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Enemies of the Burmese Revolution

Total Enemies: 1315 plus

Update 13 October 2010

Release to Public
27 May 2006

Tatmadaw (Creatures from Hell invaded in Burma since 1962) is the betrayal causing miseries of Burma.
Called on the international community to investigate claims of genocide and crimes against humanity, the
Burmese citizen living in Southeast Asia on this Planet Earth has requested the World’s leaders to take
actions against the oppressive criminals in accordance with the international law at the International
Criminal Court. Fighting together to our common goal of national freedom from the Fascist Generals, the
people will have to eliminate the following military hardliners from the absolute power by 7 November

1. Dictator-King Sr-Gen Than Shwe, No. 1, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council,
USDA / USDP 2010.
2. Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye, No. 2, Vice Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, USDA /
USDP 2010.
3. Gen / U Thura Shwe Mann, No. 3, State Peace and Development Council, USDA / USDP 2010 Zeyar
Thiri Township, Naypyidaw.
4. Gen / U Thein Sein, No. 4, Prime Minister, USDA / USDP 2010 Zabu Thiri Township, Naypyidaw.
5. Gen / U Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, No. 5, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council, USDA / USDP 2010 Bobba Thiri Township, Naypyidaw.
6. Lt-Gen / U Myint Swe, rising star, USDA / USDP 2010 Seikkyi Khanaungto, Rangoon.
7. Col / U Aung Thaung, Minister of Industry (1), USDA / USDP 2010 Taungtha, Mandalay, Secretariat
member of Union Solidarity and Development Association.
8. Lt-Col/U Thaung, Minister of Science and Technology, Minister of Labour, Secretariat Member of the
Union Solidarity and Development Association, USDA / USDP 2010 Kyaukse, Mandalay.
9. Brig-Gen / U Kyaw San, Minister of Information, Secretary of USDA / USDP 2010.
10. Maj-Gen / U Htay Oo, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, General Secretary of USDA / USDP 2010
Henzada, Irrawaddy.
11. Maj-Gen / U Maung Oo, Minister of Home, Minister of Immigration and Population, USDA / USDP
2010 Tatkon, Naypyidaw.
12. Maj-Gen Khin Yi, Police Chief.
13. Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Commander in Chief of Defence Services 2010.

We all know that the 2010 Election will not benefit us, so we have to unite to fight against them.
Bee Htoo, Chief of Armed Forces
Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), 24 September 2010

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1. Brig-Gen David O. Abel, DOB: 28 February 1935, native of Maymyo, Jewish background, retired,
English tutor of Khin Nyunt, former First Managing Director of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings
Ltd., 1990. Minister of the Office of the SPDC Chairman Abel widely regarded as the most competent
economist in Burma, had the temerity to voice his opinions about economic restructuring after the 1997
financial meltdown in Asia took everybody by surprise, including Than Shwe. But the general
disapproved of Abel talking publicly about opening Burma’s economy, and his advice is no longer
welcome. Abel has been sidelined by Dr Than Nyunt, chairman of the civil service selection training
board, who has been offering economic advice to the prime minister. Others giving guidance are Eike
Htun and Sayar Kyaung, two of the most powerful and well-connected bankers in Burma, 2003. He
escaped to Israel, and was heard to be farming a small plot of land in the West Bank, October 2006.
2. Mr Kanok Abhiradee, former President, Thai Airways International, rejection of Salai Tun Than’s
passport to fly back to his homeland, June 2006.
3. Mr H. E. Nassir Bin Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Ambassador to the UN, State of Qatar and Mr Sheik Hamad
Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar. When the UNSC decided to put the situation of
Burma on its agenda, the decision was adopted by a 10-4 vote, with one abstention on 15 September
2006. (10 supported: U.S., U.K., France, Denmark, Greece, Japan, Argentina, Ghana, Peru, and
Slovakia; 4 opposed: China, Russia, Republic of the Congo and Qatar; and one abstained: Tanzania)
4. Gen Sombat Amornwiwat, Chief Police, Department of Special Investigation, Thai Justice Ministry,
abuses of Burmese people in Thailand.
5. Aye Chan Aung, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’ with a
group of anti-democracy singers.
6. U Be Aung, Manager of Myanmar Segal International Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
7. Daw Cherry Aung, Judge, Pabedan Township Court, Rangoon, sentenced Chairman U Thet Wai, NLD,
Sanchaung, Rangoon, February 2008.
8. Maj Hla Myo Aung, Commander of Infantry Battalion 68, killed 5 soldiers of Kachin Independence
Army, Namkam Township, Shan State, February 2006.
9. Capt Htay Aung, military recruitment centre in Pegu, recruited Way Yan Htet Paing, 15 years old,
January 2008.
10. Capt / U Htay Aung, Director General of Hotels and Tourism Directorate, Ministry of Hotels and
Tourism. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
11. U Htay Aung, secretary, kyant phut, Sanchaung, Rangoon, extortion of money since January 2006.
12. Brig-Gen Khin Aung, Military Intelligence (MI) who strongly suppressed Democracy Activists.
13. Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung, member of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, former Commander of
Military Operations Command 8 Tavoy, former Commander of Toungoo Station. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
14. Daw May May Aung, CEC member of National Unity Party.
15. Captain Min Thu Aung, Military Intelligence Unit 22, Kengtung, poisoned hero Sai Pha Than to death,
October 2002.
16. Mogyo Aung, Jailor, Moulmein prison, takes action on political prisoners for their activities.
17. Daw Mot Mot Myint Aung, actress, Best Supporting Actress Burma Academy Award winner 1984,
Best Actress Burma Academy Award winner 1989, 1991, 1994, and 2008, pro-military junta, artiste of
the Tatmadaw.

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18. Brig-Gen Myint Aung, DOB: 10 February 1932, BC 6917, OTS 12. He was a Commander of
Southwestern Command and member of SLORC. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
19. Brig-Gen Myint Aung, Military Attaché, Burmese Embassy in Malaysia.
20. Col Myint Aung, DOB: 11 August 1949, Managing Director of Myawaddy Trading Co. Wife: Nu Nu
Yee; sons: Nay Linn Aung (seaman) and Thiha Aung (employed by Schlumberger). His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
21. Lt-Gen Myint Aung. He was a Deputy Commander of Light Infantry Division 88, former Commander
of Southeastern Command and member of SLORC. He was one of the hardliner generals refusing to
honor the results of the 1990 Election and maintaining an iron grip on power. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
22. Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aung (a) Du Gyi (Dumb), native of Thaton, Mon, BC 13970, DSA 18,
Commander in Chief of Defence Services 2010. He was a captain of Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 2
under Light Infantry Division (LID) 44 received Thura at the battle of Maethawar against KNU 1984,
General Staff Officer 1 (GSO) under Lt-Gen Chit Swe, GSO Grade 2 at the War Office under Than
Shwe, Commander of LIB 35, Chief Instrutor of Defence Services Academy, Tactical Operations
Commander of Military Operations Command (MOC) 13 committed Christie Island Massacre 1998,
Commander of LID 22 in 1999, Commander of Southeastern Command, warlord, Commander of
Southwestern Command 2003, and Adjutant-General 2007. Wife: Than Than Nwe. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
Democracy can be prevailed in other place but never in the territory under his command, January 1989.
Myint Aung was one of the oppressive generals who supported the brutal crackdown against monk-led
protests in September 2007. When he is ordered, without using his brain he kills anybody, 2010.
23. U Myo Aung, Director of Rangoon Detention Facilities. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
24. U Myo Myint Aung, Judge, Insein prison, sentenced Ma Aye Aye Moe, philosophy student, 7-year
imprisonment (1995).
25. U Myo Myint Aung (a) Setkya Aung Pwint Gaung (a) Sayar Lay, astrologer of the Ne Win family.
26. Dr Naing Aung, 8-8-88 uprising, former chairman of ABSDF, Network for Democracy and
Development (NDD), General Secretary of Forum for Democracy in Burma, Thailand. He was
responsible for killing his own students, splitting ABSDF and diverting the fund of the students to his
associates. He is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force advocating for the oppressive military
regime’s road map and the 2010 Election.
27. U Nay Aung, Director of IGE Co Ltd., Managing Director of Aung Yee Phyoe Co Ltd. Father: ex-Col
Aung Thaung; wife: Khin Moe Nyunt. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
28. Maj Nay Myo Aung, second in command, Light Infantry Battalion 801, Light Infantry Division 66,
tortured villagers from Kaw Thay Der, Toungoo District, Karen State, May 2006.
29. Ko Nay Shwe Thway Aung (a) Pho La Pyae, Than Shwe’s favorite grandson, womanizer, drug abuser,
gangster of Elephant Tusk, a scrawny soccer fan with no discernible skills on the pitch, Director of
Yadanabon Cybercity. Mistresses: Nay Chi Lin Lei and Wut Hmone Shwe Yee. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
30. Ko Ne Aung, son of Industry (1) Minister ex-Lt Col Aung Thaung, managing director of IGE Co Ltd,
Amara Bank, one of the richest businessmen in Burma, a close crony of the military elite, on the
blacklist of sanctioned Burmese business cronies issued by the US, the EU and Australia.

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31. Col / U Nyan Tun Aung, Deputy Minister of Transport, CEC member of USDA / USDP 2010, former
CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association. Wife: Wai Wai. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
32. U Nyunt Aung, Managing Director of Myanmar Paper and Chemical Industries. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
33. U Pan Aung, Minister of Energy.
34. Dr Phyo Wai Aung, Prison Doctor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero U Kyi,
September 1994.
35. Maj Pyi Aung, Director of IGE Co Ltd. Father: ex-Col Aung Thaung; wife: Nandar Aye who is a
daughter of Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
36. Col San Aung, Deputy Strategist, Northwestern Command, Chin State.
37. Sergeant San Aung, Light Infantry Battalion 349, under Column 2 Commander Soe Tint, committed
rape against E-kyu-kee villager in Dweh-loe Township, Papun District, 6 February 2006.
38. Col / U Sein Aung, CEC member of National Unity Party.
39. Lt-Gen Sein Aung, DOB: 11 November 1931, BC 6740, OTS 10. He was a Chief of Bureau of Special
Operations 1 and member of SLORC. He was forced to retire after accusation of corruption 1997. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
40. Maj / U Set Aung, Manager, Department of Petroleum, Chauk, Magwe, asking for bribes and selling 60
barrels of gas at the black market November 2006, physical abuse March 2007, power abuse April 2008.
41. Capt Sit Lin Aung, Maj Zaw Zaw and about 50 soldiers of Infantry Battalion 605 beat up an innocent
villager Shan Ma in Thonzepauk village, Hlegu, Pegu, August 2010.
42. U Sit Taing Aung, owner of Suntac International Trading Co Ltd. Father: Aung Phone. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
43. Col Than Aung, further study in Russia 2010.
44. Kalar Than Aung, Union Solidarity and Development Association member, intimidated patients who
receive medical treatments at the clinic run by Dr Thein Lwin, the elected representative (MP) of
Meiktila Township July 2006.
45. Maj-Gen Than Aung, Director of Medical Services, Ministry of Defence. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
46. U Than Aung, Assistant Director of Press Scrutiny Office, has taken action against citizens using
computers and making print outs according to the 1962 Press Scrutiny Law, 9 March 2007.
47. U Than Aung, Chairman, Union Solidarity and Development Association, western Rangoon.
48. Lt Than Htay Aung, police prosecutor, Tamwe Township Court, Rangoon, charged against Sithu Maung
22 October 2008.
49. Brig-Gen / U Than Htut Aung, Deputy Commander of Central Command retired 2010. Wife: Moe Moe
Nwe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
50. Dr Than Htut Aung, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy Information Minister Brig-
Gen Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers, chief executive officer of the weekly Eleven
Journal. He is notorious for frequently suing the critics on his journal.
51. Brig-Gen Than Tun Aung, Commander of Regional Operations Command in Akyab. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
52. Battalion Commander Thet Htun Aung, Light Infantry Battalion 3, tortured villagers September 2002.

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53. Brig-Gen / U Thein Aung, Minister of Forestry, USDA / USDP 2010 Ingabu, Irrawaddy, former CEC
member of Union Solidarity and Development Association. Wife: Khin Htay Myint. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
54. Chief of Police Thein Aung, resignation from his job 1988.
55. U Thein Aung, Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly the Immigration and
Naturalization Service) San Francisco, California, USA, helping to get green cards (Permanent
Residents of the USA) for Burmese military generals and their families in Burma.
56. Maj Thein Htun Aung, Director General of the Department of Burma Motion Picture, Ministry of
Information, former Secretary, Board of Video Censor, issued the banning orders including Ko Zarganar
May 2006.
57. U Thein Htun Aung, Judge of Bogale Township Court, U Win Myint, Chairman of Bogale Township
Peace and Development Council, Deputy Superintendent Kyaw Soe of Kyeinchaung Police Station,
Bogale township, jailed illegally a farmer Sein Win for organizing a petition with 60 farmer’s names
stating to the authorities that they did not want to grow the compulsory dry-season paddy crop,
Nanchaung village, Bogale, Irrawaddy, 2 December 2004.
58. Ko Thein Tin Aung, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
59. Ko Thura Aung, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
60. U Tin Aung, Managing Director of Electric Power Distribution Enterprise, Ministry of Electric Power
(2). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
61. Brig-Gen / U Tin Tun Aung, Deputy Minister of Labour, USDA / USDP 2010, former Commander of
Light Infantry Division 33 Sagaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
62. Lt-Col Tun Hla Aung, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
63. U Tun Hla Aung, Rangoon city official, ordered to remove peach-colored jackets from the NLD
members at a checkpoint near Martyr’s Mausoleum, 19 July 2006.
64. Dr Tun Nay Aung, un-ethical medical physician, Phapon hospital, Irrawaddy.
65. Col Tun Tun Aung (a) Htun Htun Aung, Commander of Light Infantry Division 88 Magwe, 2010.
66. Maj Tun Zan Aung, General Manager of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings group, USDA / USDP
67. Brig-Gen Win Aung, member of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, former Commander of
Mong Hsat Station. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
68. Dagon Win Aung, DOB: 30 September 1953, native of Prome, Director of Dagon International Co Ltd,
Dagon Timber Ltd., and owner of Palm Beach Resort. Wife: Moe Mya Mya; son: Thurein Aung (a)
Christopher Aung; daughters: Ei Hnin Pwint (a) Christabelle Aung and Ei Hnin Khaing (a) Christina
Aung (UK). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
69. U Win Aung, Jailor of Block-3, notorious Insein prison, extorting money and torturing political
prisoners, March 2006.
70. U Win Aung (DOB: 28 February 1944 – deceased), native of Mergui, former Foreign Minister,
published a number of articles in The New Light of Burma under the pen name Si Thu Nyein Aye critical
of the NLD and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The U.N. and World Bank propose financial incentives for
change that then-Foreign Minister Win Aung calls “offering a banana to a monkey and asking it to
dance,” in October 1999. Editor in Chief Thaung Su Nyein of 7 Day Shopping Guide is his son. His
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family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
71. Police Yan Aung, deputy chief, Palate, Mandalay, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks and
students October 2007.
72. Brig-Gen Ye Aung, BC 16729, DSA 23, Commander of Central Command 2010, warlord, Chairman of
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council. He was a Director of Army Combact Forces
School 1 in Fort Ba Htoo.
73. U Ye Myint Aung, Burma’s Consul-General in Hong Kong. Rohingya: Ugly as ogres, February 2009.
Letter: Frankly, we have no idea whether he (John William Yettaw) is either secret agent or her (Aung
San Suu Kyi) boyfriend at this moment. We shall try to learn it and tell you later, 22 May 2010.
74. Lt-Col Zaw Min Aung, Police, Special Branch, prosecutor against Aung San Suu Kyi, 18-19 May 2009.
75. Maj-Gen Zeyar Aung, BC 16503, DSA 22, hardliner, Commander of Northern Command 2010,
warlord, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council. He was a Principal of Defence
Services Academy and Commander of Light Infantry Division 88.
76. Ko Zin Aung, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
77. Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye, Commander of Tactical Operations Command in Kale, former Commander
of Meiktila Station. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
78. Police Khin Maung Aye, deputy chief, Sagaing, Sagaing, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks and
students October 2007.
79. Thakatho Khin Maung Aye, ex-major, writer, sold part of Aung San Suu Kyi’s residential lot in
Rangoon while she is in Insein prison, 28 July 2009.
80. U Khin Maung Aye, Supreme Court Judge, Office of Chief Justice. He was granted retirement, June
81. Daw Kyi Kyi Aye, Director of Tourism Promotion, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism. Her family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
82. Police Chief Kyu Aye, Magwe police station 1, apprehended lawyer Pho Phyu representing political
activists, 1 January 2009.
83. Col Lu Aye, Commander of Military Operations Command 7 Pekon 2010.
84. U Maung Aye, Chairman of First Asia Co., Ltd.
85. U Maung Aye, Managing Director of Kyaw Tha Co. and Kyaw Tha Constrution Group. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
86. Vice Senior General Maung Aye, DOB: 25 December 1937, native of Kon Balu, ethnic Chinese, BC
7875, DSA 1, Vice Chairman of SLORC / State Peace and Development Council 1994. He joined the
military 1959, Lt-Col as Commander of Light Infantry Battalion 68 in 1975, Col 1979, Commander of
Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi, Commander of Northeastern Command 1986, Brig-Gen as
Commander of Eastern Command 1988, Maj-Gen 1990, Lt-Gen 1993, Butcher of Dooplaya, Chairman
of Burma Trade Council 1997, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services and Commander-in-
Chief (Army) retired 2010. Muang Aye was the first Burmese who notoriously governed Shan State
where he made Sayar Kyaung (a) Aung Ko Win to be the richest man in Shan State by giving ruby
mines to Aung Ko Win. He established strong ties with Burma’s many drug lords including Lo Hsing
Han and Khun Sa in the Golden Triangle while operating as a colonel in the late 1970s and 80s, before
he joined the military leadership in 1993. Wife: Mya Mya San. His daughter Nandar Aye is a wife of
Maj Pyi Aung, son of Industry (1) Minister ex-Lt Col Aung Thaung. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He is a hardliner
who opposed any relaxation of the military’s iron grip of the country. He said he could be a good
Commander-in-Chief as well. Burma would disintegrate if the demands by ethnic groups for a federal
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system of government were granted, Maung Aye told military officers and government officials, January
2010. The government will see to the coming multi-party general elections this year in accordance with
the new constitution, April 2010. Confession 2010: What I am doing is wrong; however, I would like to
stay in the Army drinking Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
87. U Maung Aye, Jailor, Tavoy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Than Htwe, 1990.
88. Brig-Gen Maung Maung Aye, BC 18138, DSA 25, Commander of Naypyidaw Command 2010,
warlord. He was a Commandant of General Staff College, Commander of Light Infantry Division 66
Inma. Wife: San San Yi. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
89. Col Maung Maung Aye, Managing Director of Sin Min Cement Factory, Kyaukse. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
90. Lt-Col / U Maung Maung Aye, Managing Director of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
91. U Maung Maung Aye, Chief Editor, New Light of Burma Newspaper.
92. Policeman Min Aye, Daik-U, Pegu, brutally beat up Naing Too’s family in public on 19 March 2006 as
the brutality of the fascist Japanese military police Kempetai during WW2.
93. Brig-Gen Myint Aye, Commander of Military Operations Command 9 Kyauktaw. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
94. Ma Nandar Aye, owner of Queen Star Computer Co., partner in Myanmar New Technology. Father:
Vice Senior General Maung Aye; spouse: Maj Pyi Aung who is a son of ex-Col Aung Thaung. Her
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
95. Lt-Col / U Ne Win Maung Aye, Chairman Myanmar Brewery Ltd, Union of Myanmar Economic
Holdings Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
96. Lt-Gen / U Tha Aye, DOB: 16 February 1945, BC 13140, DSA 16, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a
Commander of Northwestern Command, warlord, Commander of Coastal Region Command, Chief of
Bureau of Special Operations 1, member of the State Peace and Development Council. Wife: Wai Wai
Khaing; son: Sithu Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
97. Dr Than Than Aye, chief doctor of Pauk Township General Hospital, Magwe, merciless physician,
extortion of money from local residents and patients August 2006.
98. Maj-Gen Thaung Aye, Inspector General 2010. He was a Commander of Military Operations Command
2 Mong Nawng, Commander of Eastern Command, warlord, Chairman of Shan State (Southern) Peace
and Development Council, Commander of Western Command, and Chairman of Arakan Peace and
Development Council. Wife: Tin Myo Myo Aung. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
99. Lt-Gen / U Tin Aye, BC 11236, DSA 9, a trusted Than Shwe’s ally, member of the State Peace and
Development Council, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of Southern Command, warlord,
Chief of Military Ordnance and Chief of the Defense Industry Ministry, Chairman of Union of Myanmar
Economic Holdings Ltd 2002 - 2010 – the armed forces’ business arm in handling trade. He was
personally responsible for the purchase of 20 MiG-29 fighter jets from Russia at a cost of 400 million
euros (US $575 million), December 2009. Wife: Kyi Kyi Ohn; son: Zaw Min Aye. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
100. U Tin Aye, local authority secretary of Pyinchaung Village, Taungup Township, Arakan State, has
been forcibly collecting money from local farmers for his own benefits since 2005.
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101. U Tin Aye, Supreme Court Judge, Appeals: All applications of eight Shan leaders rejected, June
2006. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
102. Dr Tin Aung Aye, member of Election Commission 2010, former Professor of Law Department,
Rangoon University, former Supreme Court Judge, member of National Convention Convening
Commission, member of Commission for Drafting Constitution 2008. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
103. Ko Tin Maung Aye, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
104. Lt-Col Tun Aye, Commander of Light Infantry Battalion 702. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
105. Police Zaw Han Aye, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
106. Ko Zaw Min Aye, son of Lt-Gen Tin Aye. Zaw Min Aye’s Pyae Swan Yee Co is one of richest firms
in the country. The company is reportedly involved in business services, electronic components and
supplies, printing and publishing. He is also the owner of the Rangoon-based Ecovision weekly as well
as the newly licensed journal, Messenger, in 2010. He is a co-owner of Ruby Mart, October 2010. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
107. Lt-Gen Kyaw Ba, DOB: 7 June 1932, ethnic Chinese, BC 7924, OTS 21. He was a Commander of
Northern Command, member of SLORC, Minister of Hotels and Torism. He was forced to retire after
accusation of corruption 1997. Son-in-Law: Aye Tun (associate of Tayza). His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
108. Mr Jackson Bain, former television reporter, lobbyist for the military junta, Bain & Associates,
USA. He was hired by Khin Shwe, 1997.
109. Mr Proshanto Banerjee, Chairman and managing director of Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL),
Shwe Gas pipeline projects.
110. Officer May Koe Baw, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army 999 headquartered at Kwan Bee.
111. Mr Michel Bénézit, President of Refining & Marketing 2006-present, Total Exploration &
Production, Yadana project, France. The Earth Rights International accuses the firms of being
implicated in human-rights violations in Burma, claiming that soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s
natural-gas pipeline in the country have murdered locals and forced others to do backbreaking, unpaid
labor in order to keep the gas exports flowing smoothly. The report also holds that the revenues from the
operation have been propping up the country’s oppressive military government, July 2010.
112. Lt-Gen Maung Bo, DOB: 16 February 1945, BC 10337, OTS 31, Chief of Inspector General, former
Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 4, former Inspector-General of the Army, Navy and Air Force,
member of the State Peace and Development Council, Defence Commission, former Commander of
Eastern Command, warlord, Christie Island Massacre 1998. Wife: Khin Lay Myint; son: Kyaw Swa
Myint. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
113. Officer Daw Boe, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army 555 sawmill in Htee Ta Blu Hta village.
114. Mr Stephen Brookes, journalist, pro-military junta.
115. Saw Shwe Bya, military Commander, God’s Army, surrendered to the SPDC in August 2003 after
being offered a logging concession in Burma.
116. Mr Lazaro Campos, CEO, The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
(SWIFT), on a Dirty List of companies released by the Burma Campaign UK.

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117. Dr Nyein Chan, Minister of Education, CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development
118. Thailand’s Energy Minister Wannarat Channukul. Thailand’s state-owned energy company PTT
PCL signed a deal to purchase gas from Burma’s offshore Zawtika gas field, July 2010.
119. Lai Wei Chin, CEO of Rothman of Pall Mall Myanmar Private Ltd. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
120. Col Tin Aung Chit, Commander of Military Operations Command 14 Mong Hsat 2010.
121. Dr Aye Cho, Prison Doctor, Mandalay prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ko Lay 1992.
122. U Aye Cho, Managing Director of the First Automotive Co Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
123. Chairman of VPDC Pyone Cho, associated with Ya Ein Hmu San Kyi and SPDC thug Aung Than
Htay, has histories of abuse of power, abuse of public funds, illegal alcohol sale and harassment against
Human Rights activist Ko Ko Naing, Shwepyitha Township, Rangoon, September 2010.
124. U Pyone Cho, Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Sayar Maung Thaw Ka,
June 1991.
125. U Tin Maung Cho, Jailor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Win Bo,
August 2000.
126. U Htay Chun, Director of the Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration.
127. Mr Vitaly Churkin, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United
Nations and President Vladimir V. Putin. When the UNSC decided to put the situation of Burma on its
agenda, the decision was adopted by a 10-4 vote, with one abstention on 15 September 2006. (10
supported: U.S., U.K., France, Denmark, Greece, Japan, Argentina, Ghana, Peru, and Slovakia; 4
opposed: China, Russia, Republic of the Congo and Qatar; and one abstained: Tanzania). He vetoed the
passing of the resolution that called on the Burmese military to allow political dialogue and reform,
January 2007.
128. Mr Murli Deora, Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister, India. India is a major investor in Burma’s
burgeoning energy sector. Two Indian government-controlled companies, Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (through its subsidiary, ONGC-Videsh) and Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL), are
partners with a total 30-percent interest (20 percent and 10 percent respectively) in the Shwe Gas
consortium headed by South Korea’s Daewoo Corporation, which is working to extract major natural
gas deposits off the coast of Arakan state in Burma.
129. Daw Dhammathi, Buddhist nun, most favored astrologist of the Than Shwe’s family, North
Okkalapa, Rangoon.
130. Ms Suzanne DiMaggio, Project Director, Director of Policy Studies, Asia Society. She is an
irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force advocating for the oppressive military regime’s road map
and the 2010 Election.
131. Tha Ka Doe (a) Tin Soe, reporter, pro-military junta. He has used many pen names writing political
propaganda articles and personal attacks on revolutionary students, monks and politicians in military
junta-run newspapers.
132. Commander Kyaw Nee Doh, Karenni National Solidarity Organization.
133. Mr Ross Dunkley, an Australian entrepreneur, The Myanmar Times, weekly paper, most of its news
represents the views of the junta.
134. Thai Police Lieutenant Nattakit Eiampratom, southwestern province of Samut Sakorn, arrested two
Burmese activists as they were canvassing for signatures for a petition urging Burma’s junta to release
political prisoners October 2006.
135. ET (a) E Thi, astrologer, soothsayer and fortune-teller of the Than Shwe’e family.

