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How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel harshgoel2k@rediffmail.

Sudoku New Mathematical model of Sudoku and solution Technique

Harsh V. Goel

Sudoku New Mathematical model of Sudoku and solution Technique .......................................... 1
Mathematical model ........................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 1
FAQ ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 3
Mathematical Model ................................................................................................................... 8
Solution grid ............................................................................................................................... 8
Application of mathematical model in solving Sudoku Puzzle ................................................... 10
Solution methods ...................................................................................................................... 10
Example 1 Simple case .............................................................................................................. 11
Example-2 (Can You Crack the World's Toughest Sudoku? ) ................................................... 18 ................. 18
Example 3 (Near Impossible Sudoku) ....................................................................................... 31
Example 4 - An Interesting mail (solution provided) ................................................................. 43
Appendix-B (Some of the Question answered using this Model) ................................................... 65
Possible Number of classic 99 Sudoku solution grids .............................................................. 65

Mathematical model


If you love to solve the puzzles and want to explore the new methods in Sudoku, you must try this
new Model, it will help to understand that how we can solve any Sudoku without much trouble in
systematic way, also how the given logics to solve Sudoku can be translated into mathematical
model and human mind functionality can be translated into mathematics.

This method reduces the three dimension (rows, columns and Boxes) constraints to two
dimensions (rows and columns) only, so it expand the search criteria, at the same time it spilt the
number into three coordinates provides more scope and flexibility for new rules.

This method will give thought food to the exploring minds to dig further , those who has time and
wants to get their hand dirty and satisfy the quest of mind, must try this method.

Feel free to contact me for feedback and clarifications at

Every destination is a station for next destination Harsh Vardhen Goel

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel


1. Do I need a computer to solve this?

No, Computer is not required only paper and pencil is required

2. Is it possible to solve any valid Sudoku?

It is possible, at least I think so, unless someone come and prove it to wrong.

3. Is this method simple and Fast?

No , it is not simple or fast, but it is alternative and systematic approach for Sudoku core lovers,
the pattern used by human brain is modelled and the constrained used to solve it, are made
part of it, so by following simple logic we could find solution. But it takes some initial time to
understand the model and method.

4. How I could be benefited in solving Sudoku, using this method?

It gives a new dimension to thinking, all techniques used here can be used in solving any
Sudoku, basically it enhance Sudoku solving skills and I would say brain functioning.

5. Would I lose the beauty of solving Sudoku?

As I said, for some beauty defined, is beauty lost but for some everything is a station (part of
journey) and not destination.

6. Where else this mathematical model could be used apart from solving Sudoku puzzles.

This model can be used to solve any Latin number patterns, I do see a wide scope for this
model in understanding Latin squares, and it will extend our understanding on this subject.

7. What Next?

I am looking for Sudoku enthusiastic to come and help to define new rules as each number is
split into 3 parts ( row, column and Box ) so we can expand our understanding in solving
complex problems.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel


It is a puzzle presented as a square grid that is usually 9 9.
(Some time more or less like 4x4, 6x6 or 12x12 grids are used, but currently we will consider only
the 99 case)

Example of a typical Sudoku is given below

Fig 1 : Sudoku

A Sudoku grid has 9 rows, 9 columns and 9 boxes ( each box has 9 numbers). The full grid has
81 cells.

Following words are self-explanatory for the conventional Sudoku, below is the pictorial


How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Number, row, Column and box are illustrated below

Fig 2: Number, rows, columns and Box in convention Sudoku representation

Rules to solve the Sudoku

Place the number in blank cells such that in each row , cell has unique number from 1 to 9
at the same time in each column , cells has unique number from 1 to 9 at the same time in
each box , cell has unique number from 1 to 9

Harshs Method of solving Sudoku

The grid has been re-plotted again having 9 rows, 9 Column and 9 boxes. (Termed as solution

Now each row represents here is a number, each column represents a box

So what has been changed?

