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Prof. Cristina T. Coquilla of Adamson University, Philippines
Prof. Junichiro Niwa of Tokyo Institute of Technology

The Problem and It’s Background

Damage to concrete bridges may not only be of a material or structural
nature but may have adverse effects on the aesthetic appearance. Whereas it
should be sought to repair the structure in the most effective manner, care
should be taken that the method of repair does not aggravate the situation.
Where upgrading is involved, this may pose a major problem and great ingenuity
may be necessary in some cases to apply strengthening systems that do not
deface the overall aesthetic appearance.
Due to the difficulty and cost involved in strengthening an existing
concrete bridge to new design standards, it is usually not economically justifiable
to do so. Therefore, the goal of this study is often limited to preventing
unacceptable failure. This means that a considerable amount of a structural
damaged during a major earthquake is acceptable provided collapse of the
bridge is prevented. In the case of major concrete bridges, the ability of the
bridge to carry emergency traffic immediately following an earthquake may
require a higher level of performance with less structural damage, the threshold
of damage that will constitute unacceptable failure must therefore be defined by
the engineer by taking into consideration the over-all configuration of the
structure, the importance of the structure as a lifeline following a major
earthquake, the case with which certain types of damage can be quickly repaired,
and the relationships of the bridge to other structures that may or may not be
affected during the same earthquake.
It should be noted that cost is also a major issue. Therefore, a
mobilization and traffic control costs represent a major part of the total seismic
repair cost.
Reinforcing fibers will stretch more than concrete under loading.
Therefore, the composite system of fiber reinforced concrete is assumed to work
as if it were unreinforced until it reaches it’s “first crack strength”. It is from this
point that the fiber reinforcing takes over and holds the concrete together.
For fibers reinforcing, The maximum load carrying capacity is controlled
by fibers pulling out of the composite because fiber reinforcing does not have a
deformed surface like larger steel reinforcing bars. This condition limits
performance to a point far less than the yield strength of the fiber itself. This is
important because some fibers are more “slippery” than others when used as
reinforcing and will affect the toughness of the concrete product in which they
are placed.
Toughness is based on the total energy absorbed prior to compete
It is from this theory, that the authors conducted a research on the repair
of concrete bridges using sprayed fiber reinforced plastics.
In this study, a new, inexpensive, and simple strengthening method for
concrete structures is discussed and suggested in order to improve future
seismic strengthening. This method, using short fibers with vinyl ester, is a new
combination of materials as seismic strengthening. Chopped short fibers of
carbon and glass with vinyl ester/polyester resin are sprayed in place on the
concrete structures. It is called “Sprayed –Up FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer)”.
The benefit of using vinyl ester resin in this strengthening method is that it takes
shorter time to harden the resin than where epoxy resin is used. In addition, the
mechanical properties of vinyl ester resin are the same as the one of epoxy

Statement of Purpose:

This research contains procedures for evaluating and upgrading the

seismic resistance of existing highway concrete bridges. Specifically it contains
h the design requirements of the Sprayed Fiber Reinforced Plastics
for increasing the seismic resistance of existing concrete
h to minimize the risk of unacceptable damage during a
design earthquake. Damage is unacceptable if it results in:
Θ the loss of life
Θ the collapse of all or part of the bridge
Θ the loss of use of a vital transportation route
h to investigate the effect of SFRP strengthening to Reinforced
Concrete (RC) member with deterioration such as crack and
corrosion of steel bars.
h to propose the calculating way of load carrying capacity of RC
member with SFRP
hto improve the peel off of SFRP
„ improve the transformability of SFRP
S using the resin that has larger extensibility to strain
S using resin that has lower strength
„ improve the bonding strength
S using the uncongealer (rough surface)
S using the concrete spike( fix SFRP at some points)

Scope and Delimitations:

This research is intended for use on highway concrete bridges of
conventional steel and concrete girder and box girder construction with spans
not exceeding 500 feet (150 meters). Suspension Bridges, cable-stayed bridges,
arches, and movable bridges are not covered. However, many of the concepts
presented here can be applied to these types of structures if appropriate
judgment is used. Although specifically developed for highway bridges, this
research may also have applicability to other type of bridges. Minimum
requirements for evaluation and upgrading will vary based on SPC (Seismic
Performance Category).

