Celop 1

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Oscar Velasquez

Sheri Taub


In my english class i met Arman Zhapparov, he's 23 years old borned in Kar
aganda, Kazakhstan.His parents are both children doctors having him like its onl
y son, it has many relatives and relations in its country, he knows to speak its
native and Russian language which is very interesting because he can defend wit
h both, his profession is computer science, area that he likes to much. The Reas
ons fr studying at CELOP are because he wants to improve his writing and also ha
s listened that CELOP is one of the best schools of English.
He thinks that Boston is a great city because he can do a lot of activit
ies, the people are friendly and the arquitecture of the city is too interesting
. After studying at CELOP hes planning to go back to his contry because their ec
onomy is growing too fast and he will work with the Kazakhstan government. His f
avourites hobbies are hanging out with friends and reading books, he likes to pl
ay soccer and also do some workout and swimming.
One of the Arman's goals is to play the piano, he likes to sing and danc
ing a lot. His favourite music genre are Electronic music and Hip Hop, he says t
hat the best artist in those genres are Armin Van Buuren and Eminen respectively
. About his favourites films i figured out that the psycollogical dramas are for
Mr. Zhapparov only traveled to USA, and he told me that when he was 11 y
ears old he lost in a big city from his contry, he was scared and walked like 6
or 7 hours trying to find his parents. Arman's favourites foods are the italian
and the one from his contry, he said that in Kazakhstan the people eat a lot of
meat except the pork meat. I wish him the best in his future, and i hope he can
enjoy his life.

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