Number of the conventional Sudoku is representing a row here (termed as number row)
Box of the Conventional Sudoku is repenting columns here (termed as box column)

To make it simple, the conventional Sudoku is now represented in a 2D table where each column
is representing the number of the conventional Sudoku and each row is repenting the box
The cell value in the new solution grid representing the xy coordinates of the conventional Sudoku.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Fig 3: 2D model of the conventional Sudoku representation

And now plot the same 2D Box wise

Now here comes the solution Grid
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

This can be ploted on papers or using the excel sheet

So here vertical columns are number and the row are the boxes of conventional Sudoku.
Each coloumn have two sub cououmn x and y

Now it is easy to plot the


How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Take some time to graps the method, is is re-eplained further.

Another example (in other words)

Below is the another example , pictorial view of X and Y coordinates for given numbers in Sudoku,
later these X and Y coordinates will be used to find the solution.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Few more terms:

Givens the numbers already provided in the Sudoku
Candidates Number(s) supposed to be right number for a cell.

Mathematical Model

This mathematical modelling of a Sudoku puzzle is done by defining each number (as Number
column N1, N2.) into X and Y Coordinates and placed against each box (here Box row as
B1, B2.). Below is pictorial view of the mathematical model.

Terms in mathematical model

Solution grid

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Row B1 to B9 presents Boxes 1 to 9 of Sudoku
Column N1 to N9 represents number 1 to 9 of Sudoku.
So the given Sudoku can be re-presented in the mathematical model as given below.

Now as it looks, it becomes pretty simple to eliminate unwanted coordinates and isolate
candidates coordinates very easily.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Application of mathematical model in solving Sudoku Puzzle

Objective complete the Sudoku grid by placing the digits 1 to 9 (each digit only once) in
each cell of the small boxes (3x3 regions); at the same time you must create a row of unique
digits going across each row and each columns.

In other words Complete the grid by placing digits 1 through 9 in each cell in such a way that
only one of each digit is present in every row, column and box.

How to start

1. Make a solution grid ( or use ready-made one)
2. Mark the coordinate sets (XY) of each given number in the solution grid against each
number column and box row.
3. Follow base activities ( see next topic)
4. Follow solution methods recursively to eliminate numbers until you achieve the solution.
Follow step 3 and 4 again and again till final solution reached.

Base Activities

1. Eliminate Coordinate X in each number column for given or newly find numbers X

Details -> for each number columns strike out all the same X coordinates for given number
coordinate (X)

2. Eliminate Coordinate Y in each number column for given or newly find numbers coordinates (Y)

Details -> for each columns strike out the same Y coordinates for the given Number Coordinate Y.

3. Strike-out the coordinate set from the coordinate summary column

Important: These Base activities need to be followed every time as soon as a new
coordinates set (Number) has been identified

Solution methods

Naked Single

See if any cell left with single X and Single Y (Naked Singles) coordinates; fill the number in
the Sudoku for that coordinate set. And eliminate that coordinate from entire Columns (
base activities )

Naked pair /Triples

See if any cell left with two values of X and Single Y or vice versa ( naked pair
Coordinate set ) ; remove those value of unwanted coordinates across the row ( Box) And
repeat base activities, same rule can be extended to naked triples

Squeezing method

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Check the summary column, in case all the coordinates set in a row or column of a box
stroked off, and then eliminate all X or Y coordinates in the box row.

Unique single coordinate

In the number columns, check for cells having only one value left for X or Y coordinate,
scan all other cells in that column and eliminate that corresponding X or Y values from all
cells in that number column,

Unique Coordinate set

Check the box row for any unique set of coordinate, treat that as naked single and eliminate
all X or Y coordinates in the number column.

Impossible Coordinates/possible coordinates

Across the box row, Check possible values of XY coordinates with the summary column
against the available coordinate set; eliminate the already used coordinate values from
those cells

Possible pairs/triple pairs of coordinates

Across the box row, look-out the possible pairs or triplets of coordinate sets, eliminate those
coordinate set from rest of the cells. ( see example-2 for details)

Note: These are some of the solution methods and there is ample scope for mathematician and
game lovers to fill this space with more and more solution methods with time.

Remember to apply base activities as soon as new coordinate set has been identified as unique.

