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1. Define Multiplexing.
2. What are the different types of topology?
3. What is ENQ/ACK?
4. What is meant by error control.
5. Define Addressing? Give an example.
6. Differentiate IP4 and IP6 Protocol?
7. Write short notes on UDP.
8. Write short notes on Session Layer Issues.
9. Write the URL Format?
10. Differentiate B-Channel and D-Channel in ISDN.

11.a)Explain the different types of Multiplexing in Detail.

b) Write about Circuit ,Packet and Message Switching in Detail.

12.a)Explain the architecture of OSI Model Layer

b)Write in detail about HDLC.

13.a)(i)Write about the Addressing in Detail.

(ii)Explain about Routing Issues.

b)Explain about the Architecture of IPv6 Protocol.

14.a)Write about the Encryption/Decryption Methods in Detail.

b)Write in detail about MHS,FTAM and VT in Detail.

15.a)Explain about ISDN, Features of Broadband ISDN.

b)(i) Explain about HTTP
(ii)Write about ATM Concepts.

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