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Fxrrcl*r S?-Senl*lsn, Rcflsxtg,.,, l{a lntg slrnr rerlr, drtm llr hlbuHrg hnrnl

. M$DALIWdrc produo,lion of r rpsdfia
rmrrfron upon rtnulrton of r rprdfia rucaptor,
" FR6JEeTION-fic rdgnmrnt of r rcmrton by
tr bnln b.okb lL souras
'1, llhrn ln fllr ln|a dnlr ycur srHdcu$r|t tffi? . ADAFTATfSft{4rc Foco* {nt produc* a
rhoft'trrm ffinr h rrrponCvrnrn ol r rcnmr

1 Lsriiffgtr*lltmlill#hrthrrrpNo*; + Lbtlhrbrh*rFrofrrln$rnlrrrrel$ntlu
==+ Flrgt,g€Rs€ry Reurofi eanlee ffi€*s€ges
fiom reeefiore to tfte 6N$,
6- Meiesnele eorpueeie :+in thc eHS, intcgretion seourc ln
b, ireei nia n eorpr.ree{e. iRtemeuroRe
* Thgn, a motor neuron carriea ffFsBage8
fromtfie 6NS to the effeetor*.
* Finally, effeetors (a muscle or gland)
responds to nerve Bignals by producing
movemeni or ehemicaie.

& llil {h.r ilr. pil.h ?rn* *fr ficm ilr F$[.l? t*ndlarb uhdr.r ftr frllcrlrtgrdmr rn
nfr* durhllnofromornllrrr

. r, brbywrilng r dlrpr, Raflex

Fatclla refiex ie e str€tch reflcx, giiffiG. b. brrldngrcrrbryoldrnrcd$nt Rcaetion
Pupillary retlex ie an autonomic refler, c. wffidrmtng pur hrnd fom r hot.tovt
rurlle. Reflex
d, Snrrzlng, Rellax
c. Wlvlng b r lflmd rcros Urc Scrt, Reaeiion

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