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» "Tell Me About Yourself"

» How To Quit A Job Gracefully
» Tips On How To Keep Your Job
» Resume Writing Tips
» Evaluating A Job Offer
» Tips For Jobseekers
» How To Understand Psychological Tests
» Negative Factors To Watch For While Appearing In An Interview
» Career Tips On Interview Preparation
» Interview FAQs: Why Do You Want To Leave Your Present Job?

"Tell Me About Yourself"

When an interviewer asks you this question, it isn’t a polite request for your
life story. What the interviewer wants to know is "why should I hire you?"
Though you can answer this open-ended question in myriad ways, the key to
answering this question is to offer a response that supports your career
objective. This means that you should not respond with comments about
your family details, hobbies, spouse, or cat but craft a convincing statement
that will make the interviewer want to know more about you and what you
can do for his organisation.

The following steps will help you grab the interviewer’s attention:

Focus On What’s Important

List down five strengths you have that are pertinent to the job (experience,
personality traits, your positive skills, et al). What do you want the
interviewer to know about you when you leave?

Keep To The Script

Prepare a brief that includes the information you want to convey. Begin by
talking about past job experiences and proven success. Next, mention your
strengths and achievements. And then conclude with a statement about your
current situation and what you are looking for in your next job.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice with your brief until you feel confident about what you want to
emphasize in your statement. Your brief should help you stay on track, but
you shouldn't memorise it as you don't want to sound artificial and
rehearsed. You should sound spontaneous and conversational. Even if you
are not asked this type of question to begin the interview, this preparation
will help you focus on what you have to offer. The more you can talk about
your product (which in this case is YOU!) the better chance you will have at
selling it.

Try And Make It Relevant

Introduce attributes that are key to the open position. In fact, answering the
question effectively gives you the opportunity to talk about your strengths,
achievements, and qualifications for the position that you have applied for.

Be Compelling And Concise

Your career summary is the "meat" of your response, so it must support your
job objective and it must be compelling. Keep your response limited to your
current experience. Don't go back more than 10 years.

Link Your Response To The Hiring Organisation’s Need

Do not assume that the interviewer will be able to connect all the dots. It is
your job as the person being interviewed to make sure the interviewer
understands how your experience is relevant to the position they are seeking
to fill.

Ask An Insightful Question

By asking a question you gain control of the interview. Don't ask a question
for the sake of asking. Be sure that the question will engage the interviewer
in a conversation. Doing so will alleviate the stress you may feel to perform.

Finish Strong

The best way to end your statement is to put the conversational ball in the
interviewer’s court. Listen attentively to the response about the kind of
person the company is looking for and determine what part of your
experience and accomplishment to mention as the interview progresses.
Remember, it is almost guaranteed that when you respond appropriately to
the diverse needs of the interviewing person, you will become the standard
by which all of the other candidates will be measured.


Though deceptively simple this question can set the tone for the rest of your
interview. So take care in answering it. Remember, this question can make or
break the interviewer’s interest in you. All the best!

How To Quit A Job Gracefully

There are two things in our working life that we need to write well. One is a
good resume and the other is a resignation letter. While one (the CV)
indicates a start, the other (resignation letter) indicates an end. The common
factor here is both need proper forethought and planning.
Once you have made the decision to quit, it becomes imperative that you do
it gracefully and professionally. The primary reason for this is obvious; you
are a professional in everything you do and quitting your job is no different
than anything else. You want to do it right. You will also need references in
the future, and quitting with style and grace will help you immeasurably
when the time comes for a positive review of your past work.

So before you take that final leap, here are a few things that can help you bid
farewell to your old job in a pleasant fashion.

But first of all, are you ready to quit?