Example 1 Simple case

Solution methods with Examples

Take a blank Solution grid (as given below)
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Write down all the Coordinates for the given numbers (as have eliminated all other numbers from
those cells to make is clear)

. Now apply base activities

For Column N1 ( N1 means number1) Coordinates values given are 11,63.46.58,92 and 77 so
remove values for X = 1,6,4,5,9 and 7 and Y = 1,3,6,8,2 and 7 from entire column N1
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

For Column N2 (N2 means number 2) Coordinate values given are 21, 83 and 78 so remove
values for X = 2, 8 and 7 and Y = 1, 3 and 8 from entire column N2

For Column N3 (N3 means number 3) Coordinate values given are 13, 27 and 52 so remove
values for X = 1, 2 and 5 and Y = 3, 7 and 2 from entire Column N3

For Column N4 (N4 means number 4) Coordinate values given are 23, 62 and 97 so remove
values for X = 2, 6 and 9 and Y = 3, 2 and 7 from entire Column N4

For Column N5 (N5 means number 5) Coordinate values given are 33, 64, 48, 96 and 87 so
remove values for X = 3,6,4,9 and 8 and Y = 3,4,8,6 and 7 from entire Column N5

For Column N6 (N6 means number 6) Coordinate values given are 26 and 45 so remove values for
X = 2 and 4 and Y = 6 and 5 from entire Column N6

For Column N7 (N7 means number 7) Coordinate values given are 32,14,65,76 and 98 so remove
values for X = 3, 1, 6,7and 9 and Y =2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 from entire Column N7

For Column N8 (N8 means number 8) Coordinate values given are 12, 47, 84 and 99 so remove
values for X = 1, 4, 8 and 9 and for Y =2, 74 and 9 from the entire Column N8

For Column N9 (N9 means number 9) Coordinate values given are 34, 18 and 89 so remove
values for X = 3, 1 and 8 and Y =4, 8 and 9 from entire Column N9

Impossible Coordinates/possible coordinates

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Consider Cell B7N7 values are 81 and 83 but only 81 is possible so B7N7 is 81 ( means
number 7 will be there in box 7 at x=8 and y=1 in Sudoku ) follow base activities i.e. Strike
out X=8 and Y=1 from N7 column

Apply Squeezing method

Check the summary column, in case all the coordinates set in a row or column of a box stroked
off, and then eliminate all X or Y coordinates in the box row.

Applicable for B1 row, all coordinates, 11,12 and 13 occupied so strike-out x=1 from B1 row (
i.e. since all other cells are either known or given only in B1N6 we can strike out X=1 ) , now
the possible value left in B1N6 is 31 ( means value of number 6 in box 1 is Y=3 and X=1 ) ,
now follow base activities , Strike-out X=3 and Y=1 from N6 column. And strike-off 31 from B1
summary column

The value left in the summary column for B1 is 22 so Value in B1N9 is 22, follow base activity
i.e. strike out X=2 and Y=2 from entire column N9

Row B1 Completed


Solution method Squeezing is also applicable for B9 where all values 97, 98 and 99 occupied,
so strike off X=9 from entire row B9

Also all three i.e. 77, 87, 97 is occupied so strike-off y=7 from B9 row
Naked Single - See if any cell left with single X and Single Y (Naked Singles) coordinates; fill
the number in the Sudoku for that coordinate set. And repeat base activities

Consider Cell B3N7-> Values are 27 and 29 but 27 is not possible as already occupied by
number 3 in box 3, so only possible value is 29 , ( follow base activities i.e. strike out X =2 and
Y = 9 from N7 and strike-off 29 from summary column.

Consider B3N5, values are 19 and 29 but only 19 is possible as 29 is already occupied in
previous step, strike off 19 from summary column

Consider B3N1 values are 29 and 39 but 29 not possible so only 39 possible, strike off 39 from
summary colour of B3 and strike x=3 from Column N1

Consider B3N4 values are 18,19 , 38 and 39 but only 38 is possible as rest of them stroke-off
also follow base activities i.e. strike-off x=3 and Y=8 from the entire row N4

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now in row B3 all three i.e. 19, 29 and 39 stroke off so strike off Y=9 from row B3 ( for the left
over cells) so value.

