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Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Goverment Cade Sectons 84200-84216.) SKE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE {ype oF print In ink, whe ZV ey Pod Go COVERPAGE city) ‘Statement covers period trom ifr [po10 through £9}32 [900 [Bato of election if applicant: nfosteoo | & (onth, Day, Year) For Offi Use Only Grom Tr Type of Recipient Committee: ati conmitace ~ Completa Part 4,2.2, and 4. 2 ‘Type of Statement: reelection Ststerert Cy Officeholder, Candgate Convolled Commitee Primarly Feemed Ballot Measure a uartery Statement (Q Slate Canaidate Election Commitee Commitee D7 Sembannuat siatement Gy Speciat O4d-vear Report ‘Q Recat ‘QContties Termination satement Bi Supplemental Preeecton ea conoss Pon) Q Sponsored, {Ase fle a Form 410 Termination) Statement = Ach Form 498 General Purpose Commitee om 1D) Amensment (Explain below) Q Sponserea © Smat Cenmbuter Commitee © Poitical Pany’Ceniral Committee 1G Primarily Formed Cancicate! Ofcehelder Commitee (sccanpuieesT ‘Committee information (23081) Treasurer(s) ‘TovmaTTEE Wane TOR CANIDATES RANE F WO COMMITTEE SOPPERT CLALTM AV] FehOreS- 455 on Madsuns CL Tan OF RESTA TD. crash fa Yoes Car MibL DA CARROT, ca Gey) SRT SORE OE FO TOT a a Yoss one Hebe DO. _ ChAne mou r he GNI GOGLINA TP a SG TOOE Re COCR Ca SS RecA C LACE Mow TF en 71) 16239 _ nena Sepak SS AS OF OU PERENT SET ORE maura oe ous w. n& sz ay Sar a woot aren COREE oF SE a £00. $a aE SREB AIT J foone e lecsnentpsseutish. t% Co createdon Lofos | gg 10 ‘Sree on Executed on om SFA Cay STS EE ERAT FRC Farm 460 amuse) PPC TollFrae Helpline: SGNASKEPPC (BSUETESTIE Stanat cain * Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page ‘SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE, ‘aM OF FER SUPPORT ¢ rann moor Seteohs-ys5 On ‘Type oF print te ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. msdsene cs “Statement covers period from Ot /e) [8010 rough 22/32/8212 SUMMARY PAGE CAUFORNA AGO) Page of B__ io. NUMBER 133061 Contoutons Receives wee, EE [iwrcscnno sce banarean 1. Manny Contibtns sowsununes ¢ @,039" 5 6.0997 [SemerElecions 2. Loans Received ‘Schade B, Line 3 S —_— . " 3, SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS. Adstinesi+2 § —20,0%D 3 W007 | 2. Gonmouions 4, Nonmenetary Contbutions Serediectne? — _B. SDE 21. Expenditures 5, TOTALCONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED pattiens<4 § — Gt. 87 Made $s. Expenditures Made - Expenditure Limit Summary for State 6. Payments Made sereaaee tims J le B46 Candidates 7. Loans Made ee a 8, SUBTOTALCASH PAYMENTS seauness+7 § 100,490 _ 2 cists nnnyearnsuse 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bils) Sete 3 = ate of Becton ‘ea wale 10. Nonmanetary Adjusiment ‘Scheele €, Une 3 = (mewvasiyy) ‘1, TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE sssunessro+10 5 |e, 96 _— $ _ Current Cash Statement a 12. Beginning Cash Balance... Pro Sumy Poe 16 § S| ye cette Cota 8, 20 13. Cash Receipts einen Unesatom 4G, 03° _ | araurisin Cahir Ato the 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash semaines ___@ | ram Cour Baryourtast_| “reer ngs sekun may beret tom amas 15. Cash Payment cokins Uneseboe Lie, BG _ |} [ena Some amounts in {8.ENDNGCASHEALANCE atari 100 12 toasindinn s § E1403)" | toes tls be {Nis ie teminsion statement, Line 16 must be ze Dead amounts. ths the strep being led 17, LOAN GUARANTEES RECEWED..... Semoun 9, Pas § __-@»_ |S mis catandatyear only Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts Sy ee > 7 an 98 18. Cash Equivatents. ‘See instrctons an reverse $ a 19, Outstanding Dabis ‘had Line 2 4 Line 9in Colum B above $ aa FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Tollfree Helpline BIASKFPPC (OeI2759772) ‘ype oF in ink coveRPAGE- paar? TT aL Page ot B_ Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page —Part 2 5, Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee ‘Uo OF OFFICEHOLDER GR CARDONE TRE OF ERLOT SORE Miresvee eb {FFICE SOUGHT OR WELD GNELUGE LOCATION AND EISTRICT NUMBER F APPLICABLE) ALLOTNO.ORLETTER JURSOTETION Remo eh Chana MOWT, L.A. |B oreose ‘RESIOENTATEUSINESS ADDRESS (NO ANG REET) GY sm Identity the controlling offcaholder, candidate, or stats measure proponent, any. 