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How to make the grid:

• Once you are done taking an FLT or a sectional test, do the

following steps to make the grid:
– Step 1: without looking at the answers. In a piece of paper write
down the question numbers you think you will get wrong.
– Step 2: see the answers and write down question numbers you
actually got wrong
– Step 3 – take an A4 sized sheet divide into the grid as shown and
fill in sections II, III and IV (hopefully I is the biggest chunk!!)
– Step 4 – I needs minimal analysis, Questions in II, III and IV can
be analyzed as mentioned in the subsequent slides
1. You thought 1. You thought

you did right
Actually right 25 2.
you did right
5 30

1. You thought 1. You thought
you did wrong 4 you did wrong 3 7
2. Actually right 2. Actually

29 8 37
25 5 30

4 3 7

29 8 37

Schematic representation
Analysis – errors in each bucket are
likely to be:
• Errors in II:
– Silly – marked the wrong answer, calculated wrong etc.
– Tactical – dd not follow the startegy that you developed
thoroughly and got it wrong
– Strategic – you think you know the concept but you actually
• Errors in III:
– Tell you that you guess well, but also point out strategic issues like
topics you may be weak in
– They also tell you about your guessing style and what works
• Errors in IV:
– Tell us what topics need to be revised – strategic usually
Especially beneficial for FLT
• FLT analysis used to take me 3 hours but
the above grid decreased my time to 1
• All I need to do is a laser like analysis for
questions in II, III and IV and I am done
• Also this gives me a trend of what concepts
I know and what I get right etc.

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