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The term DCS means Distributed control system.

The term Distributed refers

to the fact that the system is section wise geographically distributed, Hardware
distributed, Intelligence & Processing, Risk etc are term Distributed . The contr
system performs a specified assigned control function with many sub systems. Eac
one of these sub system having its own processor and self contained software
programmer wired directly to the field instruments by standard analog signal lin
e or
through field multiplexing wiring system (multiplexer). The processing in the su
is digital. The field signals are sent to the field and received from the field
in analog
form. DCS is connected with various subsystem by a communication network called
Data Highway which is capable of carrying information at high frequency to and fr
various sub system.
Compared to the conventional pneumatic control, DDC systems were particularly he
in speedy and precise control during start-up, shutdown and emergency periods. A
process operator sitting on one console desk could efficiently control the entir
e process
with greatly enhanced operational speed and precision.

cooperative organizations Businesses which are owned and run jointly by their em
ployees and customers. Their purpose is to ensure fair working and trading condi
tions rather than the maximization of profit, in marked contrast to capitalist e
nterprise. They tend to be particularly appealing in areas undergoing rapid soci
al and economic change where low wages, job insecurity, and low consumer protect
ion are the norm. They developed in England from the late eighteenth and early n
ineteenth centuries as (a) consumer cooperatives to provide cheap food, (b) prod
ucers' cooperatives to provide work in cases of strikes, and (c) utopian coopera
tives where alternatives to capitalism were tried out, most famously Robert Owe
n's Rochdale Pioneers of 1844.

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