Related Literature:
Portland Cement Concrete is considered to be a relatively brittle material.
When subjected to tensile stress, unreinforced concrete will crack and fail. Since
the mid 1800’s steel reinforcing has been used to overcome this problem. As a
composite system , the reinforcing steel is assumed to carry all tensile loads.
Placing an external reinforcement on a structure is a common practice
either to improve its performance during an earthquake or to repair it after an
earthquake. This can be used also for under-designed structure. The materials
can be of reinforcement consisted either of concrete materials placed by
spraying or coating and/or steel plate or jackets bounded. However, the
materials needed to develop is a lightweight, high strength materials with
superior durability and corrosion resistance that can also be applied with relative
case to take place in. The use of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP’s) fulfills that
need. Polymers and fibers can be combined in a material to suit the specific
needs of a structure.
FRP carrying continuous fiber is that they are highly anisotropic.
Properties in the direction of fiber alignment , such as tensile strength, elastic
modulus and the thermal stability are far superior to those in the direction
perpendicular to fiber alignment. In addition, continuous fiber composite are
essentially brittle and show poor toughness both in the direction of the fiber and
perpendicular to it.
Vinyl Ester Resins are known for their chemical resistance, excellent
wetting, toughness and high temperature properties for composite parts. It is a
resin consisting of an epoxy backbone, for chemical resistance and high strength,
combined with vinyl groups, for high reactivity, and styrene monomer, for low
viscosity. The vinyl groups (carbon to carbon double bonds) and ester linkages
are only at the ends of the resin molecule. This controls the cross linking density,
providing flexibility to the resin matrix. Also these groups are less likely to remain
unreacted in the composite, providing less sites for chemical attack. The ester
linkages are adjacent to methyl groups, making them less susceptible to
breakdown through hydrolysis. These resins are used in composites for
corrosion resistant applications.
Fiber Reinforced Plastics are low weight, high strength, ease of erection,
and corrosion resistance. These factors combined lead to lower installation costs
and lower maintenance costs. When the manufacturing process is perfect and
the standards have been developed, the initial costs may be lower as well. All of
these factors could lead to lower-life cycle costs than using traditional materials.
Nowadays, strengthening by post casting concrete, steel plate jacketing,
fiber reinforcement such as carbon, aramid, and glass are utilized as seismic
strengthening methods for concrete structures. Recently, a seismic
strengthening method by wrapping continuous fiber sheets has often been used,
since the constructibility and durability is superior. However, materials using
continuous fiber are expensive. On the spread of seismic strengthening for
buildings and infrastructures in the future, simple methods of strengthening with
low cost should not only be suggested, but also seismic behaviors should be

Definition of Terms:
Glass Fiber – is manufactured by Owens Corning, has a diameter of 11 microns,
a tensile strength of 3400 Mpa, an elastic modulus of 81 Gpa, and
elongation at break of 4.6%. It has a high performance , silane-based
sizing that is applied to fiber filaments to improve handling and optimize
the fiber-resin bond in the composite.
Vinyl Ester Resin(R802)- consisting of an epoxy backbone, for
chemical resistance and high strength, combined with vinyl groups, for high
reactivity, and styrene monomer, for low viscosity. The vinyl groups (carbon to
carbon double bonds) and ester linkages are only at the ends of the resin
molecule. This controls the cross-linking density, providing flexibility to the resin
matrix. Also these groups are less likely to remain unreacted in the composite,
providing less sites for chemical attack. The ester linkages are adjacent to
methyl groups, making them less susceptible to breakdown through hydrolysis.
These resins are used in the composites for corrosion resistant applications.
Vinyl Ester Resin R806- a special type of Vinyl ester resin and they
have the same purpose of R802 as a polymer.
Polyester Resins- are homopolymers based on p-oxybenzol repeat
units and are linear thermoplastics. They are highly crystalline polymers but
have no observed melting point even at up to 900 to 1000 degrees Farenheit.
Flow and creep are virtually non-existant below their crystal translation
temperature of 625 degrees. Polyester has a density of 1.44 gm/cc. Polyester
possess a compressive strength of 15,000 psi. The high strength results is an
excellent load bearing capacity. Polyester has a thermal conductivity of 3.9
BTU/hr./ft2/degrees ft/in. Its coefficient of thermal expansion (3.3x10-5
in/in/degrees F) is approximately linear from room temperature to 575 degrees F.
Polyester is a very thermally stable wholly aromatic polymers.

