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1NC Shell
Increased migration will cause increased gang populations, crime, and violence
Carlie 2(Michael K. ± PhD in sociology, ³The Racial and Ethnic Composition of Gangs,´

This situation is developing in communities across the United States and in other countries as well.The
inability of people
from different nations or races to accommodate each another in the same cityor neighborhood
sometimes leads to conflict.This is evident in gang neighborhoods where rental properties and transient populations
abound.There is little stability in those neighborhoods and they are socially
disorganized.When I began my research on gangs I thought most gang members in the United States were African-Americans. That's
what the mass media seemed to portray. But the reality of the streets was quite different. "The 1998 National Youth Gang Survey revealed
that Hispanics were the predominant racial/ethnic group among all gang members nationwide. As shown in Table 19 (below), Hispanics
accounted for 46 percent of all gang members, followed by African Americans (34 percent), Caucasians (12 percent), Asians (6 percent), and
other races (2 percent)." By 1999 those proportions had changed only slightly to be 47% Hispanic, 31% African-American, 13% Caucasian,
and 7% Asian.The proportion of gang members who are Hispanichas been steadily growing, as have the
number of Hispanics living in the United States. The estimated number of Hispanics living in the United States increased from 27,107,000 in
1995 to 32,832,000 in 2000 - an increase of approximately 20% in five years. This increase, due primarily to
immigrationand a high birth rate among Hispanics, is now being felt beyond the sunbelt states as
Hispanics move into communities throughout the United States.While the vast majority of Hispanics in
the United States are hard-working and make important contributions to the communities in which they live, somedisaffected
Hispanic youth contribute to the growing Hispanic gang phenomenon. An ethnically
diverse population immigrating into the United States results in a more ethnically
diverse gang population. It has been that way since peoples of other lands first began immigrating to the United States. For
example, in the late 1890's through the first decade of the 1900's, many people from Ireland and Italy immigrated to the United States. At that
time, Irish and Italian street gangs were commonplace. Decades later we have other ethnic minorities immigrating here and, as is often the
case, a small proportion of their members are represented in the gang population. If anything became clear to me over the past three years it
was thatthe
most recently arrived minority, unless supremely well suited to compete in American society (as are many
will likely find a portion of its
of the Asians as exemplified by their emphasis on education and entrepreneurial skills),
youth disenfranchised ... and they may turn to gangs as a means of rebelling, finding a
place for themselves, or for earning an income, among other things. This is referred to in the
literature as the "immigration gang tradition" (Miller, 2001, p. 43). While data on the racial and ethnic composition of gangs suggest they are
predominantly Hispanic, African-American, and Caucasian, what's missing is a look inside those ethnic and racial groups. According to the
     (2000), Respondents estimated thatmore than one-third (36 percent) of their youth gangs had a significant
mixture of two or more racial/ethnic groups. The largest proportion of these ³mixed gangs´ was in small cities, where they represented 54
percent of all gangs, and the smallest proportion was in large cities (32 percent). The proportion of mixed gangs was larger in the Midwest
than in any other region. Not only are some gangs composed of a mixture of people from different racial and/or ethnic groups, within these
racial and ethnic groups there are wide variations and accompanying conflicts. Depending upon their roots, these populations may or may not
associate with one another peaceably. Within the category of "Hispanic," for example, are Cubans, Mexicans, Puerto Rican, Ecuadorians,
Dominicans, Colombians, Panamanians, and others. The situation is the same concerning African-Americans. Depending upon which
African nation an individual comes from, his or her relations with others of African descent may vary. Antagonisms sometimes exist between
West Indian blacks ("Afro-Caribbeans," as they are sometimes called, who come from such places as Jamaica, the Dominican Republic,
Cuba, Trinidad, Barbados, and Haiti) and blacks from the African continent (i.e., Ghana, Somalia, Kenya, Senegal, and Nigeria, as well as
between ethnically divergent tribes within those nations). Conflicts also arise between continental Africans. Conflict and distrust within the
Asian community also exists and may be observed at the gang level between Asians who are natives of the Philippines, Korea, Japan,
Taiwan, China, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and other Asian nations. Conflicts between all of these ethnicities
One can see, therefore,
(Hispanic, African, Asian) are sometimes ancient in origin and often fueled by current world events.
ideological, political, cultural, and personal conflicts between gang youth from different
nations, regardless of whether they are all Hispanic, African-American, or Asian.Their
relationships with each othermay sometimes be characterized as distrustful, disrespectful, and
violent.The point here is that knowledge of the diversity which exists within larger ethnic categories helps us understand some gang
behaviors and may guide efforts to reduce the most harmful of them.

