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Recreational game

Recreation is anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual. Some people enjoy nature
hikes; others enjoy skiing (or both). The idea behind these activities is to expand the mind and body in a
positive, healthy way.



Baseball is a game between two teams of nine players each, under direction of a manager, played on an
enclosed field in accordance with these rules, under jurisdiction of one or more umpires.

The object of baseball is to run across home plate more times than the opposing team


Baseball is often referred to as the Great American Pastime and it is funny to think that the exact history
of baseball is vastly unknown. General historians mostly believe that it is roughly based on an English
game called rounders. The game grew in popular in the north east around the late 1700's and early
1800's. The precise name of the sport had adjusted several times from "base", to "roundball" to
"cricket" throughout the beginnings of baseball history.


Baseball is a game played between two teams with 9 players each. There are four bases in the
field and mostly four umpires supervise the major league games. Each team player needs to hit
the ball with a bat to score points. Learn more about how to play the baseball:

Steps to know the baseball field

1. 1

Know that the baseball field consists of four bases starting anti-clockwise from the
starting base. The starting base is called home plate. First, second and third bases have an
area of 15 square inches each.

2. 2

Note that the home plate consists of five sides.

3. 3

Understand that the four bases form a 'Diamond'. The length of the sides of the square
forming this Diamond is 90 feet.

4. 4

Remember that the baseball field consists of infield and outfield. The four bases lie in
infield. The outfield is between the first and third bases past the four bases. The first and
third bases lie on the foul lines which lie in outfield.

Steps to know position of the players

5. 1

Know that the players both from the batting and the pitching team are assigned particular
positions. The pitcher stands on the mound, the catcher stands behind the batter, four
infielders stand on the edge of the infield and three fielders stand in the outfield.

6. 2

Note that only one person from the batting team is allowed to bat. The batter starts hitting
from the home plate. The other players from the batting team stand on the three bases.
They are known as base runners until they reach home plate.

Steps to Play Baseball

7. 1

Know that baseball is played in nine innings. In each inning, one team has a turn to bat
and the other team pitches. The batting team tries to hit the ball and score runs. On the
other hand, the pitching team tries to make the batting team miss the balls and get the
players out.

8. 2

Remember that if three players of the batting team are out, the positions of the teams will
interchange, the pitching team will start batting and the batting team will start pitching.

9. 3

Know that winner will be the team which after the nine innings makes the maximum
runs. If both the teams have same runs after 9 innings, they need to play more innings
until one team wins.

10. 4
Know that in the beginning, the pitching is done by the home team and batting by the
visiting team.

11. 5

Remember that good pitching is very important. The pitcher should throw the ball
towards the home plate carefully. The ball should be close to the batter to hit or the
umpire may call it a 'ball'. The batter can move to the first base if four 'balls' are called.

12. 6

Know that the batter should try to hit more balls with his bat to score runs. If he doesn't
hit the ball, it is called 'Strike' by the umpire.

13. 7

Note that the 'catcher' standing behind the batter aims to catch the balls that are not hit by
the batter. The catcher and the pitcher are always in contact through body language.

Steps to make runs

14. 1

Note that to get runs; the batter must try to hit all balls thrown by the pitcher. He must bat
and then run to touch all the bases from first to the fourth.

15. 2

Know that the batter must try to get all the other players of his team to home plate. Else,
he can run all the bases himself. After a batter runs all previous bases and touches the
home plate, his team gets a home run. When the batter secures a home run, the batter and
all the other runners can touch all the bases and score runs.

16. 3

Remember that the batter should always try to hit the ball between the foul lines. Doing
this will prevent the pitcher from making anyone of the batting team out. However, if the
batter hits the ball out of the foul line, the umpire will call it a 'Foul ball'.

17. 4

Note that the pitcher should try the batter not to hit the ball. Pitchers can also get runners
out. If they touch the batter with the ball before he reaches the first base, the batter gets
Rules and Regulations

Baseball has rules and regulations that players and spectators must follow. Otherwise, it would
be hard to figure out who won each game. Some of rules are easier to understand than others, but
all of them keep games going and maintain fairness. Baseball regulations have changed over
time; the pitcher's mound was not always 60 feet, 6 inches away from home plate. To help you as
a participant or spectator, here is an overview of baseball's rules and regulations.