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136. Mr Mikhail Fradkov, Russian Prime Minister, the second largest supplier of arms to Burmese
military regime, invitation of Maung Aye’s trip, April 2006.
137. Mr Charles Francis, a longtime family friend of the Bushes, lobbyist for Burmese military junta
asking $340,000 for eight months of work, DCI Associates, USA, 2003.
138. Mr Anke Fuchs, Chairman, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, Germany. Third Force advocating for
the oppressive military regime’s road map and the 2010 Election. Berlin seminar “Burma/Myanmar
before the parliamentary elections – Perspectives from inside the country” 17 September 2010
139. Mr Ross Garnaut, former CEO, Lonely Planet, on a Dirty List of companies released by the Burma
Campaign UK.
140. Maj-Gen / U Min Gaung, former Minister of Home and Religious Affairs, responsibility for the
admitted deaths of 41 arrested demonstrators who suffocated in a prison van outside Insein jail in March
141. Mr Ross Goddard, Old Burma Road by Goddard & Howse travel service in Canberra City,
Australia 2006.
142. Mr B.L. Goenka (a) Bandula U Shwe, Hindu, founder of an international network of meditation
centers in India, pro-Look East policy of India, pro-military junta, anti-8-8-88 uprising. He has started
his mission in Burma’s most notorious prisons, July 2008. Father: S.N. Goenka.
143. Mr Doug Goodyear, Republican, USA, former CEO and co-founder of DCI Group in 1996,
lobbyist, was paid $348,000 in 2002 and 2003 to represent Burma’s junta.
144. Mr Andrew Gould, Chairman and CEO, Schlumberger, on a Dirty List of companies released by the
Burma Campaign UK.
145. Mr O. Greiner, CEO, TOTAL Nederland BV at Voorburg, Netherlands. The Earth Rights
International accuses the firms of being implicated in human-rights violations in Burma, claiming that
soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s natural-gas pipeline in the country have murdered locals and
forced others to do backbreaking, unpaid labor in order to keep the gas exports flowing smoothly. The
report also holds that the revenues from the operation have been propping up the country’s oppressive
military government, July 2010.
146. Colonel Biswajit Singh Grewal (a) Myo Myint. The 34 Arakanese and Karen revolutionaries were
lured to India’s Andaman Islands in February 1998 by an Indian intelligence officer Colonel Grewal on
the pretense of building a navy base to closely watch China’s navy activities on the Indian Ocean. When
the group arrived at Landford Island in the Andaman Archipelago, the six leaders Bo Raza, Major Saw
Tun, Major Ran Naing, Captain Lin Zan Khaing, Phado Mu Lwe, and Captain Soe Myint, were
assassinated by the Indian Army while the rest were detained on charges of gun-running. Colonel
Grewal left the Indian Army immediately after the incident and is reported to have settled down in
Burma. The Burmese military authority has provided many business opportunities to Colonel Grewal,
including a whiskey factory in Mandalay, after he coordinated the assassinations.
147. U Labang Grong, National Unity Party candidate, running in the same constituency as Aung San
Suu Kyi in elections slated for 27 May 1990 objects to her marrige to Mr Aris, her connections with
illegal organizations and her permanent residency is not in Burma. In January a regional election
commission barred her form running in elections.
148. U Ohn Gyaw, DOB: 3 March 1932, former bloody thug Foreign Minister 1991, asylum in Germany,
said in the video recording, “There is only one scene, the killing, in 1988 uprising.” When dealing with
UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the military junta refused to have a face-to-face dialogue
with Aung San Suu Kyi and ethnic leaders, 1994. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
149. Brig-Gen / U Aung Gyi (a) Samusa Aung Gyi, ethnic Chinese, BC 5458, number two in the
Revolutionary Council after Gen Ne Win staged a coup in 1962, supporter and defender of Ne Win and
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the army, ordered to demolish the historical students union building in July 1962, Minister of Trade
1962- 1963, stated that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was surrounded by communists and blamed her and her
party for doing nothing, leader of United Nationalities Development Party 1989, lost in the 1990 general
150. Navy Lt Commander Aung Gyi, Christie Island Massacre 1998.
151. U Aung Gyi, Warder of Block-4, notorious Rangoon Insein jail, power abuse 1990, resigned 1990
for corruption from Naypyidaw Than Tun.
152. Daw Khin Khin Gyi, mother of Dr Khin Nyo Thet, pro-military junta, California, USA.
153. U Khin Maung Gyi, Joint General Secretary, National Unity Party, former Minister of Trade.
154. U Mya Gyi (a) Oboe Mya Gyi, member of the committee for scrutinizing classical songs of the
Myanmar Radio and Television, National Literary Award winner.
155. Ko Pwa Gyi, heroin business under the protection of the military junta, Mandalay.
156. Police Aye Han, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students,
October 2007.
157. U Htwe Han, former Secretary of Burma Socialist Program Party, CEC member of National Unity
158. Brig-Gen Kyaw Han, chief, Counter Intelligence, Defense Services Intelligence Bureau,
surveillance on freedom activists at the India-Burma border, June 2004.
159. Lt-Col Maung Maung Han, DSA, Head of Department of English, Defence Service Academy.
160. Lt-Col Min Han, Retd, representative of Myanmar War Veterans Organization, mass meeting, July
161. U Mya Han, a businessman associated with Tayza.
162. U Nyunt Han, Jailor, Mergui prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ko Gaung Shay 1992.
163. Brig-Gen / U Phone Zaw Han, Mayor of Mandalay, Chairman of Mandalay City Development
Committee, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of Military Operations Command 1 Kyaukme.
Wife: Moe Thidar. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
164. Col Than Han, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 66 Inma. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
165. Lt-Col Than Han, Butcher of Depayin 2003, Rangoon-riot police chief, Preparation: Rangoon
166. Capt Thein Han, Brigade 66. Wife: Hnin Wutyi Aung. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
167. U Thi Han, third secretary of Burmese Embassy in UK, messenger between Ne Win and Khin May
Than. Ne Win promoted Thi Han as Foreign Minister after the Military coup 1962.
168. Judge Aung Min Hein, Henzada Township Court, sentenced Myint Naing, Human Rights Defenders
and Promoters, 8-year imprisonment, 24 July 2007.
169. Maj-Gen Moe Hein, Commandant, National Defense College, was arrested for corruption 2006.
170. Lt-Gen Myat Hein, DSA-17, Commander-in-Chief (Air Force). He was a Chief of Staff (Air).
During his time as the Air Force Commander, Myat Hein has maintained close links with China and
India. Wife: Htwe Htwe Nyunt. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
171. Brig-Gen Myint Hein, Commander of Military Operations Command 3 Mogaung. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
172. Brig-Gen Aung Kyaw Hla, USDA / USDP 2010, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 88
Magwe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
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173. Lt-Col Htwe Hla, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 66 Inma. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
174. Ko Kyaw Hla, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
175. Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Patron of Shan State (East) Women’s Affairs Organization, Chairperson of Shan
State Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Committee.
176. U Lu Hla, Chief Jailor, Myingyan prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Kyaw Lwin
August 1993, hero Saw El Thar May 1998 and Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero
Hla Khin, May 1999.
177. Lt-Gen Maung Hla, former member of SLORC. He was forced to retire after accusation of
corruption 1997. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
178. U Maung Tha Hla, member of Election Commission 2010.
179. Brig-Gen Myo Hla, Military Attaché, Washington DC, USA, former Commander of Southeastern
180. Maj-Gen Saw Hla, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Provost Marshal retired 2010. Wife: Cho Cho
Maw. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
181. U Sein Hla, Judge, Rangoon Western District Court, co-conspirator to crimes against humanity for
his act in trying and convicting political activists 2008.
182. Bodaw Teinkya Than Hla, Gen Khin Nyunt’s astrologer.
183. Col / U Than Hla, CEC member of National Unity Party.
184. Col Tin Hla (d. 2005), loyalist of Gen Khin Nyunt, was tortured and cremated by the order of Vice
Senior Gen Maung Aye.
185. Lt-Gen Tin Hla, hardliner, close to Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye, Minister of Military Affairs 2001. He
was a Commander of Light Infantry Division 22 Pa-An, Quarter Master, confiscated more than 2000
acres of paddy fields from 200 farmers in Myaungtaka, Kankalay and Kalagon Hamlets in Hmawbi
Township and sold them off to property developers since 1997.
186. Maj-Gen Aung Hlaing, former Deputy Minister of Defense.
187. Saw Ba Hlaing, member of Election Commission 2010.
188. U Chit Hlaing, writer, Burma Socialist Program Party, opportunist, pro-military junta, pro-National
189. Vice-Admiral / U Chit Hlaing, former VCGS (Navy) and Foreign Minister, CEC member of
National Unity Party.
190. Han Win Hlaing, deputy police chief, Rangoon Insein Ywama police station, extortion of money,
detained and tortured citizens July 2006, the brutal police.
191. U Khin Hlaing and U Khin Thaung, Township Peace and Development Council, responsible for
expulsion of Shin Einthariya, AIDS activist, from Mahasi Yeiktha Monastery August 2006.
192. U Ko Ko Hlaing, Chairman of South Dagon Township Peace and Development, Rangoon.
193. Dr Kyaw Yin Hlaing, Associate Professor of Hong Kong University’s Asia and International
Studies Department, former assistant professor at the National University of Singapore, anti-NLD, pro-
military junta and pro-engagement academic.
194. Lt-Col Min Hlaing, Commander of Military Intelligent Unit 1, death of hero Aung Hlaing Win in
his custody May 2005.
195. Lt-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, DSA 19, hardliner, Joint Chief of Staff (Army, Navy and Air Force)
2010, USDA / USDP 2010 Naypyidaw. He was a Commander of LIB under Light Infantry Division 88
commanded by Than Shwe, Commander of Triangle Region Command 2002, warlord, Commander of
Western Command, and Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 2 in 2008, member of the State Peace
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and Development Council. Wife: Kyu Kyu Hla. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Min Aung Hlaing was one of the
oppressive generals who supported the brutal crackdown against monk-led protests in September 2007.
He is a cunning General, 2010.
196. U Min Zeya Hlaing, Managing Director of Myanmar Millennium Group, representative in Burma of
197. Lt-Gen / U Myint Hlaing, DSA17, USDA / USDP 2010 Dekkhina Thiri Township, Naypyidaw. He
was a PA to Maung Aye, ruthless Commander of the Northeastern Command, warlord, Chief of Staff
(Air Force) retired 2010. Wife: Khin Thant Sin; son: Thant Sin Hlaing; daughter: Hnin Nandar Hlaing.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
198. Pyinmana Myint Hlaing, Deputy Professor of University of Culture, the Old Composers’ Songs and
Biographies Scrutinization Committee.
199. Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing, Commander of Military Operations Command 17 Mong Pan. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
200. Dr Sai Khan Hlaing, member of Election Commission 2010.
201. U Sein Win Hlaing, General Secretary of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of the
Commerce and Industry. He participates as a candidate of USDA / USDP 2010 Election.
202. Brig-Gen / U Tin Hlaing, Deputy Commander of Western Command retired 2010. Wife: Hla Than
Htay. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
203. Col Tin Hlaing, former Minister of Home Affairs, EC member of Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Rangoon, relieved October 2004. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
204. U Tun Hlaing, Director General of the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), said that the Air traffic
volume between Burma and China this year was up 94 percent as of November compared with the
whole year of 2006, 19 December 2007.
205. Maj-Gen / U Win Hlaing, Managing Director of Myawaddy Bank Ltd., former Managing Director
of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. 1996. Son: Win Htway Hlaing (representative of
KESCO Company); daughter: Ma Nge (husband Zaw Win Naing who is a nephew of Sayar Kyaung).
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
206. U Win Hlaing, Joint Secretary of USDA Mingalar Taungnyunt Township, Rangoon. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
207. U Win Htway Hlaing, representative for KESCO Co. Father: Maj-Gen Win Hlaing. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
208. Maung Yin Hmaing, ghostwriter, military junta-run newspapers.
209. Maung Pan Hmwe (a) U Hla Myint, writer, poet, Ah Chit Journals, military junta-run newspapers.
210. Ma Khin Thandar Hnin, Union Solidarity and Development Association, eastern Pegu.
211. Brig-Gen Thaung Htaik, Commander of Aungban Station. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
212. Lt-Gen / U Thein Htaik (a) Thein Hteik, DSA 16, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of
Military Operations Command 13 Bokpyin and Inspector General retired2010. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
213. U Win Htain, Managing Director of Myanmar Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Ministry of
Mines. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
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214. Htar, Zaw Win Htut’s mother, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for
‘Yes’ with a group of anti-democracy singers.
215. U Hla Htay, Director General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Hotels and
Tourism, former Managing Director of Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
216. Brig-Gen Khin Maung Htay, BC 17100, OTS 62, Commander of Coastal Region Command 2010,
warlord, Chairman of Tenasserim Division Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of
Light Infantry Division 99 Meiktila. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
217. Maj Khin Maung Htay, Pinma Arsenal Battalion, confiscated paddy fields from villagers of Thebyu,
Myaukthabyepin which are situated along Pyinmana-Taungngyo highway, Magwe 2006.
218. U Khin Maung Htay, Director General of Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV). Wife: Nwe
Nwe (member of MWAF). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
219. U Khin Maung Htay, member of Board of Directors of Forever Group. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
220. U Kyaw Htay, Assistant Press Scrutiny Officer, has taken action against citizens using computers
and making print outs according to the 1962 Press Scrutiny Law 9, March 2007.
221. Lt Myint Naing Htay, Kapa-0393 (OSS), new customs officer Myawaddy, is taking kickbacks on
contraband goods from traders, January 2008.
222. U Sein Htay, the worst jailor, Insein prison 1985-88, power abuse, physical abuse, corruption.
223. U Tha Htay, member of Election Commission 2010.
224. Brig-Gen / U Than Htay, Deputy Minister of Energy, CEC member of USDA / USDP 2010, former
CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association, former Commander of Light Infantry
Division 77 Hmawbi. Wife: Soe Wut Yi. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
225. Daw Than Htay, retired section chief, Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of
226. Maj-Gen Than Htay, Director of Supply and Transport, Ministry of Defense, Vice-Chairman of
National Convention Convening Management Committee Auditor, former Director of Supply and
Transport. Wife: Nwe Nwe Win. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
227. Col / U Thein Htay, Board of Directors of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
228. Ko Thein Htay, military informer in ABSDF 1988, from Pegu, now lives in Rangoon selling
electrical products, 2010. He, along with Hla Aung, was involved in dropping military campaign leaflets
over Thai-Burma border from the Burma Air Forces, 1989. He, associate with Hla Aung, Ko Ko Latt,
Yaung Ni, Aung Khaing Win and Thein Tin Aung, campaigned against sanction, 2009.
229. Maj-Gen Thein Htay, Chief of Military Ordinance 2010. He was a Lt-Col 1998, Maj-Gen 2006,
Deputy Chief of Defense Industry l, Ministry of Defence, Deputy Chief of Military Ordinence. Wife:
Myint Myint Khaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Burma’s Terminator: He has played a key role in the
modernization of the armed forces, and he is one of the prime promoters of the idea of purchasing
missiles and acquiring nuclear weapons with the technological assistance from North Korea, Russia,
China and Singapore.

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230. Daw Zar Chi Htay, DOB: 17 February 1981, daughter of Htay Myint, Director of Yuzana Co. Her
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
231. Thura Aung Htet, Director General of Protocol Department.
232. Kyaw Swa Myo Htet, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
233. Lt-Col Than Htet, Light Infantry Brigade 205, raped and murdered Karen teenagers in the Republic
of Kawthoolei, August 2009.
234. Maj Zaw Min Htet with seven officers and soldiers, Battalion 138, raped, imprisoned and sued four
Kachin school girls from Putao, 2 February 2007.
235. U Aung Kham Hti, Chairman of Pa-O National Organization (PNO), permanent collaborator with
the junta, publicly kowtowed Gen. Khin Nyunt, made all PNO members join USDA and participated in
the 2010 Military Election. He is a Co-Chairman of USDA / USDP 2010 in Pa-O areas in Shan state.
236. Henzada court Judge Aung Min Htin sentenced members of Human Rights Defenders and
Promoters and villagers 2007.
237. Maj-Gen Chit Htoo, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army, 999 Special Battalion in Kokko Village,
Karen. The DKBA’s 999 Brigade, under the command of Chit Htoo, has accepted the BGF and will
most likely stick by their government overlords, May 2010.
238. Col Khin Maung Htoo, Commander of Tactical Operations Command.
239. U Kyaw Htoo, Managing Director of Myanmar Agricultural Produce Trading, Ministry of
Commerce. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
240. Dr Maung Htoo, member of Election Commission 2010, former Professor, former rector of Monywa
University, Sagaing.
241. U Myint Htoo, Jailor, Maubin prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Kyaw Myo Thant
May 1990.
242. U Eike Htun (a) Patrick Linn, DOB: 21 October 1948, native of Mong Kai, ethnic Wa Chinese,
Managing Director of Olympic Construction Company and Shwe Taung Development Co Ltd, Deputy
Chairman of Asia Wealth Bank (Est. 1995). Sons: Aung Zaw Naing and Mi Mi Khaing; daughter:
Sandar Tun. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
243. Private Naing Linn Htun, drunken policeman, Pathein Gyi police battalion, Chanayetharzan
Mandalay, verbal, physical and sexual harassment of women, 1 April 2007.
244. U San Htun (Man Tekketho), deceased, Burmese Language Commission, pro-Ne Win.
245. Sergeant Tint Htun, battalion 520, raped and murdered Than Nu from Ganantaung village,
Ponnarkjun, Arakan, May 2006.
246. Police Aung Myo Htut, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and
students, October 2007.
247. Maj-Gen Aung Than Htut, DSA 20, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 2, 2010. He was a
principal of Military Combat Training School in Thandaung, Commander of Light Infantry Division 88
Magwe, Commander of Northeastern Command, warlord. Wife: Cherry. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
248. Kay Tu Win Htut, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’ with
a group of anti-democracy singers.
249. U Min Htut, 45 years, Swan Arr Shin, Kyauktada Rangoon, beat protesters in front of the Rangoon
City Hall, September 2007.

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250. U Naing Min Htut, chief of the Insein Garment Factory, told Daw Htay Htay Win, who had worked
at the Insein garment factory for 10 years. She was being dismissed for not reporting her husband U Zaw
Zaw Min and her son Maung De Lyein Linn’s political activities to her superiors, July 2007.
251. Brig-Gen Soe Htut, BC 17540, OTS 64, Commander of Southern Command 2010, warlord,
Chairman of Pegu Division Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of Light Infantry
Division 88 Magwe.
252. Brig-Gen Than Htut, Provost Martial 2010. He was a Commander of Light Infantry Division 11
Yemon. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
253. Col Thet Htut (d. 2005), loyalist of Gen Khin Nyunt, was tortured and cremated by the order of
Vice Senior Gen Maung Aye.
254. Maj-Gen / U Tin Htut, Minister of Cooperatives, USDA / USDP 2010, former Secretariat Member
of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Vice-Chairman of National Convention
Convening Committee, former Minister of Electric Power. Wife: Tin Tin Nyunt. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
255. Police Tin Htut, Captain, Bogale Township police station, Irrawaddy, a heroine addict has been
keeping confiscated heroine and marijuana for personal use, plotting and planning to destroy the life of
young ladies and using his home as gambling den, October 2005.
256. U Tin Htut, Assistant Judge of Pegu District, trial in connection with the case of Aung Than, Aung
Aung Oo, Zeya Aung, and Sein Hlaing from Pegu arrested on 29 March 2006 for writing and
distributing a poem titled Daung Man (the might of the fighting peacock).
257. U Tin Htut, Judge, Rangoon Western District Court, co-conspirator to crimes against humanity for
his act in trying and convicting political activists 2008.
258. Col Ye Htut, Managing Director of Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC). His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
259. U Ye Htut, Deputy Director General, Information and Public Relations Department, Information
Ministry, emailed that hero Thet Win Aung died of natural causes, October 2006, Notorious prisons:
The military regime is said by human rights groups and the United Nations to hold more than 1,100
political prisoners under inadequate and brutal conditions.
260. Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, former Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and Minister of
Immigration and Population, Chairman of Myanmar National Committee for Women Affairs, former
Minister of Religious Affairs, retired May 2006.
261. Lt-Gen Aung Htwe, DOB: 1 February 1943, BC 9752, OTS 29, member of State Peace and
Development Council. He was a Commander of Western Command, warlord, Chief of Bureau of
Special Operations 2, Chief of Armed Forces Training, Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance
the 61st Anniversary Armed Forces Day 2006. Wife: Khin Hnin Wai. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
262. U Aung Htwe, Managing Director of Golden Flower Co Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
263. Tactical Commander of LID 101 Col Khin Maung Htwe, Maj Myo Thant (elder brother of actor
Min Htet Kyaw Zin), member of Township Sangha Mahanayaka Committee U Tezaw, Secretary of
USDA U Hla Win Naing, and well-known thug Hnint Tit Khin Maung Win, beat up monks, tied them
to the lamppost, arrested and imprisoned them during the Saffron Revolution 2007, Pakokku, Magwe.
264. U Kyaw Htwe (a) Li Yongping, younger brother of Kyaw Myint (a) Li Yongqiang, drug dealer,
close relationship with the former Regional Commander Myint Hlaing, taxation of Wayfarers, candidate
of USDA / USDP 2010.

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265. Col Soe Htwe (a) Soe Htway, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
266. U Yin Htwe, Director of Unicom Trade and Travel Co Ltd, Ministry of Industry (1).
267. Mr Hu Jintao, President of China, provider of diplomatic cover, against the idea of discussing the
Burma issue in the UN Security Council, the largest supplier of arms to Burmese military regime,
destruction of Burma’s northern frontier forests.
268. Mr Atoki Christian Ileka, the ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the United
Nations, President Joseph Kabila and Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito. When the UNSC decided to put
the situation of Burma on its agenda, the decision was adopted by a 10-4 vote, with one abstention on 15
September 2006. (10 supported: U.S., U.K., France, Denmark, Greece, Japan, Argentina, Ghana, Peru,
and Slovakia; 4 opposed: China, Russia, Republic of the Congo and Qatar; and one abstained:
269. Mr John F. Imle, president of Unocal Corp, the most stubborn US businessman, US$1.2 billion
Yadana gas project in the Gulf of Martaban. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi firmly warned its role as
tantamount to supporting the military junta, 16 May 1998.
270. Dr Helen James, Australian, former Australian government advisor, sympathetic to the oppressive
military regime, anti-sanction, pro-engagement scholar, Cambridge University.
271. Mr Rezlan Ishar Jenie, Indonesian ambassador to the UN, no support of the US-led initiative at the
UNSC calling for immediate release of all political prisoners saying Burma is a threat to regional peace
because of the country's deteriorating political and human rights situation, January 2007.
272. Mr APJ Abdul Kalam, Indian President 2002 - 2007, supplied weapons with over 139 Indian
military trucks 2003, marked the latest stage in India’s growing ties with its neighbor March 2006,
supplied weapons with over 50 Indian military trucks April 2006, agreed to expand and diversify trade
to $1 billion May 2006, transferred two BN-2 Defender Islander maritime surveillance aircraft and deck-
based air-defence guns and various surveillance equipments August 2006, supplied 98 truckloads of
arms and ammunition September 2006, sold helicopters developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
(HAL) November 2006. Policy on Burma: The Indian public is supporting democratic movements for
Burma but the Indian government is wrongly cooperating with the military junta.
273. Gen Deepak Kapoor, b. 1948, Chief of Army Staff of Indian Army 2007 - 2010, Chairman of
Chiefs of Staff Committee, visited Burma, October 2009.
274. Daw Kathy, master of ceremony, mass meeting, July 2005.
275. Po Kan Kaung (a) Pe Kan Kaung (a) Wai Hmine Nyo (a) Hla Htay, ex-major, writer and movie
propagandist for the generals. In the 1990s the MI cheated Maung Aung, the son of former Prime
Minister U Nu and other rebel groups of more than US $ 3 million. The story goes that a group of
moderate military commanders had agreed to remove the heads of the then leaders of the State Law and
Order Restoration Council for which money was needed. Finally leaders in exile lost money and nothing
happened except he was promoted after this operation. He was seen with a ceasefire Karen group led by
Brig-Gen Htain Maung 7th Brigade, March 2007.
276. U Kengmai, drug dealer, Chief of Mongpaw militia group, candidate of USDA / USDP 2010 Muse,
277. U Kyi Kha, active member of National Unity Party, Daik-U Township, Pegu.
278. Tekkatho Tin Kha, Chairman of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association resigned 2010,
USDA / USDP 2010 North Okkalapa, Rangoon. He is a mole in the association.
279. U Aung Khaing, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy Information Minister
Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers.
280. U Chit Khaing, founder and Managing Director of Eden Group Co, construction magnate, Eden
Hotels and Resorts, Marina Residence in Rangoon, Tingaha Hotel in Naypyidaw, Aye Thar Yar Golf
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Resort in Taunggyi, Signature Restaurant and Garden Café Bistro in Rangoon, Eden BBB Restaurant in
Pagan, Myanmar Shae Saung Bank, owner of Delta United Football Club. Contractor Tun Wai,
withheld salary of laborers, is under his protection. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He participates as a candidate of
USDA / USDP 2010 Henzada, Irrawaddy.
281. Col Ko Ko Khaing (a) Ko Ko Khine, Commander of Light Infantry Division 99 Meiktila 2010.
282. Ko Kyaw Kyaw Khaing, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
283. Maj-Gen / U Kyaw Swa Khaing, Deputy Minister of Industry (2), USDA / USDP 2010 Ottara Thiri,
Naypyidaw. He was a Director of Defence Industries. Wife: Khin Phyu Mar. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
284. U Kyin Khaing, Rangoon Division Eastern District Sasana authority chairman and U Kyaw kyaw
Tun, Thingangyun Township Sasana administration chairman, and U Yin Lin, Township State and
Development Council official, have ordered monks from Maggin monastery to leave the premises, 27
November 2007.
285. Deputy police Chief Min Thu Khaing told Aung Din, chairman of NLD Mayanpin village
Irrawaddy, not to let Htin Kyaw Linn, youth member of Einme stay at his house again, February 2009.
286. U Myat Khaing, Secretary (1) of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, military
informer, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy Information Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw
Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers, editor in chief of Mahar, Kyi-pwa-ye, Good News and Shot
News journals, once known to be close to Minister of Rail Transportation Win Sein to the extent that his
magazine became known as train magazine, has been primed at government press conference to ask
leading questions and sometimes he is given questions in advance. He is also the owner of the journal,
Monitor, in 2010.
287. Myint Khaing (a) Myint Khine, Board of Directors of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
288. U Myint Khaing, advocate, Pabedan Township.
289. U Naing Tint Khaing, 41 years, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters in front of the Rangoon City Hall,
September 2007.
290. Dr Soe Khaing, Prison Doctor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Thein Tin
February 1998, hero Hla Khin, May 1999, hero Saw Do Saw October 2003, hero Saw Sar Do Saw,
December 2003 and hero Min Thu, June 2004.
291. Capt / U Stephen Aung Khaing (a) Aung Khine, ex-army, military informer, Fremont, California,
USA. It doesn’t matter I am on the list, 2006.
292. Ko Ye Myo Khaing, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
293. Dr Sai Mawk Kham, Yuli Kha clinic, USDA / USDP 2010 Lashio, Shan.
294. Brig-Gen Aye Khin, Commander of Light Infantry Division 55 Kalaw. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
295. Vice Admiral Maung Maung Khin, DOB: 23 November 1929, Navy 1038, retired 2001. He was a
Deputy Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and Deputy Prime Minister. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
296. Daw Nu Nu Khin, Judge, Rangoon Western District Court, sentenced political prisoner Than Myint
Aung of NLD Youth to 10-year imprisonment, July 2010.
297. Daw Sandar Khin, Secretariat member, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.

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298. Mr Frank Kittredge, National Foreign Trade Council, the Massachusetts sanctions against Burma
were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, 5 November 1998.
299. Brig-Gen / Thura U Aung Ko, Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, CEC member of USDA /
USDP 2010, former CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association. Wife: Myint
Myint Yi; son: Thant Zin (in Singapore). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
300. U Aye Ko, retired Deputy Commander of Arakan State, Second Vice Chairman of Karen People’s
Party, alliance with USDA / USDP, 2010 Election Twante Township, Rangoon.
301. U Chit Ko Ko, Chairman of Mingalar Taungnyunt Township Peace and Development Council. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
302. Lt-Gen Ko Ko, BC 14235, DSA 19, Deputy Commander in Chief of Defence Services 2010. He was
a General Staff Officer Grade I under Senior General Than Shwe around 1998 to 1999, Commander of
Southern Command, warlord, Chairman of Pegu Peace and Development Council jailed hero Lawyer
Aye Myint 7-year imprisonment 2005, and Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 3, member of the
State Peace and Development Council. Wife: Sao Nwan Khun Sum. He is a nephew of Than Shwe’s
wife, Kyaing Kyaing, His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Ko Ko was one of the oppressive generals who supported the
brutal crackdown against monk-led protests in September 2007.
303. U Ko Ko, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy Information Minister Brig-Gen
Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers.
304. Maung Ko, Manager of Htarwara Mining Company. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
305. U Tin Maung Ko, Hmon-nyin Village authority chairman, Yesagyo Township, Magwe, confiscated
a piece of land belonging to the public near the primary school and declared it his own November 2005.
306. Judge Win Ko, Twante Rangoon. U Aung Pe of NLD was given a year’s imprisonment for
violations against his movement restriction order, 29 April 2009.
307. U Win Ko, Secretary of Election Commission 2010, former Joint-Secretary Commission for
Drafting Constitution 2008, former Director General of Election Commission 1990.
308. Captain Kha Koe, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), joined government troops in an
offensive against the KNU on 3 June 2009.
309. Col / U Ban Koo, CEC member of National Unity Party.
310. Mr Andrei Kovalenko, Russian representative to the UN, vetoed the passing of the resolution that
called on the Burmese military to allow political dialogue and reform January 2007.
311. Mr Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, Foreign Minister, India. Member of the Indian Parliament from
Karnataka in Rajya Sabha, Chief Minister of Karnataka (1999 – 2004) and Governor of Maharashtra
(2004 – 2008).
312. Indian Air Force Commander Air Marshal S Krisnaswamy, the sale of MiG-29B/UB fighters from
India to Burma.
313. Mr Dumisani Khumalo, South African ambassador to the UN, and South African President Thabo
Mbeki opposed the passing of the resolution that called on the Burmese military to allow political
dialogue and reform January 2007.
314. Thakin Hla Kun, veteran politician, pro-military junta, outspoken critic of the NLD party and
opposition organizations saying they are responsible for the current stalemate in finding a political
solution, has a view that having a constitution is better than not having one.
315. Pho Kwa, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.

