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Thomas Hood:

I remember, I remember,

The roses, red and white;

The violets, and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light!

The lilacs where the robin built, And where my brother set

The laburnum on his birthday, - The tree is living yet!

I remember, I remember ...





published by the students of Brother Rice High School Under the direction of the Christian Brothers of Ireland




CLASSES Page 5:1

SPORTS Page 8:1


STAFF Edltcr-In-chle!

James Rosenhouer Assistont Editor

Robert Egon History Editor

James Markunas Faculty Editor

James Thompson Senior Editor

Dennis Alexander Class Editor

Thomas Minogue Sports Editor

Phil Bonelli Activities Editor Vernon Moore Layout Editors

Ron Bertagnoli and Herman Zwirn Business Manager

Peter Gilmour



T. Blanchfleld, D. Chesters, F. Daily, J. Donnelly, J. Dory, R. Folk, W. Giacalone, J. Harrington, R. Hoffman, J. Kane, J. lithgow. R. Moore, D. Moritz, J. Napier, M. Sullivan, J. Walsh, T. Stefanik.


O. Dillon, R. Paul. S. Helbe, Photography Editor: Brother J. A. McRae.


to Brother W. F. O'Sullivan for writing the Dedication, to Mr. R. J. Hanson and Walinger Studio for the Faculty and Senior portraits, the Divider page photographs, the formal dass photographs and the History photographs; to Mr. N. Koenig and the Norman King Cc., our publisher, who helped 50 much in the publication of our first Yearbook.


When Christ walked and talked with men He demanstrated both by word and work the extraordinary love He bore the creatures fashioned to His own image and likeness, but the deepest wells of divine affection inundated the young and innocent members of His flock. Small wonder is it that down through the centuries men and women, fired with that same Christlike spirit, have spent themselves in His holy service and raised spiritual families whose one and only desire was to preserve unsullied for their Savior the souls of youth so dear to His Sacred Heart.

One such Christian hero was Edmund Ignatius Rice, founder and first Superior General of the Christian Brothers of Ireland. He lived at a time when Catholicity had probably reached an all-time low, and when a Catholic education could be obtained only secretly in the land of his birth. Be that as it may, he determined to risk fortune and even life itself to bring to the wayward youth of Ireland a knowledge of the God they had all but forgotten. He gathered about him a small group of men imbued with a spirit similar to his who, renouncing all earthly ambitions, lived only for the growth of Christ in the minds and hearts of youth. Their work prospered and in time spread throughout the world.

In 1906 four spiritual sons of Edmund Rice arrived in the United States to establish the first permanent foundation of the Irish Christian Brothers in this great country. From that lowly foundation have sprung many others, so that today the Brothers labor successfully in about forty schools in the great western world.

Within the hallowed walls of this school, one of the latest. erected by the sons of Edmund Rice, and which is honored in bearing his name, we have the privilege of acquiring our secondary education. With this thought in mind we most humbly and gratefully dedicate to you, our spiritual father in Christ, this first issue of our school's yearbook, praying a kindly Providence to hasten the day when your precious relics will be raised to the altars of our holy Church.


Founder and first Superior General of the Christian Brothers of Ireland

Srother Rice High School, summer, 1956. A two and one-half million dollar dream begins to take shape on Chicago's great South Side.


the growth and development

of Brother Rice High School has been miraculous, it has not been spontaneous. In fact, the ideo of establishing a

boys' high school in the south-western section of Chicago hod been discussed by the Provincial of the

Irish Christian Brothers and Cardinal Stritch for some time. In 1954,

when our present seniors were wrestling with the problems of sixth grode, definite action was token

ta have these ideas materialize. Early that year the molter was

brought to the attention of the archdiocesan Chancellor,

Right Reverend Msgr. E. M. Burke, PA, and with His Eminence, the

late, beloved Samuel Cardinal Stritch.

Through the help

of these clergymen, the necessary diocesan permissions

were secured, a site was

located and approved

by both the Archdiocese and the Province, an architect was selected, provisional

sketches of the

building were mode and approved, and soon Brother Rice High School began slowly to rise above

its foundations.


mid-November, 1955, ground was broken for the structure, at a time when our seniors, as slightly

sophisticated thirteen-year·olds, were beginning to seriously consider the high

school to which they

would transfer

their allegiance. Few persons, including the Brothers,

expected to see the school ready for occupancy by September, 1956,

but our contractors,

Henry Brothers, did on outstanding job both in speed and in

View of the main corridor looking north towards the gymnasium. In just ten months Cardinal Stritch will be walking down this hall during the dedication ceremony.

efficiency. Although

only partially completed, the school opened its doors

to more than four

hundred eager freshmen on September 12, 1956.


architect for the school

was Mr. John Jay Fox, Jr., of the firm of

Fox and Fox, Architects and Engineers.

Mr. Fox is a graduate of Leo High School, also conducted

by the Irish Christian Brothers, a school which is well-known throughout the

city of Chicago because of its high

scholastic rating,

and the wonderful results achieved by its

athletic teams

throughout the years. The

new faculty

of Brother Rice High School arrived in Chicago

on September 1, 1956. Classes were

supposed to begin

on September 3, but because the building was unfinished, the

opening had

to be postponed until September 12.

The entire school

was completed in the early part of

1957. The first Mass was celebrated in the

school on April 16, 1957, by Msgr. Burke,

and Brother Rice High School was dedicated on

Memorial Day, 1957,

by His Eminence,

Samuel Cardinal Stritch.

lEFT: The dreams, pions and lobor of many men take shope as the architect's sketches become reality.

BELOW; Cardinal Stritch leaves the library to dedicate the school. He is assisted by Fathers Vitha and Briody.

BACK ROW: 8r. J. A. McRae, Br. J. D. Donnelly, 8r. F. E. Kearney, Sr. J. E. Monaghan, 8r J. G: 8: Rohan:

FRONT ROW: 8r. J. J. Kennedy, 8r. W. F. O'Sullivan (vice-principol). Sr. W. C. Penny (principal), 8r. E. G. Pilon (bursar), Sr. J. J. Sullivon.

~VE: The cornerstone reeds: "The Christlcn Brothers of Ireland, ~55 A.D., Samuel Cardinal Striteh, Archbishop." BELOW: (I to r) vitbc, Cardinal St-itch, father Briody are shown during the of the school.


the time the Brothers

took up residence in their new monastery until

April of the following year, 1957,

they offered their morning homage to God in

Queen of Martyrs Church. Nevertheless, they looked forward

to the day when they would have daily Mass said in their

own private chapel and have the Blessed Sacrament present

in their home. This

hope and dream became reality on the morning of

April 16, 1957, when

Msgr. Edward M. Burke, the archdiocesan Chancellor, in the presence of the

combined faculties of Brother Rice and Leo High Schools,

sang a Missa Cantata in our simple but beautiful chapel. The choice of the celebrant

of this Mass was

not without reason, for

it was with Msgr. Burke that plans for the

new school were initially considered and it

was he who encouraged

the Brothers greatly in the development of their elaborate plans. Also present

at this Mass

was a large and distinguished group of the school's

most outstanding benefactors. In

this year of

momentous occasions, the most outstanding was

the dedication of

Brother Rice High School by His Eminence, the late

Samuel Cardinal Stritch. Both the student body and the

faculty worked diligently in preparation for this unprecedented event. Even today the memory

of this solemn ceremony is cherished by all. Shortly

before noon on May 30, 1957, His Eminence

was met by the Brothers and the Fourth Degree

Knights of Columbus. The dedication rites

began exactly at noon. The Cardinal was

assisted by the

Reverend pastors of

Queen of Martyrs and

Holy Redeemer parishes, Fathers Vitha and Briody


UPPER TOP: Cardinal Stritch is shown entering the school for the beginning of the dedication ceremony. LOWER TOP: Msgr. Burke gives the last blessing during the first Mass held in the school chapel, April 16, 1957.


also were an outstanding group of Right Reverend, Very Reverend and Reverend

clergy from the parishes on the South Side of the city. The faculty of Leo High School again

showed their cooperation by

their presence at

this monumental event. Approximately 2500 persons were in attendence at the ceremony. Solemn

Benediction of the

Blessed Sacrament was given in the gymnasium,

which hod been tronsformed into a temporary chapel

for the occasion.

His Eminence spoke on the necessity of a

Catholic education and the excellence of

our educational facilities and our faculty.

He encouraged the Brothers to give

their best to

those entrusted to their care.

He furthermore urged the pcrents to cooperate

with the

faculty in all

their efforts on

behalf of

the students. The solemn blessing of our

school by

Samuel Cardinal Stritch culminated this magnificent occasion.

This photo, which was token after the first Mass on April 16, 1957, shows Msgr. Burke (immediately to the left of Br. Penny), many of the priests from the neigh. boring parishes, the faculty, and the families of many of the benefactors of the school.

Mrs. Eugene lewis, Mrs. John Borton,

Mrs. Francis Finnegan, Mrs. William Kubacki, Mrs. Erne Dellonina, Mrs. Robert Willey, Mrs. Lawrence Tyler, Mrs. Eugene Schmitz, Mrs. John Cronin,

Mrs. James Minogue, Mrs. John Daly.

Mr. Norbert Rosenhauer, Mr. Eugene lewis,

Mr. Carl Suding,

Or. Andrew Brislen,

Mr. James Cleary,

Mr. William Graff,

Mr. Joseph O'Sullivan, Mr. Thomas Blanchfield, Mr. Gerald Finnegan, Mr. larry Saladin,

Mr. Harry Egan,

Mr. Stan Wielgosz,

Mr. Frank Moren,

Mr. Dennis Fieldin,g,

Mr. John Reilly.

finale from "Carnival Capers," the Mothers' Club's musical presentation of 1959, is wn in all of its glory. Here is just an example of the fine work the Mothers' ond en' Clubs hove done in the school.

Two of the most

important influences in the

development of Brother Rice High School have been our wonderful and generous Mothers' and Dads' Clubs.

The Mothers' Club was formed early

in 1956. Under the leadership of their president, Mrs. Joseph Cronin, and

their moderator, Br. E.G. Pilon, they began preparation for the coming school year. Since then, the club has been active with weekly bingo, on annual bozoor and dinner, cord party and musical production.

The Dads' Club was also-organized that year, with Br. J.J. Sullivan as moderator. Mr. Stan Wielgosz was chosen their first president. Their

first major project was the sponsoring of the school's dedication. Each

year the Dads' Club holds on annual Christmas card drive, dinner dance, and raffle. Their tuition fund is a monumental activity.

Both organizations sponsor annual Communion breakfasts, as well as many other events and activities in the

school. They both have given endlessly of their time and efforts in a myriad

of gifts and kindnesses.


TOP ROW: Sr. J.G. Fairleigh, R. Hoff, E. Dellanina, G. Greco, B. Smith, S. Wielgosz, D. Roschmann, T. O'Grady, S. Guditis, R. Barone, E. Philpott, L wenhert, l. Hockett, G. Grey, 8r. J,D. Donnelly.

MIDDLE ROW: F, Daily, J. Donovan, p, O'Neill, J. Meyer, R. Murpny, J. Barke, O. Glenn, T. leahy, V. Niemiec, B. Brown, E. Paulsen, P. Bonelli.

BOTTOM ROW; J Costello, G. langlois, J. Wright, R. Petraitis, E. Ryan, C. Tozi, T. Smith, R. Stanley, J. Palumbo, P. Brophy, F. Scardino.

TOP ROW: Sr. G. S. Rohan, K. McNealy, T. O'Grady, J. Sek, B. Guditis, L. Wenhart. BOTTOM ROW: G. langlois, l. Hockett, R. Murphy, R. Moder, E. Dunne, G. Greco.

TOP ROW; B. Foley, R. Calahan, P. O'Neill, P. Brophy, B. Zint. MIDDLE ROW: B. Kane, B. Schmc, J. Mussey, R. Murphy, T. Kilcoyne, J. Colohon. BOTTOM ROW: M. Duggan, P. Arnold, T. Smith, J. Meares, P. Donohue.



its years of infancy,

Brother Rice has already distinguished itself in many fields. By far the most

significant honors hove

been conferred on the school

for scholastic achievement. These honors compliment not only

the students whose talents and labors have merited them,

but also a faculty composed

of capable and devoted men

in the field of education.


accredited after onl)( three yeors of exi-stence

(the first school in the state to be so honored)

is but one more proof of

the unique progress which has been made by

lEFT ROW: R. Yotes, R. Sanfilip, D. Kiley, T. Minogue, V. Moore, J. Mussey, F. Scardino, J. Riedel. CENTER ROW: J. Kane. J. Mehigon, W. Stcsiewicr, J. Thompson, K. Wilfinger, D. Baker. RIGHT ROW: O. Glenn, R. Egan, J. Mokunos, J. Moren, J. Donnelly, F. Doily.


Brother Rice High School in the establishment

of its name

and record. Because of the enthusiasm,

dedication, and exceptional facilities, our future

for scholastic

development has an unlimited horizon. In

each succeeding

year, the graduating

seniors will

bequeothe to the

incoming freshmen a heritage developed by the initiol class;

a rich,

spiritual heritage unique in zeal and in


FRONT ROW: G. Zinnegrabe, W. McArthur, C. Petrak, R. Newman, R. Guditis. SECOND ROW: C. Stcstewice, J. TenBroeck, P. Bonelli, l. Wenhorf, D. Moebs. THIRD ROW: T. Moloney, R. Means, D. Roschmonn. FOURTH ROW: S. Spas, J. Rosenhauer, T. Hannemann, O. Goggin. BACK ROW: J. Murdock, M. Word.



Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregotion for the Propagotion of the Faith Fourth Archbishop of Chicago

Born: August 17, 1887

Died: May 26,1958



Elevated to the College of Cardinals in 1959 Fifth Archbishop of Chicago



SR. J. G. FAIRLEIGH Guidance Director

Religion, Freshman football, Student Senate.

SR. N. S. HUEllER Dean of Discipline

English, religion, Freshman football, donces.

SR. W. F. O'SULLIVAN Vice.Principal

SR. J. J. SULLIVAN Head of Business Dept.

BooHeeping, driver education, typing. religion, Dods' Club.


MR. N. F. ADDUCI Varsity footboll, physico I education.


Religion, math, science, Moth Club. Sophomore debates.

MR. P. H. COSTElLO English, Varsity basketball.


Athletic Director

Religion, mathematics.




Physics, religion, Freshman Forensic Club. Physics Club.


English, religion history, driver education. Sopkomore football.

MR. It FRANKOVICH Mathematics, Ccthelle Interracial Council.


Lotin, religion. intramural baseball, missions.

MR. H. P. CASSIDY Business low, economies.

BR. C. A. CONEfREY English, religion, Standard.


English, religion, art, driver education, Art Club, Crusader.


Religion, history, Social Studies Club, golf.

Mit A. E. GARRELS Glee C Ivb Director


Religion, moth, Glee Club, Senior and Junior bowling.

MR. l. J. HENNING Band Oirecto'r


SR. M. R. KELLEHER Religion, science, mathematics.

SR. A. X. KEANE lotin, religion, trock.

MR. T. J. JOHNSTON Vanity football, physical education.

SR. J. M. LEAVEY English, religion, Freshman bowling.

SR. G. G. LINDEMAN Religion, history, machine shop, 5wimminl

SR. A. M. M,ADAMS Hidory. religion, trock.


