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You are invited to participate in my survey regarding the ACU Gym. It will take
approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation is completely voluntary. No harm or danger will be caused to you by your
participation. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can stop or
terminate the survey at any point. Our Only motive is to know how you feel.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Preet
Panesar, Nhat Phamduy or Nadika Dharmawardena at 0424916614 or by email at the email
address specified below.

Which age category do you fall under?

 Under 20
 21 – 25
 26-31
 32 and above

What Is Your Gender

 Male
 Female

Are you currently studying?

 Full time
 Part time

Are you a member of the ACU GYM?

 Yes (Go to Section 2 )

 No (Go to Section 3 )

Section 2 – Members of the ACU Gym

How often do you visit the gym?

 Once a week
 2- 4 times a week
 4-6 times a week
 Other

Would you still use the facilities if the student discount was not offered?
 Yes
 No

If asked from a potential “member” about a good gym to join how would you
recommend the ACU GYM?

Very Strongly Strongly Average Poorly Very Poorly

What time of the day do you use the gym?

 Morning
 Afternoon
 Evening
 Night

What’s your reason for selecting the ACU GYM?

 Convenient location
 Equipment and facilities provided
 Its Reputation
 Rates charged and the student discount

Why do you use the ACU GYM?

 Peer Pressure
 Weight Loss
 Keep Up With The Current Trend
 Improve Health
 To Make New Friends

How satisfied with the following factors

(A- Very satisfied B-Satisfied C- Average D- Hardly Satisfied E- Dissatisfied)


 Weights
 Machines
 Cardio equipment
 Personal trainer
 Other equipment
Section 3 (Non-Members)

What has, is stopping you from joining the ACU Gym?

Tick one box for each factor (A-Highly likely B-Likely C-Neutral D-Unlikely E-Very

 Have kids and other family commitments
 Simply not interested
 Feel embarrassed to exercise in front of others
 Exercising is not really my cup of tea
 I rather spend the money on something else
 Medical condition
 Lack of time
 I can exercise at home for free

What additional service/s would you like to be provided with –?

 Child care
 Salad and smoothie bar
 Massages
 Haircuts
 Chiropractors
 Personal Trainers
 Group Sessions

How would you like these services to be provided?

 Individually
 In combo deals
 Custom made selections

If provided in combos what price are you willing to pay?

How likely are you to join a gym if the services mentioned were part of their program?

 Very likely
 Likely
 Unlikely
 Highly Unlikely

Are you aware of all the facilities and the student discount rate provided by the ACU

 Yes
 No

~Thank you very much for your time and


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