic name. Many
for carrying carnage of translators misunderstood
60000 people of Mecca! it to be Ahm at hi and
translated the mantra as
It is in best interest of
“I alone have acquired
IRF to not harp on such
the real wisdom of my
attempts to discover
Muhammad in Vedas

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 33

Prophet was given eternal becomes ‘d’. For example,
law, i.e. the Shariah. ‘Sat’ + ‘Aachaar’ =
“SaDaachaar”. ‘Hi’ means
The Rishi was enlightened
by the Shariah of Prophet
Muhammad. The Qur’an 3. If indeed Vedas
says in Surah Saba predicted word ‘Ahmad’
chapter 34 verse 28 which is Arabic word, does
it mean Arabic is older
“We have not sent
than Vedic Sanskrit?
thee but as a universal
(Messenger) to men, 4. If Vedas could predict
giving them glad tidings upto ‘Ahmad’ and
and warning them (against number of his armymen
sin), but most men and companion, what
understand not.” prevented Vedas from
predicting his actual name
“Muhammad”? Why did
This is laughing Jehad at Allah create so much
its best. The aim to kill of confusion? Had he
infidels by making them simply put the biography
laugh like anything. of Muhammad in a few
mantras clearly spelling
1. I tried my best to
his name, crores of people
locate this mantra in the
would have been convinced
Samaveda but could not.
of Prophet’s coming and
Maybe if they can provide
would have prevented
the exact mantra, that
themselves from going to
would help.
Hell! Allah must be crazy
2. ‘Aham At Hi’ is as per IRF research, then!
authentic Sanskrit way
General Analysis
of expression. And in
joining of words, ‘t’ 1. If indeed Vedas have

prophecy on Muhammad, before he gave them birth
why are they not in one on earth! Does it not
place. In an ocean of make Allah unjust and
20000 mantras, there biased?
are only 7 mantras
3. If indeed Vedas could
about Prophet, the most
predict Muhammad and
important topic of the
his life, why is IRF and
Vedas who would change
Muslim world shy about
the entire structure of
embracing Vedas as Books
Vedic concept topsy-
of God? Why he has to
turvy! These too are
write in FAQ on Hinduism
distributed randomly and
that Vedas may or MAY
none clearly spelled the
NOT be book of God?
name of Muhammad. They
only mean Muhammad 4. And if Vedas can predict
in same way as Islam Muhammad, and they talk
means Poison. Was it that of concepts which clearly
Allah was still confused contradict Quran, which
about the name of his last one should be believed?
After all Quran was
2. If indeed Vedas predict written 20 years after
that Muhammad would Muhammad’s death, there
kill so many people and was no oral tradition of
make 10 his companion, memorizing and protecting
it means that Allah had Quran in Muhammad’s
already decided that times and his favorite
these people would be followers were fighting
killed by Muhammad and of each others’ lives after
dispatched to Hell. He had Muhammad died! So how
pre-decided the fate of can we trust Quran to be
these people millenniums authentic?

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 35

But Vedas have an oral I appeal to all my lost
tradition since its inception friends – IRF, Dr Zakir
and inbuilt mechanism to Naik, his friends and his
prevent any interpolation followers - to explore
of even a syllable. So the real praiseworthy, the
they are definitely the real Narashansah in the
most protected books of Vedas, the Ishwar and
the world. So should not reject false prophecies
IRF, Dr Zakir Naik and about false prophets. Such
his followers return to falsehood can only trap
their roots which are so you in your own mistaken
accurate, unchanged and notions in same way as
so strong in predicting this falsehood has trapped
future? you logically without any
room for escape.
Further, they predict
Muhammad as nothing I appeal to them to stop
but mass-murderer, by believing in and spreading
IRF’s own research in myths and return back to
Vedas! Their research in their original path – the
Bhavishya Puran proved path of Truth and Reason!
him to be a ghost or
Only then can peace be on
demon called Tripurasur
him (pbuh)!
who is supposed to bring
lot of nuisance in the
world! (Kindly refer to
previous part of this

They say that lie has no

feet! Hence it gets you


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