Religion, typing. business, mathemotiu, Sophomore football.


French, history, religion, Photography cl tennis.

Biology Club, Astronomy


Religion, science, Biology Club, Apostleship of Prayer.


English, science, religion, Sodality of Our Lady.

SR. R. l. MAY English, religion, band.


Englhh, music, religion, Senior Forensic League, Sodolity of Our Lady.


Religion, chemistry, math, Chemistry Club, CISCA.



Industrial arts, religion, mathematics, Freshman footboll.


English, Spanish, religion, Vocotion Club, Vanity bosketball, Ass't. Dean of Dis(ip' line.


Meenanicol Drawing, Sophomore Bowling.

SR. P. F. O'DONNELL Religion, science, mathematics.


Religion, history. cross country, Intromural baseball.


Religion, history. tumbling, baseball. intra. mural football.

SR. R. E. TOM<lNS English, religion, Drama Club.

MR. A. A. PATRICELLI Mathematics

SR. D. l. PHiliPS lotin, religion.

MR. W. A. STRUCK Ass' t. Band Director


ion. moth, science, Bcntcm Basketball.




Lotin, science, Notional latin Honor Society.


Religion, math, baseball, Math Club, lntrcmural football.


Religion, science, Chemistry Club, Fly Bosketboll.


English, electricity, religion, Electronics

ClUb, Leothercraft Club.



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I remember, I remember ..


Remember that first wonderful day in September of 1956, when our present seniors first came stumbling into our as yet unfinished corridors, filled with

awe and excitement, with twinges of fear and hesitation, confusion and curiosity. Remember

our first assembly, that day, in the main corridor

on the second floor. Perhaps you remember tripping over an abandoned ladder or block of piaster.

Our gym wasn't finished till half the year was aver. The cafeteria was a place to BRING your lunch. And, stretching out on all sides of the infant school, were acres of ... mud. Students that year were busy in the Science Fair, the Elocution Contest, the

Band Concert, and several football games - when they weren't washing windows and sweeping floors. All these, the notes in a lilting melody, our memory

sings - and will sing again and again.

The school has come a lang way since then, and

it has come each step of the woy grasping the hand of the Senior Class. Together, through struggling and sacrifice, progress has been made. But all of this "inaugurating" wasn't easily done, or always very pleasant.

From nothing - greatness. Everything the school has or is, the seniors have worked for. They have

given - always happily, for regardless of the return or gratitude, their incentive has been high and unwavering. They moved forward with the spirit of the "pioneer" - how often has that word confronted them! They have entered as knights into a holy

quest - knights of God and Holy Mother Church - in their own Crusade, "God wills it" their call.

Each year has meant something more. But now,

for the seniors, this is all over. Here is a

conclusion without a climax, a quiet, inescapable consummation of activity, completed or uncompleted. For the last time, the curtain has come down.

Now the seniors go out into the conflicts of the

world. All - each man - joined, one to the other,

in spirit, in devotion, in their dreams and goals,

as in their hearts. They will not enter unobtru-

sively, but bravely, as leaders must. People will

take notice of them as they come - filled with courage and conviction, with love, devotion and zeal. And seeing them, they will know them -

"Men in Christ Jesus."


John Meyer, President of the Senior doss, mulls over college information with Ken McNealy, Run Barone, Mike Borton, and Dennis Alexander.



JOHN E. MEYER; St. Adrian; Academic. President Senior Class; President Clan 3; President Student Senate 3,4. Act.: Football 1,2,3,4, ecpt. 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track 3; Guidance Club 4; Youth Achievement Awards 3.

RUSSEll G. BARONE; St. Mar~aret of Scotland; Academic. Secretory of Senior Closs. Act.: Student Senate 4; Standard 2; Vocation Club Pres. 1; Sodality 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4, ee-eept. 2,4; Track 4; Int. Basketball 1,2.

KENNETH J. McNEALY; St. Barnabas; Academic. Vice President Senior Closs; Vice-pres. Closs 3. Act.: Student Senate 3,4; Forensic league 3,4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4, pres. 4; Pep Club 4; Tennis 3,4, copt. 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Prom Chairman 4.

JAMES J. ROSENHAUER; St. Thomas More; Engineering Han. Treasurer Senior Closs; Sec. Student Senate 3,4. Act.: Forensic league 3; Standard 2,3,4, news ed. 3,4; Yearbook Editor 4; Youth Achievement Awards 3; Science Seminar 3,4; Bowling 3,4; Softball 1,2; Social Studies Club 4; Guidance Club 4; CIC 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

RICHARD J. BARRY; Holy Redeemer; Engineering Han. Act.: Moth Club 3; Track and Cress Country 3A; Bowling 3,4; Golf 3,4; Tumbling 3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3,4; Int. Football 1,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

CHARLES J. BARTH; St. Gerald; Tech. Eng.

MICHAel J. BARTON; St. Barnabas; Academic. Act.:

Football 2,3,4; Bowling 2; Prom Com. 4; Honor Roll 1,2.

RONALD E. BECKER; Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Student Senate 3; etc 3; Track and Cross Country 3; Softball 1.

JOHN M. BEGY; St. Gerold; Academic. Act.: Bowling 1,2,4; Honor Roll 3,4.

EDWARD J. BERCIER; Sf. Cajetan; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Student Senate 3; Sodality 4; Bawling 2,3; Softball 1.2; Int. Football 2,3; Int. Basketball 1,2.

RONALD H. BERTAGNOLl; St. Thomas More; Classical. Act.: Standard 2,4; Yearbook Layout Ed. 4; Dance Com. 3; Art Club 4; Social Studies Club .4; Honor Roll 1.

ARTHUR P. BIEGEL; Sts. Peter and Paul; Academic. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Golf 3.

GEORGE R. BILLISH; St. Ethelreda; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3; Cross Country 3.

DAVID J. BITTER; St. Cristina; Business. Act.: Bowling 3,4.

THOMAS M. BLANCHFIELD; Holy Redeemer; Engineering. Act.: Forensic league 3,4; Electronics Club 3; Moth Club 3; Standard 3,4; Yearbook 4; Vocation Club 3,4; Bowling 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

ALLAN J. BLATTNER; St. Thomas More; Engineering. Transfer Student.

DENNIS B. ALEXANDER; Christ the King, Classical. Act.: Drama 1,2,3,4; Standard 2,3,4; Yearbook Section Ed. 4; CISCA 3; Youth Achiev. Awards 3; Guidonce Club 4; Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; Social Studies Club 4; Honor Roll 1,4.

ANDREW A. ANI FER; St. Bruno; Business. Act.: Glee Club 2; Swimming 3; Softball 1,2.

PATRICK J. ARNOLD; St. Christina; Engineering. Act.:

CIC 3; Vocation Club 3,4; Donee Com. 4; Basketball 1; Bond 1,2,3,4, vlee-pres . ..2, Sec. 3; Honor Roll 1.

DENNIS A. BAKER; Queen of the Universe; Classical. Act.: Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com. 3,4; Bowling 2,3; Softball 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,4.

ROBERT J. BALTHASAR; St. Denis: Tech. Eng. Act.:

Bowling 4.

EDWARD A. BANASIAK; St. Bruno; Academic. Act.:

Softboll 1.2.


RONALD G. BlUEMER; St. Thomas More; Engineering. Act.: Science Club 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 2,3; Art Club 3; Astronomy Club 3,4, Sec. 4.

JOHN l. BOGAN: St. Thomas More; Business. Act.:

Vocotion Club 1; Basketball 1; Bowling 2; Softball 2.

DANiEl M. BOLAND; St. Hugh; Business. Act.: Bond 1,2,3; Vocation Club 1; Football 1; Golf 2.

ROY J. BOLLINGER; St. Christina; Business. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4, Vice-pres. 4; Track 3.

PHILIP M. BONelLI; St. Caietan; Engineering Hon. Act.: CISCA 3,4; Football 1,2; Int. Football 3,4; Int. Basketball 1; Social Studies Club 4; Guidance Club 4; Standard 3A, Sports Ed. 4; Yearbook Section Ed. 4; Honor Roll 1.2.4.

JAMES P. BORKE; Holy Redeemer; Classicol. Act.:

Treasurer Class 3; Student Senate 3,4; French Club 3; Standard 2,3; Vocation Club 4; Dance Com. 3,4; Football 1.2,3,4; Track 3,4; Baseball 4; Softball 2.3,4.

PATRICK H. BRANKIN; Queen of Martyrs; Tech. Eng. Act.: Glee Club 2,3; Sodality 2.

THOMAS f. BRANKIN; St. Thomas More; Tech. Eng. Act.: Glee Club 2; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Softball 1.

ANDREW J. BRISlEN; St. Barnabos; Engineering. Act.:

Science Club 2,3; Band 1,2; Pep Club 3; Youth Achie v, Award 3; Science Seminar 3,4; Bowling 2; Physics Club 4; Astronomy Club 3,4, Sec. 4.

PATRICK J. BROPHY; St. John Fisher; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 4; Dance Com. 4; Tennis 2; Basketball 1,2; Swimming 3; Football '; Int. Basketball 3,4; Int. Football 3,4.

MARTIN J. BUCHTENKIRCH; Little Flower: Tech. Eng. Act.: Bond 1,2,3; Tennis 2; Bowling 1,2.

FRANK M. BUJAN; St. Kilian; Classical. Act.: Donce Com. 3; Track 4; Bowling 1,2.3; Golf 2,3; Int. Feet. boll '; Int. Basketball 1.

Phil Bonelli, Jim Barke, Bob Byrnes, and Andrew Brislen pick up a snack in the cafeteria. This spot is the scene of constant ccti ... ity at BRHS.

THOMAS J. BUTLER; Queen of Martyrs; Classical. A.ct.: Science Club 2; Standard 3; Vocation Club 1,2, 3,4; Dance Com. 3; Bowling 1,2,3; Softball 2.

ROBERT P. BYRNE; St. Margaret of Scotland; Engineering. Act.: Science Club 1,2; Glee Club 2,3,4; Vocation Club 1,2,3.4; Bowling 2,3.

JAMES W. CALLAHAN; St. Sabino; Business. Act.:

Basketball 1,2.

RAYMOND F. CALLAHAN; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Glee Club 2; Sodality 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4, Captain 2, Co-captain 4; Bowling 2,3,4; Softball 1,2; Int. Football 1,2,3.

PETER M. CAMODECA; St. Gerald; Academic. Act.:

Drama 2; Glee Club 2; Bowling 1,2; Softball 2.

JAMES J. CAMP; St. Bernadette; Classical. Act.: Sokboll 1; Int. Football 1.2,3,4.

DANiel C. CAMPBell; Queen of Martyrs; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Band 1,2,3,4.

JOHN J. CANNON; St. John Fisher; Academic. Act.:

Bond 1,2,3; Vocation Club 1; Softball 1; Int. Football 1; Int. Basketball 1,3; Honor Roll 1.

JOSEPH E. CAN ZONA; Holy Redeemer; Engineering Han. Act.: Art Club 3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3,4; Int. Football 1; Honor Rail 1,2.

LEONARD P. CAPPETTO; St. Christina; Business. Act.:

Bond 1; Bowling 1; Int. Football 1; Inl. Basketball 1,2; Softball 1.

THOMAS M. CAREY; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Science Club 1; Band 1; Bowling 4; Softball 1; Physics Club 4.

DAVID J. CASEY; Sf. Gabriel; Business. Act.: Student Senate 4; Football 2,3,4; Track and Cross Country 3.

WILLIAM J. CASEY; St. Kilian; Business. Act.: Bond 1; Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; Bowling 1; Honor Roll 1.

MICHAEL J. CAVAllONE; Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.; Science Club 1; Sodality 2,3,4; Football 2; Track and Cross Country 3,4; Int. Basketball 2,3; Softball 1; Physics Club 4.

JOSEPH T. CEH; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Vocotion Club 1,2,3,4; Tumbling 3,4.

JOSEPH P. CLEARY; St. Barnabas; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Bond 1,2.

JAMES R. CLEMMONS; St. Barnabas; Academic. Act.:

Glee Club 3,4; Bond 1; Football Mgr. 3; Softball ,; Int. Football 1.

THOMAS J. COATES; St. Chri5tina; Engineering.


The foyer is the location of this intriguing conversetion omong Emo Dellanino, John Donnelly, Lee Wenhart, Fronk Doily, Hermon Zwirn, and John Costello,

WILLIAM J. CONWAY; Holy Rede-emer; Tech. Eng. Act,: Glee Club 2,3.4; Bowling 1,2; Sodality 2,3,4; Int. Football 1.2; Int, Basketball 1,4,

JOHN J. COSTELLO; St. Margaret; Business. Act.:

Student Senate 3,4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 3,4; Cross Country 3.

WILLIAM T. CRIGLER; Queen of Martyrs; Business.

ROGER B. CRONIN; St. Cajetan; Business. Ad.: lib· rary Club 3,4, vlee- pres. 4.

GERALD W. CUMMINGS; Sacred Heart Shrine; Busi. ness, Act.: CISCA 3; Band 1; Vocation Club 1,2; Tennis 2; Football 3; Swimming 4.

THOMAS J. CUNANE; St. Ethelreda; Business. Act.:

Bowling 1,2.

JAMES R. CURTIN; Queen of Martyn; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3.4.

THOMAS W. CURTIN; St. Kilian; Tech. Eng.

FRANK J. DAILY; St. Margaret; Classical. Act.: Stcndard 2,3,4, Sporh Ed. 3; Yearbook 4; Basketball 2,3; cisc» 4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 3A; Golf 2; French Club 3; Dance Com, 3,4; Football 1; Int. Basketball 1; Int. Football 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

JOHN P. DALY; St. Sabina; Clanical. Act.: Vocation Club 1,2,3.4; Bond 1,2; Guidance Club 4; Donce Com. 3; Honor Roll 4.

DAVID A. DAVIS; Holy R.edeemer; Tech. Eng .• Act.:

Glee Club 2,3; Vocation Clvb 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3; Swimming 3,4; Bowling 1,2,3.

BERNAR.O J. OECKElMANN; St. Christina; Business.

EMO A. DEllANINA; St. Mary of Mt. Carmel; Engi. neering. Act.: Vocation Club 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Swimming 3; Bowling 2; Golf 2.

CARL A. DEMICHAel; St. Richard; Business.

WilliAM T. DEMING, St. Cajetan; Academic. Act.:

Swimmif'l9 3; Softball 1; Bowling L

DONALD D. DEMPSEY; St. Caietan; Academic. Act.:

Glee Club 2; Vocation Club 2; Track 3; Tumbling 3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3; Int. Football 1,2,3; Softball 1,2.

DAVID J. DIETZ; St. Gerold; Business. Ad.: Glee Club 2,3,4.

JAMES A. DILL; St. Bernadette; Business. Ad.: Track and Cross Country 3.

RICHARD P. DOHENY; Visitation; Business. Ad.: Football 2.

ROBERT E. DOHERTY; St. Cajeton; Academic. Ad.:

Band 1,2,3,4, Vice-Pres. 4; Bowling 4.

JOHN T. DONNEllY; St. Barnabas; Engineering Han. Ad.: Student Senate 3,4; Science Club 1,2; Standard 2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Youth Achievement Award 3; Science Seminar 2,3,4; Track end Cross Country 3,4; Softball 1; Int. Football 3,4; Int. Basketball 2; Social Studies Club 4; Physics Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

GAYLORD S. DONOFRIO; St. Gerald; Business. Act.:

Band 1,2,3,4; Bowling 4; Softball 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2.