Before you rush in to write your resignation letter, be absolutely POSITIVE

that you want to quit, and make sure you've done your homework. You
should be confident that the next job you have is better than your present
one and if you aren't, then it makes sense to hang around until you’re

Writing a Resignation Letter

Your resignation should be handled in person. Ask your direct supervisor if

you can speak with him or her privately in their office. When you announce
your intention to resign, you should also hand your supervisor a letter that
states your last date of employment with the company. Remember to keep
your resignation letter short, simple and to the point. There's no need to go
into details about your new job, or what led to your decision to leave.

Let them Know

Speaking to your boss face to face might be the most difficult part. However,
make sure your boss knows that your reason for leaving is that you've
outgrown your position and are looking for a more challenging job. Don't
blame your boss or your colleagues for anything. If you don't have anything
nice to say, don't say anything bad either. Remember, you may be in need of
a reference from your current boss in order to get your next job, so do
everything you can to make the process as smooth as possible. In addition,
you never know who you might end up working with (or for) down the road.
The boss you dislike today could well be the one that accepts a job as your
supervisor at your new organization!

Give Notice

Many jobs require a month's notice before quitting. This is standard in the
corporate world, and even if your employer doesn't ask for any notice, you
should at least give him a week or two to tie up loose ends and find someone
to replace you. If yours is a job that no one else at the company knows how
to do, you may be asked to train your successor, and unless it is impossible,
you should do so.

Praise Your Company

Let your supervisor know that you appreciate all that the company's done for
you and that you'll do everything in your power to make your departure as
smooth and painless as possible.

Be Responsible

Finally, ask if there's anything that you can do during the transition period
(until you leave), such as help train your successor, tie up loose ends, or
delegate tasks. Make sure that you provide a copy of your resignation letter
for your company's personnel file. This way, the circumstances surrounding
your resignation will be well documented for future reference. In all
likelihood, the human resource department will want to meet with you to
process your departure papers, or cover any questions you may have, like
the transfer of your superannuation.

Keep in Touch

Keep writing an e-mail to your boss every now and then to let him or her
know how your new job is going. If possible, ask for advice on your career, as
you never know when you might need his or her help in the future.

Finally, be certain that you're making the right career move. If your job is
monotonous but will likely get more and more challenging in the coming
months, you probably should stick it out in expectation of the coming
rewards. If your job has brought you to a complete dead-end, however, don’t
hang in there. So, even if you accept a pay cut to move to a more
challenging job, your career will benefit from the added experience and you
will likely be rewarded in the future.

Tips On How To Keep Your Job

Mentioned below are some of the tips, which can help you in retaining your
present job by keeping yourself, your co-workers and most importantly your
Boss happy. Happy reading..

1. Always be on time; better yet, be early.

2. Ask questions! If you've been assigned a task and don't know exactly what
to do, ask your Boss or a co-worker for more clarification/details. They will
appreciate your interest and concern in the assigned job.

3. Don't take time off unless you're ill, call in and explain your absence. Do
not have someone else call in for you.

4. Always show an interest in the company. Learn all that you can about all
aspects of the company, not just your own job.

5. Co-operate with your colleagues/team members and your Boss.

6. Most importantly, work safely. Do not hurry to get a job done at the risk of
an accident. Report any unsafe work atmosphere to your Boss.

7. Dress formally. A person working in the fashion industry will dress

differently than a person in corporate office. Take tips from your co-workers;
see how they dress.

8. Accept challenges and take initiatives. Do the job you're being paid to do.
Don't let your personal life interfere with your professional life. You're being
paid to work.

9. Keep personal telephone calls to a minimum and as short as possible.

10. Learn to accept criticism. When your Boss or co-workers comment to you
that you could do a job better or faster, recognise these suggestions as a way
to improve your work productivity.

11. Be aware of your company’s rules and regulation (i.e. Leave policy, salary
procedure, overtime, delegating responsibility, sharing information et al.)

12. In case of a conflict with your co-workers, always be tactful in handling

the situation and never make it public. Of course, if the situation
deteriorates, talk it out with your boss or with the HR professionals.