'NAE OF OFFICENOLDER, CANOIOATE, OR PROPONENT Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: List any commitess {20 included In tis statement that ae contol by you or are primally formed te receive ‘OFFICE SOUGHT OR WELD RSTICE HO. AY Contributions or maka expenditures on boa of your eancidacy. SoNTEE NAME To NONBER SEU ESR EE OSO*«T-=Prlmarily Formed Candidate/Otficeholder Committee List names of TOKE OF TREASURER [CONTROLLED CONBITTERT ‘tfcenolders) or eandidate(s) for which thie commitee fe primarly formed. Os On ‘Sou TEEGORESS STREET ADRESS HOF. BOK) TRE OF CFFICETOLUER OR CANDIDATE _[OFFCE SOUGHT ORHELO J oT Di oppose, aw STE a COE “BRER CODERCONE ‘NAaE OF OFFICENOLDER OR CANDIOATE | OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ‘ce sous 1D surporr i Borrose. ‘Comurreenane io. woMBER oun iiunresee t WANE OF OFFICEFOLDER OR CANDIDATE [OFFICE SOUGHT ORREO Sopa Gl orpose WANE OF TREASURER CONTROTED COMMITTEE? NANE OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANGIOATE [OFFICE SOUGHT ORHELO Soop Ove O10 Oosrece ‘TORINTEEADORESS —STREETABORESS OF. BO _ L = 00 RR CORE ‘Attach continuation shoots if necessary PC Form ato (sanuary96) lino: SSEINSK-EP PE (esra7eaT72) ‘State of Calne PPC Tele Hal Schedule A Typ0 oF print In ink, SCHEDULE A Monetary Contributions Received Amer whole dolar Statement covers sured PURELY (ay) tom 21Jos( ae ea ‘nrous 4 12 "ag SEE WNSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE wousn 2 1362010 | rage Yt B ane OFFER i wer $3 CORT ChatEmenT seterhS- Yas ow madsuer ch 1 3309!! care | FuLL ane, stReeT sponess xo uP CODE oF CONTRIBUTOR] conrawuTOR| okeSownonancENcieren | necENermas | “CAENOMRYEA | TouNE negane ° cone" | eeuenet a ammioe senion Gn 'eoeesy | oF RecuIREO) ae Z Tne ZLEwelsine A mMowpy odee}io| + y com - Heo 10 | ne en a 45,0007 | s,000 ay Ger PASO, CH GIO! gery ano Wo ts Fed Graup Tre, Cicou . eafeaho | Wem. Few | Hom | ¢s0 e. roligul aso aso Gb) mary Phe Gey | Pomona cr «ie Crhrimoy 1, oF gist Bsce Tom prasecon ae ela ho | 137 meee be Bom | Retired Jee loom Chaaamony aia Ge tsce a JIN lobe RLCHITEETS Beou 09!a4!10 | G63 Pechestee Ave, Joo gon! 25,0007 | ar,0007 Rawero Coermonos 730 sce GRD Reideet Heel cou 1 - oaleale | eo mrasnnre ler Bor Patera lee 1007 Cc ban tmovT Fai der ose SUBTOTALS 30 5450 [Ee Schedule A Summary “Canin Coder '- Amounreceivd tis rtled tized monetary contributions . 1ND inva! Include all Schedule A subtotals.) soe 7 bF, S00, OM errr acc) 2, Arwaunt received this period —niterized monetary contributions of ess than $100 $a 2 OTH oer (eg. business any) ‘Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.) ‘SCC —Srrall Contibutar Commitee tora s_ 06,0397 FPPC Form aso (Janvaryd) FPPC TollFroa Helpline: ES/ASK-FPPC (868/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) {ype or prlatin ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded ‘Statement covers period pore Se tonto, townole dollars. through 29130 feo o Tamer TecnwBeR vfPokT CLAREMONT Se oohSs 3S Di WEAse Sv 70 bi We ¥ 2 MBAS RR 133egr/ ove | MMLNwe. sree ooress moze cong or commuter counayror| otamemoun.evren, | ,_Q,, | cumumeroors | PetsiseoN active Coe | tee Ste emioo | fan? 3ec 3) | oF REQUIRED) ey \ Wrchesk Boon oe “in 5 c4fiaho . - [oe | ep ywmcnwer 90981 sem aired loo Cisce BE | Adminis dna He Tone au Seow ncn isda for . _ efiolio ey els as. Bom | caamemowr Us2 | 95b ave Go sswocer, 4/0 Cisee ot eH otsve howe Bd mins trafer _ oafwhe | ret Sandee eT: Cpanamont v3 | 900 noo — UPLAND, CH