The Very Basics

1. The baseball diamond is a square with the bases 90 feet apart. The outfield fence must be
at least 320 feet from home plate. The pitcher's rubber, which is 60 feet, 6 inches from
home plate, is centered on a mound 10 inches high. While first, second and third bases
are 15-inch squares, home plate, according to Major League Baseball's Official Rules, is
a "five-sided slab of whitened rubber...a 17-inch square with two of the corners removed
so that one edge is 17 inches long, two adjacent sides are 8½ inches and the remaining
two sides are 12 inches and set at an angle to make a point."

Teams consist of nine players who take their turn at bat in a manager-determined order
while on offense and play one of nine positions while on defense. The pitcher and catcher
stand at the pitcher's mound and behind home plate, respectively. The first and second
basemen stand between those two bases, while the shortstop and third basemen stand
between second and third. Three outfielders cover that area, adjusting their position,
depending on where they believe the batter is likely to hit the ball.

Each batter is allowed three strikes, or pitches determined to be in "that area over home
plate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the
shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the hollow
beneath the kneecap." While this is the official rule, umpires often have different
perceptions of what the strike zone should be. The pitcher is allowed to pitch three
"balls," or pitches out of the strike zone until the fourth allows the batter to advance
uncontested to first base.

Scoring and Game Duration

2. When the batter hits the ball and it hits the ground without being caught by a fielder, and
the batter reaches a base before a fielder can throw it there, he (or she) is awarded the
base. Once a player has, through a sequence of walks or hits, touched all four bases in
order, the team is awarded a run.
While games have no time limit, the length is divided into "innings," which are periods in
which both teams have gotten batters on the other team to make an out three times. The
visiting team bats first as a courtesy, and the home team need not bat to complete the
ninth inning if ahead in the score.

Obscure Rules
3. The infield fly rule is a difficult to understand subjective rule. According to QC Baseball,
if there are runners on first and second or the bases are loaded with fewer than two outs, a
fielder could purposely drop a short fly ball to get an easy double play. This is somewhat
against the spirit of competition and could cause injuries as players collide on the
basepaths. So an umpire may call the infield fly rule, the batter is out and no runners

When a fair ball is batted such that it bounces off the outfield grass and into the stands
without being touched by a fielder, it is ruled a ground-rule double and the batter is
awarded second base.

Ground rules are also agreed upon to accommodate the unique layouts of each stadium.
For example, Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs, features a brick outfield wall
covered with ivy vines. According to Major League Baseball, if a ball is lodged in these
vines, the batter is awarded second base, no matter how long it takes to get the ball out of
the greenery.



The object of Volleyball is to get the ball over the net without it ever touching the ground. You can use
the help of your teammates by passing each other the ball. If your team has the ball, you only have 3
tries to make it over the net. No Double Hitting!!!!!


In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke,
Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his
classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball. He created the game
of Volleyball (at that time called, mintonette). Morgan borrowed the net from tennis, and raised it 6 feet
6 inches above the floor, just above the average man's head.


The requirements of this schedule apply to the teaching of volleyball skills, team training and
competition matches conducted by schools.

Nature of hazards

As part of the process of safety self-regulation, all persons engaging in this activity should
identify the hazards, assess their significance and manage the potential risks including any
additional hazards not mentioned here.

Hazards that may be encountered in volleyball include items of equipment (e.g. net posts, guy

Level of risk

The categorisation of these conditions is subjective and offered as a starting point for risk
management planning. The actual degree of risk is best ascertained by persons with intimate
local knowledge present at the site of the activity.

Participation in volleyball involves medium risk (level 2).

Minimum supervision

One adult present should have knowledge of, and an ability to perform, first aid procedures.

If an adult other than a registered teacher is engaged for instruction, a teacher should be present
to take overall responsibility.


The qualifications listed in this section are minimums for each type of situation. Leaders are
encouraged to seek training to raise their qualification level above the minimum listed.

The leader should be:

 a registered teacher with experience (previous involvement) in the teaching of volleyball

 an adult who has Level 1 coaching qualifications from the Australian Volleyball

Minimum equipment

A first aid kit should be available at all venues where lessons and competitions are conducted.

Hazard reduction
Initial introduction of the activity should include:

 appropriate warm-up and warm-down activities

 rules, safety procedures and prerequisite skills before students play the game
 progressive and sequential skill development
 modified games that match skill and fitness levels of students

Teachers should ensure students cut or tape long fingernails to prevent any injury to any

Students are to wear footwear appropriate to the playing surface.