PATRICK D. DONOHUE; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Voc. Club 1,2,3; Basketball 1; Trade: 3; Bowling 2,3; Softball 1.

JOHN J. DONOVAN; St. Caietan; Academic. Act.:

Football 1,2,3,4; Track 3; Int. Basketball 1,2.

JOHN W. DOOLIN; Queen af Martyrs; Academic. Act.: Band 1,2; Dance Com. 4; Bowling 3.

TERRENCE M. DOUGHERTY; St. eaietan; Academic. Act.: Voc. Club 1; Sodality 2,3; Bowling 1,2; Softball 1,2; Inl. Boskelball 1,2,3; Int. Football 1,2,3; Int. Baseball 1,2.

WILLIAM E. DOUGHERTY; St. Denis; Academic. Act.:

Science Club 1; Honor Roll 1.

DANiEl J. DRENNAN; St. Thomas More; Engineering Han. Ad.: Bowling '; Softball ,; Int. Football 4; Int. Basketball 1,3; Guidance Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2.

MICHAEl T. DUGAN; St. linus; Tech. Eng. Ad.:

Student Senate 3; Vocation Club 1,'1; Football 3; Basketball 1,4.

EDWARD J. DUNNE; St. John Fisher; Engineering Han. Act.: Basketball 1,2; Bowling 4; Softball 1; Int. Football 1,3; Int. Basketball 3,4; Guidance Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3.


JOSEPH P. DURKIN; St. Coietan; Business. Act.: Swimming 3; Softball 1.

GEORGE J. EAGLIN; Holy Name of Mary; Academic. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Tumbling 4.

ROBERT J. EGAN; St. Alexander; Classical. Act.:

Science Club 2; French Club 2,3; Drama Club 1,2,3,4; Standard 2,3,4, Editor 2,3; Yearbook Assistant Editor 4; CISCA 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4, Ylce-Pres. 2; .Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Sodality 2; Youth Achievement Award 3; Sodal Studies Club 4; Guidance Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

CLARENCE E. elLISON; Holy Nome of Mary; Aca· demic. Act.: CISCA 3; Glee Club 2.3,4; Tennis 3.

GEORGE F. EPHGRAVE; St. Christina; Academic. Act.:

Track and Cross Country 3,4; Bowling 3.

THOMAS H. ERTL; St. Ethelreda; Business. Act.: Science Club 1.

JOHN H. FELSENTHAL; Christ the King; Engineering. Ad.: Science Club 1; CISCA 3; Tennis 4; Basketball 2; Swimming 3; Bowling 2.

DENNIS E. FIELDING; St. Kilian; Classical. Act.: Band 1.2; Vocation Club 1,2.3,",; Dance Com. 3; Tennis 3; Bowling 2,3; Softball 2; Honor Roll 1.

ROBERT F. FINNEGAN; Sf. John Fisher; Engineering Han. Act.: Vocation Club 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2: Science Club 1,2,3; Softball '; Int. Basketball 3,4; Int. Foot· ball 1; Honor Roll 1.

WILLIAM M. FITZGERALD; Queen of Martyrs; Business. Act.: Swimming 3.

JOHN M. FLAK; St. Bernadette; Academic. Act.: Gle-e Club 2.

DESMOND P. FLEMING; St. Cojeton; Business. Act.:

Softball 1; Honor Roll 2,

PATRICK T. FOLEY; St. Rita; Academic. Act.: Basket· ball 1,2,3,4; Besebcll 3,4.

JOSEPH C. fUHS; St. Margaret of Scotland; Academic. Act.: Football 3; Int. Basketball 1.

PHILIP J. GASPARAC; St. Caietan; Engineering. Act.:

Vocation Club 4; Science Seminar 1,2.3,4; Bowling 1; Honor Roll 1,2.3 ....

EDWARD J. GAUGHAN; St. Margaret of Scotland; Academic. Act.: Track and Cross Country 3,4; Bowling 2; Int. Basketball 1; Int. Football 1,2,3; Softball 1.

JOSEPH T. GAUL; St. Gerald; Business. Act.: Bowling 1,2,3,4; Tumbling 4.

VINCENT J. GAVIN; St. Killian; Academic. Act.: v». cation Club 1,2; Pep Club .. ; Basketball 1,2; Bowling 2.3; Golf 2.3,4; Baseball 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2.

HENRY J, GERARD; Holy Redeemer; Business. Act.:

Bowling 2,3; Int. Football 3; Int. Basketball 2; Scftboll 1,2.

GENE S. GIAMALVA; St. Walter; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Band 1,2,3; Bawling 2.

EDWARD J. GILDEA; St, Cajetan; Business. Act.:

Vocation Club 3,4; Int. Basketball 1,2; Int. Football 1,2; Softball 2.

PETER A. GILMOUR; Sf. Cajetan; Classical. Act.:

Library Club 3,4, Sec. 4; Standard 2,3,4; Advertising Mgr. 3,4; Yearbook Business Mgr. 4; e.l.e. 3,4; Book. room 2,3,4.

GEORGE M. GLASCH; Our Lady of the Ridge; Business. Act.: Bowling 2; Tumbling 3,4, Copt. 4.

EDWARD J. GLATZ; Queen of Martyrs; Businen. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4, Pres. 4; Honor Roll 2.

JOSEPH l. GLlM: St. Benedict; Engineering Han. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2; football 3; Softball 1,2.

DENNIS J. GOGGIN; St. Cojeton; Engineering Han. Act.: Science Club 2; Astronomy Club 4; Vocation Club 3; Bowling 2,3,4; Softball 1,2; Physics Club 4; Chemistry Club 4; l nt. Fcctboll 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

OLIVER J. GLENN; St. Margaret of Scotland; Engineer. ing. Act.: Student Senate 3,4; Drama 4; Bond 1,2,3.4; vice-pres. Vocation Club 4; Football 1,2,34; Softball 1,2; Golf 3; Honor Roll 1,2.

FRED E. GORELl: Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Bowling 2.

HOWARD J. GOSS; St. Cojeton; Engineering Han. Act.: Standard 2,4; Sodolity 2; Tennis 2,3,4; Int. Football 1,2,3,4; Int. Basketball 2,3,4; Honor Roll 2.

JOSEPH H. GOULET; St. Dennis; Classical. Act.: Bond 1,2; Vocation Club 3,4; Honor Roll 2.

Peter Gilmour, Robert Egan, Jim Napier, Jerry Greco, George Gremley, and Ollie Glenn dedicate their day to God during their morning visit in the chapel, center of all student and faculty activities.

George Howe, Jim Resenhcuer, Dick Hoffman, Jim lithgow, and Jim Harrington are hard at work i,n the Publication Room, hub of all the school s lit@rary endeavors.

EDWARD W. HOFF; St. Bede; Engineering. Act.: Glee Club 2; Vocation Club 4.

RICHARD P. HOFFMAN; St. Margaret of Scotland; Academic. Act.: Student Senate 3; Science Club 1; Standard 2,3,4, Features Ed. 2,3; Yearbook 4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com. 3; Football 1; Int. Feetball 2; Cisco 3.

JAMES C. HOGAN; Queen of Martyrs; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2; Golf 2.


GEORGE HOWE; Holy Redeemer; Academic. Act.:

Football 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Int. Basketball 1; Int. FOOTball 1; Softball 1.

JOHN HSU; Academic. Transfer student.

ROBERT A. JANECEK; St. linus; Business. Act.: Swimming 3,4; Bowling 2.

CHARLES P. JARASEC; St. Bernadette; Academic. Act.:

Swimming 3.4; Honor Roll 4.

LEO J. JASKAWIAK; St. Margaret of Scotland; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Glee Club 2,3,4; Softball 1; Int. Football 1.2.

JOHN J. JASUNAS; Little Flower; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Science Club 1,2; Electronics Club 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1.

GERALD R. JESUNAS; St. Bernadette; Engineering. Honor Roll 1,

DOUGLAS JOHNSON; Our Lady of Loretto; Tech. Eng. Act,; Science Club ,; Bowling ',2,3; Softball 1,2; Int. Basketball 1.


WAYNE M. JOHNSON; Most Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Sodality 2,3.4; Softball 1; Int. Basketball 3; Int. Football 2.

BENNY S. JONES; St. Thomas More; Academic.

JOHN P. JORDAN; St. Barnabas; Business. Act.: Band 1,2,3,4; Baseball 3,4; Tumbling 3,4, Co-Ccpt. 4.

EDWARD T. JOYCE; St. Ccjetens: Engineering. Act.:

Science Club 1.2; Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; Dance Com. 4; Track and Cress Country 3,4, Copt. 3,4; Golf 1,2, 3,4.

RICHARD A. JULKOWSKI; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.: Track and Cross Country 3; Bowling 3,4; Golf 3; Softboll 2.

ANDREW J. KALABUS; Sf. Christina; Business. Act.:

Band 1,2,3; Dance Com. 3; Bawling 1.

CHARLES C. KALBFEll; Sclnts Peter and Paul; Academic. Act.: Bowling 2; Int. Basketball 1; Int. Feetboll 1.

JOHN F. KANE; St. Sabina; Engineering Han. Act.:

Standard 4; Yearbook 4; C.I.e. 3; Vocation Club 1; Bowling 2; Softball 1,2; let. Basketball 1,3,4; Int. Football 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2.

WILLIAM J. KANE; Most Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Basketball 1,2; Golf 2,3.4; Boseboll 3,4; Softball 1; tnt. Football 1,2,3.

WilliAM R. KEAN; St. Cajefan; Classical. Act.: Vocation Club 3,4; Bowling 3; Softball 1; Guidance Club 4; Int. Football 3; Honor Roll 1.

DAVID F. KEATING; St. Thomas More; Engineering. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Vocation Club 4; Track and Cross Country 3,4.

BERNARD R. KENNEDY; SI. Christina; Engineering. Act.: Vocation Club 4; Football 3.

Sill Kohl is assisted in the folding of the flag by John Jordan, Gil Langlois, John Kane, and Ed Joyce. Through the efforts of the Student Senate, this doily operation is performed by a member of the stvdent body.

GERALD W. GRAFF; Sts. Peter & Paul; Academic. Act.:

Standard 3; Bond 1; Bowling 1.2.3,4; Int. Basketball 1.

GERALD M. GRECO; St. Ckristina; Tech. Eng. Act,:

Vocation Club 1,2; Dance Com, 2,3; Football 1,2,3,4, Cc-eept. 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Track 3; Tumbling 3,4.

THOMAS G. GREETIS; Our Lady of the Ridge; Tech. Eng. Act.: Student Senate 3; Track 3; Baseball 3.

GEORGE A. GREMlEY; Holy Redeemer; Academic. Act,: Library Club 3,4, Sec, 4; Standard 3A; Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; Sodality 4; Bookroom Stoff 1,2,3,4.

GEORGE M. GREY; St. Kilian; Business, Act.: Student Senate 4; Science Club 1; CISCA 3; Bond 1,2; Voca· tion Club 1.2; Football 1; Bowling 1,2,3; Golf 2.

JOHN E. GRIFFIN; St. Ethelreda; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Science Club 1; Glee Club 2; Sodality 2,3A; Bowling 2; Int. Basketball 2,3; Int. Football 1,2.

ROBERT J, GUDITlS; Holy Redeemer; Engineering Hon. Act,: Footboll 1,2,3.4; Basketball 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

LAWRENCE M, HACKETI; Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.: Student Senate 4; Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1; Bowling 2,3.

TIMOTHY W. HANNEMANN; St. Denis; Engineering Han. Act.: Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; Bowling 2,3.4; Scftball 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2,3,4; Int. Footboll 1,2,3.4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

RONALD J. HARGARTEN; St. Turibius; Engineering, Act.: Standard 3,4, Assistant Ed. 4; Golf 2,3,4; Chernistry Club 3,4; Physics Club 4; Honor Roll 1.

JOHN D. HA!i.PER; St. Bernadette; Academic, Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4; Softball 1; Honor Roll 3.

JAMES T. HARRINGTON; St. Linus; Engineering. Act.:

Forensic League 3,4; Pres. 3,4; Science Club 1,2; Standard 2,3,4; CIC 4; Yearbook 4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,4.

ROBERT E. HART; St. Christina; Clcssiccl. Act.: Library Club 3,4; Pres. 4; Standard 3,4; Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; CIC 3.4; Book room Staff 2,3.4.

JOHN R. HELLER; St. Denis; Classical. Act.: Vocation Club 4; Bowling 3,4; Softball 1.2; l nt. Basketball 1,2,3; Int. Football 4,

THOMAS F. HELMOlD; St. Wolter; Classical. Act.:

Vacation Club 4; Bowling 3,4; Honor Roll 1.2,3.

MICHAEL J. HENNESSY; St, Margaret of Scotland; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Sodality 2,3.4; Soft· ball ,; Int. Football 3.

THOMAS J. HIGGINS; St. Cejeteer Tech. Eng. Act.:

Science Club 1,3; Vocation Club 1.2,3,4; Football Mgr.1,2.

CLARENCE P. HlLlBRICK; little Flower; Tech. Eng. Act.: Sowling 2,3.4; Softball 2,3,4; Int. Football 1; Int. Basketball 3; Chemistry Club 3.

DARRelL R. KEOGH; Queen of Martyrs; Academic. Act.: Int. Basketball 2. 3; Int. Football 2,3.

DALE R. KERN; Queen of the Uninne; Engineering. Act.: Football 1,2,3.

JAMES F. KIELTY; St. John Fisher; Academic. Act.:

Vocation Club 4; Bowling 2; Golf 2,3.4; Honor Roll 1.

THOMAS P. KILCOYNE; St. Christina; Classical. Act.:

Vocation Club; Donee Com. 3; Basketball 1.2; Bowling 3; Softball 1; Int. Football 1,2,3.

DENNIS W. KILEY; St. Alexander; Engineering Hon. Act.: Science Club 1,2; Science Seminar 2; Physics Club 4; Honor Roll 1.2,3,4.

JOHN H, KIRBY; St. Ethelredo; Business. Act.: Bowling 1,2,3.

JOSEPH J. KLAW; St. John Fisher; Business. Act.: library Club 4; Bowling 1.2,3,4; Int. Basketball 1.

WILLIAM J. KOHL; Christ the King; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Student Senate 4; Glee Club 2; Pep Club 4; Basket. boll 1,2; Int. Basketball 3; Honor Roll 4.

THOMAS J. KONEN; St. John Fisher; Clauical. Act.:

Standard 2; Vocation Club 4; Sodality 2; Bowling 2,3,4.

MICHAel J. KRUGMAN; St. Denis; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2; Softball 1.2; Int. Football 3; Int. Basketball 3.

DENIS W. KRUK; St. Symphrosa; Business. Act.: Art Club 3,4; Vocation Club 1,2.3,4.

KENNETH J. KUBACKI; Queen of Martyrs; Engineer· ing. Act.: Vocation Club 4; Football 2; Bowling 2,3.4.

GILBERT G. LANGLOIS; Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Football 1.2,3,4; Basketball '; Softball "

WALTER J. LATOCHA; Queen of Martyn; Academic. Act.: Bowling 1,2.

GORDON l. LAURENCELL; St. John Fishe~; Business. Act.: Track and Cross Country 3.

WILLIAM R. LAVERY; St. Bernadette; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Bowling 2; Softball 2.