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316. Daw Kyaing Kyaing (a) Ma Kyaing, wife of Senior General Than Shwe, the Corrupt First Lady,
Uneducated Wives Club, Kitchen Cabinet, Patron of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation. Burma is
ranked the second most corrupt country in the world, according to Berlin-based Transparency
International 2006. She is responsible for robbery and murder of San San Mya who one of the richest
women in Rangoon 2007. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
317. U Myint Kyaing (a) Myint Kyine (a) Swe Cha Gyi, Government Prosecutor of Northern District
Court, Rangoon, military prosecutor against leaders of the 88 Generation Students Group. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
318. U Win Kyaing, Managing Director of IGE Co Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
319. U Jimmy Kyauk, Goldern Owl money laundering for military officials, Fremont, California, USA.
320. Sayar Kyaung (a) Aung Ko Win, godson of Gen Maung Aye, tuition teacher, businessman,
Kanbawza Bank, purchaser for the Shan Yoma Shopping Center in Tachilek owned by then commander
Maung Aye, Myanmar Billion Group, Nilayoma Co Ltd., East Yoma Co Ltd. and Kanbawza Hospital in
Taunggyi, agent for London Cigarettes in Shan and Karenni states, owner of Kanbawza Football Club,
contributed 50% of the bank’s net profits (money laundering scheme) to the national football team.
Wife: Nan Than Htwe; daughters: Nang Lang Kham, Nang Kham Noung and Nang Mo Hom; nephew:
Zaw Min Naing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada and Australia.
321. Maj. Aung Kyaw (a) Aung San Myint, Shan State Nationalities People’s Liberation Organization.
322. Lt-Gen Aung Ye Kyaw, DOB: 12 December 1930, BC 6149, OTS 6. He was a member of SLORC.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
323. Brig-Gen Aye Kyaw, USDA / USDP 2010. former Commander of Light Infantry Division 88
Magwe. Verbal Directive: I have screwed Karen women for more than 30 years. Don’t let any Karen
women, whether young or old, slip away. Screw them all!
324. U Ba Kyaw, Joint Division Judge 4, Rangoon Division Court, with complainant Lt Hla Myint,
Police Special Bureau in Bahan, sentenced Monywa Aung Shin, Phapon Ni Lon Oo, Soe Han, Tun
Myint and Saw Naing Naing to 14 years with hard labor each on 14 December 2002.
325. Sergeant Chit Kyaw, Prison Guard, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Win
Bo, August 2000.
326. Maj-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw, Vice Quarter Master General. Wife: Khin Khin Maw. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
327. Police Khin Kyaw, deputy chief, Patheingyi, Mandalay, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks
and students October 2007.
328. Brig-Gen / U Khin Maung Kyaw, CEC member of National Unity Party.
329. Lt-Col / U Khin Maung Kyaw, Deputy Minister of Industry (2), USDA / USDP 2010. Wife: Mi Mi
Wai. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
330. Col / U Ko Ko Kyaw (a) Sit Nwe, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
331. U Kyaw Kyaw, Director General of Protocol Department.
332. U Kyaw Kyaw, Senior Manager of Forever Group. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
333. Sergeant Maung Kyaw, Military Intelligence Unit 22, Kengtung, poisoned hero Sai Pha Than to
death, October 2002.
334. U Moe Kyaw, pro-military businessman destroyed city park, Moulmein, 2010.
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335. Col Myat Kyaw, Commander of Military Operations Command 3 Mogaung 2010.
336. Nyan Myint Kyaw, Commander of Light Infantry Battalion 281 in Mong Yang, Shan. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
337. Accordian Ohn Kyaw, note vocalist, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Myanmar Music Asiayone, Chairman
of Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development. Son: Soe Moe (USA).
338. Ko Pho Kyaw, member of People’s Power Holders, Aungzeya quarter, Magwe, physical abuse
against a civilian Ko Than Htay, March 2007.
339. Daw San San Kyaw, Staff Officer of Information and Public Relations Department of Ministry of
Information in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township, Rangoon. Her family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
340. U Shwe Kyaw, Chief Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero James Nichols
June 1996, hero Hla Than August 1996, hero Hla Chit March 1997, and hero Thein Tin February 1998.
341. U Tha Kyaw, Chairman of National Unity Party.
342. Saw Tha Htoo Kyaw, Chairman of Democratic Karen Buddhist Army, Karen Democracy and
Development Party, 2010 Election Hlaingbwe, Karen. His gang includes Mahn Aung Tin Myint, Saw
Aung Ngwe and Saw Chit Hlaing.
343. U Tun Kyaw, Vice-Chairman, Karenni National People’s Liberation Front.
344. U Tun Aung Kyaw, Chief Jailor, Mandalay prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ko Lay
345. Ye Khaung Kyaw, journalist, New Light of Burma newspaper June 2006.
346. U Yin Kyaw, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy Information Minister Brig-
Gen Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers.
347. Capt Zaw Win Kyaw, Interrogation Center, Military Intelligent Unit 1, death of hero Aung Hlaing
Win in his custody May 2005.
348. Maj-Gen / U Aung Kyi, Minister for Labor, Minister for Relations to act as liaison officer in
negotiations with Aung San Suu Kyi 2007, USDA / USDP 2010 Mingalar Taungnyunt, Rangoon,
former principal of a military training school, former deputy chief of Armed Forces Training, former
deputy minister of Immigration and Population. Wife: Thet Thet Swe. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
349. U Aung Ngwe Kyi, police official of Pwint Phyu township police station and U Hla Htay, chairman
of Peace and Development Council, interrogated and detained Dr Aung Moe Nyo along with five other
members of Pwint Phyu NLD, as they were preparing to travel to Yenangyaung to attend an
Independence Day celebration at the home of NLD chairman U Khin Win, 2 January 2008
350. Daw Cho The Kyi, Executive, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Thingangyun
351. U Hla Kyi, Chief Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Saw Do Saw,
October 2003, hero Saw Sar Do Saw, December 2003 and hero Min Thu, June 2004.
352. U Khin Aung Kyi, Rector, Rangoon Institute of Technology, 13 March 1988.
353. Daw Kyi Kyi, section chief, Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of Information.
354. Dr Daw Myint Kyi, member of Election Commission 2010, former head of the department of
international relations at Rangoon University, President of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
355. Lt-Col Myint Kyi, Daw Ma Kyaing’s bodyguard.
356. U Pe Kyi, Head of Rangoon Police Department, code name: Daw Na, suspended from his job and
gave a top ranking post later 1988.
357. Dr Soe Kyi, the worst prison doctor, Insein prison, let the staff torture political prisoners until death,
responsible for death in custody of hero Bo Set Yaung March 1990, hero Hse Shi October 1990, hero
Sayar Maung Thaw Ka June 1991, hero Mahn Dawait July 1992 and hero U Khin Maung Myint 1993.
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358. U Tin Kyi, advisor, Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of Information.
359. Lt-Gen Tun Kyi (a) Bo Tun Kyi (Monywa), DOB: 1 May 1938, BC 7864, DSA 1. He was a Deputy
Commander of Light Infantry Division 88, Commander of the Northwestern Command responsible for
Sagaing Massacre 1988, member of SLORC, one of the so-called 1988 coup leaders, Commander of
Central Command and Minister of Commerce 1992 - 1997. He was one of the hardliner generals
refusing to honor the results of the 1990 Election and maintaining an iron grip on power. In 1997, he
was forced to retire after he was accused of corruption along with other senior military officials Lt-Gen
Kyaw Ba, Lt-Gen Myint Aung, Lt-Gen Maung Hla, Lt-Gen Phone Myint, Lt-Gen Myo Nyunt Lt-Gen
Sein Aung, Maj-Gen Aye Thaung, Maj-Gen Aung Ye Kyaw. Daughter: Kyi Kyi Than (car importing
business, Singapore); PSO: Capt Aung Min Naing; Cronies: Soe Myint and Lei Lei Thaung. His family
is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
360. Sergeant Tun Kyi, Insein prison, torturing political prisoners, September 2006.
361. U Tun Kyi, Managing Director of Myawaddy Bank Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
362. Brig-Gen / U Win Kyi, retired Director General of Ministry of Mines 2010, USDA / USDP 2010.
363. U Win Kyi, member of Election Commission 2010.
364. U Win Kyi, police, prosecuted political prisoner Ngwe Soe Lin 13-year imprisonment, January
2010, Special Rangoon Western District Court.
365. Soldier Moe Kyo, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army, raped and killed Karen women.
366. Brig-Gen / U Aye Myint Kyu, Deputy Minister of Hotels and Tourism, USDA / USDP 2010, Vice-
Chairman of National Convention Convening Management Committee Auditor. Wife: Khin Swe Myint.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
367. Mr Jean-François Lassalle, Vice-President Public Affairs, Total Exploration & Production, Yadana
project, France. The Earth Rights International accuses the firms of being implicated in human-rights
violations in Burma, claiming that soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s natural-gas pipeline in the
country have murdered locals and forced others to do backbreaking, unpaid labor in order to keep the
gas exports flowing smoothly. The report also holds that the revenues from the operation have been
propping up the country’s oppressive military government, July 2010.
368. Mr Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister received his Burmese counterpart, Nyan Win,
describing the two countries as brothers, April 2006.
369. U Aung Maw Latt, Chairman, Bahan Township Peace and Development Council, interference of the
White Sunday launched by 88 Generation Students to encourage family members of imprisoned political
prisoners 1 April 2007.
370. U Hein Latt (a) Maung Maung Oo, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy
Information Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers, criticized media
trainings sessions organized at the American Centre and British Council in Rangoon, has been primed at
government press conference with Myat Khaing to ask leading questions and sometimes he is given
questions in advance.
371. U Khin Latt, 40 years, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters at Theingyizay, September 2007.
372. Lt-Col Khin Maung Latt, Director, military dog cell, Insein prison.
373. Lt-Col Maung Maung Latt, Chairman of Movie and Video Censor Board.
374. Ko Myo Min Latt, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters in Hlaing Township, September 2007.
375. Kyaukbalu Tin Maung Latt, police intelligent reporter, Rangoon.
376. U Tin Maung Latt, member of Board of Directors, Myanmar May Flower Bank Ltd.
377. U Tun Min Latt, USDA member, Mandalay, beaten hero Htay Lwin to death, October 2005.
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378. Lt-Col / U Tun Yin Law, CEC member of National Unity Party.
379. Daw Khin Khin Lay, Managing Director of Forever Group. Her family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
380. U Khin Maung Lay, Chairman of Burma Trade Council, Ministry of Commerce.
381. U Ko Lay, DOB: 31 October 1931, former Mayor of Rangoon, former Minister of Prime Minister’s
Office. Wife: Khin Khin; sons: San Win and Than Han; daughter: Khin Thida (husband Zaw Htun Oo
who is a son of late SPDC Secretary 2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo). His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
382. U Maung Maung Lay and gang, people’s militia, Nyaunglebin, Pegu, corruption and bribery,
December 2006.
383. Ko Ye Win Lay, brother-in-law of Than Win, military informer in ABSDF, Myawaddy, Karen.
384. Tekkatho Le Le, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’ with a
group of anti-democracy singers.
385. Mr Li Ka-shing, Chairman, Hutchison Whampoa Limited, on a Dirty List of companies released by
the Burma Campaign UK.
386. U Aik Lin, businessman, Mayangone, Rangoon.
387. U Aung Lin (a) Aung Linn, Jailor, Kalemyo prison, prisoners brought out the severe water shortage
issue and the jailor responded rudely January 2006.
388. Brig-Gen / U Aung Thein Lin, b. 1952, Mayor of Rangoon, USDA / USDP 2010 South Okkalapa,
Rangoon. He was a CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Chairman of
Rangoon City Development Committee, the most corrupted department in Burma. Wife: Khin San Nwe;
daughter: Thidar Myo. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
389. U Douglas San Lin, architect, Maryland, USA, close friend of Aye Zaw Win, Tuesday real estate
developer group.
390. Col Htein Lin, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
391. U Khin Htay Lin, DOB: 14 April 1969, Director of Yuzana Company. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
392. Col Kyaw San Lin (a) Kyaw San Linn, Commander of Military Operations Command 10 Kyigone
393. Lt-Col Kyi Lin, Supreme Court’s Director in Chief, supervised a trial of Shan State Army – South,
Brigade 241 fighters led by Maj Sao Khun Kyaw, February 2006.
394. Police Naing Lin, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students,
October 2007.
395. Brig-Gen Nay Lin (a) Nay Linn, Director of Defence Servicces Information 2010, former
Commander of Military Operations Command 12 Kawkareik.
396. U Nay Lin, Project Director of Asia World, Kyetpye Naypyidaw International Airport, April 2009.
397. Dr Nay Yi Yi Lin, representative of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, mass
meeting July 2005.
398. Lt-Col Ne Lin, counter-intelligence department’s special unit 1, Military Affairs Security.
399. Brig-Gen Nyan Lin, BC 7863, DSA 1. He was a Commander of Southeastern Command and
member of SLORC. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
400. Maj San Lin, DKBA. The DKBA delegation, led by Col Chit Thu and Maj San Lin, was reportedly
paid 500 million kyat in cash by the Burmese authorities to accept the BGF proposal, August 2010.

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401. Maj-Gen Sein Lin, Director of Ministry of Defense, former Director Ordnance. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
402. Dr Soe Lin, traitor of NLD, MP, resigned from NLD, southwestern Mandalay, military junta-backed
Wunthanu NLD (anti-NLD).
403. Daw Thuzar Lin, representative of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation, mass meeting July 2005.
404. U Tin Lin, irresponsible journalist, The Voice, USDA / USDP 2010. He received financial support
for the 2010 Election from Dr Nay Win Maung, founder of The Voice.
405. Police Tun Lin, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
406. Brig-Gen Tun Nay Lin, USDA / USDP 2010, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 22 Pa-
An. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
407. Brig-Gen Tun Nay Lin (a) Htun Nay Linn, BC 16354, DSA 22, Commander of Southeastern
Commander 2010, warlord, Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council. He was a Rector
of Defence Services Medical Academy. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
408. Brig-Gen / U Wai Lin, Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command retired 2010. His family
is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
409. U Zaw Lin, Secretary of USDA, Mingalar Taungnyunt, Rangoon. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
410. Lo Hsing Han, ethnic Kokang Chinese, drug tycoon, Chair of Asia World Co Ltd. (Burma’s biggest
conglomerate) set up with the profits from the drugs, junta’s prop during the critical period after 1988,
the big-time pusher aided by the military junta, an adviser on ethnic affairs to the military junta,
negotiator/service provider to Burmese Junta. Son: Tun Myint Naing (a) Steven Law. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
411. Mr Peter Löscher, President and CEO, Siemens AG, on a Dirty List of companies released by the
Burma Campaign UK.
412. Lt-Col Aung Lwin, Commander of Lewe Station.
413. Ko Aye Lwin, traitor of 8-8-88 uprising, undercover informer, military junta-backed 88 Generation
Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar), chairman and 2010 election candidate for Union of
Myanmar Federation of National Politics, former leader of the union of the engineering university
Rangoon Institute of Technology 1988, distributed the statement blaming the opposition as dogmatic for
giving legitimacy to Aung San Suu Kyi to start a dialogue with the military junta in his group’s seven
facts declaration, September 2006.
414. U Chit Lwin, Supreme Court Judge. He rejected the petition of political prisoners Ko Aung Than
and Ko Zeya Aung in Insein prison submitted by lawyer Myint Thaung, November 2006. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
415. U Cho Lwin, Jailor, Meiktila prison, always refuses to permit at least one or more food parcels and
allow only 20 minutes visiting time, March 2009.
416. Khun San Lwin, pro-military junta, Pa-O National Organization. He is a Chairman of USDA /
USDP 2010 in Pa-O areas in Shan state.
417. U Kyaw Lwin, Secretary of Township Peace and Development Council, junta chosen attendee of the
National Convention, molested a lady on the bus, Wakema, Irrawaddy, March 2007.
418. Brig-Gen Kyaw Htoo Lwin, USDA /USDP 2010, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 33
Sagaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
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419. Brig-Gen Kyaw Oo Lwin, Commander of Regional Operations Command in Kale. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
420. Wunna Maung Lwin, Burmese Ambassador to the U.N., USA. UN General Assembly 2010: In
reality Burma has been transforming toward military society and the destiny of Burma should be
decided by Fascist Generals.
421. Lt Col Maung Aung Lwin, Western Command headquarters in Ann.
422. U Min Lwin (a) Tun Shwe (a) Swallow Group, Chief of Editor, Publisher, East Village News
423. Commodore Myint Lwin, Commander Irrawaddy Naval Regional Command. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
424. U Myint Lwin, Charge d’Affaires, Burmese Embassy, Washington DC, USA.
425. U Myint Lwin (a) Wang Guoda, Kokang Chinese, drug dealer, Chief of Tamoeng-ngen militia
group, attendee of the junta-organized National Convention, candidate of USDA / USDP 2010.
426. Brig-Gen Myo Lwin, Commander of Military Operations Command 7 Pekon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
427. U Myo Lwin, supervising officer of fire brigade, Wakhema Township, Irrawaddy, extortion of
money from local people, September 2006.
428. Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, b. 1939, former Minister of Immigration and Population, former Minister of
Industry (2). Wife: Moe Moe Myint. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
429. U Saw Lwin, Managing Director of Myanmar Mining Enterprise 1, Ministry of Mines. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
430. Brig-Gen / U Sein Lwin (1924 ̶ 2004), 18-day President 1988. He joined the army in 1943, Ne
Win’s 4th Burma Rifles 1944, killed Karen leader Saw Ba U Gyi 1950, Butcher of Rangoon: Gave the
order to shoot the demonstrating students and demolish the historical students union building in July
1962 and led a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in 1972, 1974 and 1988, former
Transport Minister, former Home Minister and former Religious Affairs Minister.
431. Brig-Gen Soe Lwin, BC 18189, DSA 25, Commander of Northwestern Command 2010, warlord,
Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of Military
Operations Command 3 Mogaung.
432. U Soe Lwin, head of student affairs department, expelled 40 students from Monywa University for
life two days ahead of the 18th anniversary of the 1988 nationwide pro-democracy uprising. Some
students lodged an appeal against the decision but the University’s rector Dr Maung Htoo rejected them
all, August 2006.
433. U Soe Lwin, Judge, Insein prison, sentenced Ashin U Okkanta for 15-year imprisonment 2010.
434. Thura Thaung Lwin, Deputy Minister of Rail Transportation. Wife: Dr Yi Yi Htwe. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
435. U Thaung Lwin, Judge of Kyauktada Township Court, Rangoon. He imprisoned Khin Sanda Win of
the Saffron Revolution 2007. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
436. U Thet Lwin, First Secretary, Burmese Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, declared Dr Salai Tun
Than’s passport null and void on 7 June 2006.
437. Lance Corporal Tin Maung Lwin (a) Chin Paung Pin, the worst staff, military dog cell, Insein
prison, physical abuse 1990.
438. Brig-Gen Tin Oo Lwin, USDA / USDP 2010, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 99
Meiktila, launching offensives against Karen people. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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439. U Tun Lwin, Director General, Directorate of Weather and Meteorology, Cyclone Nargis 2008.
440. U Tun Lwin, executive committee member of the Dedaye Township, Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Irrawaddy.
441. Maj-Gen Wai Lwin (a) Wei Lwin, DSA 20, soldier trusted by Than Shwe, Quartermaster General
2010. He was a Deputy Commander of the Rangoon Command, Deputy Commander of Triangle Region
Command, Commander of the Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon, Commander of Naypyidaw
Command, warlord. Wife: Swe Swe Oo; sons: Wai Phyo Aung (wife Ohnmar Kyaw Tun) and Wai
Phyo; daughter: Lwin Yamin. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
442. U Win Lwin, Director of Kyaw Tha Company and Kyaw Tha Construction Group. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
443. MaungYe Htut Lwin, youth delegate of Tenasserim, Union Solidarity and Development
444. Ye Yint Wai Lwin, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’ with
a group of anti-democracy singers.
445. Deputy Commander Zaw Lwin, Yedashay Township police station, Pegu, tortured to death of 23-
year-old Nyo Kyi from Shwe Myaing Ward, Myohla, June 2006.
446. Ma Lin Myuu Man, Chin State Union Solidarity and Development Association.
447. Ko Aung Thet Mann, DOB: 19 June 1977, Managing Director of Ayer Shwe Wah Company,
business - insecticides and fertilizers. Father: Gen Shwe Mann; wife: Khin Hnin Thandar. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
448. General / Thura U Shwe Mann, DOB: 11 July 1947, ethnic Karen, BC 11534, DSA 11 (1969), Than
Shwe’s man, 3rd in ranking, Cunning Diplomatic General, member of State Peace and Development
Council, USDA / USDP 2010 Zeyar Thiri Township, Naypyidaw. He was a Commander of Tactical
Operations Command, Commander of Light Infantry Division (LID) 66 Inma, Commander of the elite
LID 11 Yemon, Commander of Southwestern Command, Joint Chief of Staff, Coordinator of Bureau of
Special Operations (Army, Navy and Air). He was awarded the ‘Thura’ for bravery in action against the
Karen National Union at Maethawaw 1989. Wife: Khin Lay Thet; Sons: Aung Thet Mann (a) Shwe
Mann Ko Ko (wife Khin Hnin Thandar) and Toe Naing Mann (wife Zay Zin Latt, father-in-law Khin
Shwe), Crony: Zaw Zaw (He said that the future of Burma would not be in good shape in the hands of
the two elders Sr-Gen Than Shwe and Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye, but the country would be better off if
younger generation like Gen Thura Shwe Mann led.). His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Gen Shwe Mann stated that
Naypyidaw will become the nation’s capital in accordance with the new Constitution to be adopted, 12
July 2006. Only the USDP can build the benefit to the country, not other parties, 2010 Election. Ethnic
Cleansing: Karen kills Karen.
449. Ko Toe Naing Mann, DOB: 29 June 1978, President of Zaykabar Company, owner of Global Net
and Red Link Communications, Internet Service Providers. Father: Gen Shwe Mann, father-in-law:
Khin Shwe; wife: Zay Zin Latt. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
450. Mr Christophe de Margerie, CEO, Total, the French oil giant, on a Dirty List of companies released
by the Burma Campaign UK. The Earth Rights International accuses the firms of being implicated in
human-rights violations in Burma, claiming that soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s natural-gas
pipeline in the country have murdered locals and forced others to do backbreaking, unpaid labor in order
to keep the gas exports flowing smoothly. The report also holds that the revenues from the operation
have been propping up the country’s oppressive military government, July 2010.