Spraying of fiber reinforced concrete plastics (SFRP) is conducted by
the Vantec Laboratory through the help of Fuji P.S. Testing is done at Tokyo
Institute of Technology. The tensile strength, bending capacity, shearing capacity
and the bond stress are done using samples of concrete with and without SFRP.
The key element of the spray equipment is the nozzle unit that injects the
catalyzed polymer of the spray stream. Attached to the nozzle is a fiber chopper
unit that cuts the incoming fiber strand to various length (13,26,52 mm.) and
injects it in the spray stream along with the catalyzed polymers(see Fig. 1 to 4).
Before applying the spray, the surfaced concrete is coated with a layer of
bonding agent (vinyl ester resin combined with catalyst methyl ethyl keytone
peroxide (MEKP). The polymetric matrix and the fiber are simultaneously
sprayed at a high speed on the surface of a concrete structured to be repaired
(see Fig.5 to 6). The sprayed composite is compacted pneumatically on the
application surface, and is then finish with a roller (see Fig. 7 to 8) The length of
the fiber can be adjusted in the process along with the type of polymer and the
sprayed thickness. In this study, we use three (3) types of polymers namely,
Vinyl ester resin, Vinyl ester resin (R806), 50% Vinyl ester resin (R806) and 50%
polyester resin (bb 100) and the polyester resin (bb 100).

To spraying gun

Spray machine

Conpression air
Resin tank

Figure 1. Spray machine

Rolling cutter


Figure 2. Fiber gun

Glass fiber

Cutting and
spraying part

Resin gun

Figure 3. The structure of spraying gun

Figure 4. Roller (to drive out the air)

Glass fiber
resin Mixed in the air

Figure 5. Spraying situation 1

There is organic solvent smell

We can adjust the angle of fiber nozzle

Fibers are jumping out from


Figure 6 Spraying situation (2)


Figure 7 Driving out the air using roller

Figure 8 Driving out the air using roller

The researchers prepared 2 sets of specimen, one to be sprayed by
Vantec and other one is just a plain reinforced concrete. It was tested first which
of the polymers is better (see figure10 to11). The length of cut of fiber glass also
affect the tensile strength (see figure 16). From figure 16, it shows that bb 26 or
the length of 26mm fiber is better when it comes to stress- strain relationship.
After finding out which polymers is best to used, both samples were tested and
also the strength of the length of fiber in the laboratory. It was also tested to
different types of surfaces (see fig. 12 and 13).

Analysis of Data and Results:

Fig.9- Tensile Stress of 26mm. fiber

From figure 9 and 10, it shows that the ordinate indicates strength and
the abcissa is the strain (extensibility). The following were observed:
y The vinyl ester resin R806 gives a high strength but low in strain, peeling off
from the specimen were observed
y The vinyl ester resin R802 has a high strength and high value in strain, but
peeling off was observed in the sample.
y The combination of 50% of polyester resin bb100 and 50% of R806 has low in
strength and strain.
y The Polyester resin (bb-100)- low in strength but high in strain and no peeling
From the result, polyester resin bb100 can be sprayed in the
specimen due to its low value of Young’s Modulus of Elasticity and high value
of strain.

Fig.10- Graph of tensile stress of the polymers

Fig.11- Comparison of the 4 polymers

B e a m b e n d in g t e s t o u t li n e
475 250 475



10 10 12 S tr a in g a g e
0 0 5 CL

L a s t t im e T h is t im e
R e s in None V in y l e s t e r P o ly e s t e r B B - r e s in
S p r a y in g N o t h in g W ir e b r u s h in g C h ip p in g re ta rd e r W ir e b r u s h in g
s u rfa c e & s p ik in g
P e a l o ff ○ − −

Fig. 12 Beam Bending Test Outline

Fig.14- load displacement curve w/ and w/o spraying of SFRP

Fig. 15- Load –Crack and Crack-Displacement Curve
Table1-Stresses of the Specimens
Reinforcement arrangement A B C

Diameter of steel bar 15.9 22.2 22.2

Reinforcement ratio (area) 0.794 1.548 2.323

Stirrup diameter (mm) 6.35 ― ―

Bending capacity (KN) 71.6 132.6 187.9

Without SFRP Shear capacity (KN) 216.2 117.7 134.8

Failure mode Flexural tension Diagonal tension Diagonal tension

Shape of SFRP Bending capacity (KN) 91.2(×1.27) 150.4(×1.13) ―

a type Shear capacity (KN) 216.2 117.7 ―
thickness 3mm Failure mode Flexural tension Diagonal tension ―

