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• 5,000 Children in Ward 8 without Child

Care, leaving families unemployed!

• Dozens of Child Care centers closed in the

past year, putting hundreds out of work!

• Children with special needs are still left out of the system!
• Child Care providers are among DC’s most underpaid

workforce because of lacking government support!

• $30 MILLION cut from the Child Care Subsidy Budget!

Join us for a pre-meeting the day before his

Town Hall to plan how we make CHILD
CARE a top issue for our new Mayor!

Ward 8 Town Hall Pre-Meeting

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Thurgood Marshall Academy
2427 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE
Across from Anacostia Metro * Parking
Please RSVP to (202) 234-9119

Child Care for

All Campaign

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