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451. U Aye Mauk, Managing Director of Myanmar General and Maintenance Industries. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
452. U Arnt Maung, retired Director General of Directorate of Religious Affairs. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
453. U Aye Maung, Attorney General, Vice-Chairman of the National Convention Working Committee,
Secretary of Multiparty Democracy General Election Committee. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
454. Dr Ba Maung, member of Election Commission 2010, former Director General of the Historical
Research Department.
455. U Chit Maung, Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Thein Tin, February
1998 and Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Win Bo, August 2000.
456. U Chit Maung (a) Thara Maung, Chairman of Shan State Nationalities People’s Liberation
457. U Hla Maung, Ministry of Information, has taken action against citizens using computers and
making print outs according to the 1962 Press Scrutiny Law, 9 March 2007.
458. Ko Kan Gyi Maung, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
459. Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Deputy Minister of Agriculture & Irrigation.
460. U Khin Maung, Judge, Letpadan court, sentenced Ko Win Ko 3-year imprisonment for a petition
drive calling on Burma’s military leaders to release political prisoners October 2006.
461. U Kya Maung, Director of Land Registry in Haka Township, Chin State, extorting of money from
farmers and forcing the villagers to build a road for the junta without pay December 2004.
462. U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Myanmar Central Bank Governor.
463. Maj-Gen / U Lun Maung, Auditor General, USDA / USDP 2010, Chairman of National Convention
Convening Management Committee. Wife: May Mya Sein. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
464. Brig / U Maung Maung, Revolutionary Council, architect of the Tatmadaw, CIA, USA.
465. Dr Maung Maung, Ne Win civilian protégé, former President (August 19 ̶ September 17, 1988),
Chairman of Burma Socialist Program Party, and Chief Justice. Sons: Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu (DSA 13)
and Maj Aung Naing (DSA 16).
466. Editor Maung Maung of the state-run New Light of Burma, pro-military junta, Thailand visa banned
for a series of articles insulting the Thai monarchy 2002.
467. Lt-Col Thiha Maung Maung, Tada-U International Airport, Mandalay, raped a village girl at
gunpoint, August 2006.
468. U Maung Maung, District Judge, sentenced each Thet Oo, Zaw Htun and monk U Panita, who are
members of the Human Rights Defenders and Promoters network, to two-year imprisonment on 7
November 2007 at Prome prison court.
469. Zinyaw Maung Maung (a) Lyn Aung, Film Director, Best Director Burma Academy Award winner
1994 and 2004, pro-military junta, has produced several films promoting the propaganda of the military
government. In 1996, he produced a documentary celebrating the anniversary of the USDA.
470. U Mya Maung, CEC member of National Unity Party.
471. Brig-Gen / Thura U Myint Maung, Minister of Religious Affairs, CEC member of USDA / USDP
2010, former CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association. Son: Aung Kyaw Soe
(wife Su Su Sandi); daughter: Zin Myint Maung. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
472. Lt-Col Myo Myint Maung, Navy, notorious Director of the Press Scrutiny and Registration
Division, Ministry of Information.
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473. Dr Nay Win Maung, well-connected to Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye, junta crony, journalist, Burmese
media mogul, founder of Living Color (with the help of Ye Naing Win) and The Voice, EC member of
the Kanbawza Bank, concessions in the timber industry, co-founder of Myanmar Egress (NGO, Est.
2006) useful intermediary between Oxfam International and the Burmese regime following Cyclone
Nargis. The military junta allows both journals to publish translations of foreign newspaper Op-Eds by
the likes of Thant Myint U, David I. Steinberg, Jim Webb, and Kurt Campbell writings that favor
Western economic engagement with the Burmese regime. The NGO’s President, Tin Maung Than, is
Vice-President of the Myanmar Fisheries Federation and an adviser to Burma’s new rice industry
association, while Vice-President Hla Maung Shwe (brother of Brig-Gen Hla Myint Shwe) is Chairman
of the Myanmar Shrimp Association. Associates: Dr Khin Zaw Win, Harn Yawnghwe, Victor Biak
Lian and Khin Shwe. Nay Win Maung is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force, puppet group,
advocating for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy Icon Aung San
Suu Kyi. Dr Maung called on Aung San Suu Kyi to “provide a goodwill gesture in giving Than Shwe a
way out by saying yes to the constitution” 2008. He is a broker between the government’s cronies and
the NDF, 2010.
474. U Pe Lein Maung, CEC member of National Unity Party.
475. Captain Sann Maung, Light Infantry Battalion 304, raped Chin ladies in Lai lenpi village, Chin State
June 2006.
476. Senior General Saw Maung (December 1928 ̶ 24 July 1997), native of Mandalay, BC 6187, OTS
6, joined the army 1949, Fourth Burma Rifles, Lt 1952, 29th Regiment 1962, 5th Regiment 1965, Major
1967, 47th Regiments 1967, Northwestern Command 1970, Deputy Commander of Eastern Command
1972, Deputy Commander of Northeastern Command 1973, Commander of Light Infantry Division 99
in Meiktila 1975, Commander of the Northern Command 1976, Brig-Gen 1976, Commander of the
Southwestern Command 1979, Adjutant General 1981, Vice Chief of Staff (Army) 1983, Chief of Staff
(Army) 1985, General 1988, Prime Minister as well as Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs 1988,
Chairman of the junta when the army staged its so-called coup in 1988, Head of the bloody mayhem
State Law and Order Restoration Council 1988 ̶ 1992. He believed himself to be the reincarnation of
an 11th Century warrior-king Kyansittha. The 1990 parliamentary elections were won by the National
League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi, but hardliner Generals of SLORC / SPDC did not
accept the results and he was forced to retire in 1992. Wife: Aye Aye Yi; mentor: Gen Ne Win;
opponent: Gen Than Shwe; PA: Maj Myint Oo and Maj Khin Maung Soe.
477. U Sein Mya Maung, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’
with a group of anti-democracy singers.
478. Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung, Commander of Southeastern Command. He is a former
Commander of Coastal Region Command, warlord. He died in the helicopter crash into the Salween
River near Pa-An bridge in Karen state on 19 February 2001.
479. Lt-Gen / U Soe Maung, DSA 17, USDA / UDSP 2010. He was a Judge Advocate General retired
2010. Wife: Nang Phyu Phyu Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
480. U Soe Maung, Chairman of Village Peace and Development Council, responsible for the death of
hero Win Lwin from Ngapyin Village, Aunglan Township, Magwe, during a forced labour session, June
2005. He has threatened and intimidated the victim’s family by various means.
481. Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister of Culture, Chairman of Work Committee for
Organizing the 61st Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Poetry and Fine Arts
Competitions 2006. He was granted retirement, June 2006.
482. Brig-Gen Than Maung, Deputy Commandant of National Defense College. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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483. Brig-Gen Than Maung, Director of Peoples’ Militia and Frontier Forces. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
484. U Thein Maung, businessman, USDA / USDP 2010, friend of Aung Thaung.
485. Tin Maung, a main jail sergeant, verbal and physical abuses in Taungoo prison 2006.
486. Sai Tun Maung (a) Htun Maung, Lisu nationality, relative of Kyaw Myint (a) Li Yongqiang, drug
dealer, candidate of USDA / USDP 2010 Namkam, Shan.
487. Ko Win Maung, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
488. U Win Maung, SB, detention of Ko Soe Myint Htein of Burma Development Committee, 16 March
489. U Ye Maung, 100 house chief, Pepsi Video, Kemmendine, Rangoon, gave demonstration
information to authority, 25 September 2007.
490. U Zaw Maung, Chairman, beat Ma Aye Aye Aung and blocked her business, Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Myoma (4), Meiktila, Mandalay.
491. Daw Aye Aye Maw, Executive, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Hmawbi
Township, master of ceremony, mass meeting July 2005.
492. Daw Khin Mi Mi, Patron of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
493. Judge U Aung Min, Judge Daw Myint Myint San, Prosecutor U Myint Swe, Secretary U Nyunt Oo
of Henzada USDA, Superintendent Htun Htun Win of Police Force, Deputy Superintendent Than Taik,
Chairman U Win Zaw Oo of Eingapoe VPDC, Chairman Ko Aung Than of Kayinngu VPDC, Ten-
household head Ko Soe Win of Kanyinngu VPDC, Ten-household head Ko Sapu of Kanyinngu VPDC
and Executive Ko Htay Win of Kanyinngu USDA. On 24 July 2007 the Henzada Township Court found
the six Human Rights Defenders and Promoters rights defenders guilty, despite a lack of any firm
evidence concerning the series of random allegations against them: Myint Naing was sentenced to eight
years and the other four to four years each.
494. Maj-Gen / U Aung Min, Minister of Rail Transportation, USDA / USDP 2010. He was an Evil MI
tortured and exterminated patriotic activists who are standing for the people, Commander of Southern
Command, warlord, CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association sponsoring lessons
in basic journalism through a social organization to counter the media of foreign news agencies October
2006. Wife: Wai Wai Tha; son: Htoo Char Aung; daughter: Aye Min Aung. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
495. Brig-Gen / U Aung Myo Min, Deputy Minister of Education, USDA / USDP 2010, Chairman of the
Distribution Sub-committee for Printing and Distributing School Textbooks. Wife: Thazin New; son:
Sithu Aung. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
496. Maj-Gen Hla Min, DSA 22, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 3, 2010. He was a Commander
of Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon, Commander of Southern Command, warlord, Chairman of Pegu
Peace and Development Council. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
497. Ko Htein Min, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
498. Lt-Gen Kyaw Min, DOB: 22 June 1932, native of Henzada, Irrawaddy, former member of SLORC.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
499. Maj-Gen Kyi Min, Navy/1107, former Commander-in-Chief (Navy) expelled, Christie Island
Massacre 1998 as Admiral in the Navy.
500. Min Kyaw Min (a) U Kyaw Min, former chief editor, Myanmar news agency, advisor to former
information minister Kyi Aung.
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501. U Myo Min Min, a senior member of USDA Mandalay, publisher of Shwe Mandalay, Upper
Myanmar and the Mandalay Times, is directly involved with gambling and the lottery, and uses these
journals to launder his money 2008.
502. U Nay Min (a) Win Shwe, lawyer, solo traitor who sent false news to BBC during 8-8-88 uprising.
503. U Soe Min, General Manager of Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
504. Brig-Gen / U Zaw Min, Chairman of Karen State Peace and Development Council. He was a Deputy
Commander of Southeastern Command retired 2010, Wife: Nyunt Nyunt Wai. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
505. Col / U Zaw Min, DOB: 10 January 1949, Minister of Electric Power (1), Joint-General Secretary of
USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Tactical Commander torturing Karen villagers, Christie Island Massacre
1998, Chairman Magwe Peace and Development Council, Minister of Cooperatives, Joint Secretary-
General USDA, organizer of the USDA journalism training course May 2006. Wife: Khin Mi Mi. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
Australia. Election 2010: We are a ready-made government...soon after the election, we will continue to
remain in power and proceed to govern the country.
506. Police officer Zaw Min, South Dagon, Rangoon, hampered and harassed local NLD youth members
so that they could not attend the 18th anniversary of the formation of the party at its HQs, September
507. U Zaw Min (a) Lu Lu, a close aid takes care of Tayza’s account in US, Daly City, California, USA,
mine owner of Shwe Pyi Aye under UMEHL, distributor of London cigratte, Vice Chairman of Air
Bagan.. Wife: Khin Khin Aye. Address in Burma: 50 Shwe Hinthar Street, Hlaing Township, Rangoon.
508. Mr Roger Mitton, journalist, pro-military junta, has been advertising for the junta.
509. Col Aung Moe, factory manager of No.2 Steel Factory, ordered the farmers that they have to pay
yearly five bushels of paddy per acre from their confiscated farmland in Myaungtaka, Kankalay and
Kalakone Hamlets in Hmawbi Township, 1997-2005.
510. U Aung Kyaw Moe, with Kyaw Lwin, power abuse, Department of Electrical Power, Muse, Shan.
He is under the protection of Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, August 2010.
511. U Hla Moe, Managing Director of Co-Operative Import Export Enterprise, Ministry of Co-
Operatives. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
512. Ko Lwin Moe, Actor, Best Actor Burma Academy Award winner 2001 and 2004, artiste of the
Tatmadaw, 2010 Election campaign.
513. Lt-Col Soe Moe, Commander, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) 901.
514. Ms. Elizabeth H. Moore, archaeologist, art historian, Oriental and African Studies in London, pro-
military junta.
515. U Win Mra, Director General of International Organizations and Economics Department.
516. Pranab Mukherjee, Foreign Minister, India will not join other countries in pushing for democratic
reforms in military-ruled Burma June 2006, favourable response to Burma's request for arms January
517. Daw Moe Mya Mya, Director of Dagon International Ltd., Dagon Timber Ltd. and Palm Beach
Resort. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
518. Daw Mya Mya, Deputy Head of Information Department, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
519. Thakin Tin Mya, veteran politician, pro-military junta, outspoken critic of the NLD party and
opposition organizations saying they are responsible for the current stalemate in finding a political
solution, has a view that having a constitution is better than not having one.
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520. Singer Tin Tin Mya, Assistant Director (Music), the Old Composers’ Songs and Biographies
Scrutinization Committee.
521. Saw Zin Mya, Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Hla Than August 1996
and hero Hla Chit March 1997.
522. Daw Aye Myaing, Judge, Hlaing Thayar Township Court, Rangoon, co-conspirator to crimes
against humanity for her act in trying and convicting political activists 2008.
523. U Lin Myaing, former Ambassador, Burmese Embassy in the USA, uncle of Zaw Oo, Kyetpye
Naypyidaw, Burma.
524. U Aung Myat (a) Aung Myint, Director of Mother Trading and Construction. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
525. U Ti Khun Myat, drug dealer, leader of Kutkai militia group, attendee of the junta-organized
National Convention, shareholder of Myanmar Mayflower Bank, candidate of USDA / USDP 2010
Kutkai, Shan.
526. Lt-Col / U Aung Myint, Air Force, member of Election Commission 2010, former member of the
Civil Service Selection and Training Board, former Director of Myanmar Economic Holdings,former
Judge Advocate General.
527. U Aung Myint, Deputy General Manager of Myanmar Sugarcane Enterprise.
528. U Aung Myint, Judge, District Court, Myingyan, corruption and bribery, October 2010.
529. U Aung Myo Myint, Managing Director of Myanmar Motion Picture Enterprise. Wife: Malar Win
(member of MWAF). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
530. Perpetrators U Aung Swe Myint, Chairman of Set-hsan Village Tract Peace & Development
Council, and U Thein Lwin, 100 house head, Byaing Chaung village, against farmers Ko Tin Aung and
12 associates 8 July 2006.
531. Ko Aung Zaw Ye Myint, son of Lt-Gen Ye Myint, friend of actress Nawaratt, partner with Maung
Weik, racketeer, owner of Yetagun Construction Company. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
532. Brig-Gen / Thura U Aye Myint, Minister of Sports, Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee,
USDA / USDP 2010. He was a CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association,. Wife:
Aye Aye; son: Nay Linn. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
533. Maj-Gen / U Aye Myint, Deputy Minister of Defense, USDA / USDP 2010. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
534. U Aye Myint, Secretary of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Rangoon. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
535. Col / U Ba Myint, Director General 2003 - 2004, Prisons Department, Ministry of Home Affairs.
536. Artillery officer Hla Myint, laid dynamites thoroughly around the solid walls and demolished the
Student Union Building, 7 July 1962.
537. Brig-Gen / U Hla Myint, Deputy Commander of Northeastern Command retired 2010. Wife: Su Su
Hlaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
538. Dr Hla Myint, President, Myanmar Red Cross Society.
539. U Hla Myint, Burmese Ambassador to Japan, has organized the 2010 Election for the Tatmadaw
Government distributing the long-distance voting form, 2010.
540. U Hla Myint, leader of People’s Power Holders, Sidawmingala quarter, Prome, Pegu, physical abuse
against an adolescent Maung Aung Gyi. Power abuse: As a member of Pyithu Swan Arr Shin, I have an
authority to kill any civilian, 30 March 2007.
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541. U Hla Myint, pro-military businessman destroyed city park, Moulmein 2010.
542. U Htay Myint, DOB: 6 February 1955, Chairman of Yuzana Co Ltd., Yuzana Construction,
Rangoon’s Yuzana Supermarket and Yuzana Hotel, Yuzana Palm Oil Project, owner of Southern Burma
United Football Club, President of Construction Owners Association, Fishing Vessel Owners
Association, and Myanmar Projects Association. Villages are being flattened and farmland confiscated
in the world’s largest tiger reserve ̶ also home to a number of other rare or endangered animals,
including leopards, Himalayan bears and elephants ̶ on 200,000 acres in the Hukawng Valley, Kachin,
by Yuzana company conglomerate, 2007. His 500 employees were trained for militias and given
firearms by Burma Army, September 2010. Wife: Aye Aye Maw; daughter: Zar Chi Htay; brothers: Win
Myint, Lay Myint and Kyin Toe; Contact: Khin Nyunt. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He participates as a candidate of
USDA / USDP 2010 Mergui, Tenasserim.
543. Sgt Kan Myint (a) Bo Kan, staff, military dog cell, Insein prison, physical abuse 1990.
544. U Khin Myint, Judge of the High Court in Rangoon, rejected a special appeal for the release of
seven Shan leaders jailed for criticising the military’s National Convention, February 2007.
545. Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint, Chief of Staff (Air). His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
546. Maj-Gen / U Khin Aung Myint, Minister of Culture, CEC member of USDA / USDP 2010, former
Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare, Board member of Union of Myanmar
Economic Holdings Ltd. Wife: Khin Pyone. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
547. U Khin Hla Myint, member of Election Commission 2010.
548. Daw Khin Lay Myint, Vice President of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
549. Ko Khin Maung Myint, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
550. Maj-Gen / U Khin Maung Myint, Minister of Electric Power (2), USDA / USDP 2010. He was a
CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Commander of Western Command,
Commander of Eastern Command. Wife: Win Win Nu. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
551. U Khin Maung Myint, Head of Mingalar Taungnyunt Immigration and Population Department. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
552. Daw Khin San Myint, Judge, Sanchaung Court dismissed Naw Ohn Hla’s defamation suit she had
filed against 123 editors and publishers, 9 March 2007.
553. Daw Khin Thazin Myint, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
554. Brig-Gen / U Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement, USDA /
USDP 2010. Wife: Khin Nwe Nwe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
555. Col / U Kyaw Myint (a) Michael Hua Hu, Executive Vice Chairman of United Democratic Party in
Canada, former chairman of the Myanmar Kyone Yeom Company Ltd, former deputy minister of
finance for the United Wa State Army.
556. Prof Dr / Bogyoke Kyaw Myint, b. 1940, ethnic Chinese, Than Shwe’s trusted minister, Minister of
Health, USDA / USDP 2010. Burma ranks 190 out of 191 countries, just ahead of Sierra Leone, in terms
of ‘overall health system performance’ (WHO 2000). With one psychiatric hospital in the country and
one doctor for 2772 people, health care is difficult to come by (WHO 2006). It is also inordinately
expensive: of all the South-East Asian nations, Burma ranks first in terms of the amount that individuals
spend on health care (80.6 per cent of the total expenditure on health in Burma in 2006) and last in terms
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of government health expenditure (2.8 per cent of gross domestic product or GDP). Although health care
is nominally free, in reality, patients have to pay for medicine, medical supply and treatment as well as
donation, even in public clinics and hospitals. Wife: Nilar Thaw. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
557. Panhsay Kyaw Myint, drug dealer, Panhsay militia group, candidate of USDA / USDP 2010
Namkam, Shan.
558. U Kyaw Myint, Chief organizer, and gang of USDA, Chauk Township, Magwe, have been
misappropriating money and abusing power October 2006.
559. U Kyaw Myint, owner of Golden Flower Co Ltd, Shwemarlar Housing Project, Two Fish Brand
Pure Groundnut oil. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
560. U Kyaw Myint (a) Li Yongqiang, drug dealer, Yongyang Casino, Panhsay militia group of
Namkam, attendee of the junta-organized National Convention, Executive member of USDA / USDP
2010 Muse, Shan. Brother: Kyaw Htwe (a) Li Yongping; relative: Sai Tun Maung.
561. Ko Kyaw Myo Myint, Counter Intelligence Agent, Thailand.
562. U Kyaw Than Myint, Jailor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Mai Aik
Pan, July 2002.
563. U Kyaw Swa Myint, Son of Lt-General Maung Bo, Businessman.
564. U Lay Myint, DOB: 2 February 1955, brother of Htay Myint, Director of Yuzana Co. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
565. Col / U Maung Myint, DOB: 21 May 1958, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Wife: Dr Khin Mya
Win. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
566. Second Lieutenant Maung Myint, LIB 360, Company 2, raped a 16 year old teenage girl from Mong
Liang village in Mong Pieng Township, Eastern Shan State, 12 January 2008.
567. Maung Maung Myint, Managing Director of Myangon Myint Co Ltd. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
568. U Michael Moe Myint, Managing Director of Myint & Associates Group Co, oil magnate. Son:
Sithu Moe Myint.
569. Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Commandant Defense Services Records Office.
570. Col Myo Myint, Managing Director of Bandoola Transportation Co Ltd. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
571. Col Myo Myint, Managing Director of Union of Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd., Wife: Khin
Htay Htay. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
572. Dr Myo Myint, Director General, Ministry of Religion, with Thazin Mya Aung from Aungchantha
pilgrimage agency and Htein Lin from Rangoon pilgrimage agency, has been arranging transports and
accommodations for pilgrims to Buddha-gaya, Mizzima regions in India, taking advantage of Burmese
Buddhist monasteries there for their own benefits, October 2005.
573. U Myo Myint, Deputy Minister of Electric Power (1). Wife: Tin Tin Myint; son: Aung Khaing Moe.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
574. Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, CEC member of Mon State USDA. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
575. Brig-Gen / U Ohn Myint, Minister of Mines, USDA / USDP 2010. Wife: San San; sons: Thet Naing
Oo and Min Thet Oo. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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576. Col Ohn Myint, USDA / USDP 2010, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
577. Lt-Gen / U Ohn Myint, BC 11031, DSA 17, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of
Northern Command, warlord, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council, CEC member
of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Commander of Coastal Region Command, Chief of
Bureau of Special Operations 6, member of the State Peace and Development Council. Wife: Nu Nu
Shwe; son: Kyaw Thiha (wife Nwe Ei Ei Zin). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
578. U Ohn Myint, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation. Wife: Thet War. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
579. Lt-Gen Phone Myint, DOB: 5 January 1931, BC 6662, OTS 9, retired 1997. He was a Quarter
Master General, member of SLORC, Minister of Home Affairs. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
580. Brig-Gen San Myint, Commander of Light Infantry Division 66 Inma. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
581. U San Myint, active member of National Unity Party, Daik-U Township, Pegu.
582. Brig-Gen Sein Myint, Chairman of Pegu Division Peace and Development Council. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
583. Maj-Gen Soe Myint, former member of SLORC. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
584. Sergeant Soe Myint, military recruitment centre in Danyingone, Rangoon, bought about 20 children
from poor families, January 2008.
585. Thakin Soe Myint (16 August 1923 - 16 May 2010), political saboteur, political prisoner 1993
arrested temporarily and 30 May 2003 – 23 November 2003 under house arrest, Dobama Asiayone,
Burma National Army, central committee member of the Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League, central
executive committee member of the Burmese Farmer’s Association, central committee member of the
Socialist Party and vice-chairman of the People’s Youth League, chairman of the campaign committee
for the Rangoon Division of the NLD, secretary of the Rangoon Division Organizational Committee
Rangoon, CEC member of NLD 1991, member of Committee Representing the People’s Parliament
(CRPP). One of the founder of the NDF.
586. U Soe Myint, crony of Lt-Gen Tun Kyi, owner of Aung Moe Hein Company and Mandalar Hospital
in Mandalay.
587. U Soe Myint, friend of Kyaw Nyunt who is an elder brother of Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye, asking for
bribes since 2006, Shwebo, Sagaing.
588. U Soe Myint, Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Dr King Sein, January
589. U Soe Myint, local commander of National Intelligence Bureau, Kalemyo.
590. U Soe Myint, Silver Elephant Co.
591. Capt Soe Lin Myint, with Sergeant Min Swe, Light Infantry Battalion 350, Shwekyin, beat a boy
Maung Hla Thwin to death, March 2007.
592. Thein Myint, deputy chief police, police station no. (2), Pegu, practice forced labor.
593. Daw Thwe Thwe Myint, wife of Burmese Ambassador to Indonesia U Khin Zaw Win, Myanmar
Women’s Affairs Federation.
594. U Tin Myint, Director General of Attorney-General’s Office.

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595. Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, wife of Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Vice-President of Myanmar Maternal and Child
Welfare Association. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
596. Daw Tin Malar Myint, Executive of Mingaladon Township, Union Solidarity and Development
Association, representative of Myanmar workers of Mingaladon Township, mass meeting July 2005.
597. Lt-Col Tun Myint, Managing Director of the First Automotive Co Ltd. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
598. U Tun Myint, Managing Director of Asia World Co.
599. U Tun Aung Myint, ethnic Karen, retired Burma Navy Commander, Chairman of Karen People’s
Party, alliance with USDA / USDP, 2010 Election Rangoon.
600. Brig-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of Karenni Peace and Development Council. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
601. Brig-Gen Win Myint, Commander of Military Operations Command 6 Pyinmana. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
602. Brig-Gen / U Win Myint, Deputy Commander of Southern Command retired 2010. Wife: Mya Mya
Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
603. Brig-Gen / U Win Myint, Deputy Minister of Electric Power (2), USDA / USDP 2010 Letpadan,
Pegu. Wife: Tin Ma Ma Than. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
604. Brig-Gen / U Win Myint, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commandant of Defence Services
Technology Academy retired 2010. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
605. Lt-Gen Win Myint, Adjutant General, Chairman of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd.,
606. Maj-Gen Win Myint, DSA 20, Military Appointments General 2010. He was a Commander of Light
Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi launching offensives against Karen people, Deputy Commander of
Eastern Command, Commander of Rangoon Command, warlord, Chairman of Rangoon Peace and
Development Council. Buddhist Monk Killer 2007. Wife: Kyin Myaing. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
607. U Win Myint, Chief Jailor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Aung Kyaw
Moe May 1998, hero Saw Win August 1998, hero Mya Shwe April 1999 and hero Nyunt Zaw January
608. U Win Myint, DOB: 29 May 1952, brother of Htay Myint, Director of Yuzana Co. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
609. U Win Myint, President of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(UMFCCI), owner of Shwe Nagar Min Co., owner of Zeya Shwe Myay Football Club. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He
participates as a candidate of USDA / USDP 2010 Thantzi.
610. Lt-Gen / U Ye Myint, DOB: 21 October 1943, BC 10310, OTS 31, Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye’s
closest associate, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of Tactical Operations Command 1
(1992), Commander of Light Infantry Division 101 Pakokku 1994, Commander of Central Command,
warlord, Chief of Defence Security, Member of the State Peace and Development Council, Defence
Commission (1997), Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 1, Chief of Military Affairs Security
implemented Border Guard Forces. He hewed the jewels from the entombment of the famous
Mahamyatmuni Pagoda in Mandalay 1997. Wife: Dr Tin Lin Myint; son: Aung Zaw Ye Myint

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(racketeer), daughters: Theingi Ye Myint, and Kay Khaing Ye Myint. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
611. Police Aung Myo, sergeant, intimidated patients who receive medical treatments at the clinic run by
Dr Thein Lwin, the elected representative (MP) of Meiktila Township, July 2006.
612. Kyaw Myint Myo (a) Myo Myint, former secret agent, counter-intelligence department’s special unit
1, Military Affairs Security, hiding in a secret location, Thailand.
613. Col Nay Myo, Commander of Military Region 2, Eastern Rangoon. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
614. Police chief Nay Myo, Kemmendine Township police station, Rangoon, tortured and sexually
mistreated Ma Khin Mar Lwin, June 2006.
615. Col Ye Naing Myo, Commander of Military Operations Command 8 Tavoy 2010.
616. Chit Naing (Psychology), journalist, pro-military junta.
617. U Hla Win Naing, well-known thug, Secretary of USDA, and Hnint Tit Khin Maung Win, Pakokku,
Magwe, anti-Saffron Revolution 2007.
618. Dr Htay Naing, Prison Doctor, Insein prison, corruption and bribery.
619. Brig-Gen Ko Ko Naing, Rector of Defence Services Medical Academy 2010. He was a Commander
of Military Operations Command 8 Tavoy.
620. Lt Col Kyaw Kyaw Naing, Commander of IB 33 in Tangyan, provides weapons to Lahu militia
units in Nalao and Loizay Villages, Tangyan Township, Shan State, July 2010
621. Kyaw Myint Naing, pen name in military junta-run newspapers, military intelligence officer.
622. Col Min Naing, Commander of Light Infantry Division 101 Pakokku 2010.
623. Lt-Col Min Naing, Head of Burmese Language Department of DSA.
624. U Myint Naing, member of Election Commission 2010, former Deputy Attorney General.
625. U Naing Naing, section chief, Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of Information.
626. Dr Soe Naing, Prison Doctor, responsible for death in custody of hero Hla Chit, March 1997.
627. Lt-Col Soe Naing, Chairman, Sagaing District Peace and Development Council.
628. Maj-Gen / U Soe Naing, Minister of Hotels and Tourism, USDA / USDP 2010 Phapon, Irrawaddy,
former Commander of Southeastern Command, warlord, former Commander of Northwestern
Command. Wife: Tin Tin Latt; son: Yi Phone Zaw; daughters: Wut Yi Oo (husband Capt Htun Zaw
Win) and Yin Thu Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
629. Police Inspector Soe Naing, Prosecutor, charged against student Ko Lu Tin Win, September 2008.
630. U Soe Win Naing, representative of Aung San Oo, Rangoon.
631. Brig-Gen Thein Naing, Air/1793, son-in-law of Than Shwe, husband of Khin Pyone Shwe,
Commander of Air Force Base 502, Mingaladon, future Commander-in-Chief (Air) 2009.
632. Brig-Gen Thet Naing, Commander of Aungban Station. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
633. U Tin Maung Naing, Burmese diplomat, UN, New York.
634. U Tun Myint Naing (a) Steven Law (a) Steven Lo, ethnic Kokang Chinese, Chairman of Asia World
Co Ltd. (Est. 1992), Asia World Industries, Asia World Port Management Co., Asia Light Co Ltd,
Ahlon Warves and Leo Express bus, owner of Magwe Football Club. He has been barred from entering
the US because of drugs trafficking. Father: Lo Hsing Han; wife: Cecilia Ng (a) Ng Sor Hong in
Singapore. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada and Australia.
635. Dr Win Naing, Ph. D. Information Science, Burmese Association in Japan, defector 1998, advocated
for the military regime.

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636. Lt-Col Yan Naing, General Manager of Ministry of Hotels and Tourism. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
637. Ye Yan Naing, ex-police, unethical journalist, pro-military junta.
638. U Zaw Win Naing, Managing Director of Kanbawza Bank. Uncle: Sayar Kyaung; wife: Ma Nge
(daughter of Maj-Gen Win Hlaing). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
639. Col. L. Khon Naung, first Commander of Defence Services Academy (DSA) established in Fort Ba
Htoo in southern Shan State in 1954. It was moved to Maymyo in June 1957.
640. Brig-Gen Myint Naung, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Principal of Army Combat Forces
School in Fort Bayinnaung.
641. Police sub-Inspector Tun Lwin Naung, arrested Daw Win Mya Mya of NLD Mandalay on 28
September 2007.
642. Col Tun Tun Naung, DSA 25, Deputy Commandant, Defence Service Academy.
643. Maj. Yan Naung, LIB 599, Kyun Ping Seik army camp, tortured villagers from Kaung Ni village,
Nyaunglebin District, Karen State, April 2006.
644. U N Zaw Naw, Kachin ethnic, member of Election Commission 2010, former member of
Commission for Drafting Constitution 2008, former district law officer in Myitkyina, Kachin.
645. Kyaw Htin Nawrahta (a) Kyaw Htin Naw Ya Hta, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
646. Commander Bo Tet Net, Karenni National Solidarity Organization.
647. Brig-Gen / U Hong Ngai (a) Hong Ngaing, Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development
Council, Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command retired 2010. Wife: Wah Wah. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
648. U Nyi Hla Nge, former Deputy Minister of Science and Technology.
649. U Chit Ngwe, Jailor, Taungoo prison, restriction of visitation of political prisoners, December 2006.
650. Henzada Myint Ngwe, songwriter, Myanmar Music Asiayone, Vice-Chairman of Department of
Human Settlement and Housing Development.
651. Dagon U San Ngwe (deceased), Burmese Language Commission, pro-Ne Win.
652. Col / U Thein Ngwe, CEC member of National Unity Party.
653. Col / U Tin Ngwe, Deputy Minister of Progress of Border Areas, National Races, & Development
Affairs, USDA / USDP 2010. Wife: Khin Mya Chit. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
654. Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, native of Nyaung-U, Mandalay, DSA 22, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations
5, 2010. He was a Brigadier General Staff, Commander of Military Operations Command 6 Pyinmana,
Commander of Central Command, warlord, Chairman of Mandalay Peace and Development Council.
Wife: Khin Thida. He is known to be fiercely loyal to Than Shwe and Shwe Mann. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
655. U Tin Ngwe, retired teacher, active member of National Unity Party, Daik-U Township, Pegu.
656. U Bo Ni, Chairman of the Young Men’s Buddhist Association (YMBA), issued a statement
condemning the Britain-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) report, 14 February 2007.
657. Brig-Gen / Thura U Maung Ni, Deputy Commander of Southern Command retired 2010. Wife: Nan
Myint Sein. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
658. Police chief Win Aung Ni with deputy police chief Maung San, Taungup, Arakan, was acting in an
intimidating way and getting ready to arrest us said Moe Naing Soe, one of the five NLD members,
January 2008.
659. Mr Yoshifumi Nishikawa, President and CEO, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), on
a Dirty List of companies released by the Burma Campaign UK.
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660. U Khin Maung Nu, member of Election Commission 2010.
661. Brig-Gen Soe Nwe, Commander of Military Operations Command 21 Bhamo. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
662. Prof Dr Daw Than Nwe, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation working group on legal affairs.
663. Daw Than Than Nwe, wife of late Prime Minister General Soe Win (2004 – 2007), former President
of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation. Son: Nay Soe (wife Sabai Myaing); daughter: Theint Theint
Soe. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
664. Maj Win Nwe, former Rangoon Eastern District authority secretary, stated that students need to be
taught harsh lessons so that they know their place, April 2006.
665. Daw Soe Nyan, Judge, Rangoon Western District Court, co-conspirator to crimes against humanity
for her act in trying and convicting political activists 2008, sentenced Nay Myo Kyaw (aka) Nay Phone
Latt to twenty years and six months, 10 November 2008.
666. Venerable Dr Ashin Nyanissra, advocated for military regime claiming Burma is one of the
countries with optimum religious freedom, September 2004.
667. U Nyein, chairman of a ward in Syriam Township, Rangoon, arrested and imprisoned NLD youth
Moe Wa, daughter of detained Syriam Township NLD joint-secretary Tin Hlaing, May 2005.
668. Maj / U Aung Nyein, Managing Director, Secretary of the Committee of Printing and Publishing
Enterprise, member of Central Committee of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association resigned
2010, USDA / USDP 2010 Yenangyaung, Magwe. He is a mole in the association.
669. Dr U Chan Nyein, DOB: 15 December 1944, Minister of Education, EC member of USDA / USDP
2010, former Deputy Minister of Science and Technology. Wife: Sandar Aung. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. No
Education: Student political prisoners are not allowed to attend the higher education system.
670. Businessman U Kyi Nyein, with employees Ko Pan Aung and Ko Maung Win Khin, police officer
Arnold, arrested Awaing (a) Thein Htay from Pantanaw Township, Irrawaddy and sentenced to three
months in prison with hard labour for catching fish for her family in the paddy fields, August 2006.
671. U Maung Maung Nyein, Managing Director of Myanmar Five Star Line. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
672. Dr. Than Nyein, DOB: 5 August 1937, medical doctor, irresponsible opportunist, self-seeker,
chairman and co-founder of the National Democratic Force funded by Khin Shwe of Zaykabar
Company and Nay Win Maung of Myanmar Egress to participate in 2010 Election for military
legitimacy. Wife: Khin Aye (elder sister of Khin Nyunt).
673. U Than Nyein, Governor of Central Bank of Burma, Ministry of Finance. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
674. Dr Nyi Nyi (a) Shwe Oak Aw, New York, USA, Ne Win loyalist, former Minister of Mines, former
Education Minister, ruin the education system by banning English teaching and all the subjects were
translated into Burmese, only English language was in English that down graded our language skill in
English for broader learning and communication with the international communities.
675. Khin Maung Nyo (Economy), Chief Editor, International Business journal.
676. Maj-Gen Maung Nyo, Board of Directors of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. His family
is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
677. U Aung Myo Nyunt led a team comprising U Tin Myint, Secretary of Chin Peace and Development
Council, U Aung Win, U San Thang Vel, U Htun Hla Aung from the Survey Department in Falam town
and U Than Win from Survey Department in Kale district, surveyed and demarcated the boundary of
Chin state and Sagaing division between 27 March to 4 April 2008.
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678. Lt-Col Han Nyunt, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 66 Inma. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
679. Gen Khin Nyunt, DOB: 11 October 1939, native of Kyauktan, Rangoon, ethnic Chinese, BC 8468,
OTS 25, a protégé of Ne Win, ex-third most powerful military chief, Commander of Light Infantry
Battalion 20 in 1960, Tactical Operations Commander of the Light Infantry Division 44 Kyeikhto, head
of the Directorate of Defense Services Intelligence (DDSI) 1984, Chief of Military Intelligent Service,
responsible for sending death squads to border areas to kill ethnic leaders and Burmese dissidents,
Secretary 1 of SPDC, target of an aborted assassination attempt in 1992 by Tatmadaw members opposed
to his pro-China policy, Prime Minister 2003 - 2004, was arrested on 19 October 2004, 44-year
imprisonment (2005), Prince of Evil, the world’s biggest crook. Khin Nyunt’s circle was involved in
everything from hotels to mining and cash crops to massage parlours. About 300 people linked to him
have stood trial, with more than 40 convicted. Brig-Gen Thein Swe received a prison sentence of 152
years. Khin Nyunt was replaced by junta hardliner General Soe Win. He was one of the hardliner
generals refusing to honor the results of the 1990 Election and maintaining an iron grip on power. Wife:
Dr Khin Win Shwe; sons: Lt-Col Zaw Naing Oo and Dr Ye Naing Win (owner of Bagan Cybertech
dealt with Shin Satellite Plc, a company controlled by the family of Thai Prime Minister Thaksin
Shinawatra, wife: Singaporean 1998); daughter: Thin Le Le Win; cronies: Thaksin Shinawatra, Kyaw
Win, Htay Myint. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
680. Maj Khin Maung Nyunt, Navy, chaired the military tribunal in 1974 U Thant uprising, father of Soe
Thin of RFA.
681. U Kyaw Myo Nyunt, shareholder in Min Min Soe (MMS) Group of Companies. Father: retired Maj-
Gen Nyunt Tin. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
682. U Michael Myo Nyunt, Burmese-Australian, Managing Director of Worldcare (Myanmar) Co Ltd.,
Head office in Brisbane, Australia, the Worst Offender in Australia.
683. Police Myo Nyunt, Insein, Rangoon, savage beating of Mutna from Taungthugone Ward, August
684. Lt-Gen Myo Nyunt, DOB: 30 September 1930, BC 7557, OTS 18. He was a Commander of
Rangoon Command, member of SLORC and First Chairman of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings
Ltd. (a) U Pai, Est. in 1990. He was forced to retire after accusation of corruption 1997. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
685. U Myo Nyunt, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council, Chairman of Township
Election Commission, Madaya Township, Mandalay, arrested December 2006.
686. U Myo Nyunt, Deputy Minister of Education. Wife: Marlar Thein. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
687. San Nyunt, Commander Military Support Unit No 2 of Military Security Affairs. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
688. Police San Nyunt, sergeant, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
689. U San Nyunt, Deputy Director, Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of Information.
690. U Soe Nyunt, Staff Officer of Information and Public Relations Department of Ministry of
Information in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township, Rangoon. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
691. U Soe Nyunt (a) Bo Thannami (a) Htilar Sitthu, soldier-poet, former Deputy Minister of
Information, former Deputy Minister of Culture, threatened reporters who failed to respect “journalistic