Uniqueness²Crime is down in the SQ

†ansen 2010
Kim, AP, ³Times are tough, but crime is down´ Chicago Sun Times
September 14, 2010 á    !"!# $% 


Nationally, violent crime is down for the third straight year.Property crime for the seventh.And experts
are hard-pressed to explain why Violent crimes dropped 5.3 percent last year, the FBI said Monday, and property crimes fell
4.6 percent.Typically crime rates head up when the economy heads down.So this trend is "one
of these welcome puzzles,"says Richard Rosenfeld of the American Society of Criminology. "This is forcing us to think more
seriously under what conditions economic activity influences crime."Violent crime fell in Chicago by 6.6 percent last year, and property crime
declined by 9.3 percent

Link²the affirmative lets more immigrants into the country, causing ethnic clash,
poverty, and social disenfranchisement, which leads to the formation of gangs and
increased crime and violence²that¶s Carlie in 2002.

If the Affirmative allows any new individuals into the nation, they trigger our impacts.
Carlie doesn¶t reference mass movements of new foreign nationals, but rather the
perception that more foreigners are coming. Their evidence is non-responsive to our
perception link

2NC Impact Scenario: Drug Trafficking

1. 0angs are migrating to expand drug markets and other criminal trades

U.S. Department of †ustice 9(³Gangs, Gang Membership, and Comprehensive Strategies´
In the last decade, the media, the public and law enforcement agencies have cited gang migration as a growing
trend. The perception of gang migration may stem not only from the spread of gangs into new territories, but
may also from the popularization and allure of gang culture in popular culture. Street gangs have
traditionally been associated with inner-city neighborhoods. Many observers, including
law enforcement practitioners and academics, cite as a growing trend the movement of
gangs into suburban and rural neighborhoods. Factors contributing to this geographic
expansion may include increasedpressure by law enforcement operations in urban settings as well as thedesire of
gangs to expand their lucrative markets for drug and other illegal enterprises.

2. Drugs Cause Crime

White 6(7/26/06,, accessed 7/31/10)

Drugs are related to crime in multiple ways.Most directly, it is a crime to use, possess, manufacture, or distribute drugs
classified as having a potential for abuse (such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and amphetamines).Drugs are also related to crimethrough
the effects they have on the user's behavior and by generating violence and other illegal
activity in connection with drug trafficking. The chart below summarizes the various ways that drugs and crime are
related. Drug-related offenses and drug-using lifestyles are major contributors to the U.S.
crime problemand are the focus of this fact sheet. Drug Use and Its Relation to the Commission of Crimes The U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) conducts an annual National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) that asks individuals living in
households about their drug and alcohol use and their involvement in crimes (see table 1). Provisional data for 1997 show that respondents
arrested in the past year for possession or sale of drugs and driving under the influence had the highest percentage of illicit drug use in the past
year. Past year illicit drug users were also about 16 times more likely than nonusers to report being arrested and booked for larceny or theft; more
than 14 times more likely to be arrested and booked for such offenses as driving under the influence, drunkenness, or liquor law violations; and
more than 9 times more likely to be arrested and booked on an assault charge. The annual Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) asks victims of violent crimes who reported seeing the offender whether they perceived the offender to be under
the influence of drugs or alcohol

This snowballs our impact into a vicious cycle of structural violence that can¶t be stopped

3. Drug trafficking funds terrorism, and destroys sovereignty, democracy, and human

Oscapella 2001
Eugene Oscapella -- Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy, October 29, 2001 ³How Drug Prohibition Finances and Otherwise Enables
Drug trafficking has, throughout this century, been an international enterprise and hence an international problem. However, the ever increasing
scale of the traffic, the apparent efficiency of organization and sophistication,the
vast sums of money involved and the
increasing links with transnational organized crime and terrorist organizations constitute a
threat which is increasingly serious in both its nature and extent.Illicit drug trafficking now threatens peace
and security at a national and international level. It affects the sovereignty of some states,
the right of self-determination and democratic government, economic, social and political
stability and the enjoyment of human rights.