The playing area should be level and free from obstacles and loose objects.

Indoor facilities should have adequate lighting and ventilation. The lights should be protected.

The court surface should be non-slip.

A minimum space of two metres should surround each court.

Courts should be sited in a north-south direction to limit visual interference from the sun.

For beach volleyball courts:

 sand depth should be at least 30 centimetres

 sand should extend beyond the court by at least two metres
 court area should be dug and raked before use
 base of portable posts should be covered with sand

Equipment, including net posts, should be checked for damage before play commences and
removed from use where necessary.

Net posts should be 50 to 80 centimetres from the sidelines.

Nets should be supported by flexible cable.

Guy wires should not be used to support posts. If schools elect to use these, they should be
clearly visible to players and be covered with protective pads.

Winch handles on posts should be removable. Any non-removable winding equipment on posts
should be padded.

Lines for outdoor courts should be of flexible, non-injurious material (e.g. cords or webbing).
Wood, metal or other solid material should not be used.

Referee stands and chairs for linespeople should be positioned with regard to player safety.
Procedures should be adopted to minimise loose balls entering the playing area and safety
procedures should be established for their removal.

Net play should be closely supervised at all times.


Playing Area
The playing area of volleyball consists of a court and a free zone. The playing court is surrounded by the
free zone. The playing court is rectangular in shape, 18 X 9 meters (60 X 30 feet) and the free zone is a
belt of 3 meters that surrounds the playing court from all sides. There are three types of lines made on
the court, which are the boundary lines, center line and attack lines, all of which are 5 centimeters wide.
The center line divides the court into two equal parts and the attack lines are drawn on both sides, 10
feet from the center line. The height of the volleyball net is 8 feet for men and 7 feet 4 inches for
women. The ball used for the game has a circumference of approximately 26 inches and weight of about
10 ounces. The pressure inside the ball should be 4.26 to 4.61 psi.

A Libero is a player specializing in the defensive skills of volleyball. In Italian, Libero means free. A Libero
has the right to replace any player during the game. Most Libero players are tall. Libero players were
introduced officially in a volleyball team in 1999, to increase the excitement of the game. The Libero
does not have to follow the rules of rotations as for the other players. A team has to choose the Libero
before the game and the Libero for a team has to be the same for the whole tournament. In case of an
injury, the Libero can be replaced. A Libero has to be good in all the skills required for the game. He/she
should be good at passing, quickness and handling the ball.

Basics of the Game

The equipment required for the players include shoes, jersey and shorts. A team should have a uniform
color for the jersey except for the Libero. A game consists of two teams, each of which contains six
players. The game is played for a total of 25 points. A team rotates after its serve, in the clockwise
direction. A team can hit the ball three times, while a player can hit the ball just once; when the ball is
on team's side of court. A player cannot carry or use his palm for passing the ball to the opposite team.
After serving, the players of the opponent team can change their positions for attacking.

The player should serve the ball by standing behind the end line of his/her side of court. While serving,
the ball should be visible to the opponent team. The opponent team cannot block or attack the serve.
He/she should serve the ball in such a way (underhand or overhand) that the ball reaches the other side
of the court without touching the net. There are a number of ways to serve the ball that include the top
spin, jump float, hybrid service, sky ball serve and many more.
The method used for scoring in volleyball game is 'rally scoring'. A rally starts when the ball is served,
and is a continuous passing of the ball from one player to another without the ball touching the ground.
Thus in rally scoring, a point is scored when the ball hits the ground. The team that wins the rally gets
the chance to serve. The game is of a total of 25 points and the winning team must score 2 points more
than the opponent team. Usually five games are played during a volleyball match and 'best of three'
rules are all

Combative GAMES

Combative games and sports come in many forms and varieties, and they can be found in many
cultures throughout the world. The goal of combative games is to create direct competition, and
some times violent competition, between athletes or teams.



The objective of wrestling is to pin your opponent, but it usually involves a takdown to accomplish this
goal. As a matter of fact, it has been proven statistically that the wrestler who executes the first takedown
in a match will win the match 85 to 90% of the time.


Tag is a simple and fun game to play.  It is easy to learn and fun for children of all ages.

Tag is played very simply.  One person is chosen to be "it".  Then "it" runs around chasing the others
players.  When "it" tags (touches) another player then the tagged player becomes "it".  Fast paced and
fun because the person who is "it" constantly changes. 

Rainbow Tag
Object of the Game: To avoid being caught by the rainbow catcher.