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ethics and the rules of sovereignty” would be killed, referring in particular to Mr Bertil Lintner. He was
dismissed on 25 August 2003.
692. Dr Than Nyunt, Chairman of the Civil Service Selection Training Board. Brig-Gen David Abel has
been sidelined by Dr Than Nyunt who has been offering economic advice to the prime minister. Others
giving guidance are Eike Htun and Sayar Kyaung, two of the most powerful and well-connected bankers
in Burma, 2003.
693. U Thaung Nyunt, notorious Judge, Rangoon Northern District Court, legal adviser, Secretary of
National Convention Convening Work Committee, member of the Commission for Holding
Referendum, May 2008, co-conspirator to crimes against humanity for his act in trying and convicting
political activists October 2008, trial against Aung San Suu Kyi 18-19 May 2009. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
694. Col / U Thein Nyunt, Minister of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development
Affairs, Mayor of Kyetpye Naypyidaw. Wife: Kyin Khaing. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
695. Kawkareik U Thein Nyunt, Ye Khaung Student Group 1962, messacre of State High School (3)
Thingangyun Rangoon on 9 August 1988, Ma Sa La.
696. Maj-Gen / U Thein Nyunt, Mayor of Kyetpye Naypyidaw, CEC member of USDA / USDP 2010,
former CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association, former minister of Progress of
Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs.
697. Maj Ye Nyunt, police prosecutor, pursued 88 Generation Students Group, U Zargana and editor
Zaw Thet Htway 2008.
698. Mr Daniel O’Flaherty, vice-president of the National Foreign Trade Council, the Massachusetts
sanctions against Burma were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, 5 November 1998.
699. Mr Kang-Hyun Oh, Chairman, President and CEO, Korea Gas Corp (KOGAS), Shwe Gas pipeline
700. U Maung Maung Ohn, Chairman of Myanmar Airways International.
701. Dr Daw Mya Mya Ohn, USDA / USDP 2010 Phapon, Irrawaddy.
702. Lt-Col Thant Zin Ohn, DSA 22, Vice-Rector, Assistant Director of Studies, Defence Service
703. Col Thit Linn Ohn, Commander of Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon 2010.
704. Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Chairman, Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council.
705. U Tin Ohn, chief, Department of Forestry, Aunglan, Magwe, asking for bribes, November 2006.
706. Brig-Gen / U Tin Maung Ohn, Deputy Commander of Northwestern Command retired 2010. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
707. U Tin Maung Ohn, Jailor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Min Tun Wai,
May 2005.
708. Mr Akishige Okada, Chairman, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), on a Dirty List of
companies released by the Burma Campaign UK.
709. Battalion Commander Aung Kyaw Oo, Light Infantry Battalion 801, Light Infantry Division 66,
tortured villagers from Kaw Thay Der, Toungoo District, Karen State, May 2006.
710. Maj Aung Kyaw Oo, Deputy Director of Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of
711. U Aung Maw Oo, Jailor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Mya Shwe,
April 1999.
712. Ko Aung Naing Oo, self-appointed Burma Expert, former ABSDF, wanted by KNU, works for
SPDC’s Embassy in Thailand. He is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force, puppet group,
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advocating for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy Icon Aung San
Suu Kyi.
713. U Aung Naing Oo, Head of the Office of the Ministry of Commerce.
714. U Aung San Oo, lawsuit against her sister Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for half ownership of the house
where she now lives in 2000-02. Again in 2009-2010 he stopped her sister repairing her same residence
damaged during Cyclone Nargis 2007. His wife, Lei Lei Nwe Thein, has political ambitions for him
through his connections with the military junta.
715. U Aung Shwe Oo, Foreign Correspondence, Nippon Television.
716. U Aung Than Oo, President of Myanmar Rice Merchants Association, USDA / USDP 2010
717. Brig-Gen / U Chit Oo, Deputy Commander of Eastern Command retired 2010. Wife: Kyin Myaing.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
718. Maj-Gen / U Htay Oo, DOB: 20 January 1950, native of Henzada, Irrawaddy, confidante of Sr-Gen
Than Shwe, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, General Secretary of USDA / USDP 2010 Henzada,
Irrawaddy, former Secretary-General of the fascist Union Solidarity and Development Association
(USDA), former Minister of Cooperatives, former Commander of Southwestern Command, warlord.
Wife: Ni Ni Win (daughter of Col Tin Win Nyo, BSPP); son: Thein Zaw Nyo (Cadet). His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He
stated that Burmese mountains are so high that foreign birds that have flu virus would not be able to fly
over into Burma, bird flu H5N1 virus was first confirmed around Mandalay, March 2006. Than Shwe’s
Brown Shirts on Democracy, October 2010.
719. U Khin Maung Oo, 43 years, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters in Hletan Rangoon, September 2007.
720. Daw Khin Than Oo, section chief, Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of
721. Maj-Gen Khin Zaw Oo, DOB: 24 June 1951, Adjutant General 2010, Chairman of Union of
Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd 2010. He was a Commander of Light Infantry Division 66 Inma,
Commander of Coastal Region Command, warlord, Chairman of Tenasserim Peace and Development
Council, Aungtagun (Victorious pennant) military campaign wiping out Karen National Union bases
June 2006. He is a close confidant of junta leader Than Shwe. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
722. Brig-Gen Kyaw Naing Oo, Commander of Military Operations Command 19 Ye 2010.
723. Battalion commander Kyaw Zin Oo, Light Infantry Battalion 1, tortured villagers, November 2002.
724. U Lwin Oo, Secretary of Rangoon Southern District, Union Solidarity and Development
Association, representative of USDA, mass meeting July 2005.
725. Maj-Gen / U Maung Oo, b. 1952, Minister of Home Affairs abusing and killing freedom activists,
Minister of Immigration and Population, USDA / USDP 2010 Tatkon, Naypyidaw, head of the junta’s
human rights committee. He was a Commander of Military Operations Command 8 Tavoy, Commander
of Western Command, warlord, Chairman of Arakan State Peace and Development Council. Wife:
Nyunt Nyunt Oo. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He issued an order requiring political parties holding meetings to
accept at least one member of the Ward Peace and Development Council to record and take minutes and
photograph those meetings, 7 June 2006. He pressured the doctors from SSC private hospital in
Rangoon not to treat Daw Mi Mi Lay (diagnosed with blood in urinal tract), the mother of 88 generation
student leaderKo Htay Kywe, 14 October 2006. According to the new regulation, the prison authority
will let only Thura’s wife or children visit him. Zarganar’s wife Lwin Mar Oo, son Myat Kaung and
daughter Nge Oo Mon are now living in Los Angeles, United States, 25 June 2010.
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726. U Maung Maung Oo, Head of Military Security Affairs interrogation team at Insein prison. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
727. U Maw Maw Oo, 30 years, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters in Hletan Rangoon, September 2007.
728. Lt Col Min Chit Oo and Myat Htun Oo, SPDC representatives, attended the funeral of Gen Bo Mya
and divided the KNU, December 2006.
729. Ko Min Zaw Oo, pro-military junta and pro-engagement.
730. Col / Prof Dr Mya Oo, DOB: 25 January 1940, Deputy Minister of Health, USDA / USDP 2010
Nattalin, Pegu. Wife: Tin Tin Mya; son: Dr Tun Tun Oo; daughters: Dr Mya Thuza, Mya Thidar and
Mya Nandar. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
731. Brig-Gen Myat Htun Oo, Principal of Defence Services Academy 2010. He was a Commander of
Light Infantry Division 101 Pakokku. Lt-Col Myat Htun Oo, intelligence officer and leader of a team of
Burmese officials met with Karen National Union leaders, July 2006.
732. Captain Myint Oo, threatened to kill Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Danubyu, 5 April 1989.
733. Lt-Col Myint Oo, chairman, local authority, making money from the sales of lands confiscated from
farmers, Myawaddy District, Karen State.
734. Police Officer Myint Oo and another police officer and superiors of the Hlaingthayar police,
Rangoon, unlawfully arrested and detented Zaw Win of NLD and his older brother Min Zaw Oo on 29
April 2005.
735. U Myint Oo, notorious Jailor, Insein prison, has moved political prisoners to dangerous buildings
and prohibited them reading news journals 2010.
736. Corporal Myo Min Oo and Corporal Tin Maung Oo of Kemmendine Police Station, U Thet Toe of
Municipal, Ko Zaw Lin of Fire brigade reserve, beat hero Ko Thet Naing Oo to death, March 2006.
737. Ko Myo Zaw Oo, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
738. Secretary U Nyunt Oo, Htay Win, Thant Kyaw Oo, Than Oo, and Kyaw Kyaw of USDA Henzada;
Chairman U Aung Kyaw Naing of Ma Ya Ka, Satku and Than Aung of Ya Ya Ka; policemen Tun Tun
Win and Than Htike; SB Nay Lin Soe as well as villagers Aung Than, Soe Win and Win Hlaing beat
up Human Rights Defenders and Promoters, 19 April 2007.
739. Daw Ohnmar Oo, female Jailor, Insein prison, beat political prisoner Aye Aye Moe, January 1997.
740. Brig-Gen San Oo, BC 17502, DSA 24, Commander of Eastern Command 2010, warlord, Chairman
of Shan State (Southern) Peace and Development Council. He was a Director of Defence Services
Technological Academy.
741. Dr San Oo (a) Sann Oo, Managing Director of Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise, Ministry of
Electric Power (2). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
742. Brig-Gen San Myint Oo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Commander of Military Operations
Command 1 Kyaukme.
743. Ko Saw Oo, writer, ex- and anti-Burma Communist Party, BSPP, pro-military junta.
744. Police Sein Hlaing Oo, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
745. Brig-Gen Soe Oo, member of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, former Commander of
Military Operations Command 16 Theinni, Hsenwi Station. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.

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746. U Soe Hlaing Oo, Secretary of Mingalar Taungnyunt Township Peace and Development Council.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
747. Col Soe Naing Oo, Commander of Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi 2010. On 5 September 2010,
Maung Aung Thu Hein and Maung Soe Paing Zaw were shot four to six times and killed at home by
Capt Thein Kyi Soe and soldiers of Light Infantry Battalion 59 in Pegu under Light Infantry Division
77, threatening the public that when the Tatmadaw is tested, will die in agony; try it.
748. U Tha Oo, Chief Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Dr King Sein,
January 1995.
749. U Tha Oo, member of Election Commission 2010.
750. Ko Than Oo, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
751. Maj-Gen Than Oo, former Chairman of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd., 1996.
752. U Than Oo, Joint-Secretary UDSA Dagon Myothit, Rangoon, corruption in water project 2007.
753. Brig-Gen Than Tun Oo, BC 17432, DSA 24, Commander of Triangle Region Command 2010,
warlord, Chairman of Shan State (Eastern) Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of
Military Operations Command 14 Mong Hsat.
754. U Than Win Oo, Aunglan township USDA working committee member and U Aung Thaung,
Pyinhlapin village PDC member, illegally chopped down two tall 50 years old teak trees (about one ton
of wood) on 12 December 2008.
755. U Thant Myint Oo (a) Thant Myint U, a disgraced grandson of U Thant, historian, an apologist for
the Burmese military regime, Bangkok, Thailand. Says historian Thant Myint U: “Western sanctions
have been China’s best friend. Though intended to promote democratic change, the net effect of the
embargoes and boycotts has been far greater Chinese economic domination.”
756. Thaung Wai Oo, soldier-writer, military junta-run newspapers.
757. Thein Zaw Oo, fire fighter reserve, Yenangyaung, Magwe, pressured and intimidated Shin
Einthariya, AIDS activist, August 2006.
758. Brig-Gen Thet Oo, OTS 5, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2010. He was a Commander of Military
Operations Command 16 Theinni, Commander of Light Infantry Division 55 Kalaw. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
759. U Thet Oo, prison authority, beat Ko Myo Kyaw Zin at Putao prison in July 2010.
760. U Thet Naing Oo, representative of Union Solidarity and Development Association, mass meeting
July 2005.
761. U Thet Swe Oo, Judge, South Okkalapa Township Court, promised Maj Win Nwe that he would let
him win the case-suing student Phyo Wai Soe for sure even before the sentence is passed on the
defendant, April 2006.
762. Brig-Gen / U Tin Oo (a) Lamba Tin Oo, Died: 30 December 1998, BC 5807, MIS chief 1972-83,
popularly known as the number 1 ½, created a secret political police that could control the populace and
supervised the construction of several notorious interrogation centers, including Yekyiaing (Clear Water
pond) complex close to Rangoon airport. One god: Ne Win.
763. Lt-Gen Tin Oo (13 May 1933 – 19 February 2001), BC 8182, OTS 22, Chief of Staff (Army),
Secretary Two of the SPDC, fourth-most-powerful member, very close to Maung Aye. He joined the
military in 1959, Lt-Col as Commander of Light Infantry Battalion 24 in 1979, Col 1980, Brig-Gen
1989, Maj-Gen 1990, Lt-Gen 1993. A hardliner opposed concessions to ethnic leaders and democracy
activists including Aung San Suu Kyi. He was the target of a parcel bomb attack that killed his eldest
daughter 1997. He was assasinated in the helicopter crash into the Salween River near Pa-An bridge in
Karen state 2001. Hardliner: He opposed concessions to democracy activists.

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Other victims and passengers: Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung, Commander of Southeastern
Command; Brig-Gen Lun Maung, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office; Col Thein Nyunt, Minister of
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs; Col. Win Hlaing, Deputy
Director of armor division; Col Tin Win; Col Kyaw Tin Hla, Burma Navy; Lt-Col Hla Paing, Office of
Commander in Chief of Defense Services; Maj Aung Phone Naing, Personal Assistant of Tin Oo; Maj
Khin Maung Kyaw, Personal Assistant of Sit Maung; Maj Aung Maw Thet; Maj Soe Naing, Police
Director, Burma Police Force; Capt Ne Min Aung, Assistant Police Director; Warrant Officer Maung
Maung Than, military television station; Cpl Htein Lin Aung; Cpl Thein Tun; Cpl Kyaw Swe, support
trooper. Maj Aung Zaw Tun was the only one among the survivors that was unscathed.
764. Maung Tin Oo, Film Director, Best Director Burma Academy Award winner 1972, 1978, 1985,
1995, and 2001, pro-military junta. He has produced several films promoting the propaganda of the
military government.
765. Gen / U Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo (a) 8 Syllables, DOB: 29 May 1950, BC 11715, DSA
12, protégé of Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council,
USDA / USDP 2010 Bobba Thiri Township, Naypyidaw. He was a Commander of Light Infantry
Division 101 Pakokku, Commander of Tactical Operations Command, Commander of Northeastern
Command, warlord, Quarter Master General, Minister of Military Affairs, member of Burma Trade
Council 1997, Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council, Chairman of Myanmar Economic
Corporation. He earned the title of Thiha Thura in September 1988 facing a fierce attack from 2,000
CPB insurgents for 12 days in the battle of Mong Yawn, Shan. Wife: Khin Saw Hnin. Son: Capt Naing
Lin Oo (wife Hnin Yee Mon). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
766. U Tin Maung Oo, Jailor, kicked, beat and slashed Ko Aung Tin Win who is a political prisoner in
Insein prison, 21 February 2007.
767. Lt-Col / U Tin Than Oo, writer, movie director of “Lotus in Blossom at Dawn”, pro-military junta,
military propagandist.
768. Dr Tin Tun Oo, medical doctor, opportunist, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-
savvy Information Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers, owner of Thuta
Swe publishing house, Vice Chairman (1) of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association resigned
2010, USDA / USDP 2010 Pazundaung, Rangoon, President of Myanmar Sports Writers Federation.
Wife: Dr Khin Moe Moe; daughter: Nu Myat Theingi Oo.
769. Police Tun Oo, deputy chief, Maungdaw, Arakan, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks and
students, October 2007.
770. Brig-Gen Tun Tun Oo, Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
771. U Tun Tun Oo, Deputy Chief Justice. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
772. U Tun Tun Oo (a) Htun Htun Oo, Deputy Attorney General. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
773. Police Cpl Wai Phyo Oo, Hlegu police station, Rangoon, abusing power, beat Ko Min Naing of
NLD Youth, Hlegu, Rangoon on 19 November 2009.
774. Sub-inspector Zaw Min Oo, Special Branch Police, arrested NLD youths Thiha and Htein Win,
North Dagon Myothit, Rangoon, 1 February 2008.
775. Mr David O’Reiley, former CEO, Chevron Corp., USA, will keep its stake in a natural gas project in
Burma, defying calls to leave following a crackdown on protesters by the country’s ruling junta, 26
October 2007. The Earth Rights International accuses the firms of being implicated in human-rights
violations in Burma, claiming that soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s natural-gas pipeline in the
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country have murdered locals and forced others to do backbreaking, unpaid labor in order to keep the
gas exports flowing smoothly. The report also holds that the revenues from the operation have been
propping up the country’s oppressive military government, July 2010.
776. Col Maung Par, Deputy Mayor of Rangoon, Vice-Chairman of Rangoon City Development
Committee, CEC member of USDA / USDP 2010, former CEC member of Union Solidarity and
Development Association. Wife: Khin Nyunt Myaing; son: Naing Win Par. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
777. Ko Soe Paing, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
778. Soldiers Thet Paing, Thet Lwin Oo, Myo Min Oo, Hla Min Htwe, Kyaw Soe Htay and Hlaing Win
from Mong Nawng-based Infantry Battalion 9 raped Palaung women from Hopon Village, Loilen
district, Shan State, October 2006.
779. Mr Paul Pasch, former Burma Project Director, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Third Force advocating for
the oppressive military regime’s road map and the 2010 Election.
780. Mrs Pratibha Patil, President of India. Despite the criticisms over the welcome of junta leader Sr-
Gen Than Shwe to India, Pratibha Patil said the India-Burma relationship is unique as the two countries
signed a range of agreements on finance, technology, arms and border issues. She said that Burma is
central to India’s “Look East” policy, and it stands as a gateway to the relationship between India and
other Asean countries. 28 July 2010
781. Mr Noppadon Pattama, former Foreign Minister, Thailand, pro-military junta, Thaksin Shinawatra
782. Mann Pauk Pauk, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
783. U Sai Ai Paung of salt business, Judge U Myo Sat Aye, Col Kyaw Tint, and U Thein Myint,
general secretary of Ya Ya Ka, eviction of the Mingala Taungnyunt Rangoon residence, April 2007.
784. U Ohn Pe, Jailor, Insein prison, gave hard time to Sayar Maung Thaw Ka and Baba U Sein Win,
both deaths in custody.
785. Pakkoku U Ohn Pe (a) Ohn Phay, the philanthropist, owner of One hundred lakhs tobacco treating
plant, donor of the literary and education trust funds, the prizes were conferred to the award winners by
former General Khin Nyunt yearly since 1992.
786. Brig-Gen Ye Chit Pe, Staff of Commander-in-Chief (Air), Mingaladon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
787. Mr Morten B. Pedersen, Danish policy analyst, International Crisis Group, convener of research on
Burma for Australian National University, research fellow at United Nations University in Tokyo,
former consultant with the World Bank, UN and EU, Rangoon regime apologist, vocal critic of EU and
US sanctions.
788. U Ohn Phay, Chief Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Bo Set Yaung
March 1990 and hero Mahn Dawait July 1992.
789. Dr Thin Phay (a) Thinn Phay, Prison Doctor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero
Dr King Sein January 1995 and hero U Hla Than August 1996.
790. U Aung Phone, DOB: 20 February 1939, former Minister of Forestry. Wife: Khin Sitt Aye; sons: Sit
Thaing Aung and Sit Thway Aung. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
791. Sergeant Hla Phone, police, arrested U Thet Wai during hearing at Kyauktada Township court for
solo protester U Ohn Than, 9 January 2008.
792. Maj Hla Phyo, Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
793. Maj-Gen Kyaw Phyo, Defence Forces Inspection and Auditor General 2010. He was a Commander
of General Staff College in Kalaw, Commander of Triangle Region Command, warlord, Chairman of
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Shan (East) Peace and Development Council. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
794. Thura U Saw Phyu, former Deputy Commander-in-Chief (Air), former Minister of Transport, CEC
member of National Unity Party.
795. Mr Jean Pichon, French businessman, Myanmar Fisheries International Joint Venture Ltd, Micasa
Hotel, Burma.
796. Mr Piyasvasti Amranand, Minister of Energy 2006 – 2008, Thailand. Piyasvasti has made it clear
that Thailand is dependent on the gas its gets from Burma’s Gulf of Murtaban concessions to drive its
power generating plants.
797. Chief Admiral Arun Pradesh met Than Shwe and discussed the Burmese Navy’s bid to upgrade its
fleet with Indian technology, January 2006.
798. Mr Serge Pun, ethnic Chinese, Hong Kong Mafia, Chairman of the multinational Serge Pun &
Associates (SPA) Group and Rangoon’s Yoma Bank, FMI Co Ltd, Yoma Strategic Investments Pte Ltd
listed on the Singapore stock exchange June 2006, Pun Hlaing Golf Club, Pun Hlaing International
799. Daw Ei Hnin Pwint (a) Christabelle Aung, DOB: 22 February 1981, Director of Palm Beach Resort
in Ngwe Saung. Father: Dagon Win Aung; brother: Thurein Aung; sister: Ei Hnin Khaing (UK). Her
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
800. Maj-Gen Yar Pyae, DSA 22, Judge Advocate General 2010. He was a Rector of Defence Services
Medical Academy, Commander of Eastern Command, warlord, Chairman of Shan State (Southern)
Peace and Development Council. Wife: Thinzar Win Sein. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
801. Mr Subir Raha, Chairman and Managing Director of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC,
India), Shwe Gas pipeline projects.
802. East Timor’s President Jose Ramos-Horta said, after meeting Burma’s foreign ministerNyan Win,
his country is seeking to improve relations with Burma. We want to increase our relations, 23 August
2010. East Timor embassy is the first foreign colonist in Naypyidaw.
803. Indian Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao’s (1991 ̶ 1996) “Look East” policy basically changed
India’s foreign policy toward Burma doing business and military deals with the Burma military junta.
804. Mr Joseph Verner Reed, Republican, UN Under-Secretary-General. He was an US Ambassador to
Morocco, US Representative to UN Economic and Social Council and Chief of Protocol. He is one of
the leading Burmese military consultants in the USA and UN. Associated lobbyists: Charlie Black,
Doug Davenport, Doug Goodyear, Lester Wolff and Ann Wrobleski.
805. Khun Sa (a) Chang Si-fu (a) Chang Qi fu (1934 ̶ 2007), ethnic Kokang Chinese, opium warlord,
Commander of Mong Tai Army (MTA), Morning Light Co Ltd, traitor to the Shan Cause, military
regime cut a deal with him for his surrender in early 1996, allowing him protection and business
opportunities in exchange for retirement from the drug trade, indicted by a U.S. court in 1990 on charges
of heroin trafficking, bought spare parts for military helicopters on the international black market
through the Japanese business cartel.
806. Pauk Sa, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
807. Saw Khu Sae, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’ with a
group of anti-democracy singers.
808. U Bin Sai, Jailor, Mergui prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ko Gaung Shay 1992.
809. Col Aung San, Managing Director of Hsinmin Cement Plant Construction Project. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.

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810. U Aung San, Chief Jailor, Mergui prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ko Gaung Shay
811. U Aung San, Minister of Coorperatives.
812. Brig-Gen / U Aye San, CEC member of National Unity Party.
813. Brig-Gen / U Kyaw San (a) Kyaw Hsan, DSA-11 (1969), pro-Than Shwe, Minister of Information -
Minister of Misinformation / Propaganda, mouthpiece of atrocious SPDC, the Great Liar, Secretary of
USDA / USDP 2010, former Secretariat Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association,
controlled Press Scrutiny Registration Department, chief of World Information Working Committee and
Information Working Group, head of counter-media campaign, Secretary of National Convention
Convening Committee, censored / suspended / banned Ludu Sien Win in Burmese press 6 June 2006. He
has used many pen names writing political propaganda articles and personal attacks on revolutionary
students, monks and politicians in military junta-run newspapers. Wife: Kyi Kyi Win. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
Military News Media: No news in the truth. No truth in the news.
814. U Mya Than San, composer, journalist, writer, pro-military junta, military propagandist. Mya Than
San was awarded 1.5 millions kyat (US $1,530) for his songs titled “Eternal Peace,” “Love and the
Union” and “Peaceful Flower Garden.” 2010
815. U Myint San, Judge, Rangoon Western District Court special tribunal sitting in Insein prison,
regarding eleven Arakanese youths held in Insein prison for about a year. Special Branch Police Major
Than Soe was public prosecutor, August 3010
816. Daw Myint Myint San, Judge, Henzada,
817. Lt-Col Taik San, Assistant Director (Literature) of Defence Services Technology Academy.
818. Deputy police chief Tin Maung San, prosecutor of political prisoner U Kyaw Khaing, 87 years old
(2009), Taungup, Arakan.
819. Col Tin San (a) Tin Hsan, Commander of Military Region 3, Western Rangoon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
820. Ko Tin Maung San, government spy in ABSDF, Thai-Burma border.
821. U Win San, Jailor, Mergui prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ko Gaung Shay 1992.
822. Mr Shyam Saran, former Indian Foreign Secretary visited Burma in March 2006, former Indian
Ambassador to Burma.
823. U Aye Saung, village authority chairman, forced local women to join the government controlled
Myanmar Women Affairs Federation, Mauklauk Village, Meiktila Township, Mandalay.
824. Official Aung Myo Saw, Burmese consul in Calcutta, denied the return of Burmese fishermen at
Pattalaboo prison, India.
825. U Ba Saw, prime minister U Nu’s cabinet minister from Arakan, leaked the cabinet resolution to Bo
Ne Win that he was being sacked for the adulterous marriage of Bo Ne Win and Kitty Khin May Than.
Bo Ne Win, first went with full of tears to Thakin Chit Maung, Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry
of Defense and asked for assistance to deter the resolution of the Cabinet from being implemented.
Thakin Chit Maung brought the case to Deputy Prime Ministers U Ba Swe, who was also the Minister of
Defense and U Kyaw Nyein, who was the Minister of Interior, the two most influential ministers. The
Deputy Prime Ministers begged for mercy to the Prime Minister U Nu and pointed the situation of the
country that the threat of the communists was still eminent. After all, Bo Ne Win was their Socialist
candidate for the Minister of Defense portfolio against Bo Zay Ya, the Communist candidate at the
immediate post-independence months. The Prime Minister reluctantly ignored the issue of firing Ne
826. Brig-Gen Nyo Saw, Commandant of Defence Services Technological Academy 2010. He was a
Commander of Military Operations Command 5 Taungup
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827. Retired Lieutenant General Ravi Sawhney, headed Indian military intelligence during the so-called
‘Operation Leech’ and let the ‘rogue agent’ Lieutenant Colonel Grewal, get away with perfidy, betrayal
and plain murder. The betrayal of Arakanese and Karen rebels from Burma, who trusted in India only to
be betrayed by Grewal. Today, 34 of those betrayed still remain in India’s penal system, over a decade
after their wrongful arrest. Additionally, six of their leaders were killed in cold blood at the very onset of
Grewal’s vicious U-turn. India’s betrayal of Burma’ democratic aspirations, 6 April 2009
828. Pegu Kya Khet Waing Sayadaw, former peace negotiator, now pro-military junta.
829. Lt Gen Choummaly Sayasone, DOB: 6 March 1936, General Secretary of the communist Laos
People’s Revolutionary Party 2006 and President of the Laos People’s Democratic Republic 2006. He
was a member of Politburo 1991, Minister of Defense 1991 – 2001, Vice President 2001 – 2006. Burma
Election 2010: We will fully support the elections, 4 October 2010.
830. Ms Miriam Marshall Segal, Chairperson and CEO of MMA International Holdings Ltd, 25 Central
Park West, Suite 9K, New York, NY 10023, flamboyant businesswoman investing heavily in Burma,
highly vocal supporter of the generals, partnership with Gen. Maung Maung, testified before the House
Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific and defended the generals, June 1994. A political
bubble-brain: It is Aung San Suu Kyi’s own stubbornness which keeps her under house arrest, and
forced labour in Burma is not carried out by ordinary citizens or political prisoners, but murderers and
drug addicts.
831. Thakin Ba Sein, mentor of Dictator General Ne Win, Ba Sein-Tun Oke faction, founder of Dohbama
832. U Khin Sein and Daw Yi Nwe, USDA, Thayetpinseik village, Okpo Township, Pegu.
833. Daw Sein Sein, Thiha Thuddhama Theingi, former chairperson of Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs
834. Brig-Gen Than Sein, DOB: 1 February 1946, Commandant of Defense Services General Hospital,
Mingaladon. Wife: Rosy Mya Than. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
835. Gen / U Thein Sein, DOB: 20 April 1945, native of Bassein, Irrawaddy, ethnic Chinese, BC 11252,
DSA 9, Prime Minister, Chairman of USDA / USDP 2010 Zabu Thiri Township, Naypyidaw. He was a
Commander of Triangle Region Command 2001, warlord, Adjutant General of War Office 2001,
Secretary 1 of the State Peace and Development Council, Chairman of the National Convention
Convening Commission aka National Dictation, Chief of World Information Bureau. Wife: Khin Khin
Win. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
836. U Thein Sein, Deputy Minister of Information, CEC member Union Solidarity and Development
Association. He was granted retirement, June 2006.
837. Lt-Col Tin Sein, Chief Editor of Myawaddy Television, Tatmadaw Telecasting Unit.
838. U Tin Sein, owner of Myanmar Universal Bank. He was jailed 10 years for drug trafficking in April
839. Brig-Gen Win Sein, Deputy Minister of Labour, was arrested for investigation of corruption 2006.
840. Brig-Gen / U Win Sein, Deputy Minister of Immigration and Population, USDA / USDP 2010.
Wife: Wai Wai Linn. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
841. Lt- Col U Win Sein, DOB: 10 October 1940, native of Kyaukkyi, former Minister of Railway
Transportation, former Minister of Culture, central executive of Union Solidarity and Development
Association, planned to kill Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, November 1996. Aung San Suu Kyi should be
sentenced with the death penalty, 1997.