ANIGE qoMu honey Monroe Bie, | Stach bon? ofolo ye ares om | Craunll eabere | pg loo~ | Chnngoot, qraiedb > Gey | ecantearr Pieze Sarrery Bes eafaths | Soo w eoucar marh sgoo Hom asco | axe007 IniwnepPok [2m Oso Derr — i aT “Caniibalor Codes IND =Incvidsa COM-Reciplent Commitee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Otner (eg. wusiness ently) PIY-PoltiealPary ere ‘SCC Small Contr Commitee PPC Form 460 (Janwary/05) pling: BSCIASK-FPPC (866/278-3772) chedule A (Continuation Sheet) ype Qn 1 or pintinink, SCHEDULEA (CONT onetary Contributions Received Amounts may beroundes I CALIFORNIA rT ‘ovmole dlrs tom cr foi f oie rat) twrougn 29 [Bef aers 6 at Pag MECrRLEN | 10 RONBER SUPPORT CHOMIMEWT SeeLSaYES 00 maMWEL Cb rn ‘ove | PUL: HWE, STREET ADDRESS AND 73° CODE OF CONTRUTOR |conrwauTon| _oifAK NOMOUAL EATER racine | camuurwvevoosre | PERELECTION aeeiSco ‘rotor neaonennacs raguTOR) ogcusanonmacibuorer | Recaveo mas | “ealenoar exe Toowe ‘eran grote Penico Canta a | a REQUIRED) al Dino Ona | Me filceo ss Hie com ~ 444 5, TO Gorm eo | 5 ue ery ’ Sa fit Pah oe 94 90) Qscc oof | Mrchnl & dyaue Seder Btu | one " Gis we Kt sr Bom | A.A. cou hy Ftv yoo" aw C rAREMOeT G/91/ sce Pomera, IND 3, etfs | Tow naw Feom [2.6 Acdaaisse. _ Goty ChAMIN AOE or aev Reson RE, Cow soe loom Cc hAtimoeT 419K Tsce |e hatemors aw BRD afn4 T. cH PaAY com F ObIU% He Chora ‘ - - HOSs OLIVE Mine pr oer Ratvod Jeo leo Chaka moet, Feat sce STRAPLING sJoced, Conksow ots. pene ou eafao | C60 wsemer crwran "re ror Y¥,cco™ 4,200 7 1 tev Peer 82 te Fyo-6ee! Ger sce SUBTOTALS J, 400 Contributer Codes. . NO =n Soni Recent Contes {omarttan PTY e360) ITH ~ Ger (o9, business et 2ry-Poltea Pay “ 3C6~ Sia ConbtorCommite FPPC Form 469 (January) FPPC Toll-Free Heipline: BS6/ASK-FPPC (886/275-3772) “ype or print ink “Amounts my be rounded townole dollars. ‘Schedule C Nonmonetary Contributions Received ‘SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SUPPORT Chrnemonr Seteons-Yss on MEHSuKE cL SCHEQULEC 460 Page—Z_ ot S 3x0 ‘Statament covers porod tom 2/1 [pore _ trough 27/30 fag1O ery coo JF AYWONOUAL, ENTER ‘OCCUPATION AND ENPLOYER ‘weunewroven en ‘incr aves UU, NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ‘2p COUE OF CaNTRIGUTOR conrrieutoR| Par ‘cooe * recene ‘COMULATIVE TO ‘ATE. GAN 05033) PARMARKET VAWE PER ELECTION TOOK r REQUIRED) DESCRIPTION OF ‘goons 08 seevices Ono ‘oom Bom Orr sce Route. bb Falg- Tease 30 B, FoeTHe Seup Pomome, 41767 oF 3{acr0 ust orrics 4 ofrt bsco" | *ssce" ‘IND cou Gorm Dery sce Ono com Dom Der Gscc OND Gicou Gom ev sce Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheots. Schedule C Summary 11. Amount received this period ~ itemized nonmonetary contributions. (Include all Schedule C subtotals.) 2. Amount received this period — uniternized nonmonetary contributions of ess than $100, 3, Total nonmonetary cantributions received this period, (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Lines 4 and 10.) “Canibutor Codes (vO ~lodicuat SUBTOTAL S 2 5D07 $_23v0- COM Recent Commitee (atner than PTY et SCO) $s , < an 1445.6 1937 fosemourt pom phe 195% Ch AnemenT 9/1) TRWB Strate os cws Fre rin Jo, 0&6 Yoo Monteomory sf) e2e8 coe | mahamas dh Srp esas Sees" Ci ae 0, 64 Ge “ e os ra * Paymonte that ara contributions of Indepondont expenditurds must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS /6, BN ~~ Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule E subtotals... 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100 nn... sla, dou 2 a nen s___2? 3, Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column (e).) $ 4, Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3, Enter here and on the Summary Page, ColUMNA, LIN€ 6.) ..sssnevnnann TOTAL § 161 346 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC TollFreo Helpline; ERIASK-FPPC (QSEIZTSATI2}

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