First: Choose a “rainbow catcher”. They will stand in the middle of a large play area. Next assign all the
remaining players different colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. (Don’t let
the rainbow catcher hear what colors each person is assigned.)

Play: The rainbow catcher then calls out a color. All the players that have been assigned that color try
and run past the catcher to the other side of the play area. The rainbow catcher tries to tag as many of
children as they can before they reach the other side. The kids who are tagged become rainbow catchers
and stand in the middle to help tag other players on the next round. Sometimes the rainbow catcher can
yell “Rainbow!!” and all the players must try and reach the other side. The last person caught becomes
the new rainbow catcher.

Rattlesnake Tag
Object of the Game: Don’t let the head catch the tail of the rattlesnake.

First: Choose who will be the the rattlesnake head and tail. Children then line up single file behind the
head with their hands on the player in front of them’s hips - the tail will be the last in line.

Play: When the head says “go!” the snake begins to follow the head while the head tries to tag the tail.
The players in the middle move around to keep the head from getting the tail. The rattlesnake can not
come apart. If the head gets the tail then the head becomes the new tail and then person that was
second in line behind the head becomes the new head.


A group of people who play a particular sport or game together against other similar groups of people


Team Building Game

Objective of Game:

The overall objective of any Team Building Workshop should be that your Team is further down the road
towards achieving the status of a high performing Team. This is a useful theme for the workshop, as it
keeps the Team thinking forward to where we want to be, and planning how we can get from where we
are now to the forward vision.

The emergence of the team idea can be traced back to the late 1920s and early 1930s with the now
classic Hawthorne Studies. These involved a series of research activities designed to examine in-depth
what happened to a group of workers under various conditions. After much analysis, the researchers
agreed that the most significant factor was the building of a sense of group identity, a feeling of social
support and cohesion that came with increased worker interaction. Elton Mayo(1933), one of the
original researchers, pointed out certain critical conditions which were identified for developing an
effective work team:


With the office as backdrop and employees as characters, ask the team members to enact a
satirical play that will serve to highlight the weaknesses and strengths of everyone in the office.
Planning, organizing, rehearsing and finally acting the play involves lot of teamwork and will
serve to improve communication and emotional bonding among teammates.

Social Game

Within months of the platform there was an explosion of “social gaming” and soon enough, many
people were convinced that social games were the next big thing on social networks. So what exactly
makes a social game different from other games? I believe that there are a few factors which
differentiate social games from the others:

Zynga Gaming Networking


The basic objective behind these social gaming creators would definitely be to shake game giants
like EA with their cheaper marketing and distribution cost. Plus their target platforms include the
social networks that provide a gigantic userbase.

Bing Gordon also remarked, saying that the team at Zynga shares similar energy and enthusiasm
that was once the hallmark of EA. He added:


Zynga was founded in July 2007 by Mark Pincus with the vision of connecting the world through games.
Since then we’ve dedicated ourselves to making fun and social games for people to play with their
friends and have become the largest developer of social games on the web in the process. Zynga games
provide a platform for players to express themselves and form deep social connections with their
friends. With a catalogue that ranges from casino games to role playing games, our games can be found
on most social networks, and on the iPhone.«Less

Simply click on a game, then choose the social network you wish to play on. This takes you to a login
page on that site that asks if you wish to install the application. The installation takes only seconds and
you are ready to play. The game application will show you which of your friends are currently online,
and allow you to join a game or start your own. You can also join general games that include everyone
who is playing, not just your friends. The site also features a blog with the latest news and information
about new games as well as general news about the site.

Gaia Online


Social Gaming Network


The purpose is to give xbox gamers & clans (group of gamers) a platform to organize there own
online gaming matches.

Looking for feedback on Welcome page, is it welcoming? do I show non-members enough tabs
to encourage them to join? (theres more tabs for members)


SGN, Social Gaming Network, is a leading publisher and developer of social mobile games.

After its founding in March 2008, SGN quickly became a major player in social network gaming. In
September 2008, SGN entered the iPhone market with iGolf and followed up with the phenomenally
successful iBowl. Most recently SGN's console-quality game multiplayer F.A.S.T. was a top seller
worldwide in the App Store throughout the summer of 2009. Currently at least one SGN game has been
downloaded on a third of all iPhone and iPod touch devices in existence. That's more than 13.5 million
downloads, and over a million people play SGN games every day including Facebook and Myspace.

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