THOMAS J. LEAHY; Christ the King; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4; Pep Club 4; Football 1.2.

RICHARD J. LEPENSKE; St. Kilian; Academic. Act.:

Bond 1; Softball 1.2.4; Int. Football 1.2,3; Int. Bcsketboll 1.2,4; Honor Roll 1.

These four seniors prowling the holls in pursuit of some profitable pastime ore Do .... e Moebs, Gerry Moren, Ron Masino and Walter Marzec.

JAMES LEWIS; Queen of Martyrs; Business. Act.:

Senate 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Football 2; Bowling 2,3; Tumbling 3,4, Cc-cept. 4.

JAMES M. LITHGOW; St. Bernadette; Engineering. Act.: Student Senate 3,4, Publicity Chairman; Standard 2,3,4, Editor-in-Chief 3,4; Bond 1,2,3,4, Mgr. 1,2, Pres. 3,4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Soft. boll 1; Youth Achiev. Awards 3.

LAWRENCE R. LITTLE; Holy Redeemer; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2.

DENNIS l. LOOBY; St. Ethelreda; Business. Honor Roll 2.

ROBERT R. LUTH; Our Lady of the Ridge; Business. Act.: Bowling 1,2,3,4; Int. Football 2,3; Int. Basket. boll 2,3.

LAWRENCE E. LUX; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Glee Club 2; Bowling 2; Softball 1; Int. Football 1,2,3.

JAMES A. McDONALD; Sf. linus; Engineering. Act.:

Forensic League 3; Moth Club 3,4; Basketball 1.2; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

PATRICK H. McDONALD; St. Barnabas; Business. Act.:

Forensic league 3; Bond 2; Golf 2; Softball 2.

WilliAM J. McGLONE; St. Walter; Business. Act.:

Student Senate 3; Art Club 2; Tumbling 3.

JOHN M. McGLYNN; St. Jahn Fisher; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3; Football 1; Bowling 1,2; Int. Football 2; Int. Basketball 1,2.

JOHN T. McGRATH; St. Coietan; Business. Act.:

Vocation Club 3; Softball 1,2.

THOMAS E. McGUIRE; St. Beder Classical. Act.: Voca· tion Club 3,4; Int. Basketball 3; Int. Football 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 2.

MARTIN W. MclAUGHLIN; Queen of Martyrs; Acedemic. Act.: Drama 1; Bowling 1,2; Int. Basketball 1.

EDWARD B. McNALLY; St. Bede; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Vocation Club 1; Football 1,2,3; Int. Basketball 1; Int. Football 1.

WILLIAM B. McNICHOLAS; Sf. Gerold; Academic.

JAMES E. MADDEN; St. Barnabas; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Bowling 2,3; Golf 2; Softball 1; tnt. Football 1.

ROBERT J. MADER; Queen of Martyrs; Tech. Eng. Act.: Glee Club 2; Vocation Club 2,3; Basketball 1; Bowling 3; Physics Clvb 4; Int. Football 3,4.

ANDREW A. MAKOWKA; Our Lady of the Ridge; Engineering Han. Act.: Science Clvb 1; Moth. Clvb 3;Vocation Clvb 1; Int. Football 2; Softball I; Int. Basketball 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

RONALD J. MAllEC; Our Lady of Vilna; Academic. Act.: Softball 2.

JOHN G. MAllOY; St. Felicitos; Business. Act.: Foot· boll 3; Softball 1.

DONALD P. MALONE; Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.: Electronics Club 4; Glee Clvb 2.

THOMAS P. MALONEY; St. Thomas More; Classical. Act.: Standard 2; Vocation Club 3A; Dance Com. 3; Bowling 2,3,4; Softball 1,2; Int. Football 3,4; Int. Basketball 2,3; Honor Roll 1,2.

THOMAS A. MANNING; St. Adrian; Engineering Han. Act.: Bowling 1; Softball 1; Honor Roll 1,2.

JERRY P. MAREN; Holy Redeemer; Engineering Han. Act.: forensic League 3; Electronics Club 3,4; Int. Football 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

EDWARD T. MARSH; Our Lady of the Ridge; Tech. Eng. Act.: Vocation Club 2,3; Physics Club 4.

JOSEPH F. MARTIN; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Vocation Club 1.2; Track and Cross Country 3; Soft. ball 1,2.

WALTER S. MARZEC; St. Mary Star of the Sea; Classical. Act.: Standard 2; Vocation Club 3.4; Dance Com. 2,3,4; Bowling 1.2,3; Softball 1,2; Int. Footboll 1,2,3,4; Int. Basketboll 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2.

RONALD A. MASINO; St. Ethelredo; Business. Act.:

Donee Com. 2; Bowling 1,2; Bond 1,2,3,4.

JOHN J. MASSE; Christ the King; Business. Act.:

Bowling 2; Softball 2.

JOHN S. MATEJKA; St. Ethelreda; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2; Sowling 2,3; Tvmbling 3; Sodality 2.


CHARLES J. MATYSKA; St. Thomas More: Tech. Eng. Act.: Band 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4.

JAMES T. MEARES; St. Bernadette; Academic. Act.:

Basketball 1,2; Swimming 3: Int. Football 1,3: Int. Basketball 3.

JOHN J. MEE; St. Cajetan; Business.

JOHN T. MEHIGAN; Christ the King; Engineering Han. Act.: Science Club 1; Standard 2; CIC 3; Tennis 4: Int. Basketball 1,2,3,4; Basketball Mgr. 2; Honor Roll 2.

CARL M. MICHAelS; Our lady of the Ridge; Business. Act.: Bowling 1,2,3,4.

RICHARD A. MICHALAK; Holy Redeemer; Engineering Han. Act.: Science Club 1,2; Math Club 3; Golf 2,3; Honor Rotl 1,2.

VICTOR B. MICHET; St. Denis; Academic. Act.: Bond 1,2; Vocation Club 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2.

RICHARD R. MIGElY; St. Barnabas; Classical. Act.:

Glee Club 2; Bowling 3; Drama 1.

DENNIS J. MIKUTIS; Queen of Martyrs; Academic.

JAMES M. MlllANEY; St, Rita; Academic. Act.:

Bowling 1,2; Int. Football 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2,3.

THOMAS l. MINOGUE; Seven Holy Founders; Engineering Han. Act.: Drama 2,3,4; Standard 2,3,4; Yearbook Section ed. 4; CISCA 3; Vocation Club ',2,3,4; Social Studies Club 4; Science Seminar 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

WILLIAM F. MICHell; St. Christina; Academic, Act.:

Band 1,2,3,4; Vocation Club 1.

DAVID S. MOEBS; St. Christina: Engineering Han. Act.: Drama 4; Vocation Club 1,2; Science Seminar 2,3,4; Track 4; Softball 1,2; Physics Club 4; Int. Football 1,2,3,4; Int. Basketball 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1.2,3,4.

RICHARD F. MOORE; St. Thomas More; Academic. Act.:

Standard 2; Yearbook 4; Bond 1,2,3,4, Pres. 1,2; Youth Achievement Award 3.

VERNON J. MOORE; St. Christina; Clanicol. Act.:

French Club 3; Standard 2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Bond ',2,3,4, Vice-pres. 1, Sec. 2; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com. 3; Social Studies Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

DONALD G. MORAN; Sf. Ethelreda; Business.

JAMES M. MORKUNAS; St. Mary Star of the Sea; Classical. Act.: Moth Club 3; French Club 3; Drama 3,4; Standard 2,3,4, News Ed. 2; Yearbook Section Ed. 4; Vocation Club 4; Dance Com. 3; Youth Achievement Award 3; Science Seminar 2,3; Bowling 2; Social Studies Club 4; Guidance Club 4; CISCA 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

DAVID R. MOULTON; St. Denis; Academic. Act.: CIC 3; Band 1,2,3,4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2; Sodality 3; Int. Basketball 1,2; Softball 1.

JOSEPH K. MURDOCK; St. Ethelreda; Engineering Han. Ad.: Debating Club 3,4; Tennis 2; Softball 1,2; Int, Football 2,3; Int, Basketball 1,2; Physics Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

BRIAN J. MURPHY; St. Kilian; Academic. Act.: Vocation Club 3; Sodality 2,3; Basketball 1,2; Track and Cross Country 3; Bowling 2; Golf 2; Tumbling 3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3; Int. Softball 1,2; Honor Roll 1.

JAMES M. MURPHY; Sacred Heart; Academic.

RICHARD J. MURPHY; St. Wolter's; Academic. Act.:

Art Club 3; Vocation Club 2,3.4; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Tumbling 3,4.

MICHAel D. MURTAUGH; St. John Fisher; Classical. Act.: Vocation Club 2,3,4; Dance Committee 3; Bcwling 3; Softball 1,2; Guidance Club 4; Honor Roll 1.

JOHN P. MUSSEY; St. Margaret Of Scotlond; En· gineering Han. Act.: Basketball 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

JAMES E. NAPIER; St. Rita; Clanical. Act.: Yearbook 4; Vocation Club 3,4; Sodality 3,4; Softball 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2; Social St. Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

JAMES M. NASH; Ascension; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club 1; Glee Club 2,3,4; Bowling 2,3,4.

ROBERT NEBERZ; St. Thomas More; Academic. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Golf 2,3,4; Softball 2; Int. Basketball 2,3,4; Int. Football 2,3.

ROBERT A. NEWMAN; Sf. Barnabas; Engineering Han. Act.: Vocation Club .1; Swimming 3,4; Softball 1; Honor Roll 1,2.

BARRY F. NIEMEYER; St. Cejetcn, Business. Act.: Int. Basketball 1.

VERNON E. NIEMIEC; St. Cajeton; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Glee Club 2; Vocation Club 1,2; Pep Club 4; Football 1,2,3; Int. Basketball 3.

Dick Moore, along with Vernon Moore and Ken Willinger, shows Tom Minogue and Jim Markunas of the Drama Club how the band is going to set up the stage for the Spring Concert.



MICHAEL f. NUDOi St. Michael; Acodemic. Act.:

Debating Club 2; Tumbling 1,2; Softball 1.

THOMAS F. O'CONNell; St. Albert the Great; Tech. Eng. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Softball 1; Int. Basketball 1,3; Int. Football 3.

THEODORE J. O'CONNOR; St. linus; Engineering Han. Act.: Standard 2,3,4; Bowling 4; Honor Roll 1.

STEPHEN E. O'DEA; St. Caie.on; Business. Act.: Softball 1,2; Honor Roll 2.

THOMAS J. O'GRADYi St. John Fisher; Engineering_ Act.: ClC 3; Vocation Club 1,2,3.4; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,4; Track and Cross Country 3; Baseball 3,4.

WILLIAM D. O'HEARN; St. Cajeton; Academic, Act.:

Golf 2,3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3.

PAUL T. OMIECINSKI; St. Cajetan; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Tennis 2; Football 3; Swimming 3,4; Track and Cross Country 3; Golf 2,3; Tumbling 3.

DENNIS P. O'NEILL; St. Bernadette; Academic. Act.:

Int. Baseball 2; Int. Basketball 2; Honor Roll 4.

PHILIP J. O'NEill; St. Ethelreda; Academic. Act.:

Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2; Softball 1,2; Int. Football 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2.

JOSEPH R. O'SULLIVAN; St. Ethelreda; Classical. Act.:

Vocation Club 3,4; Dance Com. 3; Basketball 2; Golf 2,3; Baseball 3,4; Int. Football 3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Softball 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3.4.

RONALD A, OTRIN; Queen of Martyrs; Engineering. Act.: Bowling 3.4; Wrestling 1; Int. Baseball 2,3; Science Club 1.

ROGER T. ono; Our ~ody of the Ridge; Classical. Act.: Vocation Club 3,4; Int. Basketball 1.

JAMES P. OUELLETTE; St. Albert the Great; Business. Act.; Football 2; Baseball 3,4.

JOHN l. OURADNIK; St. Kilian; Academic. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2; Football 2.3.4; Basketball 1; Soft. boll 1,2; Tumbling 3.

JOSEPH J. PALERMO; St. Margaret of Scotland; Business.

WAYNE P. PALKA; St. Margaret of Scotland; Acedemic. Act.: library Club 3,4; Art Club 2; Vocation Club 4; Sodality 4.

JOSEPH A. PALUMBO; St. John Fisher; Engineering. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Vocation Club 1,3,4, Treasurer 1; Dance Com. 4; Football 1,2; Tumbling 3.

EDWIN F. PAULSEN; little Flower; Academic. Act.:

Football 1,2,3 .

Jerry Poncin seems to hold the ottenticn of Tom O'Grady, Joe O'Sullivan, John Ourodnik. and Joe Palumbo during a quick ccnversation in the locker room.

ROBERT J. PAYNE; St. Albert the Great; Business.

RAYMOND W. PETRAITIS; St. Thomas More; Business, Act,: Student Senate 3,4; C.I.C. 3; Football ',2,3; Tumbling 3,4; Softball 3,4, Honor Roll 4,

CLIFFORD M. PETRAK; St. Christina; Engineering Han. Act.: Standard 4; Vocation Club , ,2,4; Tennis 2; Bowling 2,4; Softball 1; Honor Roll 1.2,3.

EMil H. PETRICK; St. Denis; Tech, Eng. Act.: Sodality 2,3,4; Bowling 2.3; Softball 1.2.

EDWARD R. PHILPOTT; St. Barnabas; Academic. Act.:

Football ',2; Int. Football 1.2; Int. Basbetball ',2.

DONALD J. PIECZYNSKI; St. Margaret of Scotland; Business. Act.: Baseball 3; Softball 1.

FRANK M. PISUT; St. Bemcdetter Classical. Act.:

Vocation Club 4; Bowling 3.4; Softball 1; Honor Roll 1.

RICHARD J. PODESTA; St. Bede; ClassicaL Act.: Vocation Club 3.4; Softball 1; Int. Football 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2.

JOHN B. POLKA; St. Walter; Academic. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,-4; Vocation Club 1,2,3,-4; Track ond Cross Country 3,4; Bowling 1,2,3; Science Club 1,4.

GERALD G. PONCIN; Our Lady of Vilna; Academic. Act.: Art Club 2; Football 2.3,4; Track and Cron Country 3; Tumbling 3; Int. Football 1; Int. Basketboll 1,2.

GERALD A. PRENDERGAST; St. Morgoret of Scotland; ClauicaL Act.: Sodality 3,4; Int. Basketball ',2,3.

JAMES E. QUINN; St. Bernadette; Engineering. Act.:

Vocation Club -4; Softball 1.


Brother Crone points out the intricacies of o crystal set to Pat Brophy, Dennis Rosch. mann, Jim Sek, while Bob Sardiga, Tom Smith, and Randall Sanfilip venture on their own.

THOMAS QUISH; St. Thomas More; Academic. Act.:

Science Club 1.2; c.I.C. 3; Track 3,4; Art Club 3.

JOSEPH A. RADTKE; St. Symphrosa; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4; Sec. Glee Club 3.

THOMAS J. RAU; Holy Redeemer; Engineering. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2; Bowling 1,2; Sodality 2,3,4.

MICHAEL J. REAGEN; Our Lady Of lorretto; Business.

FRANK J. REGAN; St. Cajetan; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Science Club 1,2; Electronics Club 3; Swimming 4i Bowling 1,2,3,4.

