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Shahab Rashid Spain HW

How did Spain maintain strict control of its New World colonies?

They were ruled by four viceroyalties, ruled by viceroys, who were the representation of the
king’s power.

What is a Viceroy? What was his purpose? Explain.

A viceroy is a Spanish-born official appointed by the king. Viceroys were to be the

representation of the king’s power in the colonies.

How did the Spanish spread Christianity throughout the New World? Explain.

By force and war, and priests going with the early explorers.

Name the cash-crops that were important to the Europeans.

Sugarcane, tobacco, and cotton.

What is the Encomienda system? How was this system used within the emerging Spanish society of the
New World? Explain impact on the Native Population.

The encomienda system is a feudal system in which the Natives would keep their land but the
Natives were taxed for their labor. The Spanish took control of the lands and took slaves through the
encomienda system. The Native population, as a result of this, became weak and helpless against
further attacks.

Who was Fr. De Las Casas? What did he write? Why did he write it? Explain.

He was a priest, a Spanish colonist that hated racism and imperialism. He wrote Short Account
of the Destruction of the Indies, to explain the horrors that Natives were facing by the hands of the

Why did the Spanish and other European nations begin to import Africans to the New World? Explain.

The Spanish and other Europeans began to import Africans into the New World because they
needed people for labor that would not die like the Natives did of disease.

What is a Mestizo and Mulatto? Explain.

A mestizo is a combination between a Native American and a European, and a mulatto is a

combination between a European, white skinned, and a black skinned person.

Examine the Layered Society graph on the PowerPoint. What conclusions can you draw from examining
the Societal Pyramid? Explain.
The amount of European blood inside of a person determines how high the person is on the
societal pyramid.

Who were the Privateers? What purpose did they serve? Explain.

They were private ships sent to help the Navy in warfare. They helped weaken the enemy for
the navy.

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