Value left in B2N5 is 25

Now Consider B4N2 values are 42, 52 and 62 but only 42 is available strike of X=4 and Y=2
from column N2 , Similarly for B4N5 value are 51 and 52 but 51 is only free, so strike off Y=1
from column N5, In B7N5 value left is 71.

Consider B7 row, in B7N4 values are 71 and 81 but only 71 is free, strike off X=7 from N4

Now in B7N3 only value left is 91 (out of 71, 81 and 91) strike-off X=7 from N3 column, so
value left in B9N3 is 88
In B9N6 is 79 (last value in the row B9)
In B7N8 value left is 73 (as 71 is occupied by B7N4 )

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Now in B7N9 possible available value is 93 ( strike-off Y=3 from column N9 ) and value left in
B7N6 is only and only 82 ( strike-off X=8 from B8N6 )

Here we see some symmetrical numbers; that symmetry can be used for error correction (of
course human errors)

So for more clarity here is the picture- repainted again

now value left in B8N1 is 85 only hence in B2N1 will be 24 only ( after eliminating y=5 from
column N1) , value left in B8N6 is 94 and in B8N2 is 95 only keep on doing base activities as
this will help in elimination if unwanted numbers

So value left in B8N9 is 75

Now in B6N7 only 57 is possible so strike out x=5 from B4N7 hence only 43 is possible.

Now in B6N9 67 is only possible so strike out X=6 from N9 column and 56 is only possible so
left-out in B4N9 is 41

In B6N6 only 68 is possible so in B4N6 53 is left and in B3N6 17 is left
In B4N7 only 53 is left

A clean picture after considering all base-activities

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now in B3N2 only value left is 37 so in B2N2 X=3 got eliminated remaining value in B2N2 is 16
In B2N4 is 15 and in B5N2 is 54 and value left in B6N2 is 69.
Looks like chain reaction happened, and we are getting large numbers of naked singles
coordinates and values here.

Now Value left in B6N4 is 56 so in B5N8 is 55, so strike out Y=5 from B2N8 left is 36, so in
B2N3 is 35, so strike Y=5 from B5N3

Here is the solution

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

I feel it would give a lot of scope for seekers mind to explorer further much easier way to solve
Sudoku, as well as computer programmer to re-write logic.

Hope you enjoyed the alternative method to solve the Sudoku, Believe me it is good for brain

Example-2 (Can You Crack the World's Toughest Sudoku? )
Yes, we can using this new Model.

Take a blank Solution grid (as given below)
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Write down all the Coordinates for the given numbers (as have eliminated all other numbers from
those cells to make is clear) - make a note of the colour single coordinate set in a cell indicates
that number position has been identified

Eliminate duplicates X and Y coordinates from each column

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Method used: base activities

1. Eliminate Coordinate X in each number column for given or newly find numbers X coordinate.

2. Eliminate Coordinate Y in each number column for given or newly find numbers coordinates (Y)

3. Strike-out the coordinate set from the coordinate summary column

Consider B1N4 Y=2 is unique, and X=3 not possible as 32 is not possible
Consider B2N5 value 25 is unique so it is naked single here; strike off 25 from summary column. In
B3N3 Y=9 is unique , In B5N3 y=5 not possible as 55 is already occupied, only value left is 56 ,
now strike off 56 from summary column and eliminate X=5 and Y=6 from N3 column. So in B8N3
Y=5 not possible and Y=6 become unique

In B7N9 X=8 is unique also 83 is not possible so eliminate Y=3 from B7N9.

Also Since 46 and 56 is not possible so strike out y=6 from B5N8

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now consider method: Possible pairs/triple pairs of coordinates

Across the box row, look-out the possible pairs or triplets of coordinate sets, eliminate those
coordinate set from rest of the cells.

B4N6 and B4N7, possible values (Coordinate set) are 43 and 61.

Similarly Consider B5N1 and B5N6 , the values set are 44 and 66 ( I have marked them in
separate colour ) now value Y=6 not possible in B5N6, Now since 46,56 and 66 are identified so
eliminate, Now value left in B5N4 is 54 ( eliminate X=5 and Y=4 from Column N4) since 54
already occupied so value left in B5N8 is 45 ( eliminate X=4 and Y=5 from N8)

In B2N4 25 and 35 not possible so eliminate Y=5, here 6 become unique candidate, and in B8N4
Y=5 become unique.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Consider the solution sheet afresh for clarity

Consider B4N8 value left is 53 (eliminate X=5 and Y=3 from N9) also eliminate Y=3 from Box row
B4 (from cells B4N2, and B4N9 only) as rest two could have value 43.