RAYMOND J. REIDY; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Golf 2,3; Science Club 1; Softball 1; Int. Football 1,2,3,4; Int. Basketball 1.

KENNETH A. REillY; St. Rito; Academic. Act.: C.I.C. 3; Bond 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2; Bowling 2; Int. Basketball 1,2,3; Softball 1,2.

JAMES C. REUS; St. John Fisher; Business. Act.: Glee Club 2,3A; Track 2,3.

lEO B. REYCRAFT; Holy Redeemer; Classical. Act.:

Science Club 1; Vocation Club 3,4; Dance Com. 3,4; Int. Football 3,4; Int. Basketball 2,3.

JAMES e. RIEDEL; St. Cojeton; Engineering Han. Act.:

Bowling 1,2; Softball 1; Int. Football 3,4; Int. Besketboll 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2.

RICHARD M. ROCHE; Sf. Christina; Business. Act.:

Bowling 1,4; Softball 1; Int. Basketball 1,2,3; Int. Football 2,3.

THOMAS A. ROHRBACHER; St. Richard; Business.

MICHAEL P. ROMANCIK; St. John Fisher; Tech. Eng. Act.: Vocation Club 2; Swimming 3.

DENNIS E. ROSCHMANN; St. Christina; Engineering Han. Act.: Standard 2,3; Sports Writer 3; Football 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3.

EDMUND J. RYAN; St. Gerald; Academic. Act.: Bond 1; Bowling 4.

THOMAS J. RYAN; St. John Fisher; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Student Senate 3,4; Football 1,2; Golf 3; Int. Basketball 2.

JAMES G. SAK; Holy Redeemer; Engineering. Act.:

Forensic League 3; Glee Club 2,3,4, vice- Pres. 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4, Cc-ccpt. 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

LAWRENCE J. SALADIN; Holy Redeemer; Tech. Eng. Act.: Vocation Club 3; Swimming 3,4; Track and Cross Country 3; Bowling 2; Softball 2; Int. Football 4.

RANDALL P. SAN FILIP; St. Thomas More; Engineering Han. Act.: Moth Club 4; Drama 2; Standard 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

ROBERT S. SARDIGA; St. Turibus; Engineering. Act.:

Standard 2,3,4; Softball ,; Physics Club Pres. 4; Chemistry Club 3,4; Honor Roll 1,3,4.

ROBERT H. SCHAACK; St. Margaret of Scotland; Academic. Act.: Basketball 1; Bowling 2,3; Softball 1,2; Int. Football 1,2,3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3.

JAMES W. SCHMITZ; Sacred Heart; Business. Glee Club 2; Tennis 3; Swimming 3.

PATRICK M. SHANAHAN; St. Kilian; Business.

RONALD D. SILNEY; St. Christina; Business. Act.: Arts and Crofts 3,4; Bond 2; Tumbling Ce-Ccpt. 3,4.

ROBERT G. SKIBBE; Assumption B.V.M.; Business. Act.:

Art Club 2; Softball 1.

DENNIS I. SLOMSKI; Queen of Martyrs; Business. Act.:

Art Club 2; Golf 2,3; Softball 2; Int. Basketball 1,2; Int. Football 1,2.

RAY SMITH; St. Bernadette; Engineering. Act.: Art Club 3; Basketball 2; Bowling 4; Softball 2.

THOMAS l. SMITH; St. Catherine of Alexandria; Tech. Eng. Act.: Cf C 3A; Glee Club 2; Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3; Softball 2.

DANIEL A. SOKOLOSKI; St. Rita; Academic. Act.:

Glee Clvb 2,3,4; Softball 1,2; Int. Basketball 1,2; Int. Football 1.

WILLIAM F. SOMERVillE; St. Cejetcm Classical. Act.:

Science Club 1; French Club 3; Drama 2; Vocation Club 3,4; Donce Com. 3; Football 3,4; Bowling 1,2,3; Int. Besketbell 1,2; Int. Football 1; Softball 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2.


Brother McAdams addresses Frank Verre, Roger Vlaming, Jim Thompson, Joe Spingola, Richord Stanley, and Philip Vodick in the conference room.

STEPHEN C. SOWA; St. Albert the Great; Business.

STANLEY E. SPAS; St. Christina; Engineering Han. Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

JOSEPH J. SPINGOLA; St. Wolter; Engineering. Act.:

Vocation Club 2,3,4; Basketball 2; Track 3.

RICHARD D. STANLEY; Queen of Martyrs; Business. Act.: Student Senate 3,4; Band 1,2,3.4; Football 1; Baseball 3,4; Honor Roll 2,3.

WILLIAM J. STANTON; St. Adrian; Academic. Act.:

Science Club 1; Vocation Club 1; Guidance Club 4.

CARL S. STASIEWICZ; St. Barnabas; Classical. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3,4; Golf 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Softball 1,2,3; Guidance Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2.

WILLIAM J. STASIEWICZ; St. Barnabas; Classical. Act.:

Vocation Club 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Golf 2,3,4; Int. Football 1.2,3,4; Softball 1; Int. Basketball 2,3; Honor Roll 1,4.

THOMAS J. STEWART; St. Margaret of Scotland; Business. Act.: CISCA 2; Dance Com. 3.

TED S. STOJAK; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.: Band 1,2,3,4.

BERNARD l. SUOING; St. Gerold; Business. Act.: Bowling 2,3,4; Int. Football 1,3; Int. Basketball 2.

WILLIAM G. SYKES; St. Turibius; Engineering. Act.:

Science Club 1; Vocation Club 4; Football 2; Bowling 2.

ROBERT A. TATGENHORST; Sf. Denis; Academic. Act.:

Track 3.

JAMES C. TEN BROECK; St. Barnabas; Engineering Han. Act.: Science Club 1; Vocation Club 1; Golf 2,3,4, Captain 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

BERT A. THELEEN, St. Ethelreda; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Swimming 3,4; Bowling 2,3; Int. Football 1.2; Int. Basketball 1,2.

EDWARD M. THOMAS; Sf. John Fisher; Tech. Eng. Act.: Student Senate 3,4; Football 2; Track and Cross Country 3; Softball 2,3; Int. Basketball '; Honor Roll 1,2.

JAMES D. THOMPSON; Sf. Thomas More; Engineer· ing Han. Act.: Moth Club 3,4; Standard 2,3,4, Column Ed. 4; Yearbook Section Ed. 4; Band 1,2,3.4; Dance Com. 2, Social Studies Club 4; Guidance Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,4.

DANIEL J. TOBOLSKI; St. Richard; Engineering. Honor Roll 2,4.

THOMAS J. TODD; St. Denis; Academic.

RONALD S. TREPAC; St. Denis; Business. Act.: Glee Club 2; Track and Cross Country 3; Bowling 2.

DAVID M. TRISKO; SI. Linus; Classical. Act.: Forensic League 3; Vocation Club 3,4; Dance Cam. 3,4; Feetboll 3.

WALTER F. VALENTINE; St. Barnabas; Academic.

ROBERT E. VARTIAK; Sf. Thomas More; Academic. Act.: CIC 3; Glee Club 2,3,4; Bowling 2,3,4, President 4; Int. Football '; Int. Basketball 1,3; Honor Roll 4.

JAMES l. VENDEL; Our Lady of the Ridge; Tech. Eng. Act.: Bond 3; Sodality 1,2,3,4.

FRENK J. VERRE; Our Lady of the Ridge; Tech. Eng. Act.: Glee Club 2,3,4; Vocation Club 2,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Physics Club 4; Int. Basketball '; Softball '; Tumbling 1; Honor Roll 1,2.

WAYNE W. VEUGELER; St. Albert; Business.

ROGER T. VLAMING; Sf. Cajeton; Classical. Act.:

Science Club 1; Standard 3; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Sodality 2; Dance Com. 4; Bowling 2,3,4; Int. Footboll 1.2; Int. Basketball 1,2; Int. Tennis 2; Honor Rolli.

fRANCIS C. VLAZNY; Visitation; Business. Act: Ten· nis 2.

WilliAM D. VORDERER; St. Denis; Tech. Eng. Act:

Track and Cross Country 3; Bowling 2; Int. Bcsketball 1.

PHILLIP J. VORLlCK; St. Theodore; Business. Act:

Library Club 3,4; Standard 3; Yearbook 4; Glee Club 2,3; Vocation Club 2,3,4; Sodality 4; Bookroom Staff 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 4.

WilliAM C. WADDELL; St. Barnabas; Academic. Act; Vocation Club 1,2,4; Bowling 2; Softball 2.


JAMES B. WALSH; St. Denis; Business. Act.: Student Senate 3; Honor Roll 2.

RICHARD F. WALSH; Little flower; Engineering.

ROBERT F. WEILAND; Holy Redeemer; Academic. Act.: Student Senate 3; Golf 2,3,4; Honor Roll 2,3,4.

LEE P. WENHART; Holy Redeemer; Engineering. Act.:

Student Senate 3; Vocation Club 4; Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2,3,4, Ce-Ccpt. 3,4; Honor Roll 1.

GEORGE J. WEST; Queen of Mortyrs; Academic:

Transfer student.

STANLEY f. WIELGOSZ; Queen of the Universe; Engineering Han. Act.: Moth Club 4; Standard 3; Bond 1,2,3,4; Vice-pres. 2; football 1,2,3,4; Int. Basketball 1,2; Honor Roll 1,4.

KENNETH M. WILFINGER; St. Thomas More; Engi. neering. Act.: Stondard 2,3,4, features Ed. 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4, Lib. ond Prop. Mgr. 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1.

BRIAN R. WILLEY; St. Cajetan; Tech. Eng. Act.: Science Club ,; Vocation Club 1; Bowling 1; Golf 3.

CHARLES P. WINDE; St. Kilian; Academic. Act.: football 1,2; Basketball 1,3,4; Baseball 3,4.

WILLIAM J. WITRY; Sf. Bede; Engineering. Act.:

Vocation Club 1,4; Bowling 3,4; Int. Bosketball 1; Int. Football 3.

GERALD P. WIVINIS; St. Christina; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Standard 2; Golf 2,3; Softball 1.

JOSEPH f. WOLLSCHLAGER; Holy Redeemer; Engi. neering. Act.: Science Club 1,2; Electronics Club 3; Astronomy Club 3; Vocation Club 3,4.

Tom Zavrel, Dan Zemanek, and Dick Yates, happy in their accomplishments, leave the school with courage and confidence.

ROBERT J. WOODVillE; St. Chri$tina; Buainess. Act.: library Club 3,4; Drama 1; Standard 2; Glee Club 2,3,4, Vice-Pres. 4; Bond 1, Vocation Club 4; Sedality 2; Donee Com. 3.

JOHN J. WRIGHT; Christ the King; Business. Act.:

Student Senote 3; Glee Club 2; Vocation Club 1 ,~,3, 4, Vice· Pres. 4; Football 1; Swimming 3; Softball 1,2.

THOMAS S. WRONSKI; St. Thomas Mare; Academic. Act.: Track and Crass Country 3; Bowling 2,3.4; Scftball 1.

RICHARD T. YATES; Christ the King; Engineering Han. Act.: Science Club 1, Pres. 1; Science Seminar 2; Basketball 2; Softball 2; Int. Basketball 1,3; Honor Roll

GERALD R. YEHlING; 51. Christopher; Engineering. Act.: Science Club 1; Vocation Club 4; Bowling 2,3,4. Cc-Cheirmcn of League 3; Honor Roll 1

MICHAEL F. ZANGRI; St. Bernadette; Business. Act.:

Glee Club 2,3,4. Football 1,2,3; Softball 1,2.

THOMAS E. ZAVREl; St. Catherine of Alexandria; Engineering. Act.: Vocation Club 4; Football 2,3,4.

ROBERT W. ZEGA; Queen of Martyrs; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Softball 3,4.

DANIEL F. ZEMANEK; St. Margaret of Scotland; En· gineering. Act.: Science Club 1,2; Standard 2; Glee Club 2,3,4, President 2,3; Vocation Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 2; Bowling 1; Honor Roll 1.

JAY P. ZEUG; St. Gerald; Business. Act.: Football 1,2. Track and Cross Country 3,4.

ANTHONY J. ZIMMERMAN; Little Flower; Academic. Act.: Int. Football 1,2,3; Int. Basketball 1,2,3; Soft. ball 1.2.

GERALD F. ZINNGRABE; Queen of Martyrs; Engi· neering Han. Act.: Science Club 1; Softball 1; Int. Football 2; Int. Basketball 2; Physics Club 4; Honor Roll 1.2.4.

WILLIAM C. liNT; Sf. Rita; Engineering. Act.: Veection Club 4; Besketbcll 1,2,3,4; Track and Cross Country 3,4; Honor Roll 1.

HERMAN A. ZWIRN; St. Thomas More; Engineering. Act.: Astronomy Club 3,4, Pres. 4; Art Club 3,4; Stendard 3; Crusader 4; Vocation Club 1,2,3. Pep Club 3.

STANLEY J. IYCH; St. Ethelredo; Tech. Eng. Act.:

Glee Club 2.


Of all the youngsters who first entered the new Brother Rice High School, only one has been called by God to his eternal reword. Elmer Anderson died at the end of Junior year. In his three years at Brother Rice he exemplified the Christian ideal of youth. His presence influenced every student, giving

each on example of Christ's teachings put into practice. We feel certain that Elmer's influence for good is now greater than ever, and that he is using it to aid all of his fellow classmates in their quest for sanctification.








I remember, 1 remember ...


As the knights of post eras spent long years in preparation for their knighthood, so too, Brother Rice Crusaders must prepare for the responsibilities which they will assume as seniors. Much has been done here in four years - much has happened. But there is more to do. There is much to come. Each year shall require addition.

The underclassmen must be given credit, for often it is as difficult to follow new paths as to lead,

to keep aloft as to raise, to sustain as to begin. As the seniors have nurtured the seed, succeeding years must keep their efforts flourishing.

For the seniors graduation is the end of their great efforts, but the school is just beginning. It looks

forward to many, many years of prosperity and grandeur. Although it is already well established, it is still

young. The future beckons - expansion - development - experimentation - limitless advances. For the underclassmen the prophecy is yet to be fulfilled -their day of glory has not yet arrived.

From nothing behold what has arisen! It is all

a monument to its founders and builders, but is,

and must be, a living monument, its life nourished by each succeeding class and generation. For what would it be if it died with the seniors? It is

great because it shall live and thrive and increase. The future shines brilliantly. In the light of such

a challenge, steps must be taken for constant and

regular improvement and growth. Not only must what has been made be sustained, but more must be made and added and perfected. This task must be assumed by

our underclassmen.

The seniors have left a great heritage - a spiritual legacy of courage and conviction, of scholarship and sanctity and faith. These are the ideals. The underclassmen must keep them free and lofty. The hope of everything which is tomorrow, as well as the success or failure of all which is today, rests with these young men. Our school possesses a myriad of God's blessings. It is into the hands of the underclassmen that this sacred trust is placed.


L to R. lst row: A. Bonomo. G. Rywiak, W. Saker. 2nd row: T. Keogh. J. Bile, R. Murphy, T. Foshingbouer, R. Sokolosky. 3rd row: 8. Madden, P. Michel, W. Young, J. Donovan, W. Mclinden, J. O'Brien, B. Buckley, R. McCue. 4th row: R. Bauer, R. Funk, e Carey, J. Sokol, T. Stefanik. P. Pope. J. Guzaitis, J. Reilly, E. McFadden. 5th row: J. Downs, E Burke, W. Hetreed, l. Craelius, Wm. Petzel. H. Hicks, T. Quon, J. Sponnuth, F. Abrams, T. Moron, T. Kelly,


The Hindu formula doesn't appear to be the least bit Greek (Naturallyl) to P. Pope, A. Bonomo, F. Abrams. or R. McCue.