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842. U Yin Sein, General Manager of Innwa Bank. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
843. Maung Setana (a) Cetana (a) U Nyein Maung, former schoolteacher, writer, pro-military junta.
844. U Thet Shay, Chief Jailor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Mai Aik Pan,
July 2002.
845. U Chit Shein, Director General of the Labor Department.
846. U Han Shein, Judge of the High Court in Rangoon, rejected a special appeal for the release of seven
Shan leaders jailed for criticising the military’s National Convention, February 2007.
847. Lt-Gen / U Maung Shein, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of Military Operations
Command 12 Kawkareik, Commander of Northeastern Command, warlord, Chairman of Shan (North)
Peace and Development Council, Commander of Western Command, Defense Services Inspection and
Auditor General retired 2010. Wife: Kyawt Kyawt San. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
848. Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, Eastern Rangoon District authority backward-minded chairman came
to Maggin Monastery near Kyaikkasan Pagoda in Rangoon, offered some material needs to the head
monks and requested them not to accept donations from political circles, July 2006.
849. U Nyunt Maung Shein, Ambassador / Permanent Representative and leader of the Burmese
Delegation, ILO conferences, Geneva, Switzerland, the Barbarian Diplomat.
850. Brig-Gen Soe Shein, PA of Gen Than Shwe, Commander of Than Shwe’s security guard, owner of
Myint Moe Hotel, Kyetpye Naypyidaw.
851. Commodore Win Shein, Commander of Naval Training Headquarters, former Commander of
Irrawaddy Naval Region Command. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
852. U Win Shein, Nyaungbintha Village Peace and Development Council, committed extortion, illegally
buying and selling state land, and acquiring diesel and fertilizer by falsifying data about the cultivation
of summer rice paddy, November 2005.
853. U Win Shein, U Thein Tun and gangs, USDA Bogale, harassed and intimidated the Independence
Day celebration 4 January 2007.
854. Mr James Sherwood, founder and former chairman, Orient-Express Hotels Ltd., on a Dirty List of
companies released by the Burma Campaign UK.
855. Mr Kazuyama Shimba, Japanese delegation leader, called on Maj-Gen Htay Oo, USDA Secretary-
General, at the headquarters of USDA, 9 January 2006.
856. U Ba Shin, Chief Jailor, Thayet prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ven Arsara March
1996 and hero Myint Swe June 1996.
857. Maung Su Shin (a) Maung Myo Thant, journalist, CEC member of Myanmar Writers and Journalists
858. Col Thant Shin, Director General of Prime Minister’s Office. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
859. Dr Tun Shin, DOB: 2 October 1948, Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General,
Rangoon, member of the Commission for Holding Referendum, May 2008. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
860. Mr Thaksin Shinawatra, Thai billionaire politician and businessman, Thai Prime Minister 2001 -
2006, mouthpiece of Burmese junta, business interest in Burma, friend of Khin Nyunt, hard stance on
Burmese, massive corruption and abuse of power in Thailand.
861. Maung Pho Shoke, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
862. Brig-Gen / U Aung Shwe, DOB: 19 July 1918, BC 3505, chairman of National League for
Democracy, pro-dictator. Dealing with the oppressive generals and dismissing active NLD political
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prisoners, he has maintained the NLD at the dysfunctional level. Political saboteurs: Aung Shwe, U
Lwin, Kawkareik U Thein Nyunt, Sein Hla Oo, Thakin Soe Myint (1923-2010), Khin Maung Swe, Dr
Than Nyein, and Khin Shwe.
863. U Han Shwe, spokesperson and CEC member of National Unity Party. The Election Commission’s
November 30, 1989 had decided to let the NUP party take over some K75 million in cash, real estate
and other property owned by the old BSPP.
864. Maj-Gen Hla Shwe, Deputy Adjutant General. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
865. U Hla Shwe, Jailor, Myitkyina prison. Ko Zarganar’s sister-in-law Ma Nyein returned from
Myitkyina prison today without meeting him. She was denied permission to meet him in a prison
interview by the prison authorities on the pretext that it was not yet time, 8 April 2009.
866. U Hla Maung Shwe, EC of Myanmar Egress. Brother: Brig-Gen Hla Myint Shwe.
867. Brig-Gen Hla Myint Shwe, Commandant of National Defence College. He was a Commander of
Light Infantry Division 44 Kyeikhto. Brother: Hla Maung Shwe (EC of Myanmar Egress). His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
868. Dr U Khin Shwe, DOB: 21 January 1952, President of Zaykabar Company, Chairman of National
Development Company Group, Chairman of the Myanmar Hotelier Association, President of the
Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association, Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel Group, Sedona Hotel,
Chairman of the Myanmar-Japan and Myanmar-Korean Friendship Associations and also the Myanmar-
Thai Development Corporation, hired an American company Bain and Associates Inc. of Alexandria to
promote a favorable international image of Burma 1997, participated personally in National Convention,
USDA / USDP 2010 Rangoon Region 9 spending K1,000,000,000. Wife: San San Kywe; son: Zay
Thiha (wife Actress Nandar Hlaing); daughter: Zay Zin Latt (husband Toe Naing Mann, son of General
Shwe Mann); associates: Gen Shwe Mann, Brig-Gen Tint Swe and Gen Khin Nyunt; lobbyist: Jackson
Bain; followers: Comedian Moe Di and Actor Lwin Moe. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
Khin Shwe funded Dr Than Nyein of NDF to participate in 2010 Election for military legitimacy.
The USDA / USDP candidates for the Rangoon Region National Hluttaw (Upper House) are Khin
Shwe, Tin Kha, Tekkatho Myat Thu, Dr Aung Tin, Thaung Htike, U Pu, Dr Myint Kyi, Win Naung,
Director Dr Myo Thant Tin, Swe Aung, Saw Takapaw and Maj Tun Zan Aung.
869. Ma Khin Pyone Shwe (a) Pyone Pyone Shwe, daughter of Senior General Than Shwe, protector of
Tycoon Tayza. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
870. Ma Khin Thandar Shwe (a) Ma Sein Shwe (a) Ma Pauk, daughter of Senior General Than Shwe,
wedding with Maj Zaw Phyo Win, July 2006, sponsored by business tycoon Tayza, Director of Eden
Group Co Chit Khaing and drug lord Lo Hsing Han. Their daughter, Kye Phyo Thandar Shwe, was born
on 4 December 2008. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
871. Ko Kyaing San Shwe, son of Senior General Than Shwe, owner of J’s Donuts, business with
Tycoon Tayza. Wife: Dr Khin Win Sein. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
872. Col / U Phone Maw Shwe, Chairman of Magwe Peace and Development Council, relocation of
homes from Okepho and Ywahaung Wards at Chauk, Magwe 2006.
873. Police San Shwe, sergeant, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
874. U San Shwe, local authority chairman, Kyonephar Village, Bogale Township, Irrawaddy, extortion
of money from villagers since 2002.
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875. Dictator-King Senior General Than Shwe (a) Tat Choke, DOB: 2 February 1933, native of Kyaukse,
Mandalay, BC 6710, OTS 9, military supreme, Chairman of the oppressive State Peace and
Development Council, the patron for fascist Union Solidarity and Development Association. He was a
postal clerk before joining the military in 1953, Psychological Warfare Department 1958, Lt-Col 1972,
Col 1978, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 88 Magwe, former Commander Southwestern
Command 1983, warlord, Assistant Manager of the General Staff of the Army, Brig-Gen and Vice-
Minister of Defence 1985, Maj-Gen 1986, Lt-Gen 1987, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Defence,
Prime Minister, Chairman of SLORC 1992, Christie Island Massacre 1998, Depayin Masscre 2003,
Monks Killer 2007, an absolute monarch, third place in 2006 Parade Magazine’s annual list of “The
World’s 10 Worst Dictators,” Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services 1992 – 2010. In Ne Win’s
military state everyone was equally abused and equally suspicious. Nothing has changed under Than
Shwe and his protégés. He was one of the hardliner generals refusing to honor the results of the 1990
Election and maintaining an iron grip on power. Wife: Kyaing Kyaing; sons: Tun Naing Shwe (a) Tun
Tun Naing (wife Khin Thanda), Kyaing San Shwe (wife Dr Khin Win Sein), and Thant Zaw Shwe (a)
Maung Maung; daughters: Khin Thandar Shwe (husband Maj Zaw Phyo Win), Khin Pyone Shwe, Aye
Aye Tint Shwe, Dewar Shwe, and Kyi Kyi Shwe (a) Ma Aw (husband Lt-Col Nay Soe Maung);
grandson: Pho La Pyae; PA: Brig-Gen Soe Shein. He is the richest person among generals. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
He, with Kyaing Kyaing, has believed himself to be the reincarnation of an 18th Century warrior-king
Alaungpaya. He is a hardliner who opposed any relaxation of the military’s iron grip of the country.
Genocide: He has stated publicly that it is the junta’s aim to eliminate the 7 million-strong Karen. In ten
years all Karen will be dead. You will have to go to a museum in Rangoon to see one, 1992. He
instructed his commanders on recruiting soldiers: Army deserters can even be given up to death
sentence, 2005. Death Wish: If I die, dress up me Army Uniform, 2007. Confession: What I am doing is
wrong; I don’t trust anybody, 2010. Fear: Trial, hell, loss of absolute power, snipers and suicide
bombers, 2010.
876. U Than Shwe, DOB: 14 December 1936, former Minister at PM’s Office, retirement August 2005,
central executive of Union Solidarity and Development Association. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
877. Police Thein Shwe, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
878. U Tin Shwe (a) Michael, Jailor, Tavoy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Than Htwe,
879. U Tin Maung Shwe, Deputy Director General, Hotels and Tourism Directorate.
880. Brig-Gen Khin Maung Si, Police, Chief of Police Headquarters. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
881. Mr Matthew Sim, former Singaporean diplomat to Burma. A chapter headed Committing
Manslaughter When Driving describes the appropriate action for a Singaporean if they accidentally kill a
pedestrian in Burma. He is a lecturer in a leading education institution, Temasek Polytechnic.
882. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, continued Look East policy: Business and military deals
with the Burma military junta.
883. Myo Tha Sit, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
884. Lt-Gen / U San Sint (a) Hsan Hsint, b. 1951, DSA 15, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Military
Appointment General retired 2010. Wife: Khin Ma Lay; son: Okkar San Sint. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
885. Ms Judy Slatyer, CEO, Lonely Planet, on a Dirty List of companies released by the Burma
Campaign UK.
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886. Mr Martin Smith, British journalist, pro-military junta.
887. Col Aung Soe, Commander of Light Infantry Division 33 Sagaing 2010.
888. Col Aung Soe, DSA 26, Chief Instructor of Defence Service Academy.
889. Ko Aung Than Naing Soe, Kale prison, inadequate meals for political prisoners, especially Thet Win
890. Daw Hla Hla Soe, with Drs Khin Zaw Win and Nay Win Maung, is an irresponsible opportunist of
the Third Force, puppet group, advocating for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating
against Democracy Icon Aung San Suu Kyi.
891. Col Khin Maung Soe, Myaing Galay Cement Factory. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
892. Col Khin Maung Soe, MEC Steel Mills. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
893. U Khin Maung Soe, USDA / USDP 2010. He was an Evil MI tortured and exterminated patriotic
activists who are standing for the people, Burmese Ambassador to Vietnam, did his best to push up
economic, trade and investment cooperation betweenVietnam and Burma 2010.
894. U Khin Maung Soe, General Manager of Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services, Ministry of Hotels
and Tourism. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
895. Col Kyaw Soe, head, Depart of Cultural Institute, forced money donation, November 2006.
896. U Kyaw Soe, DOB: 16 October 1944, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
897. Dr Kyi Soe, unethical prison medical doctor, Insein prison 1990.
898. U Kyi Soe, Managing Director of Myanmar Shipyards, Sinmalike, Rangoon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
899. Teachers Daw Kyi Kyi Soe, Daw Moe Thandar Hla and Daw Myintzu Aye, Basic Education High
School No (1), Tachilek, Shan, have been demanding money from students to ensure they pass their
examinations, February 2008.
900. Brig-Gen Myint Soe, Commander of Rangoon Station. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
901. Maj-Gen Myint Soe, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 1, 2010. He was a Commander of
Military Operations Command 5 Taungup, Commander of Northwestern Command, warlord, Chairman
of Sagaing Peace and Development Council. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
902. Police Myint Soe, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
903. U Myint Soe, Jailor, Tharawaddy prison, extortion of money.
904. U Myint Soe, representative of Myanmar entrepreneurs, Chairman of Myanmar Garment
Entrepreneurs Association, mass meeting July 2005.
905. Maj Nay Soe, head of MI security guards at the gate in front of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s house,
September 1995.
906. U Nyi Nyi Soe, notorious Judge, Rangoon Western District Court, trial against Aung San Suu Kyi
18-19 May 2009.
907. Dr Paing Soe, nephew of Sr-Gen Than Shwe, medical doctor, Deputy Minister of Health. Wife:
Khin Mar Swe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
908. U Than Myat Soe, secretary, USDA, Letpadan Township, Pegu, arrested Ko Win Ko for a petition
drive calling on Burma’s military leaders to release political prisoners, October 2006.
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909. Maj-Gen / U Thein Soe, Chairman of Election Commission 2010. He was a member of Commission
for Drafting Constitution 2008, military judge advocate-general, deputy chief justice of the Supreme
Court. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia. NLD Disbanded: Burma’s Union Election Commission officially announced the
dissolution of 10 political parties, including National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San
Suu Kyi, 14 September 2010.
910. Capt Thein Kyi Soe and Private Maung Tun. On 5 September 2010, Maung Aung Thu Hein and
Maung Soe Paing Zaw were shot four to six times and killed at home by Capt Thein Kyi Soe, private
Maung Tun and soldiers of Light Infantry Battalion 59 in Pegu under Light Infantry Division 77,
threatening the public that when the Tatmadaw is tested, will die in agony; try it. Capt was transferred to
Naypyidaw, 2010.
911. Maj-Gen Tin Soe, Director of Armoured Vehicles, Ministry of Defence. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
912. U Tun Soe, Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Hse Shi, October 1990.
913. U Tin Soe, Secretary of Rangoon City Development Committee.
914. Private Zaw Win Soe, Taungdwinggyi-based Battalion 103, Magwe, raped an underage girl and his
commander Capt Hla Myo Kyaw threatened her parents and warned them not to go ahead with the
lawsuit, September 2006.
915. Brig-Gen Pyi Sone. He was a Minister of Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement, Minister of
commerce 1999 - 2004, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office, retirement August 2005. Family
Business: Aye Mya Pyi Sone Co. dealing with gold mine.
916. Mr George Yin Soon, chairman of Region Air Myanmar (HK) Ltd.
917. Prof David I. Steinberg, military propagandist, Director of Asian Studies, School of Foreign
Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, privileged access to Burma’s generals and
military intelligence officers, Activity: Anti-Aung San Suu Kyi’s sanction policy - Because she has been
cut off from the outside world, it is difficult to know what she would say today. Without her influence,
America’s reassessment might have come earlier, March 2009.
918. Zhong Su (a) Su Zhong, Vice-Chairman of the China Export and Import Bank, signed an agreement
to provide Burma with a special low-interest loan worth 200 million USD, 9 June 2006.
919. Mr Samak Sundaravej, former Thai Prime Minister, People’s Power Party, pro-military junta and
Thaksin Shinawatra loyalist.
920. Mr Osamu Suzuki, CEO of Suzuki, Japan. Suzuki raised its stake in the Burma venture to 70 percent
from 60 percent as early as this June, said Ei Mochizuki, a spokesman at the Hamamatsu, Japan-based
carmaker. Suzuki has no plan to exit the venture, which began production in 1999, Mochizuki said. 5
October 2010
921. U Kyaw Swa, local Union Solidarity and Development Association official, Wundwin, demolished
the stone monument built in memory of a former National League for Democracy chair Dr Hla Aung,
MP, Wundwin, March 2009.
922. Lt-Col / U Chit Swe, Board of Directors of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. His family
is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
923. Lt-Gen Chit Swe, DOB: 18 January 1932, BC 6463, OTS 8, BSPP / NUP 2010. He was a Chief of
Bureau of Special Operations 2 and member of SLORC, retired 1997, one of the leaders of the so-called
military coup led by late Gen Saw Maung on September 18, 1988. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
924. Lt-Col / U Hla Swe, Chairman of Magwe War Veterans Organization Supervisory Committee, urged
the country to quit the UN International Labor Organization, July 2005.
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925. Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, BC 10289, former Minister of Transport, former Commander of Light
Infantry Division 88 Magwe.
926. Col / U Hla Thein Swe, DOB: 8 March 1957, Deputy Minister of Finance and Revenue, USDA /
USDP 2010. Wife: Thida Win. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
927. Judge Khin Khin Swe of Aunglan Township Court (together with U Myint Maung, Chairman of
Aunglan Township Peace and Development Council, U Soe Maung, Chairman of Ngapyin Village
Tract Peace and Development Council and Police Commander Sein Win of Thayet District, Magwe)
prosecuted U Thein Zan, Ko Zaw Htay, and U Aung Than Htun who had assisted Win Lwin's family to
lodge the case regarding the death of Ko Win Lwin, Ngapyin village, Aunglan Township, Magwe while
doing forced labour at a stone quarry at Yathe (a) Kyauksarit Mountain on 8 December 2004.
928. U Khin Maung Swe, Jailor, Thayet prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Ven Arsara
March 1996 and hero Myint Swe June 1996.
929. U Khin Maung Swe (a) Ye Kyaw, geologist, political prisoner 10 + 7 year imprisonment (1994)
Mandalay / Myingyan / Lashio prisons, MP, NLD Sanchaung, Rangoon. Established the National
Democratic Force funded by Khin Shwe of Zaykabar Company as well as Nay Win Maung and Hla
Maung Shwe of Myanmar Egress to participate in 2010 Election for military legitimacy, irresponsible
opportunist, hypocritical politician, his name is removed from the Hero List unfortunately. The founders
of the NDF include U Khin Maung Swe, Dr Than Nyein, Kawkareik U Thein Nyunt, Dr Win Naing, U
Sein Hla Oo, Dr Than Win, U Tha Saing, U Kyi Myint, U Toe Pho, U Soe Win, U Tin Aung Aung, U
Myint Pe, Ko Myint Ngwe, Ko Myo Zaw Aung, U Than Soe, U Tin Aung and U Nandi, moles within
the NLD. U Aung Shwe and U Lwin are supporting NDF behind the screen.
930. Maj-Gen Kyaw Swe, DSA 22, Chief of Military Affairs Security 2010. He was a Commander of
Pyin Oo Lwin Station, Commander of Southwestern Command, warlord, former Chairman of Irrawaddy
Peace and Development Council, Minister of State 2008. Wife: Win Win Maw. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
931. Police Kyaw Swe, deputy chief, Toungoo, Pegu, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks and
students October 2007.
932. U Kyaw Swe, Judge, Rangoon Western District Court, co-conspirator to crimes against humanity for
his act in trying and convicting political activists 2008.
933. U Kyaw Tint Swe, former Permanent Representative to the UN, New York, said the Security
Council should be proud to have rejected the move and that the resolution was based on “patently false”
information 12 January 2007, called the draft resolution, supported by the United States and many
Western countries, “objectionable both on grounds of procedure as well as substance 21 November
2007, dismissed after negotiating the entry of foreign warships into Burma to help victims of Cyclone
Nargis 2008.
934. Maj-Gen / U Maung Maung Swe, brother-in-law of Maung Aye, Minister of Social Welfare, Relief
and Resettlement, USDA / USDP 2010 Namsang, Shan, former Minister of Immigration and Population,
Chairman of Myanmar National Committee for Women’s Affairs, former Commander of Coastal
Region Command, former Commander of Northern Command. Wife: Tin Tin Nwe; son: Kaung Kyaw
Swe; daughter: Ei Thet Thet Swe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
935. Daw Mya Mya Swe, Judge, North Dagon Township Court, Rangoon, co-conspirator to crimes
against humanity for her act in trying and convicting political activists 2008, sentenced Ko Myo Lwin
Oo to nine years in prison, 30 September 2008.
936. Lt-Gen Myint Swe, former Commander-in-Chief (Air), expelled in 2003.

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937. Lt-Gen / U Myint Swe, DOB: 24 May 1951, DSA 15, Than Shwe’s favorite, nephew of Kyaing
Kyaing, USDA / USDP 2010 Seikkyi Khanaungto, Rangoon. He was a Commander of LIB 404,
Commander of LID 11, Commander of Southeastern Command, warlord, Commander of Rangoon
Command, head of the military intelligence, Christie Island Massacre 1998, Chief of Bureau of Special
Operations 5, member of the State Peace and Development Council. Buddhist Monk Killer 2007. He
said whoever launches or takes part in industrial protests demanding better rights or conditions would be
fired and blacklisted, 20 August 2010. Wife: Khin Thet Htay. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
938. U Myint Swe, editor of Myanmar Than taw sint, political asylum in Canada, pro-military junta and
pro-engagement, attending the national convention 2006.
939. U Myint Swe, Jailor, Tharawaddy / Kale prisons, I don’t care even if you prisoners make complaints
to the ICRC, November 2006.
940. U Myint Swe, USDA, Yenangyaung, Magwe, pressured and intimidated Shin Einthariya, AIDS
activist, August 2006.
941. Police Myo Swe, deputy chief, Akyab, Arakan, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks and
students October 2007.
942. Brig-Gen / U Phone Swe, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, USDA / USDP 2010 Maungdaw,
Arakan. Wife: San San Wai. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
943. Taw Tha Swe, writer, pro-military junta.
944. Col / U Than Swe, Than Shwe’s close aide, DSA 16, Permanent Representative of the Union of
Burma to the United Nations 11 March 2009, New York, notorious for human rights abuses while in
charge of military offensives in Karen State.
945. Brig-Gen Thant Swe, Commander of Pegu Station.
946. Maj-Gen / U Thein Swe, Minister of Transport, USDA / USDP 2010 Akyab, Arakan. He was a CEC
member of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Minister of Prime Minister’s Office. Wife:
Mya Theingi. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
947. U Thein Swe, Managing Director of Myanmar Gems Enterprise, Ministry of Mines. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
948. U Thein Swe, Managing Director of Road Transport Enterprise, Ministry of Transport. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
949. Brig-Gen Thura Thet Swe, Commodore of Tenasserim Naval Regional Command. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
950. U Tin Maung Swe, Deputy Director General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of
Hotels and Tourism. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
951. U Tin Maung Swe, engineer, Pakokku Electric Engineer Office, extortion of money Kyat
320,000/meter box, July 2006.
952. Brig-Gen / U Tint Swe, Deputy Commander of Southwestern Command retired 2010. Wife: Khin
Thaung; son: Ye Min (a) Ye Kyaw Swar Swe (wife Su Mon Swe). His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
953. Col Tint Swe, Commander of Military Operations Command 17 Mong Pan 2010.
954. Maj / U Tint Swe (a) Yeyint Tint Swe, former Director of the Press Scrutiny and Registration
Division, Ministry of Information, consultant of Eleven Media Group.
955. U Tint Swe, DOB: 7 November 1936, Deputy Minister of Construction. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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956. U Tint Swe, General Manager of Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services, Ministry of Hotels and
Tourism. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
957. Lt-Col Win Swe, Christie Island Massacre 1998.
958. Mr Lee Tae-Yong, former President and CEO, Daewoo International Corporation, Seoul, Korea,
exploration of the offshore gas fields of Arakan State, Shwe Gas pipeline projects, supplying modern
military equipment and technologies. Lee Tae-Yong and the most high-profile of the 14 executives were
indicted for working rapport with the junta that saw him visit Burma at least nine times since the
beginning of 2001. He signed one of the largest gas concessions in Southeast Asia, December 2006.
959. Daw Debbie Aung Din Taylor, Director of International Development Enterprises, Rangoon regime
apologist, vocal critic of EU and US sanctions.
960. Prof Robert H. Taylor, American, Burma Affairs researcher, Associate Senior Fellow at the Institute
of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, well known as an apologist for the Burmese military regime,
Burma lobbyist, consultant in London on Burma affairs, anti-sanction, Weird view 2004: State Peace
and Development Council would be a good partner for the US in its war against terror, Email message
2009: Continued pressure on the regime to change in unacceptable ways to them forced them inward.
961. Business Tycoon Tayza (a) Nay Kha (a) Thura (he gets everything), DOB: 18 July 1967, DSA
dropout 1987, President and Managing Director of Htoo Trading Company, Htoo Construction
Company, Htoo Furniture Company, Htoo Group of Companies, Htoo Transportation Services, Air
Bagan, Treasure Hotels and Resorts, Aureum Palace Hotels and Resorts, Malikha Lodge in Putao, Popa
Mountain Resort, Kandawgyi Hill Resort in Maymyo, Htoo Furniture, Htoo’s logging and resource
extraction activities are responsible for much of the environmental degradation - the only company that
has obtained the license to export timber to China, Ayer Shwe Wah Co, Asia Green Development Bank,
Myanmar Avia Export, Espace Avenir, Pavo Aircraft Leasing Pte Ltd, sole representative in Burma of
Russia’s Export Military Industrial Group, also known as MAPO, and of the Russian helicopter
company Rostvertol, the military junta’s main arms dealer and financial henchman, owner of Rangoon
United Football Club. Tayza went to China with Gen Than Shwe as an arms broker buying 50 K-8 jet
trainer aircraft for Burma Air Force, June 2010. His assets and bank savings are in Singapore (Kyaw
Thein), USA (Zaw Min, Little Yangon Mya Myat Tun), Australia and United Arab Emirates. Thida Zaw
is his wife. Khin Pyone Shwe, daughter of Senior General Than Shwe, is the protector of Tayza. Father:
retired Lt-Col Myint Swe; mother: Daw Ohn; brother: Thiha; sons: Pye Phyo Tayza (He was not
allowed to stay in Canada. On 19 May 2010, Pye Phyo Tay Za lost a legal bid at the General Court to
have EU sanctions overturned.) and Htet Tayza (arrogant bastard). His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada and Australia. He participates as a
candidate of USDA / USDP 2010 Putao, Kachin.
962. Capt Aung Tayza, air base’s ground crew training school, stabbed 19 year old High School Student
Sat Paing Htun from Aung Zayar district to death, Meiktila, Mandalay, 4 November 2008.
963. Col Win Te, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
964. Abbot U Tejobhasa (a) Tay Zaw Batha, chairman of the regime-appointed Monk Kyant Phoot Gang
(USDA), Pakokku Sangha Maha Nayaka September 2007.
965. U Aung Soe Tha, partner in Myanmar Information and Communication Technology. Father: Soe
Tha. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
966. U Kyaw San Tha, member of Association of Public Relations, USDA, coordinating with Dr Soe
Lin’s media campaign.

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967. Dr Sai Mon Tha, First Vice Chairman of Karen People’s Party, alliance with USDA / USDP, 2010
Election Irrawaddy Division.
968. Officer Pa Min Tha, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army 555 headquartered at Myaing Gyi Ngu.
969. Col San Shwe Tha, OTS 5, Directorate of Labour Department.
970. U Soe Tha, DOB: 7 November 1944, pro-Than Shwe, Minister of National Planning and Economic
Development, USDA / USDP 2010 Twante, Rangoon, CEC member of Union Solidarity and
Development Association. Wife: Kyu Kyu Win (her nephew Dr Kyaw Htoo Lin); sons: Kyaw Myat Soe
(a) Aung Myat Soe(wife Wei Wei Lay, both in Australia), Aung Soe Tha and Phone Myat Soe;
daughters: Myat Myitzu Soe and San Thida Soe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
971. U Tun Tha (a) Maung Ye Win, former Editor of the Working People’s Daily newspaper.
972. Dr Aung Than, Prison Doctor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Saw
Win August 1998, hero Mya Shwe April 1999 and hero Nyunt Zaw January 2000.
973. Lt-Col Aung Than, DSA, Head of Department of Burmese, Defence Service Academy.
974. U Hla Than, Secretary, USDA, Myingyan, Mandalay and head of the industrial zone and the All
Bus-lines Control Committee (ABCC), Untouchable son of Aung Thaung, November 2008.
975. Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than, BC 10320, OTS 31, retired 2008. He was a Commander of Rangoon
Command 1997, warlord, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 3, member of the State Peace and
Development Council. Wife: Marlar Tint. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
976. Gen Kyaw Than, Vice Chairman and Commander-in-Chief DKBA, Border Guard Force (BGF),
Karen. Incentives for senior signatories accepting BGF include offers of money, car, house and permit
of business. He has many business interests in the Burmese border town of Myawaddy. The DKBA was
formed by Myaingyingu abbot Ashin Thuzana after it split from the KNU in 1994.
977. Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, DOB: 14 June 1941, native of Pegu, Air/1334, former Commander-in-Chief
(Air) 1997-2001.
978. Maj-Gen Kyaw Than, Minister of Commerce 1997 - 1999.
979. Private Kyaw Than, Light Infantry Battalion 540, raped villagers August 2004.
980. U Mya Than, Acting Managing Director of Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank. His family
is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
981. Daw Nyunt Nyunt Than, Director of Tourism Promotion, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.
982. U Pe Than, Deputy Minister of Rail Transportation. He was granted retirement, June 2006. Wife:
Cho Cho Tun. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
983. U Sein Than, Chairman of Ward Peace and Development Council, Ward18, South Dagon, Rangoon,
ordered AIDS patients to leave his ward immediately, August 2006.
984. Maj Soe Than, Chairman, Chauk Township Municipal, asking for bribes and forced money donation
August 2006.
985. U Soe Than, Township Peace and Development Council, Taungup, Arakan, asking for bribes and
forced money donation November 2006, arrested Maung Sithu and Maung Than Lwin, September 2007.
986. Daw Than Than, Judge, Tamwe Township Court, Rangoon, co-conspirator to crimes against
humanity for her act in trying and convicting political activists 2008.
987. Brig-Gen Tun Than (a) Htun Than, BC 17454, DSA 24, Commander of Rangoon Command 2010,
warlord, Chairman of Rangoon Division Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of
Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi.