Now consider the Cell B5N9 the only value left is 65 (eliminate X=6 and Y=5 from the N9)
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Consider B4N5 value left is 62 (eliminate X=6 and Y=2 from N5) so value left in B6N5 is 58
(eliminate Y=8 from N5)

Now consider the cell b6n1, B6N2,B6N6 and B6N7 the possible values are 48,49, 67 and 68 so
the cell left is B6N9 with value 59 ( Eliminate X=5 and Y=7 from N9)

Now the value left in B4N9 is 42 (eliminate Y=2 from N9) value left in B7N9 is 81 (eliminate Y=1
from N9)

Now value left in B4N2 is 52 (eliminate X=5 and Y= 2 from N2)

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In B7N9 value left is 81 so eliminate Y=1 from N9, since 13 is not possible so eliminate X=1, Now
in B3N9 X=1 become unique so value is 18,

Coordinate Values in red not possible

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

So the value left in B6N2 is 49 and in B6N7 is 48, value in B9N5 is 89

Clearing the unwanted coordinates , Value left in B5N6 is 66 as x=4 eliminated due to B4N6 (value
is 43) as B4N7 is 61,

The value left in B7N5 is 91 , since B5N6 is 66 so B5N1 is 44 and value left in B7N7 is 73 as Y=1
eliminates due to value of 61 in B4N7.

Examine the column N1 B9N! Has Y=8 as unique, so eliminate X=8 and Y=7 and 9,

In Cell B3N6, 18 and 28 not possible so eliminate y=8
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now chain reaction begin, follow the same sequence otherwise difficult to understand

X=8 become unique in B8N1 so value is 86, now the value left in B8N7 is 84 ( eliminate X=8 and
Y=4 from N7) now since all 84,85 and 86 occupied so eliminate X=8 from B8.
Value left in B8N2 is 76 (eliminate X=7 and Y=6 from N2)

Now chain reaction continue, value left in B9N6 is 98 as other value not possible (eliminate X=9
and Y= 8 from n6, so value left in B9N1 is 78 (eliminate X=7 from N1)

Value left in B7N1 is 93 as 91 is not possible, (eliminate Y=3 from N1) so value left in B1N1 is 11
as the only value possible in B1N6 are 11 and 31 but 11 is occupied so only possible is 31. (Lets
take a break!!!)

Since all the value 87, 88 and 89 occupied so remove X=8 from B9.

I did cross check again and check the solution sheet with base activities, fast approaching toward
solution; this is really difficult Sudoku,

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Value left in B7N2 is 92 ( eliminate Y=2 from N2 ) value left in B7N3 is 71 ( eliminate X=7 and Y=1
from N3 ) , and last value in the box row B7 for B7N8 is 82 ,. Hurry.. O my gosh. This we
could find earlier as unique coordinates... Anyway

Rapid fire round : in B1N2 ( y=2 is out due to B7N2 =92) so value left is 33 ( eliminate X=3 from
B2N2 so value left is 15 ) , in B1N3 Y=1 is out due to B7N3 value is 71 ) so value left is 22 (
eliminate X=2 from N3 ) now since 22 is already occupied value left in B1N4 is 12 ( eliminate X=1
from N4 ) value left in B1N9 is 23 ( eliminate X=2 from B2N9) so value left is 34.

Since X=7 eliminated from B8N3 so value left in B8N3 is 95 and in B8N4 is 75.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Fresh screen shot

Now value left in B3N2 is 39, in B2N6 is 24 and in B3N6 it is 17,

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

So X=7 is eliminated in B9N4 so value left is 99, and last value in B9N8 is 77,

Since y=9 eliminated in B6N4 so value left is 67 and in b6n1 is 69 , so in B3N1 it is 27.