E. Burke, T. Keogh, J. ane, J. Downs, and T. Stefanik scan some of the guidance pamphlets available to them.

l. to R., 1 st row: T. Kolocki, P. Soletto, G. Rose. 2nd row: J. Rokoczy, D. Dyon, J. Power, J. Keating, T. Wolsh, J. Mortimer, V. Daley. 3rd row: R. Koppes, M. Goffney, W. Chose, l. Stanton, W. Durkin, J. lunney, W. Harmon, S. Mattalane, D. Berent. 4th row: J. Tallon, D. Schroeder, J. Finerty, J. Staller, J. Daly, H. Heinze, D. Feely, J. Santoni, R. Woch. 5th row: J. Gleoson, R. Quinlivan, J. Grogan, P. Mandro, D. Yentcccl. G. losiniecki, R. Ehrmann, J. Lcvenkc , W. Walztoni, J. Cronin, P. Mitrick.


J. Rakoczy and P. Sal etta give a hand to help clear tee cafeteria of tables before one of the big donces.

That dejected look predominates the expressions of J. Gleason, P. Mandra, W. Chase, J. Icvenkc, and D. Vantucci 0$ they wait patiently in the science wing.




O. Reidy and E. McCarthy follow E. Mulhern and R. Burt on their way to the auditorium for a special assembly coiled by Brother Penny.

T. Porter, R. Danielson, B. Franklin, l. 5ho1905, and M. Spingola browse through some college bulletins.

l. to R. 1 sl row: C. Davis. J. Dietrick, E. Mulhern, C. Schuberth, M. Dassie, J. Joyce. 2nd row: D. McCoy, J. O'Hara, R. Woods, E. Houser, E. Polon, C. Berglund, J. Bercier, P. Reycroft, R. Gorka. Srd row: B. Hennessey, B. Adams, S. Rafae, N Harlrich, J. Goliak, R. Surt, M. Spingola, N. Roney, J. Loschober, R. lhotok, J. Junkos. 4th row: B. Boiker, D. Goleher, l. 5ho1905, R. Guerra, R. Danielson, W. Murphy, E. McCorthYI V. Sose, D. Reidy, B. Franklin, R. Sian icky.

G. Kadar, T. Abbatemarca, and F. Barh go through a recent issue of the STANDARD to see how close it come to the layout on the blackboard.


If would seem that Brother Barry is writing out 0 detention slip except for the fact that J. Wright, D. Toft, W. Nolan, T. Bryne, and J. Horf look too happy.

l. to R. 1st row: T. Abbotemorco, T. Cunningham, J. Wright, D. Dreher. 2nd row: J. Hart, J. Fleming, M. lucas, R. W05niewski, J. Petrak, E. Zenz , l. Skowron. 3rd row: D. Toft. P. Jones. J. Feehan, W. Mulcahy,. J. Paulsen, T. McGetrick, S. Pyko, W. Nolon, T. Byrne. 4th row: G. Kadar. D. Callaghan, J. McNichols. F. Bertz, M. LaDouceur, R. Welch, R. Glatz. J. Hunt, T. Walsh, J. Talty, D. Hickey.


l. to R. lst row: R. Ritchey, J. Floodas, J. Blakely, J. Marcek. 2nd row: R. McCoppin, T. Moleski, J. Schaeffer, R. Weiland, R. Pcetcw. K. Reger, I. Solomon. 3rd row: T. Murphy, J. Zeug, R. McCunis, R. Hund, J. Hincks, J. Dunne, B. Bayne, E. Michels, G. lawler. 4th row: T. Kolebic, K. Svoboda, T. Brinnehl, W. Gorrels, T. Brigham, J. Cook, J. Willner. S. Jurkatus, R. Frank, F. Gittmier, T. Sullivan.

English projects made by Brother Tomkin's classes ore displayed in the cafeteria O:'1d admired by J. Hincks, J. Dunne, and T. Sullivon.


D. Binotti, R. Voss, M. Raferty, ond D. Moritz check the bulletin board to see if ony of the notices concern them.

l. to R. lst row: M. Raftery, D. Moritz, S. Gaynor, P. Sullivan. 2nd row: E. Noonan, J. Sauve, T. Ivana, A. Sapienza, W. Giacalone. J. Albert, M. Sullivan. 3rd row: T. Duffin, J. Walsh, R. voss. J. Stadler, M. Pollard, A. Hanrahan, 8. Morris, R. Vondrak, D. Binetti. 4th row: T. Winters, G. Droi, D. Ellison, D. Tomaso, R. Stanich, M. Sullivan, T. Olmstead, J. Johnson, l. Young, J. lePen .. ke. 5th row: D. Drc nke, J. Crowley, J. Srueckmann, J. Sweeney, A. Forest, T. Collachio, W. Hurley, R. Grudzien, M. Moloney, E. Ryan, D. Whippo.


R. McCoppin, R. Poetow, K. Svoboda, K. Reger, J. Cook and J. Zeug enjoy on amusing story as they relax in the foyer.

All studenh are encouraged to make frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament in the chepel. Here are L. Young, T. Ivana, D. Whippo, and M. Sullivan.

l. to R. ht row: T. DeLonce, J. Reyzer, P. Sukel, F. Crete. 2nd row: H. Goleher, M. Collins, R. Paukstis, P. Akers, R. Guerin, D. Petrossi, R. Nielsen, R. Lewandowski. 3rd row: B. Utes, R. Lux, R. Gvzcvskcs, K. Ruff, J. Mitchell, R. Herman, R. Cullen. R. Corey, K. Sullivan. 4th row: D. Reilly, J. Walsh, C. Butler, J. Kozo, J. vejtes, R. Doerr, R. Loehr. T. Jochimek, B. Batchelor. Sth row: E. wctercvs, A. Wiedel, J. Oskvcrek, L. Kcbb, O. Gorski, D. Middleton, K. Dudek, R. Heilman, R. Powers, C. Hill, J. Lascoe.


portonce of lob demonstrations appears to be well known by R. Carey, F. Crete, ler, M. Collins, and R, Cullen 05 they pay close attention to Br. Timony.


J. vcjtcs, D. Reilly, R. Poukstis, J. Walsk, and J. Mitchell run through an experiment themselves in the bock of the well equipped Chemistry Lab.

, .

" 1

W. Daly clears up some of the misconceptions concerning the Second World War thot ore held by M. McCarthy, G. Quinn. P. Rohan, and R. verblc.

J. leahy, M. Peters, and J. Adorns examine some of the teaching aids available through the moth department.


l. to R. 1 sf row: M. McCarthy, J. Leohy, R. Bernhardt. 2nd row: M. Casey. J. Terrell, D. Wolniok, J. Kozak, R. Wi eckert, E. Hunter, W. Podolski. 3rd row: D. Chesters. W. Hostynski, J. McCarthy, R. Weiand, J. Slawinski, D. Krakowski, R. Pojda, R. Egon, R. Schreier. 4th row: G. Clark, W. Daly, J, Sipes, R. Verbie, M. Peters, 1<, Heinzel, R. Folk, O. Motis, T Molee. G. Doyle, P. Rohan. Sth row: J. Haiduk, J. Dory, J. Adams, J. Gradeski, W. Geary, R. Wahh, G. Quinn, S. Wollin, J. Oswald, R. Ueberbocher.

L to R. lst row: J. Tolono, C. Co'rroll, K. Stcqlls. B. Cesaro. 2nd row: T. Nudd, W. Komar, l. Christensen, J. Joyce. J. Drexel. M. McLomore, C. Koehler. B. Skrzelcwskt. 3rd row: E. BlUish, T. Poland, D. Rofter, J. Smith, D. Atamian, C. Celeskl, J. Hackett, M. Dovis, F. Palumbo. 4th row: M. Gentleman, l. Murphy, E. Vendel, J, Schofield, T. Daniels, H. Otto, C. Brooks, J. Flynn, G. Bilecki.


These boys from room 119 are getting practical experience in the use of shop equipment as they work on various machinery.

When it come time for the students to help get things ready for a school program, C. Celeski and E. Billish did their port.

t. to R. l st row: J. Cronin, J. Run, T. lyp, T. O'Connell, E. Bordy, B. Comiskey. 2nd row: J. Schuh, K. Soenen, D. Dillon, E. Pearlman, P. Koman, D. Knox. 3rd row: J. Grigus, M. lucas, A. Seymour, J. Tennison, J. Bisinger, R. Manning, D. Zenz. 4th row: R. Redtvc. D. Buchaniec, M. Brennan, 0, Harris, P. Fish, J. Corbett, S. terscn, J. Scheer, J. Chong us, R. Mills, F. Toth.


lese students may be in a coge, but they're not jailed for reo They're iust tidying up the place a bit.

Brother Winblod is seen here instructing some of his students from 100 on the proper operation of 0 lathe.



L to R. lst row: B. Donohue, J. Cismoski. M. Allen. 2nd row: T. Q'Gormon, R. Mensik. W. Davis, J. Pouriheh, T. Soffey. A. Eckert. 3rd row: J. Rehor, T. Fitzpatrick, B. Woterous, S. Pietsch, G. Vlk, P. Dunne, T. Regan, R. MicheL 4th row: R. Reycraft, K. Nolon, D. Houlihan, A. Moore, S, Dovis, T. Kastel, P. leonard, R. Gops, L Harris. 5th row: T. Durkin, L. Baran, R. Englander, D. Cassidy. D. Stuk, T. Portal, G. Skube, J. Reidy, J. Polek, R. Sullivan, A. Santos.

e dessert selections in the menu ore all considered by A. Moore o.s de nite pos.sibilities to follow up his roast pork repast.

Stude .. ts often consult Sr. Fairleigh in connection with school matters. Some 20Ser5 are seen tolking with him about some problem.


l. to R. 1st row: E. Walsh, D. Witt. D. Kush, D. Mulloy. 2nd row: A. Schaeffer, J. Bard, P. Zopel, A. Rano, E. Kilcoyne 3rd row: D. Fox, D. Pinelli, R. Holliday, W. Lerch, W. Brooks. K. Conway, M. Megsan, J. Kolar. 4th row: T. Hasty, J. Sullivan, T. Blomquist, R. Ceh, R. Kane, R. Breen, R. McGowen, R. Levin, R. Goyette. 5th row; l. Anderson, T. Houlihan, T. DiBartelo, D. Figler, l. Lavenko, J. Smith, M. Harper, M. Jacobs, R.I Breen, M. Curtin.

T. Hasty appears to hove that professional touch as .he entertains R. McGowen and D. Witt with a brief selection.

R. Lavin, A. Rona, M. Jacobs, and R. Breen try collectively to f1gure out the intricacies of the gym light circuits.



F. Beck, W. Rocky, and D. Polla listen intently to T. Martin as he begins:

"A funny thing happened to me on the way to school todoy ... "

T. O'Brien, J. Miller, 8. McGinnis and G. Role keep abreast of the news with the help of the library'S paper rock.

l. to R. 1st row: W. Bruggeman, G. Role, It Krouse, P. Full. 2nd row: E. Delanee. P. O'Donnell, E. Kirby, R. Ides, J. Doll, M. Boyle. 3rd row: R. Rcbjchns, J. Corbett, W. Sylvester, R. Bruemmer, T. O'Brien, R. Hartman; E. Schumacher, W. Rocky, G. Gri~~~. 4th row: J. Zowaski, P. Kennedy, J. Ryon, J. Guzauskos. J. Chertier, D. Polio, W. Donovan, T. Mortin, B. Eiler. 5th row: J. Driscoll. P. Worren, f. Beck, R. lyman, G. Personette, E. Birgells, J. Miller, B. McGinnis. R. Kuehn, J. McGuffoge. B. Bleizeffer.

When Dick Grist said, "There's a dance the 23rd and I was wondering if .." it looks as if the answer was, "I'd be pleased to. II


H. Philopoulos, E. Pliska, and P. Martinkus give up some of their spore time to help the Sodality in gathering foodstuffs for needy families.

Left to right - lst row: M. Nagle, R. Philpott, J. Brankin. 2nd row: M. White, J. Lon, W. Quillinon, R. Lopinski, C. Norton, J. Kelty. 3rd row:

E. DeYoung, R. Einwalter, H. Philopoulos, D. Grotts, S. Gleseh, E. Pliska, M. Tresch, D. Madigan. 4th row: T. Walsh, M. Trvdetle, R. Cook, D. Pin·

sonneauJt, W. Pacetti, K. Mestauskas, J. Cairo, J. Mocny, J. Uthe. 5th row: J. Gaughan, R. Grist, R. Roche, p, Martinkus, R. Rudolph, J. lay, e. Kub, T, CosteI/o, B, Barnes, 0, Intrieri, W. Melichar.


Industrious students G. Williams, D. lyons, and P. O'Connor check books out of the library under the careful eye of Srother Pilon.


....... ttl •••• " .....

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Hoving learned so much about H20 during science closs, T. Regan, J. Frances, G. Nash, and J. lux decided to give it a try during break between classes.

left to right - 1st row: W. Byford, B. Arnold, R. Ehrler, R. Egan, W. Dcniber, P. Kelly, J. Reynolds, T. Donnelly. 2nd row: J. Stosiewicz, M. Rosselli, l. Voder, G. Nosh, J. Woods, B. Bart, J. Honnigon, J. Felsenthal, G. Ropp. 3rd row: P. Corey, M. Pope, K. Florek, D. Connaughton, P.

Oster, M. leahy, J. Nicholson, J. LUX, G. Williams, J. tech. 4th row: R, Bcvalk. J. Fronds, B. Feeney, H. Gust, R, lyons, J. Crawford. J. McDonald, P. O'Connor, T. Regan, A. Smith, J. Heller.

len biologist J. Donovan explains the structure of the collarbone to onlookers he~k, J. Galanti, and J. Sty.

Carefully inve~tigating the growth of protozoa are R. Cozzi, R. Kelly, D. Corbin, and R. Sheriff. All students use microscopes regularly.


left to right - ht row: G. Wagner, R. Cozzi, J. Dare. 2nd row: J. O'leary, J. McGinni~, J. Reece, D. lomb, P. Reagen. 3rd row: P. Kochanek, T. Felsenthol, M. McKeen, D. Mekemsan, H. Marx, R. McAuley, D. Brendel, J, Galanti, F. O'Donovan. 4th row: R. Glowaki, J. Sty, F. Chesek, J.

Heniff, R. Wheeler, H. Scheckel, S. Oybsky, R. Sheriff, J. Robinson, J. Murawski, J. Gotto. 5th row: J. Rcssiqnvclc, M. Chapan, C. Gelatka, D. Martin, M. Reilly, R. Kelly, J. Donovan, R. Reis, D. Corbin, B. Bernoski, F. Ferraro.


ll!ft to right - 1 ~t row: A. Hofmeister, K. Mokowko, R. lynch. 2nd row:

E. Florence, M. O'Connell, F. Foley, D. Dillenburg, J. Cizek, 8. Carnevale, R. Moty!Oka. 3rd row: J. Cannon. R. Swintek, P. Dcpkus, J. Bradley, C. Arnold. G. Dargis, R. Paul, T. McMahon. W. Janecek. 4th row: J. Murray,

Eager 10 improve their jazz technique R. Paul and R. Matyska stoy efter regular band practice to "reed" for a while.

