Controlling Water Pollution

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Water pollution can be controlled if the

government and the citizens play their part.

Steps to be taken by the government

1.Educate the people so that they understand what

water pollution is and are aware of how to control
2.Educate the farmers on the use of fertilizers and
pesticides so that excess fertilizers and pesticides
will not be washed into ponds,lakes and rivers,and
pollute the water.
3.Treat industrial waste and sewage before
discharging them into public sewers,rivers or seas.
4.Have regular checks on industries to ensure that
their waste is treated and disposed of in the correct
5.Proper sanitary toilets should be built so that
sewage is properly collected and
treated.Overhanging latrines along the river banks
should not be used.
6.Patrol the seas to prevents ships from
discharging oil waste into seas.
7.Supervise logging and the opening up of land for
housing or industries so that siltation and flooding
will not occur.
8.Ensure that all anti-pollution laws are followed
by regular and strict checks.
Steps to be taken by individuals

1.Do not throw garbage into drains or by the road

2.Do not throw garbage or sewage into
ponds,lakes and rivers.
3.Do not build overhanging latrines by the river
banks or streams
4.Bring to the attention of the authorities any case
of people polluting water.

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