13. Don't talk about private company matters after job-hours. Private
company business should stay private.

14.Last but not the least, always take pleasure in your work and pursue it as
your hobby.
Resume Writing Tips

Your CV is the one thing that sets you apart from your rivals. It is imperative
to write right.

If you are on the look for a new job, your most important tool is a resume. It
is the first impression that you make on a prospective employer and
sometimes the most critical and unless you keep up with the latest resume
fashion, you're unlikely to get on the list of candidates invited to an
interview. We offer some valuable tips on preparing an effective resume.
While they may seem obvious, they bear repeating because they are so

1. List Your Job Objectives First

At the beginning of your resume, put your job objectives clearly. Keep it
short- to one or two lines and try to highlight your reason for choosing that
particular job.

2. Summary Of Skills

Give a gist of your special skills, projects, assignments, et al so that your

prospective employer can compare your resume to existing job specifications.

3. Work Experience Starting With The Current Position

Whether you have two or twenty-two years of experience, prepare your

resume in reverse chronological order. Put the name of your current or most
recent employer first. The reason is that even though your prospective
employer may need to know where you worked in the past, it is more
important and more appropriate that people reading your resume know
about your current job.

4. Keep The Resume Brief

Keep sentences and paragraphs short. Eliminate repetition. If you did similar
tasks in two or three different jobs, explain in detail only your most recent
position. Try to keep the resume short to one or two pages; use three pages
only if absolutely necessary. One prefers to read a one or two page resume
with a separate addendum that shows the projects you have been involved
with throughout your career. And your resume must be typed, neat, brief,
concise and easy to read. It must have an eye appealing layout.

5. List Specific Education Qualification, Degrees, etc.

Put your college education, professional education, certifications, and other
similar accomplishments below your "Organisation" experience. Don't risk
frustrating a prospective employer by burying such important information
near the bottom of your resume. A point to be noted here is that if you are
an IIT, IIM, XLRI, FMS, MDI et al alumni then list them before listing your
work experience.

6. Use Simple Language

Use simple terms rather than complex expressions that say the same thing.
Have someone with good English skills check for spelling, punctuation and
grammar or just use 'Spell Check'.

7. Avoid Repetition

Don't spell out information that is already implied or included in a section of

your resume. Information. List only the most recent positions. If you have a
large number of past jobs, summarize under another heading e.g. Related

8. Don't Give Reasons For Leaving

Avoid listing a reason for leaving any previous job(s).

9. Don't Give Out Personal Information

Eliminate personal information. Employers don't need to know your weight,

height, family details, parents' occupation, social insurance number, salary
drawn, photograph, hobbies, nationality etc. Necessary information can be
given upon hiring or upon request.

10. Don't Give References

Don't list your references in your resume. Give them upon request only and
make sure your references are listed on a separate sheet of paper. Don't
forget to put their current phone numbers, and make sure your references
know you are looking for work.

11.Sell Yourself Online

If you're a creative techie, the internet is an ideal place to sell yourself.

Placing a resume on the web demonstrates real technical ability. An online
resume provides the space for different media, and some creatives provide a
visual presentation of the candidate explaining their skills and qualities and
why they are best for the job.

12. Customise Your Resume

Always tailor your resume to the recruiter or organisation you are sending it
to. Understand the market place and the language it uses. Do your research
by looking at the companies website, brochures and newspapers.

13.Prepare For Your Interview

When interviewing with a prospective employer, always go prepared to ask

questions and take notes. Do a little homework on the company if you can.
Ask your recruiter for such information as the reporting structure, company
history, goals, and so forth. When an interviewer asks if you have any
questions, never ask how much money the position pays or what the benefits
are. This can create a negative impression with the employer that you are
only concerned with your compensation and you may not be the well
informed, well rounded person that they are looking for.

On the other hand, if the interviewer asks, 'What kind of money are you
looking for?',don't be intimidated. Simply state your current salary (and don't
try to inflate the figure because he probably already knows what it is
anyway), and say that you are willing to consider their best offer. If a
recruiter has set up the interview for you, you should know what the salary
range is ahead of the interview.