Now value left in B8N8 is 94 (sorry in previous screen shot I marked it as done, but it
was not), the value left in N3N8 is 19 and so on.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Here is the solution

Feel free to contact me for feedback, further clarifications at

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Example 3 (Near Impossible Sudoku)

With thanks

Place the numbers in the Sudoku solution grid.

Identify the x and y coordination (elimination round 1)

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Move forward and find singles example - In B5N7 out of 44 and 46 only 44 is possible as 46 is
already occupied, marking 4 in y as red as all the 4s ( 44 , 54 and 64 is occupied and no more 4 is
possible) also B2N7 Y is 4 not possible.
In B5N2 66 is the only option left

Now B5N2 solution is 66, so mark all Y=6 in B5 as red , as 46,56 and 66 is occupied.
In B4N2 mark X=6 as red.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
In N3, N4 and N8 mark Y=5 as red except B5 row.

A clean view

Now consider B4N8 , 51 is the only option, so in B5N8 solution left is 65 leading B5N3 as 45 and
B5N4 is 55.
Eliminate X=5 for N4 except B5N4 , X=4 from B6N3, and Y=1 from B1N8

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now target B4N2 , only option is now 53, Y=3 from B1N2 and B4N6 causes number left in B4N6

Now since all 42, 52 and 62 occupied so Y=2 not possible in B4N5 and B1N6

Consider B6N3 only option is 68 so Y=8 from rest of the B6 and B9N3

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Now consider the cell B1N2 , only option is 11 ( identified long ago but somehow overlooked )
this lead to B1N3 as 31 thereafter X=3 from B2N3 is eliminated.

Some sanity check, in B3N4 Y=7 not possible, and in B7N4 X=8 not possible

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Considering the cell B2N1 ( should have taken earlier), only option is 15 therefore B1N1 is 21,
B7N1 is 82 and B9N1 is 99 leading to B9N7 as 79 so B7N7 has to be 92

A cleaner view
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

So in B7N5 and B1N7 Y=2 not valid

Below, doing some sanity check in B9N9 Y=9 not possible, in B1N5 Y=1 and Y=3 not possible.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Grouping the numbers

Now applying advance logic
19 is not possible in B3N9 as B3N5 has 19 of same group ( Blue)

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

So eliminating 19 from B3N4

Considering the grouping in N4

But alternatively
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
63->47->91-> neither Y=7 possible nor other option so this chain is discarded

Marking all Blue as green ( valid) and all yellow as red ( not valid)

Below is the clear view

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Cleaning up the B2N8 cell as Y=4 become invalid so valid value for B2N8 is 36 hence X=3 in
B2N7 become invalid so the value for B2N7 is 26

Further cleaning up the cells, as X=2 become invalid for B1N7 the number in B1N7 is 33 causing
X=3 invalid for the B1 row ( except B1N7)

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
On similar lines , X=2 become invalid for B2N6 , X=1 and Y=9 for B3N6 and B3N9.

Regroup them again ( based on the validity into two colours ) the wipe out the impossible group.

Here I leave it to you to proceed further.
Solution for this Sudoku is as below

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Example 4 - An Interesting mail (solution provided)
From: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
To: harshgoel2k <>
Subject: Re: Mathematical model for solving Sudoku
Hi Harsh,

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I still haven't been able to solve this puzzle using any methods,
including those from the Sudoku Professor! I really would like to know if your mathematical approach can
"crack" this puzzle. Let me explain my notation system below for setting up the givens in the puzzle.

I'll explain where to place the first five givens:

1/4:9 ---> put a 9 in the cell at row 1 and column 4
1/9:8 ---> put an 8 in the cell at row 1 and column 8
2/4:8 ---> put an 8 in the cell at row 2 and column 4
2/7:6 ---> put a 6 in the cell at row 2 and column 7
2/8:3 ---> put a 3 in the cell at row 2 and column 8

Please document your solution step by step, so I can follow along with your logic. Please "walk me
thru your solution".