J. Adoms, D. Musich. K. Murphy, J. Ocss, l. Hilfinger, M. Ryan, M. Lcbcnovskes, D. Borry. 5th row: J. Detrick, J. Demetra, J. Pollard, J. Preccst, K. Mahieu, E. Bissell, F. Orrico, G. Rovensky, R. Ions, P. Murtaugh, M.Orlowicz.


Human wheelbarrows F. Foley and J. Adorns don', appear as anxious to begin o race as their drivers G. Rovensky and R. Jans.

Left to right - , st row: D. Storie, G. Nerren, K. Straub. 2nd row: W. Peppard, T. Driscoll, D. Bleekiewice, P. Comer, R. Fitzgerald. 3rd row: H. Dwyer, M. Willette, T. McWilliams, J. Donovan, D. Sojka, J. Zepaltas, J. Loughlin, J. Stolarski, S. Szymanski. 4th row: D. Borth, K. Schissler, F.


(arl, F. Karlicek, and A. Murlin seriously discuss the pulmonary system of the rrt during biology class.

Karlicek, A. Gapsis, G. Koutiel, E. Carlin, W. Rossner, l. Karl, J. Cunning. hom. 5th row: J. Walsh. J. Hncder, P. Waier, A. Murlin, W. Warren, S. Gierach, J. Mortincic, C. Volentine, H. Kleinbrahm, M. Byrne, V. Pc ulauskis.

J. Martincic leads comrades S. Szymanski, W. Rossner, and H. Dwyer to the balcony of the gym for the first afternoon basketball game of the

Students often help with putting out food In the cofeteria. Here are J. lynch, A. Knoble, ond M. Cichon preparing for the coming lunch period.


"SO lops around the gym wouldn't hurt these guys," comments Mr. Johnston to Mr. Adduci. Trying to laugh it off are P. Schuh, A. Arcand, and R. Nordmeyer.

left to right - lst row: P. Schulz, D. lannon, J. Duffy, V. Scholl, D. Pronesky, H. Morgan. 2nd row: M. Cichon, M. Penz.ota, D. Gorman, N. Gierlasinski, J. lynch. N. Thvmas, K. tctschke. W, Gaeriner, A. Knoble. 3rd row: M. Skrypkun, R. Weber, T. Beck, l. Mullen. W. lucas, A. Arcand,

J. Cecctt, M. Babka, A. Hargarten. 4th row: R, Nordmeyer, R. Runawski, R. Costello, J, Koestner, R. Boyle, J. Means, R. Brizzolara, W. Stelk, J. Gapsis, V. Veve.



...... _

J. Lukasik and R. Morrow keep in shope by frequently supplementing the school's physical education program with some private exercising.

Quiries from R. Clemmons, K. Gorles, and R. Trautmann concerning the editing of the "Standard" led to their spending on interesting afternoon in the "Pub."

left to right - lst row: O. Reed, l. Bottle, R. Clemmons, J. Boyne, J. Stapleton, R. Chose, J. Butler. 2nd row: T. Mockiney, K. Gcrles, W. Wiedeman, R. Pi5Ut, P. Seiler, R Wall, D. Zulauf, R. Troutmann, D. Griffin. 3rd row: R. Mehler. R. Sweeney, R. Sinkis. S. lobonouskos, E. Dunne, J.

lukasik, B. Andersen, M, Gaughan, D. Gust 4th row: E. Holbe, K. Schaefer, R. Former, M. McCarron, R. Nottke, J. lend man, R. Morrow, J. Mulligan, J. Fitzgerald.



left to right - ht row: J. Connon, R. Friestodt, M. Smith. 2nd row: R. Thatcher, T. McDermott, J. Flynn, D. Kevin, J. Hcreth, R. Stonehouse, M. Glynn, J. Sink. 3rd row: J. Kromer, F. Perri, J. Monnion, J. Hurley, M. Nrcviies, L McBride, R. Baker, A. Wieher, J. Franks. 4th row: D. McFor·

J. Sink, R. Golden. M. Glynn, l. McBride. and D. Murnighon look doubtful as Brother Monaghan explains the need for a loose-Ieof binder in closs.

lond, v . Mikliu5, D. Murnighon, G. Floch, l. Burke. R. Golden, W. Koszynski, T. Hodkowski, R. Borgognone. 5th row: R. Kessler, A. Boliula!, R. Kill, D. Mollin, C. lendmon, J. Nutof. E. Madison, J. Girod, A. Potempa. R. Roshinski, T. lyons.

The school newspc cer is always 0 welcome sight to students. Abo v e M. Nor .... ilas distributes "Standard" to J. Horoth ond R. Borgognone.


left fa right - lst (Ow: W. Polluck. W. Dorman, C. Pc+tenoude, W. Shelhamer, J. Stabb, M. Pellico, M. Daley. 2nd row: T. Corney, R. De Fay, J. Walsh, C. Doerr, G. Kowalchuk, J. Altmon, l. Fey, R. Smith, P. Nash, R. Fleming. 3rd row: T. fournier, J. Powers, R. Vincent, C. Siano, N. Puppo,

Caesor probably hod less trouble fighting the Gollic Wars thon M. Pellice, R. McNicholas, and W. Shelhamer had translating them.

B. Jobin, l. Hanlon, R. Hite. W. Hoyes, B. King, G. Wortel. 4th row: J. Reczek, D. O'Hara. R. Hempstead, R. Hosock, R. McNicholas, E. Allaire, J. Burke. R. Croven, M. Concannon, P. Burke. E. Domanskis.

Everyone (1) does his port to keep the school in top-notch shape. While N. Puppo pushes on, W. Polluck, W. Hayes, and 8. King toke a brief rest.


left to rignt - , st row: G. Garofalo, R. Malek, M. Anderson, J. Pignatiello, T. Kearney, D. Collins. 2nd row: W. Jennings, R. Gielzewskl, G. Hcch, J. Alkofer, R. Schcberrh, D. Palacios, R. Mclaugnlin, J. DiSantis, P. Wroy. 3rd row; L. Granilz. T. Skrypkum, H. Snort, R. Quinn, T. Graver, T. Gcvin,

G. Fasano, J. Gibson, T. Sullivan. 4th row: L. Nyman, J. Flynn, M. Shough. nessy, l. Beattie, J. Carroll, W. Walsn, R. Paul, E. Severo, J, McDermott, R. HU99y, P. Filt.

Srother Morrison prepares to play same "long hair" for Room 200's music critics Gielzewski, J. Carroll, and T. Gesswein.


well-rounded education of Room 200 includes art. Above G. Garofalo and E. Severe beam at the sight of their design work.

LeN to right - , st row: l. fder, B. Burke, 0, Witt, 2nd row: R. Moore, J. Comiskey, J. Pacetti, T. McGrath, T. Burke, R. Rakunos, R. Walsh, R. White. 3rd row: J. Moran, R. leug, D. Obiala, J. Glackin, K. LaPage, E. Gremley, P. Nester, E. Ontett, J. Wright. 4th row: N. Finnerty, J. Coleman, M. Me·


er lunch N. Finnerty, E, Popiolek, J, Coleman, and A. Di Santo I1"Soe in the balcony to watch gym classes in action.

Carthy, T. Novotny, J. Ryan, B. Gaul, R. Ulrich, A. Di Santo, E, Popiolek, W. Foley. 5th row: 1. Kinsella, l. Bcnnevler, D. Montee, 0, Willner, E. Donovan, B. Ernst, J, Lusk, J. Jelenick, R. Pinkoski, M. Byrne, E, Schultz.

Aspirants in the field of art J. Comiskey, T. Burke. L. Bonnevier, and M. Byrne stay after school to work in various media.


The preparation of the Crib is on important Christmas time activity for B. Loke, P. Coyne, E. Hoffer, and R. Sabella.


"Sure. If I'm going your way, hop in," says D. Flynn of Room 104. Standing ready to shut the door is J. Knipper, a fellow rider.

Left to right - 1st row: P. Moloney, N. O'Meara, F. Modelski. 2nd row: J. Weimar, R. Randick, R. Miska, R. Mus'art, D. Gaynor, D. Schramm. 3rd row:

W. Buckley, J. Meyers, Y. Meade, J. Creon, W. Quinn, R. Griggs, T. Byrnes, P. Coyne, J. Fahy. 4th row: D. Flynn. J. Tedrowe, J. Johnson, J.

Knipper, G. Smyth, P. Akers, R. Pellegrini, J. Glynn, H. Strcssheim, R. Prendergast. 5th row: B. Fiscella, R. Kehoe, R. Sabella. B. Guinee, E. Flynn, R. Klrschten, J. Klobocha, J. Corrigan, P. Kersten, B. lake, D. Foley.

tnville, S. Dopkus, P. Glosch, and G. Flynn toke time out from their busy e hove a refresning cool drink.

W. Beyer realizes the embarrassment that con be caused by forgetting his combinotion. looking on are T. Cachor, T. Adlhoch, J. Cwikla, and R. Hshmcn.


lef to right - 1st row: R. Rafferty, R. Aleksy, W. Beyer. 2nd row: S. Dopkus, J. Sapienza, D. Moore, T. Poli', J. O'Connor, T. Cochor, R. Bernhardt. 3rd row: M. Rosner. F. Harol, J. Fee, N. Derby, D. Hoffman, R Ge ovlt'e. T. Garvey, T. Gylnn, D. Murray. 4th row: J. Cwlkle, T.

Adlhoch, P. McKnight, D. ludden, W. Noinis, W. Heitner, A. Torso, G. Flynn, T. Moritt. 5th row: R. Hciduk, J. Soda, B. Radoehonski, K. liebentritt, P. Maier, M. Cummings. E. Poukstis, R. Fishmon, J. Jonas, J. Reardon, P. Gloseh.


• 00vYa CO 51 on foot) has that "Why did it have to be me?" kind of look on his face. , De-ring. D. Kazlauskas, ond R. Fitzgerald seem more enthused as they inscribe teir Jo n Hancock's onto the plcster of Paris.


R. Drokton is sorry he can't leave his trouble behind him at 3 o'clock. P. Fitzgerald doesn't appear to have any.

left to right - 1st row: M. Pauritsch, D. Kazlauskas, J. O'Brien. 2nd row:

D. Lcjter, T. Hallberg, G. Richardson, J. Popowitch, D. Motes, W. Dering, It Dub sky, M. Kropec. 3rd row: M. Coffey, N. Tarrant, P. Murphy, J. G~tmonn, T. Chinske, B. O'Connor, J. la Velie, J. Nielsen, P. Fitzgerald,

R. Przybylski. 4th row: l. Warmke, R. Polivka, T. Dovic, R. Thomas. W. NcNulty, P. Dcnisevieh, C. Shearman, R. Drakton, T. Resk, K. Wheeler, M. Seitz.

~mont relates 0 tid-bit from one of his clcsses. Fellow students W. Roche and Egan seem to be enjoying the gog.

T. McCarthy, D. Ebert, and S. Tokarz eagerly await lunch servings in the school cafeteria. Smiles indicate mothers' cooking was good.


left to right: - , ~t row: R. Gramm, R. Medinger, E. Todey. 2nd row: M. Stokes, O. Sullivon, J. Ryan, T. Kosprzok, J. Ahlness, J. Dill, C. Gries. 3rd ro ..... : l. Pervon, R. Zemont, W. l mlc y, J. Egon, K. Mroczek, C Nowicki, D. Seffner, J. Cassidy, R. Stedman. 4th row: B. McGarry, J. Brinsky, R. Weber,

S. Tokarz, C. Word, L. Brislen, J. Huyer, J. Nowicki, T. McCarthy, J. Friedl. 5th row: P. Misno, W. Roche, R. Aukers, W. Egan, J. Ryan, K. loncor, D. Ebert, E. Mayernick, A. Franowsky, T. Omiecinski, C. Venezio.



"Working on the boards" from left to right are T. Burke, J. Bush, and R. Bockman. So intent ore they that photographer's flash didn't even interrupt the work,

Smiles on the faces of J. Cuttrc, C. Arcieri, J. Donohue, J. liehoy, and J. vcrtlck reveal thot school is over and more enjoyable things ore in store.

left to right - lst row; J. Hybl, T. Fegan, J. Cultra, M. Oakes, J. Donohue, J. Pozucek, R. Kennedy, T. Joyce. 2nd row: J. Bush, M. loFronzo, M. Flood, R. Cecka, S. Roach, J. Harkins, P. Placek, M. McCague, J. lichey. 3rd row: R. Burgess, C, Arcieri. J. Oliver, T. Deslauriers, J. Ivers, J.

Corbett, R. Petraitis, J, Mancine, A. Lambert, J. fox, R. Belousek. 4th row:

T. Burke, P. Schmidt, W. Kiss, J. Simmerman,' A. Sumo, J. Vorlick, J. Tomasko, J. Rlstich, G. Giese, R. Clark, W. Oldenstedt.

To mo~e the next class in time B. Murry, J. Oleskiewicz, K. Dziedzic. M. McConnell, P. Tomasko, J. Podraza and M. Wain· Wl'ight really rush.


There's a weekend of heavy reading in store for J. Oleskiewicz, T. Manning, K. Dziedzic. W. She rdcn, M. McConnell, B. Murry, and J. Krasowski. Senior Roger Cronin checks out their books.

left to right - l st row: J. Krcscwskl, J. Orseno, J. Denzinger. 2nd row: J. Cesaro, M. Wainwright, R. Ristow, J. Coleman, J. Podraza, P. Grens. 3rd row: B. Murray, W. Suoboda, T. Sillish, W. Sherdon, M. Arnone, J. Mulvaney, J. Metz, J. Faifer, G. Forst. 4th row: M. McConnell, D. Funk,

R. Mancine, K. Dziedzic, J. Zappa, J. Kaleta, D. Greco, D. Aspan, A. Carmen, M. King. 5th row: P. Tomasko, J. Oleskiewicz, J. Breier, T. lewis, R. Mazeika. P. Bruemmer, T. Riss, P. Domenico, G. Kudirka, T. lorden, J. Joyce.




" ,



- <:::::z::=.-

I remember, I remember.


Who could forget the first football game? Who could forget the cheers? The hopes? The expectations? ,The day YOU made the decisive basket, threw the key block, won the big race, or hit the home run - could you help but recall?

The athletic program is an important and integral part of the educational program of every high school. Physical development, as well as mental and spirilual advancement, assist the student in acquiring a well-rounded personality, and becoming a capable adult. The school must provide facilities and guidance in caordinating the body as well as in educating the mind. Brother Rice is singularly blessed

with magnificent facilities, along with an excellent staff

of coaches and moderators. The campus is large, providing sufficient room for football, baseball, and track teams.

The fine tennis courts erected north of the school have

enabled Brother Rice to produce many first-rate tennis players. The gymnasium is equipped to maintain basketball, tumbling, wrestling, and many other indoor sports. In addition, the school's proximity to golf courses, swimming pools, and

bowling al'eys has given the students an exceptional opportunity for taking pari in these activities.