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988. Maj-Gen Win Than, Director of Procurement, Managing Director of Union of Myanmar Economic
Holdings. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
989. Capt Kyi Nyo Thant, Light Infantry Brigade 205, raped and murdered Karen teenagers in the
Republic of Kawthoolei, August 2009.
990. U Myo Thant, Chairman, Township Peace and Development Council, Malaing Township,
Mandalay, forced farmers to plant the paddy crop December 2007.
991. Lt-Col / U Thaung (a) Freddie, DOB: 6 July 1937, native of Kyaukse, Mandalay, ethnic Chinese,
DSA 1, Neo-Ne Winist, Minister of Science and Technology, Minister of Labour, Secretariat Member of
the Union Solidarity and Development Association, USDA / USDP 2020 Kyaukse, Mandalay. He was
an ambassador to USA. He advised Than Shwe and built a primitive nuclear reactor instead, highly
influential in urging the junta for pressuring and eliminating ICRC and ILO. Wife: May Kyi Sein; son:
Aung Kyi. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia. Corrupter of Youth: He expelled Sein Htay, Nay Sai Thu, Sein Than and Toe
Thu Aung of Henzada GTC, Irrawaddy, from their college for life, for paying homage to fallen Burmese
national heroes on Martyrs’ Day, July 2006. Confession 2010: I am a cow serving Than Shwe.
992. Col / U Aung Thaung (a) Kon Aung Taung (which means ask until bankrupt in vernacular), BC
10307, OTS 31, Minister of Industry (1), USDA / USDP 2010 Taungtha, Mandalay, Secretariat member
of Union Solidarity and Development Association, a personal physiotherapist of Sr Gen Than Shwe. He,
a native of Myingyan, Mandalay, is the most corrupted and richest person among ministers; he is richer
than Business Tycoon Tayza. Wife: Khin Khin Yi; sons: Maj Moe Aung (wife Dr Aye Khaing Nyunt),
Nay Aung (wife Khin Moe Nyunt), and Maj Pyi Aung (wife Nandar Aye who is a daughter of the junta
No 2 Vice Sr-Gen Maung Aye); daughters: Khin Ngu Yi Phyo, Dr Thu Nanda Aung and Aye Myat Po
Aung; brother-in-law: Dr Win Naing (NLD-LA, UK). His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Nuclear club: Burma will
develope nuclear weapons if necessary, 11 August 2010.
993. Lt-Gen Aye Thaung (a) Aye Thong, DOB: 13 March 1930, BC 7034, OTS 13. He was a
Commander of Central Command and member of SLORC. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
994. Major Hla Thaung, district authority chairman of Bhamo, Kachin State. Local residents have being
forced to contribute human and monetary resources for the physic nut plantation projects, July 2006.
995. U Hla Thaung, Thapaung Township authority chairman, Irrawaddy. He banned the monks from
holding the annual religious festival for historic Mya Taung Nyo Pagoda and the right to collect
donations from their acolytes, October 2006.
996. Daw Lei Lei Thaung, brother in Mandalay. Associates: Chief Justice Aung Toe, Lt-Gen Tun Kyi,
Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw, Brig-Gen Tin Naing Thein, Col Khin Maung Latt, Col San Tint
997. Col / U Maung Thaung, Managing Director of Nawaday Hotel and Travel Services. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
998. Maj Mya Thaung, Police, Commander of Combat Police Battalion 5 in Hmawbi. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
999. U Mya Thaung, chairman of Thaketa (10) South, Ward 2, humiliated and intimidated AIDS patients
and volunteers, August 2006.
1000. Brig-Gen Thura Sein Thaung, Officer on Special Duty, Ministry of Social Welfare. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1001. Lt-Col Tin Thaw, Commander of Government Technical Institute. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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1002. Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of the Sub-committee for Printing and Distributing School
Textbooks. He was a former Deputy Minister of Information granted retirement, June 2006.
1003. Maj-Gen Aung Thein, Director of Resettlement. Wife: Htwe Yi. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1004. U Aung Thein, Burmese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Thailand.
1005. U Aung Thein, Deputy Minister of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries.
1006. U Aung Thein, Judge, Rangoon Eastern District Court, sentenced Naw Ohn Hla, Myint Myint San,
Cho Cho Lwin and Cho Cho Aye to two years each on 16 February 2010.
1007. U Aung Min Thein, 40 years, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters at Theingyizay, September 2007.
1008. U Hla Thein, Managing Director of Myanmar Mining Enterprise 2, Ministry of Mines. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1009. Maj-Gen Hla Aung Thein, Camp Commandant, Office of the Ministry of Defence, Rangoon. Wife:
Amy Khaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1010. U Hla Myint Thein, Managing Director of Myanmar Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
1011. Police Kan Thein, Corporal, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
1012. Dr Khin Maung Thein, Prison Doctor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero
Maung Maung Aye, July 1991.
1013. U Khin Maung Thein, DOB: 11 November 1934, native of Mandalay, former Minister of Finance
and Revenue. Wife: Su Su Thein; sons: Daywar Thein and Maung Maung Thein; daughters: Thawadar
Thein, Marlar Thein, Hnwe Thida Thein and Khin Yadana Thein. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1014. U Khin Maung Thein, kyant phoot, Hlaing Thayar, Rangoon, Cafeteria: No political discussion,
September 2006.
1015. Police Kyaw Thein, deputy chief police, South Okkalapa Police Station, Rangoon, extortion and
misused project fund, April 2006.
1016. U Kyaw Thein, DOB: 25 October 1947, Director and partner of Htoo Trading, Director of Pavo
Trading Pte Ltd, Singapore, Financial Front Man for Business Tycoon Tayza. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1017. Brig-Gen / U Maung Maung Thein, Minister of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries, CEC member of
USDA / USDP 2010 Tavoy, former CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association. He arrested and forcefully disrobed Mekyaung Sayadaw Ashin U Punya, Tavoy, during his
election campaign, August 2010. Wife: Myint Myint Aye; son: Min Thein. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1018. Dr Maung Maung Thein, General Manager of Myanmar Insurance.
1019. Brig-Gen Min Thein, former Commander of 3 Mogaung.
1020. Police Lt-Sgt Min Aung Thein, No. (1) Police Station, Meiktila, Mandalay, sold children from
Chanayetharzan village to Taungthonelone Army Recruitment Camp, August 2006.
1021. Brig-Gen / U Myint Thein, Deputy Minister of Construction, USDA / USDP 2010. Wife: Mya
Than. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU,
Canada or Australia.
1022. Brig-Gen / Thura U Myint Thein, Managing Director of Myanmar Economic Corporation, former
Commander of Tactical Operations Command in Namsang. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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1023. U Myint Thein, Chief Jailor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Maung
Maung Aye, July 1991 and hero U Kyi September 1994.
1024. U Myint Thein, clerk, making money from the sales of lands confiscated from farmers, Chaungtha
village, Bassein, Irrawaddy, April 2007.
1025. U Myint Thein, Deputy Minister of Mines, Chairman of the Central Committee for Organizing the
Myanmar Gems Emporium. He was granted retirement, June 2006.
1026. U Myint Thein, Supreme Court Judge, Director General of the Pyithu Hluttaw Office, Joint
Secretary 2 of the National Convention Convening Commission. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1027. Brig-Gen Myo Myint Thein, Commandant of Defence Services General Hospital in Maymyo. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
1028. Maj-Gen Ngwe Thein, Director of Ministry of Defence. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1029. Lt-Gen Nyunt Thein, former Commander-in-Chief (Navy) 1997-2001, expelled in 2001.
1030. U Pe Thein, former Deputy Minister of Transport, dismissal June 2006.
1031. U San Thein, Chief Jailor, Tavoy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Than Htwe 1990.
1032. Brig-Gen Soe Thein, BC 17446, DSA 24, Commander of Western Command 2010, warlord,
Chairman of Arakan State Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of Military
Operations Command 9 Kyauktaw.
1033. Lt-Gen / U Soe Thein, Navy/1181, Best Cadet DSA-11 (1969), Minister of Industry (2), USDA /
USDP 2010. He was a Vice Admiral of Commander-in-Chief (Navy), former PSO of Commander-in-
Chief (Navy) Chit Hlaing. Wife: Khin Aye Kyin; son: Aye Chan; daughters: Thida Aye and Yimon Aye
(Oxford in UK / Harvard in USA). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1034. Police officer Soe Thein, Dagon police station, Rangoon, arrested a blogger Nay Phone Latt and
charged with article 5 (J), Emergency Provision Act, 29 January 2008.
1035. U Soe Thein, Managing Director of Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services, Ministry of Hotels and
Tourism. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
1036. Soe Myint Thein, military propaganda writer, Ottayalin journal.
1037. U Thet Zin Thein, Head of Mingalar Taungnyunt Development Affairs Committee. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1038. Brig-Gen / U Tin Naing Thein, b. 1955, Minister of Commerce 2004, CEC member of USDA /
USDP 2010. He was an Evil MI tortured and exterminated patriotic activists who are standing for the
people, CEC member of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Deputy Minister of Forestry.
Wife: Aye Aye: Crony: Daw Lei Lei Thaung. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1039. U Tun Myint Thein, Jailor, Putao prison, responsible for death in custody of hero U Khin Maung
Lwin, January 2006.
1040. Col Win Thein, Commander of Military Operations Command 16, 2010. He was a Deputy
Commander of Northeastern Command.
1041. U Win Thein, principal, with clerk Daw Khin Malar, SHS (1), Nyaunglebin, Pegu, unethical to
staff, abuse of power, asking for brides, August 2010.
1042. Rector Zaw Min Thein, Nationalities Development College, No ethnic languages: The aim of the
training is to have the mind of the Burman and the mind of the military.
1043. U Zaw Zaw Thein, Judge, Twante, Rangoon, bribery.
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1044. Ma Theingi, a turncoat journalist in Myanmar Times, once a close aide of Daw Suu but now a
lackey of the generals. She is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force, puppet group, advocating
for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy Icon Aung San Suu Kyi.
1045. Daw Mya Theingi, wife of Transport Minister Maj-Gen Thein Swe, Patron of Myanmar Women’s
Affairs Federation. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1046. U Thike Htun Thet, chief editor of the Nan Myint and Shwe Mandalay journals, both owned by top
Union Solidarity and Development Association members.
1047. Brig-Gen / U Lun Thi, DOB: 18 July 1940, ethnic Chinese, Minister of Energy, USDA / USDP
2010 Kungyangon, Rangoon. Wife: Khin Mar Aye; sons: Zaw Lun, Zin Maung Lun (wife Zar Chi Ko,
both in Singapore); daughter: Mya Sein Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1048. U Thiha, DOB: 24 June 1960, Director of Htoo Group of companies, Myawaddy Trading
distributing London cigarettes, Rangoon, Burma. Father: retired Lt-Col Myint Swe; brother: Tayza;
wife: Shwe Shwe Lin. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada and Australia.
1049. U Zay Thiha, Managing Director of Zaykabar Company. Father: Khin Shwe; wife: Nandar Hlaing.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
1050. U Aung Zaw Thin, son of former Commander of Rangoon Command Brig-Gen Myo Aung,
construction of market in Yaksauk, Taunggyi 2008.
1051. Lt-Gen Mya Thin (31 December 1931 – 4 January 2009), BC 6605, OTS 9. He was a Commander
of Western Command and member of SLORC. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. General Maung Aye is presently in
Rangoon, attending the funeral of his close friend former Home Minister Lt-Gen Mya Thin, who expired
on 4 January 2009.
1052. U Soe Thin (a) Soe Thinn, a mole of SPDC in Radio Free Asia, connection with Burmese Embassy,
former staff at the foreign ministry, son of navy officer Major Khin Maung Nyunt, made jokes
disrespectfully all the time about Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and U Win Tin, resigned from RFA 2006,
1053. Maj-Gen Aung Naing Thu, Police Chief, Rangoon.
1054. Col Chit Thu, hardliner, tactical commander of the Brigade 999 of Democratic Karen Buddhist
Army, Border Guard Force, Karen. He has many business interests in the Burmese border town of
1055. Brig-Gen / U Kyaw Thu, DOB: 15 August 1949, DSA 13, head of the Civil Service Selection and
Training Board. He was a Commander of Phugyi Station, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs sacked
February 2009, Chairman of Tripartite Core Group 2008. Wife: Lei Lei Kyi; father: Dr Maung Maung;
brother: Maj Aung Naing (DSA 16). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1056. Lt-Col Kyaw Thu, Light Infantry Division 44, raped and tortured heroine Ma Aye Mu during
interrogation in Kyel Chan Village, Thayetchaung Township, Tenasserim in September 1997 when he
was a Maj, Unit 2 of 267 LIB.
1057. U Kyaw Thu, criminal, drug abuse supplied by the prison, military dog cell, physical abuse 1990.
1058. Col Myat Thu, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1059. Col Myat Thu, Commander of Military Region 1, Northern Rangoon. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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1060. Tekkatho Myat Thu, journalist, military junta-run newspapers, USDA / USDP 2010.
1061. Daw Yin Win Thu, owner of Myanmar New Technology. Partner: Nandar Aye. Her family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1062. Lt-Col Hla Thwin, Chairman of Bassein District Peace and Development Council.
1063. Prof Michael Aung Thwin, Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii, historian, wrote a contentious
article in 2002 to argue against the Western imposition of democratic values on Burma, contending they
were inimical to Burmese ease with military rule, in 2005 he endorsed the move of the capital to
1064. U Ohn Thwin, Judge from Northern Rangoon Court in Insein prison sentenced 5 to 23 years to
political prisoners Saw Nay Htoo, Kyaw Lin Aung, Kyaw Zin Lin, Zaw Min, Kyaw Win Sein, Kyaw
Moe Oo, Than Naing, Khin Maung Aye, Naing Lin, Kyaw Win San, Kyaw Swa Win and Than Than
Mya on 29 September 2010.
1065. Brig-Gen / U Hla Maung Tin, Arakan, retired Principal of Army Training School in Mongkut 2010,
Shan, USDA / USDP 2010.
1066. Brig-Gen Khin Maung Tin, Commandant of Shande Air Training School, Meiktila. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1067. Dr Myo Thant Tin, director, Thu Kyun Ma Khan Byi (Never Shall We Be Enslaved) won seven
academy awards in 1996, The Minister of Railways, Win Sein, donated 300 million kyat to the
production. USDA / USDP 2010.
1068. Col Nyunt Tin, former Chairman of Karenni Peace and Development Council.
1069. Maj-Gen / U Nyunt Tin, member of Election Commission 2010, former Minister of Agriculture and
Irrigation retired 2004. Wife: Khin Myo Oo; son: Kyaw Myo Nyunt; daughter: Thu Thu Ei Han. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
1070. Lt-Col Soe Tin, Christie Island Massacre 1998.
1071. U Soe Tin, Chief Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Naing Aung Lun,
September 2005.
1072. Gen / U Than Tin, General Secretary of National Unity Party, former Deputy Prime Minister, former
Minister of Mines. He rushed to Ne Win’s house and informed a planned coup by Capt. Ohn Kyaw
Myint in 1976. The Election Commission’s November 30, 1989 had decided to let the NUP party take
over some K75 million in cash, real estate and other property owned by the old BSPP.
1073. Major Than Tin, secretary, local authority, making money from the sales of lands confiscated from
farmers, Myawaddy District, Karen.
1074. Daw Thiri Tin, Judge, Ahlone Township Court, Rangoon, co-conspirator to crimes against humanity
for her act in trying and convicting political activists 2008.
1075. Brig-Gen Win Tin, former Minister of Communications, Post and Telegraphs.
1076. Maj / U Win Tin (a) Thiha Aung, military propaganda writer.
1077. U Ba Tint, Chairman, local authority, Mandalay, beaten hero Htay Lwin to death, October 2005.
1078. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Tint, Director of Security Printing Works. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1079. Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, Chairman of Rangoon Western District Peace and Development Council.
1080. U Kyaw Tint, secretary, USDA Pakokku Township, used thugs to interfere with local business
activities and threatened the lives of businessmen, November 2005.
1081. Lt-Gen Maung Tint, DOB: 25 August 1932, BC 7600, OTS 18. He was a Commander of
Northeastern Command and member of SLORC. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.

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1082. Brig-Gen Myo Tint, Officer on Special Duty, Ministry of Transport. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1083. Capt Myo Tun Tint, Military Intelligence Unit 14, guard ward, Rangoon General Hospital, impolite
to visitors of hero Saw Do Saw, December 2003.
1084. Lt-Col Soe Tint, Director of the Ministry of Industry (1), former Commander of Infantry Battalion
262 in Kawthoung, Christie Island Massacre 1998.
1085. U Soe Tint, Managing Director of Inland Water Transport. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1086. U Win Tint, Director of Myanmar Machine Tool and Electrical Industries, Ministry of Industry (2).
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
1087. U Aung Toe, Chief Justice – Chief Injustice, Chairman of National Convention Convening
Committee, Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, Chairman of the Referendum Convening
Commission, conspirator to crimes against humanity for his act in trying and convicting political
activists October 2008. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Law: No guarantee of a fair public trial.
1088. U Han Toe, lawyer of Aung San Oo, Rangoon.
1089. U Kyin Toe, DOB: 29 April 1957, brother of Htay Myint, Director of Yuzana Co. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1090. U Maung Toe, Managing Director of Myanmar Pearls Enterprise, Ministry of Mines. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1091. Captain Hla Tone, Commander of Light Infantry Battalion in Shwekyin, Pegu, has been bullying
and humiliating local residents June 2006.
1092. Mr Derek Tonkin, self-claimed Myanmar expert, anti-Aung San Suu Kyi’s sanction and former
British ambassador to Thailand. He requested that his name should be on the list, 2006.
1093. Indian Air Force Chief Marshal SP Tyagi offered a comprehensive air force modernization package
during a visit to Burma, November 2006.
1094. Brig-Gen / U Aung Tun, Deputy Minister of of Commerce, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Deputy
Commander of Northeastern Command. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1095. Col Aung Tun, Brigade 66. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1096. Maj Aung Yan Tun, Light Infantry Battalion 168, forced relocation of villagers from Ye Lo, Ta Pa
Kee and Plo Baw Der in Toungoo district, April 2006.
1097. Maj Aye Tun, former Director of the Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, Ministry of
1098. Daw Aye Theint Theint Tun, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation, “Daw Suu Kyi should be sent
back to England,” Myanmar Women’s Day, 3 July 2005.
1099. Lt-Col Bo Win Tun, Vice Senior General Maung Aye’s Personal Assistant.
1100. Brig-Gen / U Hla Tun, former Minister of Construction, CEC member of National Unity Party.
1101. Maj Hla Tun (a) Twante Hla Tun, former Director, member of Central Committee of Myanmar
Writers and Journalists Association resigned 2010, USDA / USDP 2010 Pabedan, Rangoon. He is a
mole in the association.
1102. Maj-Gen / U Hla Tun, DOB: 11 July 1951, trusted man of Maung Aye, Minister of Finance and
Revenue, USDA / USDP 2010 Kyaukpadaung, Mandalay. Wife: Khin Than Win. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1103. Col Htinpaw Tun (a) Htin Paw Htun, Commander of Light Infantry Division 22 Pa-An 2010.
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1104. Prof Dr Daw Khin Mar Tun, General Secretary of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
1105. Col Khin Maung Tun (a) Khin Maung Htun, Commander of Military Region 4, Southern Rangoon.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
1106. Lanmadaw Khin Maung Tun, writer, pro-military junta.
1107. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Tun, Vice Quarter Master General.
1108. Daw Khin Thida Tun, Best Actress Burma Academy Award winner 1978, 1983 and 1985, pro-
military junta, artiste of the Tatmadaw.
1109. U Kyaw Tun, Director General 1995 – 2003, Prisons Department, Ministry of Home Affairs.
1110. Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun, Commander of Military Operations Command 4, 2010. He was a
Deputy Commander of Rangoon Command. Wife: Khin May Latt. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1111. U Min Tun, Shwedagon Pagoda Board of Trustees, banned prayer of political movement group,
November 2006.
1112. Daw Myat Myat Tun, business with Tayza, San Francisco, California, USA.
1113. Maj Myo Than Tun, Infantry Battalion 256, based in Yezagyo Township, Magwe, has been
confiscating farmlands and forests from local farmers for his own use, November 2005.
1114. U Naing Tun, Township Peace and Development Council, Manaung, Arakan, asking for bribes and
forced money donation November 2006.
1115. U Nay Win Tun, Managing Director of Ruby Dragon Jade and Gems Co Ltd. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1116. Vice Admiral Nyan Tun, DSA-16, Commander of Chief (Navy) 2008. He was a Commodore of
Chief of Staff (Navy), Board Member of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd., Military
Intelligent under Brig-Gen Tin Oo. Wife: Khin Aye Myint. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1117. Brig-Gen Nyi Tun, member of Civil Service Selection and Training Board. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1118. U Pan Tate Tun, Kale prison, inadequate meals for political prisoners, especially Thet Win Aung.
1119. Dr Sai Sam Tun, Loi Hein Co. working in collaboration with Ministry of Industry (1), owner of
Yadanabon Football Club. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1120. Brig-Gen / USan Tun, DOB: 2 March 1951, native of Rangoon, USDA / USDP 2010 Shwegu,
Kachin. He was a Deputy Commander of Northern Command retired 2010. Wife: Tin Sein; Min Thant;
daughters: Khin Ei Ei Tun and Khin Mi Mi Tun. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1121. U San Tun, Managing Director of Myanmar Mining Enterprise 3, Ministry of Mines. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1122. Maj / U Saw Tun, former Minister of Immigration and Population, ex-navy intelligent.
1123. Maj-Gen Saw Tun, DOB: 8 May 1935, Minister of Construction. Wife: Myint Myint Ko; daughter
Me Me Tun (husband Maung Maung Lwin). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1124. U Saw Maw Tun, chief organizer USDA Pegu, ordered members of USDA to attend military
intelligence courses, September 2006.
1125. Brig-Gen Taut Tun, Commander of Light Infantry Division 44 Kyeikhto. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1126. Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy Minister of Progress of Border Areas, National Races, and
Development Affairs. He was granted retirement, June 2006.
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1127. Brig Gen Than Tun, Ambassador to Italy penetrating duties in Europe, former Commander of
Kyaukpadaung Station. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1128. Dr Thaung Tun, NCGUB’s permanent representative to United Nations, USA. With the blessing
from an ineffective leader Prime Minister Sein Win (1990 – present), he is an irresponsible opportunist
of the Third Force advocating for the oppressive military regime’s road map and the 2010 Election.
Releasing statements, raising awareness is just part of the activities but it will not solve the current
problems unless the NCGUB and other Burmese organizations look at the ground situation. People
know well that most of these organizations are not functioning but a political brand in order to ask for
1129. U Thaung Tun, Burmese Ambassador to the Philippines, told foreign correspondents in Makati that
no discussion with NLD and CRPP, no freedom of Daw Suu, and ignorant of foreign pressure, August
1130. Brig-Gen Thein Tun, Deputy Minister of Industry (1). He was granted retirement, June 2006. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
1131. Brig-Gen Thein Tun, OTS 10, Commander of Military Operations Command 16 Theinni 2010.
1132. Maj-Gen / U Thein Tun, Deputy Minister of Communications, Post and Telegraphs, USDA / USDP
2010, former Director of Signals, member of National Convention Convening Management Committee.
Wife: Mya Mya Win. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1133. U Thein Tun, Pepsi King, Crusher Drinks, Myanmar Golden Star Co Ltd, Tun Foundation Bank.
Son-in-law: Zaw Zaw (a) Phoe Zaw (wife: Htay Htay Khaing). His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1134. Col Thike Tun, Deputy Minister of Forestry.
1135. Lt-Gen Tin Tun, DOB: 28 March 1930, Air Force 1127. He was a Commander-in-Chief (Air Force),
member of SLORC, Deputy Prime Minister. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1136. Maj-Gen Tin Tun, Director of Military Engineers. Wife: Khin Myint Wai. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1137. U Tin Tun, Jailor, Tharawaddy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero U Kyi September
1994, hero Saw Win August 1998, and hero Nyunt Zaw January 2000.
1138. U Tun Tun, Senior Jailor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Min Tun Wai,
May 2005.
1139. U Win Tun, Managing Director of Myanmar Timber Enterprise. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1140. Daw Win Maw Tun, USDA/ USDP 2010 Yenangyaung, Magwe.
1141. Ko Ye Tun, brother of Ko Aye Lwin, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth
group (Union of Myanmar), chairman and 2010 election candidate for 88 Generation Student Youths
(Union of Myanmar).
1142. Daw Yuza Maw Tun (a) Yuza Maw Htoon, Military NGO Mingalar Myanmar, Independent
Candidate 2010 Election. She is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force, puppet group,
advocating for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy Icon Aung San
Suu Kyi.
1143. Police Zaw Min Tun, sergeant, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.

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1144. Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1998 ̶ 2004) continued Look East policy: business
and military deals with the Burma military junta.
1145. U Panna Vamsa, intelligent monk, DOB: 22 February 1973, Burmese Passport No. A015054, USA.
1146. Mr Jean-Paul Vettier, President of Refining & Marketing 1993-2006, Total Exploration &
Production, Yadana project, France. The Earth Rights International accuses the firms of being
implicated in human-rights violations in Burma, claiming that soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s
natural-gas pipeline in the country have murdered locals and forced others to do backbreaking, unpaid
labor in order to keep the gas exports flowing smoothly. The report also holds that the revenues from the
operation have been propping up the country’s oppressive military government, July 2010.
1147. Commander Ker Per Wah, Karenni National Solidarity Organization.
1148. U Say Wah, retired Police Chief, General Secretary of Karen People’s Party, alliance with USDA /
USDP, 2010 Election Toungoo, Pegu.
1149. Ko Myint Wai, federal charges of operating an unlicensed money-transfer business that sent more
than $4 million to his homeland in Burma between November 2004 and February 2006, Bergenfield,
New Jersey, USA December2007.
1150. Col Tint Wai, Commander of Operation Control Command 4 in Hmawbi. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1151. U Zin Waing, actor, publicly declared his allegiance to the regime during Thailand-Burma border
disputes. He is the father of actor Min Maw Kun.
1152. Mr Guangya Wang, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of People’s Republic of China to the
United Nations, said it was preposterous to put a country on the Security Council’s agenda because of
issues such as human rights, refugees, drugs and AIDS that he said do not affect regional security, 16
September 2006. When the UNSC decided to put the situation of Burma on its agenda, the decision was
adopted by a 10-4 vote, with one abstention on 15 September 2006. (10 supported: U.S., U.K., France,
Denmark, Greece, Japan, Argentina, Ghana, Peru, and Slovakia; 4 opposed: China, Russia, Republic of
the Congo and Qatar; and one abstained: Tanzania). He vetoed the passing of the resolution that called
on the Burmese military to allow political dialogue and reform, 12 January 2007.
1153. Saw Say War (a) Say War Nyunt, retired police officer, General Secretary, Karen People’s Party
1154. Mr Justin Wastnage, news editor of Travel Weekly, Australia. The author travelled to Burma
courtesy of Exotissimo Travel. Anti-Aung San Suu Kyi: The tourism boycott has not worked and the
Burmese people are poorer both financially and politically as a result, December 2009.
1155. Mr John S. Watson, CEO of Diethelm Travel Asia, wrote: As I sit here in the late afternoon
overlooking the water from the Dusit Inya Lake Resort in Rangoon, it is difficult to reconcile the peace
and tranquility against the images in the media of Burma over the last short period of time, November
2007. He is on a Dirty List of companies released by the Burma Campaign UK.
1156. Business Tycoon Maung Weik, son-in-law of Lt-Gen Myint Swe, Maung Weik & Family Company,
purchase of 44 acres of Rangoon’s Hlaing Campus (formerly Regional College No. 2), was sentenced to
15 years in prison on drug trafficking charges in a Rangoon court, November 2008. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1157. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, protector of Burmese military junta. Beijing’s perspective:
Burma is too valuable a strategic asset for China to allow any pro-American government to be installed
in Rangoon.
1158. Mr Tony Wheeler, founder, The Lonely Planet’s guide to Burma, UK, said tourists going to the
military-ruled country are doing more good than bad, 1 May 2008.
1159. Mr Paul White, President and CEO, Orient-Express Hotels Ltd., on a Dirty List of companies
released by the Burma Campaign UK.
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1160. Mr Trevor Wilson, godfather of Zarni, former Australian ambassador to Burma, visiting fellow of
Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, sympathetic to the atrocious
military generals, organized pro-engagement presentation during 2004 Myanmar Update, Old Burma
Road by Goddard & Howse travel service in Canberra City, Australia 2006.
1161. Capt Aung Win (a) Black Crow, MI, official harassment of Sayar Swan Yi and his associated
1162. Capt Sai Aung Win, Interrogation Center, No. 1 Military Intelligent Unit, death of hero Aung Hlaing
Win in his custody, May 2005.
1163. Col / U Aung Win, former Deputy Minister of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries, CEC member of
National Unity Party.
1164. U Aung Win, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council, ordered police to arrest Win
Naing, NLD, Baymet Ward, Yenangyaung, Magwe, 9 June 2006.
1165. Lieutenant Aung Kyaw Win, police, stole clothes donated to flood victims on the outskirts of
Rangoon, Hlaing Thayar Township, August 2007.
1166. U Aung Naing Win, USDA/ USDP 2010 Yenangyaung, Magwe.
1167. Maj Aung San Win, Police, Commander of Combat Police Battalion 7 in Kyauktan. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1168. Col Aung Saw Win, Director General of Bureau of Special Investigation, Military Officer running
prisons and police. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1169. Col Aung Ye Win, Commander of Military Operations Command 1 Kyaukme 2010.
1170. Col Aye Win, Commander of Military Operations Command 5 Taungup 2010.
1171. U Aye Zaw Win, Ne Win’s son-in-law, husband of Khin Sandar Win, running Nawarat Hotel,
jewelry business, mobile phone business, and Golden Crown construction company, death sentence
September 2002.
1172. Chit San Win, journalist, pro-military junta.
1173. Lt-Gen Hla Htay Win, DSA 20, Chief of Armed Forces Training, former Commander of Rangoon
Command, warlord, former Commander of Light Infantry Division 11 Yemon, involved in the military
crackdown on the 1988 protests. Buddhist Monk Killer 2007. Owner of Htay Co. dealing with logging
and timber. Wife: Mar Mar Wai. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1174. Police Hlaing Win, deputy chief, Buthidaung, Arakan, was promoted for killing Buddhist monks
and students October 2007.
1175. Capt Htay Win. Villagers in Kawkareik Township claimed that a 30-year-old Karen woman was
taken from her farm hut to the jungle and raped by soldiers of Infantry Battalion 283 led by Capt Htay
Win on 25 May 2009, according to the Karen Information Center, a Karen news organization.
1176. U Htay Win, Chief Jailor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Win Bo,
August 2000.
1177. Brig-Gen Htein Win, Commander of Taikkyi Station. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1178. Capt Kan Win, Head of Mingalar Taungnyunt Township Police Force. His family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1179. Daw Kaythi Win, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
1180. Col Thura Khin Maung Win, Commander of the Meiktila air base.
1181. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister of Defense, discussed defense-industry cooperation
(nuclear program) with North Korea, June 2001. He was granted retirement, June 2006.