Shape of SFRP Bending capacity (KN) 104.0(×1.45) ― ―

a type Shear capacity (KN) 216.2 ― ―
thickness 5mm Failure mode Flexural tension ― ―

Shape of SFRP Bending capacity (KN) ― 140.3(×1.06) 194.4(×1.03)

b type Shear capacity (KN) ― 297.7(×2.53) 314.8(×2.34)
thickness 3mm Failure mode ― Flexural tension Flexural tension

Bending capacity (KN) 100(×1.40) 157.8(×1.19) 210.1(×1.19)

Shape of SFRP Shear capacity (KN) 396.2(×1.83) 297.7(×2.53) 314.8(×2.34)

c type

thickness 3mm Failure mode Flexural tension Flexural tension Flexural tension

Yielding point of steel bar is 380MPa, and young’s modulus is 200,000MPa

Compressive strength of concrete is 35MPa
Assume SFRP at bottom resist not to the shear but to the bending.
Assume the direction of diagonal tension crack is 45°, and SFRP can resist till it
ruptured in ‘Shape of SFRP b and c’
Figure 18- Spraying thickness of 3.5 mm of 26 mm fiber length

Note: The dimension of specimen sprayed is 100 square mm. with a length of
450 mm. and a reinforced with no. 23 bars
This 3.5 mm. thickness is recommendable. There is no peeling occurs on
the surface.

Figure 19- Spraying thickness is 5mm of 26 mm. fiber length

Note: From Figure 19, you will notice the peel-off of the sprayed fiber from the
stress-strain curve of bb 13

40 bb132
30 bb133
20 bb134
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

stress-strain curve of bb 26

50 bb26
40 bb262
30 bb263
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

stress-strain curve of bb 52

50 bb52
40 bb522
30 bb523
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
stress-strain curve

40 bb13
30 bb26
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Figure 17-Stress- Strain Diagram of the different length in Fiber

Note that from figure 17, polyester (bb) with a length of 26 mm will give better
result of stress-strain curve.
shearing test

Table2―Concrete compressive strength

fc’ (MPa) ft (MPa)
Design 41.4 3.47
Design 65.5 4.20

Table 3−Bond shearing experimental result

Actual thickness of Maximum load Fracture morphology
2mm① 1.20 22.70 SFRP rupture
2mm② 1.35 19.76 SFRP rupture
3.5mm① 1.70 31.35 SFRP rupture
3.5mm② 3.20 4.034 SFRP rupture
5mm① 5.70 49.65 Peeling
5mm② 2.35 40.66 SFRP rupture
5mm③(50MPa) 4.10 46.06 Peeling
※Concrete design strength of 30MPa are used except for 5mm③.


50 Peeling
Maximum load(kN)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Actual spraying thickness(mm)

Figure 20- Spraying thickness – Maximum load relationship

12000 12000

10000 10000

8000 8000



6000 6000
0% 0%
20% 20%
4000 40% 4000 40%
80% 60%
60% 2000
Peak Peak
破断or剥離 破断or剥離
0 0
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
Distance from center 中央からの距離(mm)
Distance from center
2mm① 2mm②
12000 12000

10000 10000

8000 8000


6000 6000
0% 0%
20% 20%
4000 40% 4000 40%
60% 60%
80% 2000
Peak Peak
破断or剥離 破断or剥離
0 0
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
中央からの距離(mm) 中央からの距離(mm)
Distance from center Distance from center
3.5mm① 3.5mm②
3.5mm① 3.5mm②
12000 12000

10000 10000

8000 8000


6000 6000
0% 0%
20% 20%
4000 40% 4000 40%
60% 60%
80% 2000
Peak Peak
破断or剥離 破断or剥離
0 0
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
中央からの距離(mm) 中央からの距離(mm)
from center Distance from center
5mm① 5mm②



6000 Figure 21- Strain distribution on SFRP surface

4000 40%
-100 -50 0 50 100
Distance from
5mm③ center

1. Calculation of bond shearing strength

Bond shearing strength is calculated from the following equation.

