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Statement regarding Ash Hollow LLC. John Turner is an Ash Hollow LLC member in good standing with the company. He remains one of the larger share holders of the company by way of financial investment. He was elected to the Ash Hollow LLC board of directors in 2003 and was offered the managing partner position in 2004. John was the ‘managing partner and on the board of directors from July 2004 until June 2008 when he was recruited for a position in Iraq. Since he would be out of the country for an extended period of time, he resigned from both positions. tn 2004, Ash Hollow offered John a salary to become its managing partner. Shortly after moving to Walla Walla, Ash Hollow cut John’s salary in half from what had been promised to him and agreed upon. John also did not receive other benefits and support which were promised to him. John had already moved to Walla Walla and begun employment with Ash Hollow. John never complained; he was happy that he ‘was in Walla Walla and got to work doing what he promised he would do. Being in Walla Walla with family, not Ash Hollow, was his main goal. Under John’s leadership, winery production grew from 700 to 7,500 cases, the health and production of ‘Ash Hollow’ two vineyards vastly improved, a tasting room and office was established, a loyal customer base was established, a wine club was established, a website with online sales capability was ‘established, national distribution was established, two private wine labels in addition to the Ash Hollow label were established, sales in restaurants and shops across the country were built, the development of a Woodinville tasting room was in negotiations, and awards and national recognition occurred all in an effort to accomplish the company’s goal of producing 10,000 cases of wine per year. During John’s tenure, every vintage of every Ash Hollow label wine produced was completely sold out. This is not an ‘easy task to accomplish, During the time John was employed by Ash Hollow, there were many months where John would not receive a pay check so that other responsibilities could be met,john also-Joaned the company money several times while he was the managing partner. Also at certain periods during this time, John’s personal credit card was used for Ash Hollow business expenses. John was personally carrying these credit card payments, including the interest, for the benefit of Ash Hollow. At the request of the board of directors and in an attempt to help Ash Hollow lower its debt, John agreed to convert some of the money owed him into shares of Ash Hollow LLC. As managing partner, John was authorized and had the discretion to legally use the Ash Hollow business credit card or any other means in an ongoing effort to repay money owed him by Ash Hollow. A cash repayment would have been preferred, but the fact remains that at that time Ash Hollow LLC did not have the cash funds to repay him. At no time did John ‘Turner steal, embezzle, or otherwise misappropriate any Ash Hollow funds. At no time was there any intent or effort to defraud or misrepresent Ash Hollow. Ash Hollow LLC admits that the company still ‘owes John Turner a large sum of money. Post his Ash Hollow employ, John Turner underwent a thorough federal background investigation wherein investigators were in Walla Walla and at Ash Hollow. Never once did any of these recent rumors arise during that formal investigation. John’s complete background and character were investigated and as a result, John currently holds a top secret security clearance. John Turner is well aware of the difference between privately held and publicly held funds. He has past and recent experience with large sums of public funds, seized property and money, and classified information. He Page 1 of 3

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