HR Budgeting

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The elements in HR department budget would vary with

-company policy
-budget process
-company accounting system
-nature of the business operation

The general components of HR Budget are

1. Salary And compensation

2. Training Expenditure
3. Statutory welfare expenditure
4. Non STatutory welfare expenditure

HERE is a broad set of guidelines.

-recruitment/ selection [ internal/ outsourcing ]

-contractors [external ]
-salary/ wages
-training/ development [ includes induction/ orientation]
-staff benefits
-staff amenities
-workplace facilities
-workplace safety [ OHS]
-salary contingency
-workers compensation
-staff communication [ includes newsletter/ intranet ]
-labor relations [ legal/ investigations]
-HR administration
-HR travels 
etc etc.

You can consider following points while making a buget for H R Department :

1. Manpower Planning : Estimate how many resource is required in different department . Of course CTC Figure is
there with each head.
2. Advertisement expenditure: Local news paper, consultancy, portals such as etc.
3. Training and development : Under this head every activity is going to consider, In house training : Cost if
external faculty is going to give training on the basis of hours. You need to do estimation for that. proper calender
planning for training schedule. And for development some technical course like sun java certifcation, microsoft
certification exam .if your company is in IT sector.
4. If you have any other plans for employees like some extra allowance you have start like onshore allowance or
employee of month or quater some award or some finance realted think which will come under bugdet.

So you have consider smallest thing which is realted to employee and where cost is realted to it.

considering above points you can make excel format or Powerpoint presentation
Any top executive of considerable worth knows and understands clearly the value of an effective HR
team that not only handles the administrative details and recruitment, interviewing, and hiring of new
staff but

also consults with senior management about strategically planning important company tactical policies.

Regardless of the size of the business every HR department has a budget that must be adhered to in

of any increased profitability and may even experience serious cutbacks in an economic downturn. How

you manage an HR budget effectively? With great care is an immediate response that springs to mind!

As the workplace is a dynamic, fluid environment it means that on-the-job training and development

can suddenly change. A HR budget that allows some flexibility in delivery being both pro-active and

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