ASFRP dσ SFRP ( x )
τ (x ) =
b dx

Then, we try to calculate the bond shearing strength from the strain distribution of the
specimen which was destroyed by peeling.
Table 4
5mm① 5mm③ Average
Maximum stress
dσ SFRP 1.495 1.475 −
Cross section of
SFRP 420 380 −
ASFRP (mm2)
Width of SFRP
100 100 −
b (mm)
Bond shearing
strength 6.28 5.61 5.95
τ max (MPa)
Figure 28-Load Displacement Curve of type A



Load (KN)

60 Type A-a5mm
20 Type Ac-3mm

0 10 20 30 40 50
Displacement (mm.)

Figure 29-Load Displacement Curve

250 TypeB(w/oSFRP)
200 TypeBa3mm
Load (KN)




0 10 20 30 40
Di spl acement ( mm. )
Figure 30-Load Displacement Curve of Type C


200 TypeC(w/oSFRP)
Load (KN)

150 TypeC-c3mm



0 10 20 30 40
Di spl acement ( mm. )
Type A under Compressive Stress

Type A under Tensile Stress

Type B under Compressive Stress

Type B under Tensile Stress

Type C under Compressive Stress

Type C under Tensile Stress

• For vinyl ester resin, the following are the unit cost:
• the unit cost of resin;
R806- ¥750/kg.
R802- ¥750/kg.
• The unit cost of glass fiber- ¥220/kg.
• The unit cost of SFRP spraying- not yet available

Based from Figure 28,29 and 30, the Load Displacement Curve with SFRP
gives better displacement results than without SFRP, it appears that
specimen with SFRP gives more strength than without Spraying which
shows in the said graph. Comparison of using finite element analysis of
Diana software and the actual experimental value in Figure 31, shows that
the finite element analysis and the experimental values will give almost the
same result.

1. SFRP spray process of strengthening and rehabilitation is a very promising
technique, and continued research will undoubtedly lead to its use in reality.
2. It appears that SFRP have the potential to significantly increase the strength
of existing concrete structures, while at the same time dramatically improving
their fracture energy characteristics.
3. The results indicate that while a number of issues still remain to be
addressed, the use of SFRP for repair and retrofit has advantages over the
traditional wraps on the basis on ease of placement, labor cost and
workmanship requirements.
4. It is highly recommended for highway concrete bridge repair as a form of
5. The thickness of spraying is 3.5 mm and the length of fiber is 26 mm. To
avoid peel-off.

The following are the recommendations for future studies:
1. To investigate the actual cost of the SFRP if it is more economical to use.
2. To investigate its durability characteristics under the Philippine weather.
. Try to make another mixing type of SFRP using another resin or combination of
3. To determine the ability to withstand elements and other detrimental
influences out there in field.

1. N. Banthia, A. Bentur, A. Mufti, “Fiber Reinforced Concrete”, The Canadian
Society for Civil Engineers, 1998
2. N. Banthia and S. Mindess, “Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Modern
Developments)”, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
3. Thomas W. Berg “Fiber Reinforced Concrete”, http://www.retail
4. “Sprayed-Up FRP Strengthening for Reinforced Concrete Beams”,
5. “Fiber Reinforced Concrete”,
6. “Stone Solutions – Custom Concrete Countertops”,
7. “Cary Concrete Products, Inc. Materials”,
8. “Durastone”,
9. “Superior Polymer Products Vinyl Ester Resin Technical Data”,
10. “Composites-What is a Vinyl Ester Resin?”,
12. “Polyester Resin”,
13. “Polyester Resin”,
14. “Rule 1162- Polyester Resin Operations”,
15. “Polyester Resin Plastics Products Fabrication”,
16. “4684-1 Rule 4684 Polyester Resin Operations (Adopted May 19,….)”,
“Diana Finite Element Analysis”, TNO Building and Construction Research, 2000
Engr. Cristina Tanhueco-Coquilla is at present the Chairperson of the Civil
Engineering Department of Adamson University. She earned her Master of
Engineering, major in Civil Engineering from Technological University of the
Philippines and her B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of the
East. She was at one time also the Chairperson of the Civil Engineering
Department of the University of the East. At present she is taking up Ph.D. in
Technology Management at the Technological University of the Philippines. She
may be contacted at 14 Rd. 7 G.S.I.S. Hills Talipapa, Novaliches, Tel. No.
(02)983-11-41, Cell/Text No. 0917-240-6529, E-mail Address:,

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