In addition to the obvious advantage of bodily advancement, the sports program has a genuine effect in promoting humility, perseverence, potience, and compatibility. No one who has worked with the other members of a team, under the careful guidance of a trained Catholic adult, can come away without acquiring these virtues. Each joy and sorrow which the

athlete encourters is an opportunity for the development of

his moral integrity.

Because of the unusually large athletic program at Brother Rice, each student has an opportunity to participate in some sport. The School not only fosters fine varsity teams, but also sponsors intramural and non-varsity sports in addition to the regular physical education program in which each student takes part.

There are many memories attached to our sports and games. Reminisce and recall the many days and weeks and years behind us. Recall the sputtering, shivering group in the rain-

soaked bleachers, cheering the Crusaders on to another touchdown. Remember the dramatic, last-second basket that

won the game. The big track meet the swimming champion-

ship ... tennis ... golf ... bowling tumbling .... Who could forget

being part of the huge, trembling, cheering crowd which

overflowed the stadium? Who could forget returning from the

game and being met by a happy group of supporters who let -

you know how glad and proud.they were of your success? Remember all those anxious hours, those desperate prayers, those

moments of tragedy. Remember the laughter, the happy times,

the ecstatic moments of victory. Remember - so many things -

to cherish. So much to savor in our memories.

Remember ... remember ...


Left to right - Front row: J. Coiro, J. Leahy, B. Foley, J. Meyer, R. 8arone, J. Mocny, S. Rafoc. 2nd row: Mr. Johnston, T. Delance, F. O'Oonovan, J. Donovan, B. Harmon, P. Michel, B. Madden, J. Poncin, 8. Woods, T. Zovrel, O. Glenn, O. Cosey, B. Rockey, Mr. Adduci. 3rd row:

Mr. Johnston, Mr. Adducci, and Br. Oonnelly discuss 'he schedule on the steps of the gym.

B. Adams, J. Flynn, W. Molichar, J. Detrick, E. Oellanina, J. Walsh, G. Langlois, B. Somerville, J. Ourcdink, T. Olmesteed, J. Gcss, S. WielgoSl.. D. Blaskiewicz. 4th row: J. Oswald, J. Lindeman, R. Murphy, R. Guditis, J. Cook, T. O'Grady, J. Moder, J. Barke, J. Sweeney, J. Greco, G. Howe.


The 1959 Brother Rice varsity football team was, following the Brother Rice tradition, unique. It was not only the first of our teams on which seniors played, but ours was the first team ever to reach the playoffs in their first full year.

Thanks to the excellent coaching of Mr. Adduci and Mr. Johnston, and the fine directing of its moderator, Brother Donnelly, the team tied fat second place in the South Section

in the Catholic league.

The team started the season by playing a favored St. Patrick squad to a 6-6 tie. They went on to beat 51. Ignatius, St.

Rita, leo, and DelaSalie, while losing to St. Philip, Mendel and Mount Carmel. Our Crusaders lost a hard fought game to Mendel in the playoffs to bring their record to four wins,

four losses and one tie.

The Freshman team, coached by Brother Fairleigh, also had a fine season, with a record of six wins and one loss. The one loss was to a Frosh-Soph team from leo. In four seasons, Brother Fairleigh's teams have lost only one game.

The Sophomore team coached by Brother Eccelston and Brother McNamara didn't have quite as fine a season with no wins and twa losses.

I O'Grady is stepped after gaining short yardage against Mendel in . gome wIth them at Shewbridge Field.

Fullback John Flynn is stepped after a ten yard gain against Mendel as Jerry Greco moves in to block.

John Ourodnik (21) follows his interference, John Flynn (22), Mike Borton (10) while Bill Harmon throws block on St. Philip's No. 76. The ploy netted a total of 16 yards around Sf. Philip's end.

A good block is thrown by John Flynn (22) to spring Bill Harmon (20) open in game against Mendel.


Mr. Johnston talks to the student body during pep rally before playoff game with Mendel. Pot Brophy is seen holding the megaphone in the foreground.

Joe Spulcharo (on phone) and Jimmy Gotto acted as our spotters throughout season. Here they are shown during game at Shewbridge field.


Br. Rice 6 Br. Rice 6. Br. Rice 0 Br. Rice 6 Br. Rice 14. Br. Rice 0

Br. Rice 22 ...... Br. Rice 20

Br. Rice 8 ..

......................... 51. Palrick 6

.......................... 51. Ignalius 0 .. ..... 51. Philip 8 ........... MendeI16

.. 51. Rila 6

................................... Mounl Carmel 14

.. ... Leo 6

... DeLaSalie 6 ....... MendeI20

8ill Harmon blocks unidentified leo player and dears the way for quarterback Tom O'Grady (13) on an end sweep that netted long yardage in the game played at Shewbridge Field. This was the big game of the year, and the team exceeded all expectations by beating lea 22·6.

Brother Rice'~ defense wos the best in South Sedien last fall. Bill Harmon (20) tackles St. Philip's Terry Marcelone for a Ion. Also moving in to lend a hand ore Jim Barke, Jerry Greco, George Howe, and Run Barone.

r ... John Meyer leaps for another pan at St, Philip's. beeeme equally feared for his fine defensive play.

A beautiful block by Rich Murphy (83) opens the way for halfback Steve Rafoc ogoinst Sf. Philip at Philip's Stadium.



left fa right - Top row; Sr. Eccelston, Harper, Grist, Ocuacnskcs, Morrow, loy, Binel, Moryinkh, Koutiel, Pauloskos, Byrne, Sr. McNamara. 2nd row:

DiBortello, Wall, Mortin, Murray, Barnes, Schissler, Pinsonneault. Oybiski,

Goyette, Lobonauskos. Trudelle, Mestaukos. 3rd row: Trautman, Willette, Penzotto, Thomas, Driccoll, Corey, Robinson, Mensik.


Br. Rice 42 .

Br. Rice 34

Br. Rice 30 .

Br. Rice 36 .

Br. Rice O.

...................... Gorden Tech 8

. St. Rita 0

.................................. MendeI8


Br. Rice 30 .

Br. Rice 26

.....................•............ St. Ignatius 0 ....... Leo 8

. DeLaSalie 0

Br. Rice 0 Br. Rice 0 ....

. Lindblom 6

. DeLaSalie 19

. Pius X 6


left to right - Top row: Simmerman, Dominico, Omiednski, Thomas, Shounessy, McNulty, Ebehart, Baukmon, lusk, Ryan, Canconon, Radochanski, Gerod, O'Hare, Pcuksfis. 2nd row: Johnsen, Concello, Burke, McKnight,

Nyman, Roche, Burke, Greco, McGarry, Corbet, Ernest. Front row: Aspin, Joyce, Zemontis, Lonchoir, Cummings, Moore, Petraitis, Skykrum, Paul.



left to right _ Top row: Br. Wolsh, M. McCarron, M. Cummings. R:. Kirshten, W. Warren, J. McDonald, E. Paukstis, D. Mallen. Bottom row: W. McNulty, J. francis, T. Regon, J. Gcss, J. Detrick, P. Kennedy.


Left to right - Top row: Sr. Timoney, J. Pepcwiteh, T. GONY, W. Gaertner, R. Shariff, D. ludden, W. McKnight, J. Woods. D. Murningh, D. fox. Middle row: T. Fitzpatrick, D. Oapkis, l. Anderson, M. Breen, M. Megson, P. Nash.' Bottom row: T. Cachor, A. Schaffer.

Ludden is tensed as he welts for Schaffer to make his move in a practice gome among the Flys.

Brother Walsh talks over strategy during a game with (left to right) Regan, Detrick, Goss, francis, and McDonald.



Left to right - Top row: Br. Walsh, M. McCarron, M. Cummings, R. Kirshten, W. Warren, J. McDonald, E. Pcukstls, D. Mollen. Bottom row: W. McNulty, J. francis, T. Regan, J. Goss, J. Detrick, P. Kennedy.


left to right - Top row: 8r. Timoney, J. Popowitch, T. Garvy, W. Gaertner, R. Shariff, D. ludden, W. McKnight, J. Woods, O. Murningh, D. fox. Middle row: T. Fitzpatrick, D. Dopkis, l. Anderson, M. Breen, M. Megsan, P. Nosh: Bottom row; T. Cachor, A. Schaffer.

Ludden is tensed as he waits for Schaffer to make h" move in a practice go me among the Flys.

Brother Walsh talb over strategy during a game with (left to right) Regan, Detrick, Gou, Francis, and McDonald.

Forward Jim Sak (,(0) resembles a bird in flight 05 he takes off to tolly two points despite he approach of two Holy Trinity defenders.

The history of basketball at Brother

Rice is relatively short - yet illus-

trious. Mr. Pot Costello took over the coaching job in second year, succeeding Brother G.B. Rohan who handled the team in the first year of the school's ex-

istence. From these humble beginnings, the mighty Crusader cagers have arisen. Lost year marked the Crusader's entrance into varsity competition. It

also brought the initial appearance of Brother Rice in the two great holiday tournaments, The DePaul Tournament and the Fenwick Junior Tournament.

Captain Lee Wen hart has paced the Heavies in scoring for four years and holds the individual scoring record,

on March 6, 1959, Lee tallied 29 points against Mount Carmel.

The lights have compiled on enviable record over their four year span. Captain Pot Foley has been their leading scorer for the four years. Foley has been closely followed in scoring by his sidekick,

Bill Zint, who besides being a great rebounder, is consistently a high scor-

er. On March 6, 1959, against Mount Carmel, Bill established on individual scoring record - 32 points. This rec-

ord was shattered the following season when, on November 20, 1959, Pot Foley tallied 33 points.

The basketball teams have estoblished a tradition of fiery competition which future Crusader teams will find hard to equal.


left to right - Top row: M. Pope, T. O'Grady, G. Moder, J. Meyer, E. Birghells, Mr. Pot Costello, Coach. Middle row: K. McNealy, J. Crowley, J. Sak, l. Shalgos, L. Wen hart (C). Front row: J. Dietrick, N. Roney, J. Nicholson, R. Callahon (C), S. Rafae, R. Farmer. Missing is C. Winde.

Captain lee Wenhart prepares to "swish" another jump shot as Tom O'Grady (44) looks on anxiously.

Center Jahn Meyer (42) seers skyward to score two more points for the Crusaders as a has' of Trinity defenders look on helplessly.

Ken McNealy (50) finds it extremely difficult to get a shot off over a maze of St. Mel arms. He eventually managed to free himself and score.

Footballer Tom O'Grady (44) leaps high in the air to snore a loose rebound against Holy Trinity. as Russ Former prepares to lend a hand.


Guard Jock Mussey dribbles toward the basket while his St. Elizabeth opponent desperately looks for some help.

TEAM SCHEDULE - 1959 - 1960

Friday, November 13 - Away 51. Gregory

Friday, November 20 - Away. Holy Trinily

uesday, November 24 - Away . ........•............. 51. Ignalius

Wednesday, November 25 - Away 51. Mel

Saturday, November 28 - Away Fenwick

Sunday, November 29 - Home .. Holy Trinity

Wednesday, December 2 - Away . Fenger

Thursday, December 3 - Home .. Gage Park

Monday, December 7 - Home St. Mel

December 11 and 12 St. Francis De Sales Round Robin

Tuesday, December 15 - Home ... 51. Elizabeth

December 18-23 DePaul Senior Tournament

December 26-30 .

Fenwick Junior Tournament

Mike Dugan (32) is caught suspended in mid-eir as he scores on a lcy-vp. Mike Collins trails behind.


Friday, January 8 - Away... .. Mendel

Sunday, January 10 - Home . St. Rita

Friday, January 15 - Home Mt. Carmel

Friday, January 22 - Away Leo

Friday, January 29 - Away DeLaSalle

Sunday, January 31 - Home Mendel

Friday, February 5 - Away . St. Rita

Friday, February 12 - Away Mt. Carmel

Sunday, February 14 - Home Leo

Friday, February 19 - Home DeLaSalie


left to right - Bock row: J. Butler, Mgr., M. Collins, J. Schaeffer, P. Dopkus, B. Zint, P. Foley (C). J. leahy, Mr. Pat Costello, Coach. Front row: T. Garvey, R. Wieckert, M. Dugan, D. Ludden, J. Mussey, and A. Schaeffer. Missing are: M. Megson, E. Noonan, M. Breen. and T. Fitzpatrick.

Din Pat Foley (14), a fast break specialist, leaps high ere against Gage Park.

Pivot man Jim Schaeffer shoots one of his patented jump shah, much to the dismay of a dozed Gage Pork defender.

I Collins (54) and Ed Noonan (30) fight to capture a rebound against their taller !' Pork opponenh.

Mike Collins sneaks in under the basket to score; a Gage Pork defender tries in vain to block the shot.



On November 8, 1959, Brother Rice High School successfully completed its second season of cross-country competition, On that day Brother Rice won

fourth place in the Senior division

of the All-Cotholic meet, Up to that

time, Rice had beaten Mendel three times, and Carmel, St. Ignatius, and

St. Mel once, They lost to Leo twice,

and to Ignatius and Loyola once,

The season ended with the team winning seven medals and three ribbons, Although they had advanced only one place from sixth in city in 1958,

they comprised a smoother, more efficient team in the 1959 competition, On the day the Junior team

wound up their season they, too,

were fifth in the city, Having beat-

en St. Mel, Mt, Carmel, St. Ignatius

and Mendel, they lost to only Leo, Loyola and Mendel. Their score showed a drop of one place from fourth in

city in 1958, but this slight drop was more than compensated by the experience and skill gained by the Rice mercuries on the improvised course in back of school. This experience will enable them to carryon the winning tradition of Brother Rice into the

1960 season and into every succeeding season.

Left to right - Top row: R. Mills, J.,. Reus, O. Moebs, R. Donielson, J. Donnelly. Middle row: E. Joyce, D. Keating, J.' Mortim,er, R. Burt, J .Polk.a. Bottom row: G. Ephgrave, O. Bitter, T. O'Connell, E. Pearlman.

Left to right - Top row: J. Chortier, T. O'Brien, F. Beck, P. Waier, D. Witt, R. Costello, R. Curtoin. Middle row: W. Kaszymski (Manager), J. Fee, P. O'Donnell, D. Oblola, G. Griggs, R. Hortman, J. Connon. Bottom row: 8. Anderson, A. Knoble, M. Cichon, J, Cultro, J. AIt-

Brother Ryan discusses th~ day's practice with (left to right) D. Obiela, J .• Cultro, and J. Fee.

left to right - Top row: E. Mulhern, F. Verre, T. Kolebic, Captain Ken McNealy, H. Gess, W. Heitner, P. Dunne. Bottom row: J. Ragen, J. Kromer, M. Raftery.


Upon the completion of the parking

lot and tennis courts in the fall of

1957, an intramural tennis program

was introduced by Brother i.A. McRae. Until the winter of 1958, there was

no varsity tennis at Brother Rice. Because of the weather the boys practiced in the gym. When the worm weather returned, the boys resumed workouts in the fresh air. Our first season's record was good. Led by Captain Ken McNealy, we won 5 games and lost 3. This year, upon the formation of a new league, the teams, once again, brought credit to themselves and to their school.

You con see why the a~pasitian finds it drft'icult to return the serves of Cootoin Ken McNealy. Ken's form is a product of 8r. McRae's zealous tutoring.

eadem eam of Mike Raftery (beckqrcund), and Jim Ragen (reg the u,ol), is one of the fine examples of our doubles' strength.


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