2NC Impact Scenario: Economy

1. Increases in crime can cripple the U.S. economy
ovik 8(John Leonard, journalist, Sept 15 ³U.S. Crime Affects Economy´

According to a United Nations report posted by MSNBC,the United States is the leading country in
financial loss due to violent crimes; the cost estimated around 45 billion dollars.
During a time of recession, this information sheds more light on the impact crime has
on our society. Combined with the very real struggle law enforcement agencies face to
retain employees and maintain budgets, the report signals a very serious factor
degrading our communities.The U.N. report takes several factors into account when investigating each country's
financial lost. The initial cost of a violent death is decided by a handful of factors, including: 1) Medical
Care 2) egal Proceedings 3) ost Investment 4) Property Damage.On top of this, the report also
tries to take into account the lost earning potential that occurs when a victim is either killed or hospitalized due to their injuries. In short,
the report has found a number that they believe best constitutes the causal cost of crime as well as the lost efficiency due to
crime.With the cost of living increasing, the quality of a community's schools, roads,
and utilities are put in question as budgets have to constantly be adjusted for what
seems like endless cuts. In an impoverished area with high rates of violent crime, such as inner-cities, these budgets can be
even more restrained as they bear the burden of these crimes.

2. Crime will destroy the U.S. economy

AP 8 (Sept 12, ³U.N.: Armed killings cost U.S. $45 billion yearly,´ JJN

The United States leads the world in economic loss from deaths caused by armed
crime,according to a global survey released Friday.The United States registered an estimated loss of
up to $45.1 billion in terms of economic productivity because of violent crimes, said the
report by the U.N. Development Program and the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey. At least 490,000 people are killed in armed crimes
each year worldwide,placing a huge economic cost and social burden on nations, the report said. The
report did not give a country-by-country breakdown of the numbers of people killed in armed crimes. But the report said that Colombia,
El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica and South Africa are among the countries with the highest numbers of recorded violent crimes in the
world.Morepeople are killed worldwide in violent crimes every year than in wars, it said,
asserting thatthe
phenomenon of armed killings and its economic impact on nations is
largely underreported.In the 90 countries surveyed, the economic cost from people killed by arms each year is estimated to
total between $95 billion and $163 billion, according to the report."These estimates are based on calculations of the 'lost product' that is
people ² had
represented by premature deaths from armed violence," said AchimWennmann of the Small Arms Survey."These
they lived ² would have contributed as any other individual as productive members
of society. Their deaths represent a loss that can be quantified," he told The Associated Press. The
cost arising from these deaths includes a wide range of expenses from medical care, legal proceedings, and lost earnings to lost
investment, the 162-page report said. Wennmann said the report was based on figures compiled by international organizations and
national authorities. The most recent available statistics from all the 90 countries surveyed were from 2004, said Wennmann, one of the
editors of the report. He said they had more recent statistics from North America. In 2007, the region lost up to $46.76 billion from
armed violence, he said. The vast majority of that loss ² up to $44.8 billion ² occurred in the United States, said Wennmann.


å Economic collapse causes nuclear war- extinction

Broward 9 ((Member of Triond) AD: 7-7-09 )
Now its time to look at the consequences of a failing world economy.Withfive offical nations having
nuclear weapons,and four more likely to have them there could be major consequences of another world war. The first thing
that will happen after an economic collapse will be war over resources. The United States currency will
become useless and will have no way of securing reserves. The United States has little to no capacity to produce
oil,it is totally dependent on foreign oil. If the United States stopped getting foreign oil, the government
would go to no ends to secure more,if there were a war with any other major power over oil, likeRussia or China, these wars
would most likely involve nuclear weapons. Once one nation launches a nuclear weapon, there would of
course be retaliation,and with five or more countries with nuclear weapons there would most likely be a world nuclear war. The
risk is so high that acting to save the economy is the most important issue facing us in the
21st century

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