14.Fill Out The Application Thoroughly

If the company asks you to fill out an application, be thorough in answering

all questions and never write 'See resume' anywhere on the application.
There is a good reason for this advice: Either the prospective employers are
looking for a sample of your writing skills, or they want additional information
not on the resume, such as the exact dates of employment and references.

In summary, your resume should be concise, well organized and positive.

These are guidelines for resume writing, not rules. As long as your resume
does its job - arouses interest and gets your interviews, it is good. Your own
handiwork will be better, and the exercise of planning and writing it will
prepare you for interviews. You should therefore know each section of your
Evaluating A Job Offer

Once you receive a job offer, you are faced with a difficult decision and must
evaluate the offer carefully. Fortunately, most organizations will not expect
you to accept or reject an offer immediately. The following questions may
help you to develop a set of criteria for judging job offers, whether you are
starting a career or planning a career change:

Ask yourself and consider the following issues when assessing a job

1.Does the work match your interests and make good use of your skills?
2.Does the organization's business or activity match your own interests and
3.How important is the job in this company?
4.How will the size of the organization affect you?
5.Should you work for a relatively new organization or one that is well
6.Does it make a difference if the company is private or public?
7.Is the organization in an industry with favorable long-term prospects?
8.Will the job be interesting?
9.Nature of the job?
10.Are you comfortable with the hours?
11.How long do most people who enter this job stay with the company?
12.Career growth offered by employers
13.Salaries,perks and benefits, e.g vacation policies
14. Image of the company.
15.Perception of the Leadership/Top management
16.Office Culture

Tips For Jobseekers

A complete list of questions you want to ask during course of an


During the course of an interview, your dialogue with the other person will
spawn a number of questions spontaneously. However, there may be
important issues to discuss which will never come up unless you take the
initiative. For that reason, you should bring a list of questions with you that
will address these issues, so that you don't leave the interview uninformed.

Premeditated questions can be grouped into four different


1. Company Questions: deal with the organization, direction, policies,

stability, growth, market share, and new products or services of the
prospective company or department:

2. Industry Questions: deal with the health, growth rate/prospects

technological advancements, and personnel of the industry as a whole.

3. Position Related Questions: deal with the scope, responsibilities, travel

compensation policies, and reporting structure of the position you're
interviewing for.

4. Opportunity Related Questions: deal with your own potential for

growth or advancement within the company or its divisions, and the likely
timetable for promotion.

You may have specific interests or concerns surrounding topics in each

category. For example, if you're interviewing with a computer manufacturer,
you may want to ask about the future growth of the industry. Or, let's say
you're interviewing for a position with a company that's known for its high
rate of personnel turnover. You might want to prepare a carefully worded
question that deals with that issue.

How To Understand Psychological Tests

Employers are increasingly using psychological evaluation as part of their

assessment procedures - both for selection of staff and for development and
counselling. Psychological evaluations can help you:

•Identify your work preferences

•Benchmark objectively against other candidates

•Select a career path for which you are best suited

•Find out more about your strengths and limitations

Some hints to help you during the assessment process:

•Preparation for the assessment is not necessary. Just try and have a
good night's sleep the night before and ensure you have eaten

•If an unexpected or upsetting event occurs prior to the assessment,

consider postponing your appointment until you feel more settled.

•When booking in for testing remember morning is better for most people
as you won't have the day's stress behind you.

•If you need glasses to read or to see a computer screen remember to

carry them with you.
•During timed tests, both accuracy and speed are important. So don't
spend too much time on any one question. If you are struggling with
an item, skip it and come back to it if you have the time.

•During untimed tests remember to be yourself, avoid the middle or

unsure responses as much as possible and work as quickly as you can.

•Try not to stress about the assessments - remember this is only part of
the process and we all have our strengths and areas for development -
no one is perfect!

