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How Human development

affects the ocean

By: Miranda Pettiford 4th period

Algae & Plankton
 -Plankton are drifters, anything that cannot
swim on its own.

- Phytoplankton are little plants that drift.

- Zooplankton are little animals that drift.

-Algae is a type of plant that grows

How Humans affect them
 - Plankton have been killed by the pollution
humans make that ends up in the water, for
example plastic.

 -Algae blooms have become a every day thing

because of the amount of run off, mostly from
Why this is important to sea life
 - Beginning of
 The marine food
 chain

-huge part of
 the environment
Why this is important to humans
 - Phytoplankton provide most of the oxygen
we breath, more then 70%

 - rids toxins from the air, green house gasses

How humans affect them
- oil spills

-animals eating/getting caught in plastics

-over fishing

-by catch

- species going extinct

How humans affect them cont.
 - acid water

 - shortage of food and mates

 -food chains disrupted

 - toxins that travel up food chain

Why this is important to humans
 - deadly fish that we eat
 - two major types
 of currents are wind
 driven currents
 and salinity driven
 currents

 - 10%made by wind
90% made by salinity
How humans affect it
 -global warming = ice caps melting = salinity of
ocean changing = movement of water stopping
= climate change
Why this is important to sea life
 - regulates temperature for sea life and

 - keeps different part of the sea with different

levels of salt
Why this is important to humans
 - Provides cold water to hot places and hot
water to cold places.

 - manages temp on land

 - ocean water levels

How humans affect it
 - pollution and chemicals in the water that kill
coral reefs

 -solar degrading plastics

 - fishing techniques, bottom of the ocean

scrapped clean by sweepers when fishing
Why this is important to sea life
 - provides them a home food and mates

 - helps animals with their migration

 - if they don’t have it then it they leave and

introduce themselves to new environments
Why this is important to humans
 - mass sea animals/plant/plankton extinction,
food we eat and air we breath
 -The World is Blue: How Our Fate is One with the
Ocean, Earle SA, National geographic, 2009

 - A Movable Feast, Wong K, Bay nature, 2006

 -Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life, Sumich JL &

JF Morrissey, Jones & Bartlett Learning , 2004

 -Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach,

Nybakken JW, Bejamin Cummings, 2001

 -Marine Biology, Castro P & ME Huber, Mosbe Year

Book, 1992

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