I hope to hear from you soon.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
To: harshgoel2k <>
Subject: Re: Mathematical model for solving Sudoku
Hi Harsh,

I have been working out examples using your method and feeling more confident about it. I tried it on
one Sudoku that could not be solved using the thirteen techniques faaaaaaaaa which were my main
techniques for solving puzzles of All levels of difficulty! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad confirmed that
there is ONE UNIQUE SOLUTION! Please see if you can solve this one using your method; I

1/4:9 1/9:8
2/4:8 2/7:6 2/8:3
3/6:3 3/7:2 3/8:4 3/9:9
4/2:7 4/3:9 4/4:5 4/9:2
5/3:6 5/4:3 5/6:9 5/7:7
6/1:5 6/6:7 6/7:9 6/8:1
7/1:2 7/2:1 7/3:4 7/4:7
8/2:5 8/3:8 8/6:2
9/1:6 9/6:8

Good luck; I really hope your method will solve this one. Please document fully so I can follow your

Best Regards,

Here is the solution -


Fill the numbers in the solution sheet.
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Eliminate the un-wanted co-ordinates

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Here in B9N2 co-ordinate is identified as 98, mark this as green. Cleaning further

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Let me discuss few examples here
B2N2 and B2N4 , Y=4 not possible as 14 and 24 both are not possible
In B3N1, B3N5, B3N7 X=3 not possible as 37, 38 and 39 already used.
In B4N1 Y=3 not possible as 43 and 53 both used.
In B5N2 Y=5 not possible as in B2N2 Y=4 is not possible, only Y=5 possible so in B5N2 Y=5 not
B6N8 X=6 not possible as 67 and 68 both used.

In B7N3 and B7N9 X=7 not possible as 71,72 and 73 are used.
In B8N1 and B8N4 Y=6 not possible as 86 and 96 both used up.
In B9N9 X=9 not possible as 98 is already used.

Now moving to next step. Marking all the identified singles

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In B1N1 Y=1 not possible as Y=1 already identified as unique single in B1N1.
And in B6N5 y=7 not possible as 57 is already used.

Moving forward
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In B5N2, X=5 not possible as 54 is already used in B5N3 so only option left is 64,
That eliminates X=6 from B4N2 causes only option for B4N2 as 52 because 53 is already used in
Also Y=4 eliminated from Row B5 as 44, 54 and 64 all used up now.

Moving inch further
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Since we have all the 3 in row B1 has been identified, so mark all Y=3 as red ( eliminate)
i.e. in B1N3 , B1N7 and B1N8 ( Y=3 not possible)
this causes further chain reaction , in B7N7 Y= 3 become unique ( only possible )
Here is the catch, now B7N7 out of 83 and 93 only 93 is possible.
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In B9N7 X=9 not possible as X=9 already taken in N7 column.

Applying more logic, in B4N3 Y=3 is unique number. So as Y=3 not there in the B4 Row and
otherwise as well, from the row N3 Considerations. So only possible number in B4N3 is 63.

This causes some reaction. In row B6N3 X=6 Not possible so only number left is 47 as 49 is
already used in B6N2.
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now consider B6N3 Since X=6 is out and value 49 is not possible as it is already taken so the only
option left is 47, so for B6N3 value is 47

Now 47, 57 and 57 all used, no more Y=7 in the B6 so B6N4 X=4 and Y= 7 not possible aldo Y=7
not possible in B6N8 cause Y=8 as unique in B6N8 which further eliminate Y=8 from the B9N8 so
the only value left in B9N8 is 77
Now have a clean
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now Applying a new rule

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Since In B7 Y=1 is possible in B7N3 and B7N9 So In B1N7 and B1N9 only one Y=1 will be used,
But we need three Y=1 in B1 so B1 N4 Y=1 become unique. And hence in B4N4 Y=2 become
unique so the value in B4N4 is 62

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In Above Figure, B4N4 is marked green with value 62 eliminate X=6 from B5N4 and B5N4 so the
value in B6N4 is 59 , Further in B6N5 value 59 is eliminated so the value for B6N5 is 58 ( causes
Y=8 eliminated from B9N5) further the leftout value in B6N8 is now 48 which eliminate X=4
from the B5N8 and B4N8 .\
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In above figure
In row B6 all the cells has been occupied except B6N6 the left out value is 69, which causes a big
chain reaction. X=6 eliminated from B5N6 so in B5N4 and B5N6 is only 45 and 46 so the value in
B5N1 is 55 ( left unique because other two values 45 and 46 not possible, now the value in B5N8 is
65 only as 55 is already taken by B5N1,