•Regardless of the outcome of your assessment, you should call for

feedback once you have received the outcome of your application. This
will allow you to learn about your strengths and areas for

Negative Factors To Watch For While Appearing In An Interview

During the course of an interview, the interviewer will be evaluating your

negative factors as well as your positive attributes. Listed below are negative
factors frequently observed during the course of an interview and those
which most often lead to rejection:

•Poor personal appearance

•Overbearing - aggressive - conceited 'superiority complex' - 'know it all'


•Inability to express thoughts clearly - poor diction or grammar

•Lack of planning for career - no purpose or goals

•Lack of interest and enthusiasm - passive and indifferent

•Lack of confidence - nervousness

•Over-emphasis on money - interested only in remuneration

•Evasive - makes excuses for unfavorable factors in the resume

•Lack of tact/maturity/courtesy

•Condemning previous employers

•Failure to look the interviewer in the eye

•Limp, fishy handshake

•Failure to ask good questions about the job and company

•Lack of preparation for interview - failure to get information about the
company, resulting in an inability to ask intelligent questions.

Career Tips On Interview Preparation

Do A Recce

Do thorough research on the company that has called you for an Interview.
Nothing impresses an interviewer more than a candidate who knows about
the company. This depicts your interest and initiative taken in knowing in
detail about a potential employer.

Be Punctual

Be on time. The importance of punctuality can not be stressed enough. Plan

to arrive about 15 minutes early. It shows your regard for the interviewer's
time. If you have to wait, use the time to go over your notes.

Dress Professionally

This is critical as it conveys that you care enough about the interviewer and
the company to present yourself in a professional manner. In today's work
place, most companies do not have a strict code but one must play it safe
and dress formally. Avoid overdoing the attire and the look.


It works well to rehearse for an interview as one can prepare a list of all the
questions that the interviewer may ask and rehearsing the answers can be
helpful in the final one-on-one. Have a friend go over the questions with you
until you are able to answer them promptly without stuttering.

Intimate References

Make sure to intimate each individual whom you have mentioned as a

reference in your CV about an upcoming interview. Don't forget to request
them to give their genuine opinion about your past work experience.

Interview FAQs: Why Do You Want To Leave Your Present Job?

Every interview that you go for, you’ll be assessed on your skills,

performance, and your ability to suit the particular job profile your potential
employer has in mind. While you'll never be able to anticipate every question
you might be asked in an interview, you can get a head start by developing
strong, concise and crisp answers to frequently asked questions during a
course of a job interview. And one of the most frequently asked question
which will pop up very early in the interview is "Why do you want to leave
your present job?"

If you say your last boss was a tyrant, or that your boss was terrible, you’ll
be seen as someone who blames others and fails to take responsibility for
your own actions and decisions.

Therefore, be sure to rehearse the right question before going for an

interview. If you did not have any problems, simply give a reason, such as:
relocated away from job; wanted a job better suited to your skills etc. Point
out your ambition to prove your worth confidently.

On the contrary, if you did have problems, be honest. For instance, if you
were a casualty of retrenchment, or are leaving because of a personality
conflict, be very careful not to make negative statements about former
employers or colleagues. Explain the situation as factually and briefly as
possible. You should explain any problems you had (or still have) with an
employer, but don't describe that employer in negative terms. Demonstrate
that it was a learning experience that will not affect your future work. "Don't
complain, don't explain", respond with an answer that is short and

The most important point to remember while answering this question: STAY
POSITIVE and talk about your desire for growth opportunities. This will
present you as a proactive employee who enjoys responsibility and
challenges. If appropriate, you might say, "I wasn't thinking of changing jobs.
I'm not unhappy where I am, but I was told this was an opportunity worth

Remember, the job interview is but a platform to market yourself. Your goal
is to persuade the employer that you have the skills, background and ability
to do the job and that you can comfortably fit into the organisation and its
culture. And the more positive you are during the interview, the better the
response from the interviewer. So research and rehearse your responses well
and you’ll be on your way to getting that dream job.

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