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1182. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Win, Director of Defence Industries. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1183. U Khin Maung Win, former Deputy Foreign Minister.
1184. Brig-Gen Khin Naing Win, Director of Defense Industries. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1185. Col / Dr Daw Khin Sandar Win, Ne Win’s favorite and most influential daughter, medical doctor, a
key figure in suppressing the 1988 uprising. With Sandar Win whispering in her father’s ear, Col Khin
Nyunt was soon appointed chief of military intelligence. With Khin Nyunt in charge, Sandar continued
to enjoy considerable influence and undertook several business ventures and she was a major
shareholder of SkyLink. She and her husband ran several companies in Rangoon, including the Nawarat
Concorde Hotel with a nightclub. The couple also served as representatives for the Rangoon branch of
the Thai-owned Bumrungrad Hospital and managed Associated Business Consultancy Services, an
investment consultancy firm that matched foreign investors with local partners. She was under house
arrest with only her cook for company 2002 - 2008.
1186. Daw Khin Zaw Win, Judge, Insein prison, nine members of anti-military forces were sentenced to
death on 27 November 2003 including members of cease-fire organizations from Mon State.
1187. Dr Khin Zaw Win, dentist, writer, political prisoner 1994 - 2005 Myitkyina prison, MP, NLD
Yankin Rangoon, consultant at UNICEF Rangoon, Fellow at the New York Office of Friedrich Ebert
Stiftun 2007, FCO Chevening Fellow at the University of Birmingham UK 2008. Civil Society
Facilitator: 2010 could become an opportunity for prevention of further conflict in a land that has known
little else for close on seventy years. He is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force, puppet group,
advocating for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy Icon Aung San
Suu Kyi. He has participated in conferences advocating for the 2010 Burma Election in Belgium, China,
Germany, Singapore, Thailand, UK and USA.
1188. Maj-Gen Khin Zaw Win, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commander of Khamaukgyi Station,
Commander of the Coastal Region Command retired 2010, warlord. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1189. U Khin Zaw Win, Burmese Ambassador to Indonesia / Saudi Arabia.
1190. Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Managing Director of Myanmar Economic Corporation. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1191. Brig-Gen / U Kyaw Win, medical doctor, Burmese ambassador to USA, former Burmese
ambassador to London, former Army personal physician of Gen Ne Win. “Owing to heavy
responsibilities undertaken continuously by Sr-Gen Saw Maung, his health failed, necessitating a
complete rest as advised by his doctors,” the Gen Than Shwe announced, 1992. We are not worried
about US and EU sanctions as trade with India, China, and Thailand is already good December 2006,
Visa bribery 2009.
1192. Corporal Kyaw Win, Police, Arakan, received a medal for killing Buddhist monks and students
October 2007.
1193. Lt-Gen Kyaw Win, DOB: 3 January 1944, BC 10194, OTS 30, member of the State Peace and
Development Council. He was a Commander of Tactical Operations Command 1, Commander of
Military Operations Command 12 Kawkareik, Commander of Northern Command, warlord, chief of
Armed Forces Training, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 2, Defence Commission. Wife: San San
Yi; sons: Nyi Nyi Aung (wife San Thida Win), Min Nay Kyaw Win, Dr Phone Myint Htun (wife San
Sabai Win). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.

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1194. Maj-Gen Kyaw Win (a) Pegu Kyaw Win, Board of Directors of Union of Myanmar Economic
Holdings Ltd., former deputy head of Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence (OCMI) under Khin
Nyunt, Shwepyitha Township, Rangoon. Kyaw Win is said to be on good terms with Than Shwe.
1195. U Kyaw Win, ethnic Chinese, representative of DKBA, crony of Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Chairman of
Shwe Thanlwin Trading Co importing cars, sole distributor of Thaton Tires under Ministry of Industry
(2). Wife: Nang Mauk Lao Hsai. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1196. U Kyaw Win, Kokang Chinese, Chairman of Myanmar Mayflower Bank Ltd (Est. 1994),
Mayflower Trading Co., Chin Su (Myanmar) Co., Chin Su Plywood Industry, Pammthari Saw Mill Co
Ltd in Thailand, TN Resources Pte Co Ltd in Singapore.
1197. U Kyaw Win, Managing Director of Myanmar Machine Tool and Electrical Industries, Ministry of
Industry (2). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1198. U Kyaw Kyaw Win, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
1199. Ko Kyaw Thura Win, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of
1200. Ma Kyawt Yin Win, Sagaing, Union Solidarity and Development Association.
1201. Ko Kyi Win (Mingaladon), traitor of 8-8-88 uprising, 88 Generation Students and Youth group
(Union of Myanmar).
1202. Maj-Gen Kyi Win, Deputy Minister of Defence, Director of Artillery and Armour, Board Member
of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, expelled October 2006. Wife: Khin Mya Mon. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
1203. Lt-Col Kyi Htut Win, Chairman of Myaungmya District Peace and Development Council.
1204. Daw Kyi Kyi Win, Head of Information Department of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
Husband: Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan. Her family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1205. Battalion commander Maung Maung Win, Infantry Battalion 48, forced labor December 2002.
1206. U Maung Maung Win, Vice Governor of Central Bank of Burma, Ministry of Finance. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1207. Privates Moe Win and San Ko Ko, and second lieutenant Kyaw Moe Khaing, from the Light
Infantry Battalion 586, based at Pyuntaza railway station. Moe Win is accused of the murder. The
incident on 16 May 2010 is the first time a prospective child soldier, Tin Min Naing of 15 years, has
been killed for refusing to join the army.
1208. Brig-Gen / U Mya Win, USDA / USDP 2010. He was a Commandant of National Defence College
retired 2010. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1209. Lt-Col Mya Win, Tactical Commander of Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1210. Maj-Gen Mya Win, Director of Ministry of Defence, former Chief of the Directorate of Artillery,
former Commander of Military Operations Command 10 Kyigone. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1211. Dr Mya Mya Win, doctorate from Japan, teacher, Burmese Association in Japan, defector 1998,
contributor for the military newspapers, Burma.
1212. U Myo Win, prison number 8342/Convicted, a lackey governed the ward on behalf of the jailor,
Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Min Tun Wai, May 2005.
1213. Col Naing Win, Commander of Military Operations Command 12 Kawkareik 2010.
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1214. Brig-Gen / U Nay Win, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, UK.
1215. General Ne Win (a) Shu Maung (14 May 1911 ̶ 5 December 2002), native of Paunde, Pegu, ethnic
Hakka Chinese root, BC 3502, biology student at Rangoon University 1929 – 1931, postal clerk, Thakin
Shu Maung in Dobama Asiayone 1941, Bo Ne Win in Thirty Comrades, Burma Independence Army
against British Imperialists 1942, Burma National Army against Japanese Fascists 1945, Commander of
the 4th Burma Rifles, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces 1949, Interim Prime Minister 1958, leader of
the coup in 1962, number one in the Revolutionary Council dynamited the Student Union building 7-7-
1962, father of military dictatorship, Chairman of Burma Socialist Program Party 1962 - 1988, United
Nations had declared Burma a Least Developed Country 1987, the Evil Genius. He had believed himself
that he was a descendant of Konbaung Dynasty. Ne Win died at 7:30 a.m. at his home in Rangoon and
his body was cremated just hours later at a small ceremony attended by his daughter Sandar and about
25 others. Most of Ne Win’s assets were confiscated by the junta, and the Win family’s bodyguards
were purged from the military. Wives: Tin Tin (son, Ngwe Soe), Khin May Than (a) Katie Ba Than
(The couple had two daughters and a son between them, Khin Sandar Win, Kye Mon Win, and Phyo
Wai Win. Khin May Than brought three daughters from her first marriage with Dr Taung Gyi, Le Le
Win and twins Thida Win and Thawdar Win, into the family), Ni Ni Myint, Yadana Natmei (a) June
Rose Bellamy and Ni Ni Myint. In March 2002, for an alleged plot to overthrow the junta by Ne Win’s
son-in-law Aye Zaw Win, the husband of Col / Dr Daw Khin Sandar Win; Ne Win and his daughter
were put under house arrest and in September Aye Zaw Win and his three sons - Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne
Win and Zwe Ne Win - were sentenced to death and remained in custody in Insein Jail. Mentor: Thakin
Ba Sein. Intimidation speeches: “If these disturbances were made to challenge us, I have to declare that
we will fight sword with sword and spear with spear” July 1962 and “When the army shoots, they shoot
to kill.” August 1988.
1216. Lt-Col / U Ne Win, Chairman of Myanmar Brewery Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1217. Maj-Gen Ne Win (a) Nay Win, Military Assistant to State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Than Shwe, professional assassin, former Deputy Commander of Central Command. Wife:
Nan Aye Mya. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1218. Police Ne Win, chief police, Poungdawthi police station, Pegu, jailed hero Lawyer Aye Myint 7-
year imprisonment 2005.
1219. Daw Ni Ni Win, Patron of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
1220. Maj-Gen / U Nyan Win, DOB: 22 January 1953, Minister of Foreign Affairs, USDA / USDP 2010
Zigon, Pegu. He was a Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training.Wife: Myint Myint Soe. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
He supported Iran’s desire to develop civilian nuclear technology, February 2007.
1221. U Nyunt Win, actor, seven-time Burma Academy Award winner, pro-military junta, artiste of the
Tatmadaw, handovered students who were hiding in his compound to murderous soldiers during 8-8-88
1222. Daw Nyunt Nyunt Win, Judge, Kyauktada Township Court, Rangoon, co-conspirator to crimes
against humanity for her act in trying and convicting political activists 2008, sentenced Ko Mya Than
Htike to 4 years with hard labor, 2 October 2008.
1223. U Phone Win, Military NGO Mingalar Myanmar, Independent Candidate 2010 Election. He is an
irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force, puppet group, advocating for the oppressive military
Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy Icon Aung San Suu Kyi.
1224. U San Win, Jailor, Insein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Min Thu, June 2004.

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1225. Lt Saw Win, LIB 35 battalion, Tharawaddy, Pegu, has abducted children from the forest on several
occasions and forced to join the army February 2008.
1226. Lt-Col / U Saw Kyaw Khin Win, CEC member of National Unity Party.
1227. Brig-Gen Sein Win, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2010, former Commander Light Infantry Division
101 Pakokku. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by
US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1228. Brig-Gen Sein Win, Minister of Sports.
1229. Depayin Sein Win, police chief, Taikkyi police station, Rangoon.
1230. Guardian Sein Win, journalist, military junta-run newspapers, pro-military junta.
1231. Maj-Gen Sein Win, Chief of Staff (Air Force) 2010.
1232. Police Chief Sein Win, Gonzaung, Pwint Phyu Township, Magwe said that Abbot U Thu Mingala
has been banned from conducting Dhamma talks, February 2008.
1233. U Sein Aung Win, retired MI, official of Ka Pa Ya Express Bus, North Okkalapa, malpractice of
staff, abuse of power, official harassment, asking for bribes by using the name of Gen Than Shwe, 2010.
1234. U Shwe Win, village authority chairman, and U Thein Tan, Fishery Department, Bogale Township,
Irrawaddy, destroyed paddy fields by means of flooding them with seawater for not getting bribes,
September 2006.
1235. Dr Soe Win, Prison Doctor, Moulmein prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Mai Aik Pan,
July 2002.
1236. General Soe Win (Tuesday, 1948 ̶ 12 October 2007), ethnic Intha, BC 11701, DSA 12, Than
Shwe’s close ally fulfilling his dirty job, Commander of Tactical Operations Command 3 of the
Northwestern Command 1990, Commander of Northwestern Command 1997 persecuted against
Christian Chin, warlord, Chief of Staff (Air Force) 2001, Secretary 2 of State Peace and Development
Council 2003, Prime Minister 2004 – 2007 and Secretary 1 of the junta. As a hardliner, he is responsible
for Rangoon Massacre 1988 and Depayin Massacre 2003. Wife: Than Than Nwe; son: Nay Soe (wife
Sabai Myaing); daughter: Theint Theint Soe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Soe Win stated publicly in Bassein that
the SPDC not only will not talk to the NLD but also would never hand over power to the NLD, March
2002. Final Regret 2007: I am wrong.
1237. Maj-Gen Soe Win, DSA 22, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 6, 2010. He was a Commander
of Bahtoo Station, Commander of Northern Command, warlord, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and
Development Council. Wife: Than Than Nwe. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1238. U Soe Win, Managing Director of Myanmar Industrial Construction Services. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1239. U Soe Win, Managing Director of Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise. Wife: Than Than Aye
(member of MWAF). His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters
issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1240. U Soe Win, Secretary, UDSA Dagon Myothit, Rangoon, corruption in water project 2007.
1241. U Tha Win, Joint-Secretary of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Rangoon.
1242. Brig-Gen Than Win, Commander of Regional Operations Command in Laukai.
1243. Lt-Gen Thein Win, b. 1937, former Minister of Transportation, former Commander of Light
Infantry Division 99 Meiktila. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1244. Brig-Gen Thet Win, in charge of Embassy in Australia, taking the penetrating duties.
1245. Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win, DSA 20, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 4, 2010. He was a
Commander of Light Infantry Division 44 Kyeikhto, Commander of Southeastern Command, warlord,
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Chairman of Mon Peace and Development Council, Parade Commander of the 61st Anniversary Armed
Forces Day 2006. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued
by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1246. Col / U Tin Win, former Labor Minister, relieved October 2004.
1247. Dr Daw Tin Win, doctorate from USSR, writer, columist, pro-military junta, Thailand visa banned
for a series of articles insulting the Thai monarchy 2002, Consultant of National Defence College,
irresponsible opportunist advocating 2010 Election.
1248. U Tin Win, brother of Jimmy Kyauk, money laundering for military officials, Taiwan / Singapore.
1249. U Tin Win, Chief Jailor, Maubin prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Kyaw Myo Thant,
May 1990.
1250. U Tin Win, President of Myanmar Rice Millers Association, USDA / USDP 2010 Election.
1251. Brig-Gen Tin Maung Win, BC 17606, OTS 64, Commander of Southwestern Command 2010,
warlord, Chairman of Irrawaddy Division Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of
Light Infantry Division 22 Pa-An.
1252. Brig-Gen Tin Maung Win, Director of Defence Services Archive 2010, former Commander of
Military Operations Command 17 Mong Pan.
1253. Policeman Tin Soe Win, Daik-U, Pegu, brutally beat up Naing Too’s family in public on 19 March
2006 as the brutality of the fascist Japanese military police Kempetai during WW2.
1254. Daw Tin Tin Win, public prosecutor, Rangoon Eastern District Court, filed a case against Naw Ohn
Hla, Myint Myint San, Cho Cho Lwin and Cho Cho Aye to two years each on 16 February 2010.
1255. U Tun Win, Jailor, Tavoy prison, responsible for death in custody of hero Than Htwe, 1990.
1256. U Yan Win, Managing Director of A1 Construction and Trading Co Ltd. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1257. Ye Win, pen name in military junta-run newspapers.
1258. U Ye Win, CEC member of National Unity Party. He was an Evil MI tortured and exterminated
patriotic activists who are standing for the people, Burmese Ambassador to Thailand.
1259. Ko Ye Naing Win, son of Khin Nyunt, Living Color business magazine, former Director of Bagan
Cybertech / Myanmar Teleport Co Ltd, Chairman of Maykha Group.
1260. Brig-Gen Zarni Win, Directorate of Procurement 2010.
1261. Brig-Gen Zaw Win, DSA 19, Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training 2010. He was a Commander
of Bahtoo Station, Rector of Defense Services Academy. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1262. Brig-Gen / U Zaw Win, Military / Police, Director General 2004 – present, Prisons Department,
Ministry of Home Affairs, former Deputy Director General of Burma Police Force. Wife: Nwe Ni San.
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
1263. Lt-Col Zaw Win, Police, Commander of Combat Police Battalion 3 in Shwemyayar. His family is
on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1264. U Zaw Win, Jailor, Mandalay prison, responsible for death in custody of hero U Khin Maung Aye
1265. U Zaw Win, Secretary, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Mingalar Taungnyunt,
1266. Maj Zaw Phyo Win, Deputy Director of Export Section, Ministry of Trade, son-in-law of Than
Shwe and spouse of Khin Thandar Shwe, wedding July 2006 sponsored by business tycoon Tayza,
Director of Eden Group Co Chit Khaing and drug lord Lo Hsing Han. His family is on the sanctions list
of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.

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1267. Mr Lester L. Wolff, Congressman 1965 - 1981, Democratic, New York, US House of
Representatives, lobbyist for the military junta.
1268. Ms Ann Wrobleski, lobbyist for the military junta, Jefferson Waterman International, USA, 1997.
1269. Lt-Col Nay Wynn, Departmental Managing Director of Myawaddy Trading. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1270. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping. Xi met with State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) chief
Senior General Than Shwe Sunday after holding talks with his counterpart Vice Senior General Maung
Aye, number-two in the military regime on 20 December 2009. China is Burma’s main foreign backer
and an important military supplier.
1271. Mr Ken Xie, Founder, President and CEO, Fortinet, software-based web filtering company to limit
the materials Burmese citizens can access on-line, Sunnyvale, California, USA.
1272. Minister Xu Shaoshi, China Ministry of Land and Resources. Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group)
Company, the largest steel manufacturer in the world, operates the project with China Nonferrous Metal
Mining (Group) Company (CNMC) in Tagaung Taung, Sagaing division in Burma, July 2010.
1273. U Sein Ya, former Deputy Minister of Transport, CEC member of National Unity Party.
1274. Mr Yoshinori Yakabe, a foreign ministry official, Japan’s refusal to join the West in slapping
sanctions against the Burmese military, July 2006.
1275. Mr Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister, China.
1276. Brig-Gen Zin Yaw, Chief of Staff (Air), Commander of Bassein Air Base, former Commander of
Mingaladon Air Base, Board Member of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. Wife: Khin Thiri;
son: Htet Aung, daughter: Zin Maw Aye. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures
and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. Zin Maw Aye was expelled from Australia after
Canberra ruled that her stay in the country violated sanctions on Burma, June 2010.
1277. Sao Harn Yawnghwe, Burma Alert, Director of the Brussels-based Euro-Burma Office for the
Development of Democracy in Burma, Canada. He is an irresponsible opportunist of the Third Force,
puppet group, advocating for the oppressive military Dictator-King and advocating against Democracy
Icon Aung San Suu Kyi. He has supported Shan National Democratic Party in Burma. Opportunists San
Frontier includes Harn Yawnghwe, Victor Biak Lian, Nay Win Maung, Khin Zaw Win, Hla Hla Soe,
Yuza Maw Tun, Phone Win, Theingi, Thaung Tun, Sein Win, Zaw Oo, Thant Myint U, Khin Maung
Swe, Than Nyein, Khin Shwe, Naing Aung, Aung Naing Oo, Paul Pasch, Suzanne DiMaggio and
David Steinberg.
1278. Ven U Yewata (a) Dr Rewata Dhamma (deceased), senior Burmese Buddhist Monk, Dhamma-
Talaka Peace Pagoda, Birmingham, United Kingdom since 1975, a turncoat monk once known as
human rights abbot but later became an open apologist of the junta, pleaded on behalf of the junta at ILO
conferences 1993.
1279. Maj-Gen Khin Yi, DOB: 29 December 1952, Police Chief, former Director General of Burma Police
Force. He said Burma’s detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has faded and her release from
house arrest is unlikely to pose a threat to political stability, 23 May 2006. The recent extension of the
house arrest of Burma’s democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi for another year is due to the fact that she
poses a threat to the security of the nation, 9 June 2006. Wife: Khin May Soe. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
Terrorist: The SPDC has a bad habit of branding all political opposition with the now-trendy label of
1280. Daw Khin Mar Yi, Judge, Madaya Township, Mandalay, with her husband Kyaw Myint, secretary
of the township’s army veterans association, bribery and imprisonment of political prisoners.
1281. Daw San San Yi (a) San San Yee, Super One Group of Companies. Her family is on the sanctions
list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
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1282. U Soe Yi, Managing Director of Myanmar Ceramic Industries, Ministry of Industry (1).
1283. Ma Tin Tin Yi, military junta-backed 88 Generation Students and Youth group (Union of Myanmar).
1284. Lt-Gen / U Tun Yi, BC 5896, Chairman of National Unity Party. He was a former Deputy
Commander of Armed Forces. The Election Commission’s November 30, 1989 had decided to let the
NUP party take over some K75 million in cash, real estate and other property owned by the old BSPP.
1285. Hanthawaddy U Ba Yin, Burmese Language Commission, pro-Ne Win.
1286. U Kyin Maung Yin, DOB: 9 April 1931, former Minister in Deputy PM’s Office. His family is on
the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1287. Mr Chaovalit Yongchaiyut, ex-General, former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Sirin
Technology, Union Par Co, Chaophraya & Irrawaddy, and Silom Complex are the principal companies
associated with General Chaovalit, his wife Phankruea and his son-in-law Preecha Nawawong,
1288. Mr Kang Young-wong, President and CEO, Daewoo International, on a Dirty List of companies
released by the Burma Campaign UK.
1289. Ko Pye Phyo Za, eldest son of Business Tycoon Tayza.
1290. Police Station Chief Lt Kaung Zan, Police Second Lt Pyi Phyo Maung and 4 policemen from Pegu
Police Station 1 took over kyat one lakh and beat Yan Paing Soe, Aung Win Htike, Kyaw Thu Ya, Aung
Win Htike, Saw Thawa, Htet Ko Ko Naing and Aye Chan Tun from 11 p.m. through 3 a.m. on 10
August 2010.
1291. U Zan Zan (a) Khin Maung Than, Brokeback journalist, known to be close to media-savvy
Information Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, group of eight editors and publishers.
1292. Ki Zar, artiste of the Tatmadaw, Referendum 2008 propaganda campaign for ‘Yes’ with a group of
anti-democracy singers.
1293. Dr Zarni (a) Zar Ni, doctorate from USA, a Fellow of Oxford University, UK, founder and former
Director of Free Burma Coalition, meeting with Chief of Military Intelligence Big-Gen Than Tun 31
May 2005, advocated for the military regime, against Washington’s pro-sanctions and pro-isolation
policy, a thorn in our cause.
1294. Brig-Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw, BC 17444, DSA 24, Commander of Northeastern Command 2010,
warlord, Chairman of Shan State (Northern) Peace and Development Council. He was a Commander of
Light Infantry Division 77 Hmawbi organized to raid Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery in September 2007
and Commander of Light Infantry Division 33 Sagaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated
regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1295. Corporal Khin Zaw, the driver, Infantry Battalion 48, raped women December 2002.
1296. Lt-Gen / U Khin Zaw, BC 13242, OTS, USDA / USDP 2010 Salingyi, Sagaing. He was a
Commander of Central Command, warlord, Chairman of Mandalay Peace and Development Council,
Commander of Triangle Region Command, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 4, member of the
State Peace and Development Council. Wife: Khin Pyone Win; son: Kyi Tha Khin Zaw; daughter: Su
Khin Zaw. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US,
EU, Canada or Australia.
1297. Maj Khin Maung Zaw, Light Infantry Battalion 104, when he was Second Lieutenant, Light Infantry
Battalion 267, Unit 2, raped and tortured heroine Naw Thin Su, Kyel Chan Village, Tennasserim,
September 1997.
1298. Daw Khine Zaw (a) Ma Khine, President of Earth Industrial Company Limited, in-law of tycoon
Tayza, a conduit for influence peddling in Burma by the Thai MPs.
1299. Col Min Zaw, Commander of LID, 2010. He was a former Deputy Commander of Naypyidaw

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1300. Brig-Gen Myint Aung Zaw (d. 2004), head, Office of Chief of Military intelligence (OCMI), was
tortured to dead and his body was secretly cremated by the order of Vice Senior General Maung Aye.
1301. U Than Zaw, Senior Executive of Max Myanmar Co Ltd. His family is on the sanctions list of
designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1302. Brig-Gen / U Thein Zaw, DOB: 20 October 1951, Minister of Communications, Posts and
Telegraphs, USDA / USDP 2010 Mogaung, Kachin. He was a Secretariat Member of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association, Minister of Hotels and Tourism. Wife: Mu Mu Win. His
family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or
1303. Deputy battalion commander Thein Zaw, Light Infantry Battalion 598, tortured villagers, July 2003.
1304. Col / U Thurein Zaw, Deputy Minister of National Planning and Economic Development, USDA /
USDP 2010. Wife: Tin Ohn Myint. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and
supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1305. Ko Zaw Zaw (a) Phoe Zaw, DOB: 22 October 1966, son-in-law of Thein Tun, Managing Director of
Max Myanmar Co Ltd, Est. 1993, that was awareded jointly development of a 5,000 acre rubber
plantation with the army in Karen State 2005, Max Myanmar Construction Co Ltd, Hotel Max in
Chaungtha Beach, Royal Kumudra hotel located in Kyetpye new guest accommodation zone 2006,
Irrrawaddy Bank 2010, chairman of the Myanmar Football Federation and the Myanmar Tennis
Federation. The conglomerate is involved in the beverage market, gems and jewelry, transportation, civil
construction, hotels and tourism, palm oil production, rubber plantations and mechanical engineering
exports and imports. Wife: Htay Htay Khaing. His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime
figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia. He participates as a candidate of USDA /
USDP 2010 Election.
1306. Police officer Zaw Zaw, Taungdwingyi, Magwe, raped underage girl at a pagoda fair, November
1307. U Zaw Zaw, 39 years, Swan Arr Shin, beat protesters in Hlaing Township, September 2007.
1308. U Kyaw Zeya, Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council of Paletwa Township in
Chin state, organized a training programme related to the referendum to approve the draft constitution,
24 March 2008.
1309. U Aung Zin, Chief Jailor, Mandalay prison, responsible for death in custody of hero U Khin Maung
Aye 2002.
1310. Col / U Thant Zin, Managing Director of Myanmar Land and Development. His family is on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.
1311. Dr Daw Thet Thet Zin, General Secretary of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation.
1312. U Zaw Min Zin, Thakka Moe Nay Min Co Ltd.
1313. U Oo Zune, Managing Director of Myanmar Tyre and Rubber Industries, Ministry of Industry (2).
His family is on the sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada
or Australia.
1314. Thura Kyaw Zwa, responsible for Sagaing Massacre 1988, former chairman of Sagaing, former
chairman of Burma Socialist Program Party, Sagaing.
1315. U Kyaw Zwa, 34-year old, Manager, EPC, Yenangyaung, abuse of power, official harassment,
asking for bribes, June 2009.

Find the closest enemy and fight.

Bogyoke Aung San, 27 March 1945
Martyr, Father of the Burma Army
Page 75 of 76
Please use your liberty to promote ours.
Prime Minister-Elect Aung San Suu Kyi, 4 February 1997
Under House Arrest

Tatmadaw officers, both former and current, of the rank of Sr-Gen, Vice Sr-Gen, Gen, Lt-Gen, Maj-Gen and
Brig-Gen; Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the Ministries; the enterprises owned or controlled by the
Military junta or its members or persons associated with them; and Judges of the Superior Court are on the
sanctions list of designated regime figures and supporters issued by US, EU, Canada or Australia.

Burma Compatriots
Citizens for Peace, Liberty, Justice, Equality, Stability, and Prosperity
Revolutionaries against censorship, lawlessness, slave labor, rape, torture, corruption, and crony capitalism
Contact Info:

In honor of the strong will of the Burmese people, we would like to use the conventional English only in all
of our documentations regarding Democracy for Burma.

Primary Sources:
88 Generation Students Group, Aahara Sazaung, Agence France Presse, Alternative ASEAN Network on
Burma, All Burma Federation of Students’ Union, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front, All Burma
Young Monks Union, Amnesty International, Assistance Association of Political Prisoners-Burma,
Associated Press, Aung Linn Htut, Aung Myo Thein, Aung Thaung and U Thaung, Aung Way, Aung Zaw,
Bangkok Post, Bertil Lintner, Burma Broadcasting Corporation, Burma Campaigns, Burma Digest, Burma
for Democracy, Burma Lawyers’ Council, BurmaNet News, Burma Related News, Burma Sanctions of the
US Department of the Treasury,, Burmese Regime Figures and Supporters of the Reserve
Bank of Australia, Cable News Network, Central Intelligence Agency, Chin Human Rights Organization,, Christian Science Monitor, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Christopher Gunness,
Committee for the Restoration of Democracy in Burma, Committee Representing of People Parliament,, Democratic Voice of Burma,,, Financial Sanctions Notification of HM Treasury, Hanthawaddy News, Htun Aung Gyaw,
Human Rights Watch, Independent Mon News Agency, International Labour Organization, Irrawaddy,
Jane’s Defence Weekly, Kachin Independence Organization, Kachin News Group, Kaladan News, Kaowao
News, Karen Human Rights Group, Karen National Union, Khin Maung Soe, Khin Yi, Kin Oung, Kyaw
San and Myat Khaing, Kyaw Than, Larry Jagan, List of Designated Persons of Special Economic Measures
(Burma) Regulations of the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Ludu Sein Win, Maung Yit,
Mizzima, Moe Ma Ka, Narinjara News, Nation Daily Newspaper, National League for Democracy, Nay
Myo Wai, Network for Democracy and Development, New Era, New York Times, News & Articles on
Burma, News Headlines, News Light of Burma, Official Journal of the European Communities, Official
Journal of the European Union, Online Burma Library,, Po Than Joung,
Rapporteurs Sans Frontièr,, Reuters, Radio Free Asia, Recent Burmese News, Shan Herald
Agency for News, Shwe Khamauk Bulletin,, Time, Tin Maung Thaw, United Press
International, Voice of America, Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors, Washington Post, Wikipedia, Win
Tin, Xinhua, Yeyint Nge, and Zarganar.

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