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ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

Trinit i TECH Enterprise Resource Planning

(ERP) Development

Survey Questionnaire


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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

1. Objective of the Questionnaire

2. Instructions to Use
3. Materials Overview
4. Master Information
5. Operational Information
6. Inventory Analysis and Planning
7. Physical Inventory and Cycle Counting
8. Reports

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

1. Objective of the Questionnaire

Business Survey is an important milestone in Trinit i TECH Implementation. Purpose of the

Survey is to get a broad understanding of customer business. Understanding at this stage will
be used to prepare sample processes for product training, which is conducted after the survey.

The key objectives of the Survey Questionnaire are as follows: -

• Capturing broad level information on customer business.

• Identify sample data for key business process, and model them for training.
• Identifying important Master Data & Configuration information, which will be further, refined
during process identification stage.
• Identify exceptional scenarios in the customer business.

Survey Questionnaire does not aim for: -

• Doing a comprehensive mapping of Business Process Flows.
• Collection of all Master Data.

2. Instructions for Usage

User Champions are expected to fill in this questionnaire. Trinit i TECH Consultant will assist
user champion in completing the answers.

These forms are normally provided few days before the survey, to enable user champions to
prepare for the survey.

Please add additional sheets where ever necessary. Please add any additional information in
regard to you is your business scenario, though the same is not asked in the questionnaire.

Questionnaire after completion will form part of Survey document.

It is recommended to refer to TOOMS for clarifications on Trinit i TECH Marshal Product


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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

1.0 Materials Overview

1. Explain your materials function organization,
with details of organization chart, function of
each sub department, like, Planning,
Purchase, Goods inwards, Storage,
Inventory Management, etc.

2. How do you keep track of Engineering

Change Management?

2.0 Master Information

1 Item Coding – How is the Item coding done in
your company?

2 Item Grouping – How do you group items?

Some of the examples are – By region : Local,

3 Item Classification – What are the normal

classification methods followed in your
organization. Some of the classifications are :
• Finished Goods
• Raw Materials
• Utility Items, etc.
4 Item volumes – Indicate no of items in your •
• Raw-materials
• Intermediates
• Finished Goods
• Spare Parts
• Tools
• Consumables

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)
• Utilities
• Capital
• Service
• Model
• Kit
• Others (Specify)
5 Unit of Measures :
What are the various unit of measure you use
in your organization.
Do you use multiple unit of measures for the
same item – for buying, storing, selling?
3.0 Operational Information
3.1 Goods Inwards / Inspection
1. What are the documents received along with
the consignment?
List the documents and provide sample
2. How is the sampling for inspection done?

3. At what stage of goods arrival, inspection is

- Before unloading
- Before Storing to final place
- After storage
4. In case inspection results are given after the
storage, how do you keep track of material
under inspection?
5. Do you use returnable packaging?
List various categories of returnable
6. Do you have lot / batch management?
If yes, what is the logic for batch numbering?
Is this vendor no or your no?

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

What is the additional information that is

recorded with each batch apart from batch no?
7. Do you receive materials more than what is
ordered in the PO?
If yes, what do you do in such cases?

8. Do you practice tolerance levels for under or

over deliveries? If yes, provide details.

9. What are the internal documents made from

the time of receiving materials till goods are
moved to final location?
10. How do you handle rejections?
Do you send materials back?
Do you allow sorting / repair? If yes, where is
repair carried out? If repair is carried out at
vendor site, what are the documents made for
goods transfer and receipt?
11. No of goods inward per month?
Of this, give details of local and imports
12. How do you acknowledge to your vendor upon
receipt of material?

13. List various other types of receipt to

Example – goods receipt from production
Goods receipt from customer returns
Goods receipt from subcontractors.

Provide details of procedure and

documentation followed in each case.
14. Do you accept goods if the delivery date is
before the scheduled date? If not what is the

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)
15. If there is a price difference in the receipt, what
is the procedure to reconcile?

16. Do you raise Capital PO?

How are capital goods receipt handled?
3.2 Storage
1 List your storage locations?
Provide details of various categories of items
stored in each warehouse. Also indicate the
type of warehouse for each warehouse – Raw
material, Intermediaries, Finished Goods,
packing materials, maintenance spare parts,

2 Explain codification of your storage

List all warehouse codes.

3 Is your warehouse further divided in to further

sub locations like, bays / zones / bin nos.,
etc ?

If yes, attach a layout of the warehouse,

wherever possible. List all sub divisions in
each warehouse.

Do you perform inter-Warehouse

4 Do you have expiry dates for the
If Yes, explain the usage with few cases.

5 Do you have aging for the materials?

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

If Yes, explain the usage with few cases.

6 Do you have a separate location for

quarantine materials?
7 What are the various stages for the
materials in the warehouse? Example –
Reject, Good, Freeze, etc.

8 Do you store different lots physically


9 Do you combine or split lots / batches?

1 List various types of issues made from
each warehouse.
• Issues to customers
• Issues to production
• Issues to subcontractors
• Issues to cost centers
• Returns to suppliers
• Issues for samplings
• Issues to maintenance – spares
2 Do you have emergency issues?
In this case, you may not check for free stock.
3 Do you issue expired lots? If not how do
you control this?

4 How many issues you make per month?

Provide details by issue type.
5 Do you make material requests to stores for

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)
issue of raw material
3.4 Adjustments
1 Do you perform Inventory adjustments, value
based or quantity based

If yes explain with cases

2 How many Adjustments in a year / Month?
3.5 Receipts
1 Do you perform Inventory receipts?

If yes explain with cases.

2 How many Receipts in a year / Month?

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

4.0 Inventory Analysis / Valuation

1 What the various types of analysis used for
inventory management?
ABC analysis
XYZ analysis
FSN analysis
VED analysis
Coverage analysis
Explain with actual cases.
2 Do you use re-ordering methods?
If yes, what are the criteria followed?
3 How do you determine the ordering quantity?
Explain in detail with different cases for each
of the method followed.
4 How frequently do you perform write-offs for
non-moving items?
5 What is the valuation method followed?
- Raw Materials
- Indirect Materials
- Finished Goods
Moving Average, FIFO, LIFO, Standard
6 If you are using moving average, how often do
you compute the rates?
7 If you are using standard costing, how often do
you revise the standards?

5.0 Physical Inventory and Cycle Counting

1 How often do you do physical inventory

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)
Do you have different frequencies for different
types of items?
2 Do you perform 100 % item checks or

If Random, what are the criteria for selecting

3 If physical counting is done in batches, what is
the average no of items checked for batch?

4 What is the reconciliation mechanism for


5 What are the authorization levels for


6 Provide sample documents followed for

physical inventory valuation.

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T.G.S.I. ERP Development Questionnaire (INVENTORY)

6.0 Reports
1 Provide a copy of sample reports of all
operational documents.

Operational documents are typically those

documents, which are required for running the

Example – purchase order, GRN, etc.

2 List all MIS reports typically used across

organization. Provide a copy of sample report.

MIS reports are those, which are used for

analysis and follow-up.
Example – List of outstanding orders,
Stock Register for a period , Stock Register by
Group etc

3 List all exception reports used across

organization. Provide a copy of a sample

Exceptional reports are a subset of MIS

reports, which provide only exceptional
information, meant for top management.

Example – List of PO outstanding beyond a

month. List of material requests not converted
to PO

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