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In Above figure, in B4N8 the value left out is 51 as 52 is already taken, eliminating X=2 from the
Also in Row B4 the value left out for B4N1 is 41.
The value in B1N8 become 32 , causes elimination of X=3 from B1N6 , now value in B1N6 is 12,
now X=3 become unique in B2N6 so it has value 34. Causes elimination of Y=4 from B8N6.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Now this become pretty simple , I will walk over few steps more , In the above figure, since B1N6
become 12 so value left in B1N3 is 11 and then B1N4 is 21 , X=1 not possible for B1N7 so B3N7
become 18,

Taking case of B7N3 , value is 92 because X=1 not possible as x = 1 in B1N3 already. This leads
to B7N9 as 81. Now X=9 not possible for B8N3 and B9N3, and X = 8 for B8N9 and B9N9, so the
value left in B9N8 is 78. And in B9N6 is 88

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Moving further in D8N9 x=7 eliminated so value is 95, in B1N7 , 21 is already used so left value is
31 . in B2N7 value left is 25 so value in B2N2 is 15. So value in B1N2 is 23.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

X=2 eliminated from B1 row.
In B2N4 only value possible is 16 caused B5N4 as 45 consequently B5N6 as 46. Causes B8N6 as
75 which further causes B8N3 as 85 which leads to B9N3 as 79.

Taking a clean picture
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In the above figure, life is now become very easy now. I need not to explain it.
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

And the final answer is, here we go. Without fail
How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Keep me posted on

Happy Sudoku solving

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel
Appendix-B (Some of the Question answered using this Model)

Possible Number of classic 99 Sudoku solution grids

Extract from Wiki with thanks. (

The first known calculation of the number of classic 99 Sudoku solution grids was posted on the
USENET newsgroup rec.puzzles in September 2003
and is 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960
(sequence A107739 in OEIS), or approximately 6.67 x 10
. This is roughly 1.210
times the
number of 99 Latin squares. A detailed calculation of this figure was provided by Bertram
Felgenhauer and Frazer Jarvis in 2005.

As per my calculation based on mathematical model the number of classic 9X9 Sudoku solution grids is
1,908,360,529,573,850,000,000,000,000 or approximately ~ 1.908x10
27 .
, here is the calculation (need
some one to cross verify this)

For first box row (B1)
Any number can be placed in first cell (9) but in second only 8 numbers are possible, in 3
only 7and so .
So maximum possible value is N! = 362880.

In second Box row (B2),

Any two numbers can be placed with 6 coordinate-set, another 2 at 5 places, another 2 at 4 places, and 1 at
3 places, one at two places and remaining last at 1 place. So values comes out to be

=6x5x4X6X5X4X3X2X1 = 86400

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

In third row (B3)

Any three numbers at 3 places another two at three places and remaining numbers at 1 place each

So value comes out = 3x2x1x3x2x1x3x2x1= 216

For B4 it is 34560
For B5 it is 9216
For B6 it is 64
For B7 it is 216
For B8 it is 64

Above two diagram gives the no. of maximum possibilities of a number in a particular box row
(numbers are interchangeable, but no. of coordinate sets (values) will be unchanged for Sudoku as

So the final value comes out to be 1,908,360,529,573,850,000,000,000,000 or approximately ~

To understand this better, I would suggest first get a good understanding of the model first (transformation of
row-columns-boxes of Sudoku into box-row and number columns of Harsh Method )

I am waiting for the feedback from Sudoku experts on this calculation. And need your suggestion as well on
it to improve it further.

How to solve Sudoku Mathematical Method by Harsh Goel

Version information

Version 0.90 Draft Version
Version 6.0 Solution details for a near impossible Sudoku (Example 3 on Page 25 ) added - Dated 5 Jan 2014
Version 7.0 One more Sudoku added with detail solution steps ( Example 4 Page 38 ) Dated 1 March 2014

* Thanks for appreciation mails, further I am working on indexing the content of this document and
will uploaded the document with index as soon as I get some spare time.- Thanks

Feel free to contact for any clarification or feedback, at

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